Beispiel #1
    def toClaRecord(self):
        """Return a Cla.Record"""
        rec = Cla.Record()
        rec.sid = self.sid
        rec.residues = self.residues
        rec.sccs = self.sccs
        rec.sunid = self.sunid

        n = self
        while n.sunid != 0:  #Not root node
            rec.hierarchy.append((n.type, str(n.sunid)))
            n = n.getParent()


        return rec
Beispiel #2
    def toClaRecord(self):
        """Return a Cla.Record"""
        rec = Cla.Record()
        rec.sid = self.sid
        rec.residues = self.residues
        rec.sccs = self.sccs
        rec.sunid = self.sunid

        n = self
        while n.sunid != 0:  #Not root node
            rec.hierarchy[n.type] = str(n.sunid)
            n = n.getParent()

        # Order does not matter in the hierarchy field. For more info, see

        return rec
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self,
        """Build the SCOP hierarchy from the SCOP parsable files, or a sql backend.

        If no file handles are given, then a Scop object with a single
        empty root node is returned.

        If a directory and version are given (with dir_path=.., version=...) or
        file handles for each file, the whole scop tree will be built in memory.

        If a MySQLdb database handle is given, the tree will be built as needed,
        minimising construction times.  To build the SQL database to the methods
        write_xxx_sql to create the tables.
        self._sidDict = {}
        self._sunidDict = {}

        if cla_handle == des_handle == hie_handle == dir_path == db_handle == None:

        if dir_path is None and db_handle is None:
            if cla_handle == None or des_handle == None or hie_handle == None:
                raise RuntimeError("Need CLA, DES and HIE files to build SCOP")

        sunidDict = {}

        self.db_handle = db_handle

            if db_handle:
                # do nothing if we have a db handle, we'll do it all on the fly

                # open SCOP parseable files
                if dir_path:
                    if not version:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "Need SCOP version to find parsable files in directory"
                    if cla_handle or des_handle or hie_handle:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "Cannot specify SCOP directory and specific files")

                    cla_handle = _open_scop_file(dir_path, version, 'cla')
                    des_handle = _open_scop_file(dir_path, version, 'des')
                    hie_handle = _open_scop_file(dir_path, version, 'hie')

                root = Node()
                domains = []
                root.sunid = 0
                root.type = 'ro'
                sunidDict[root.sunid] = root
                self.root = root
                root.description = 'SCOP Root'

                # Build the rest of the nodes using the DES file
                records = Des.parse(des_handle)
                for record in records:
                    if record.nodetype == 'px':
                        n = Domain()
                        n.sid =
                        n = Node()
                    n.sunid = record.sunid
                    n.type = record.nodetype
                    n.sccs = record.sccs
                    n.description = record.description

                    sunidDict[n.sunid] = n

                # Glue all of the Nodes together using the HIE file
                records = Hie.parse(hie_handle)
                for record in records:
                    if record.sunid not in sunidDict:
                        print record.sunid

                    n = sunidDict[record.sunid]

                    if record.parent != '':  # Not root node

                        if record.parent not in sunidDict:
                            raise ValueError("Incomplete data?")

                        n.parent = sunidDict[record.parent]

                    for c in record.children:
                        if c not in sunidDict:
                            raise ValueError("Incomplete data?")

                # Fill in the gaps with information from the CLA file
                sidDict = {}
                records = Cla.parse(cla_handle)
                for record in records:
                    n = sunidDict[record.sunid]
                    assert n.sccs == record.sccs
                    assert n.sid == record.sid
                    n.residues = record.residues
                    sidDict[n.sid] = n

                # Clean up
                self._sunidDict = sunidDict
                self._sidDict = sidDict
                self._domains = tuple(domains)

            if dir_path:
                # If we opened the files, we close the files
                if cla_handle: cla_handle.close()
                if des_handle: des_handle.close()
                if hie_handle: hie_handle.close()
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, cla_handle=None, des_handle=None, hie_handle=None,
                 dir_path=None, db_handle=None, version=None):
        """Build the SCOP hierarchy from the SCOP parsable files, or a sql backend.

        If no file handles are given, then a Scop object with a single
        empty root node is returned.

        If a directory and version are given (with dir_path=.., version=...) or
        file handles for each file, the whole scop tree will be built in memory.

        If a MySQLdb database handle is given, the tree will be built as needed,
        minimising construction times.  To build the SQL database to the methods
        write_xxx_sql to create the tables.
        self._sidDict = {}
        self._sunidDict = {}

        if cla_handle==des_handle==hie_handle==dir_path==db_handle==None: return 

        if dir_path is None and db_handle is None:
            if cla_handle == None or des_handle==None or hie_handle==None:
                raise RuntimeError("Need CLA, DES and HIE files to build SCOP")

        sunidDict = {}

        self.db_handle = db_handle
            if db_handle:
                # do nothing if we have a db handle, we'll do it all on the fly
                # open SCOP parseable files 
                if dir_path:
                    if not version:
                        raise RuntimeError("Need SCOP version to find parsable files in directory")
                    if cla_handle or des_handle or hie_handle:
                        raise RuntimeError("Cannot specify SCOP directory and specific files")
                    cla_handle = _open_scop_file( dir_path, version, 'cla')
                    des_handle = _open_scop_file( dir_path, version, 'des')
                    hie_handle = _open_scop_file( dir_path, version, 'hie')
                root = Node()
                domains = []
                sunidDict[root.sunid] = root
                self.root = root
                root.description = 'SCOP Root'

                # Build the rest of the nodes using the DES file
                records = Des.parse(des_handle)
                for record in records:
                    if record.nodetype =='px':
                        n = Domain()
                        n.sid =
                    else : 
                        n = Node()
                    n.sunid = record.sunid
                    n.type = record.nodetype
                    n.sccs = record.sccs
                    n.description = record.description
                    sunidDict[n.sunid] = n
                # Glue all of the Nodes together using the HIE file
                records = Hie.parse(hie_handle)
                for record in records:
                    if record.sunid not in sunidDict:
                        print record.sunid
                    n = sunidDict[record.sunid]
                    if record.parent != '' : # Not root node
                        if record.parent not in sunidDict:
                            raise ValueError("Incomplete data?")
                        n.parent = sunidDict[record.parent]
                    for c in record.children:
                        if c not in sunidDict:
                            raise ValueError("Incomplete data?")

                # Fill in the gaps with information from the CLA file
                sidDict = {}
                records = Cla.parse(cla_handle)
                for record in records:
                    n = sunidDict[record.sunid]
                    assert n.sccs == record.sccs
                    assert n.sid == record.sid
                    n.residues = record.residues
                    sidDict[n.sid] = n

                # Clean up
                self._sunidDict = sunidDict
                self._sidDict = sidDict
                self._domains = tuple(domains)

            if dir_path:
                # If we opened the files, we close the files
                if cla_handle : cla_handle.close()
                if des_handle : des_handle.close()
                if hie_handle : hie_handle.close()