Beispiel #1
        if not os.path.exists(c_settings_dir):

        ## Now create 5 needed files for current Run ID

        # Create the file Manager
        Create_new.file_Manager(settings_dir, input_dir, output_dir, c_Site_ID,

        # Create the snow Desicians file
        Create_new.Desicions(Decisions_ALL, settings_dir, c_Site_ID, cRID_char,
                             datestart, dateend)

        # Edit Parameter settings for current run
        Create_new.ParamTrial(new_param_all, new_param_val, param_2_vary,
                              NPruns, settings_dir, c_Site_ID, cRID_char)

        # Create run output file (overwrites previous)
        if not os.path.exists(run_output):
            ftemp = open(run_output, 'w')
            ftemp.close()  # Simple way to make a file

# See to submit Runs

# End of current Paramter set Run
        cPR += 1
        cRID += 1
    # End of all Parameter set Runs
    cSite += 1

# End of all Sites