Beispiel #1
Created on 2013-01-23

@author: paymahn
import CommonFunctions as cf
import itertools as it
import time

t = time.time()

primes = cf.generate_primes_less_than(10000)  # generate primes less than 10000
primes = set(x for x in primes if x > 1000)  # remove primes less than 1000 (we only have 4 digit primes now)

for i in primes:
    permutations = [
        cf.tuple_to_num(x) for x in it.permutations(str(i))
    ]  # get all the permutations of the digits of the current prime
    permutations = set(
        x for x in permutations if x in primes
    )  # remove duplicate permutations and non prime permutations
    triplets = [x for x in it.permutations(permutations, 3)]  # it's hard to explain this one succintly, use a debugger
    for x in triplets:  # test each triplet and print the triplet if it's valid
        sorted_triplet = sorted(x)
        if sorted_triplet[2] - sorted_triplet[1] == sorted_triplet[1] - sorted_triplet[0]:
            print sorted_triplet

print time.time() - t
Beispiel #2
@author: paymahn

f**k this, it's not working. I'm gonna try something different

import CommonFunctions as cf
import itertools as it
import time

t = time.time()

pandigitals = [cf.tuple_to_num(x) for x in it.permutations(range(10))]
primes= cf.generate_primes_less_than(20)

tally = 0
for i in pandigitals:
    i = str(i)
    if len(i) == 10:
        valid = True
        for j in range(1,7):
            substr = i[j:j+3]
            prime = primes[j-1]
            if int(substr) % prime != 0:
                valid = False
        if valid: