Beispiel #1
    def peer_response(self, key, ticket, peer_username):
        # Step 1: Decrypt and split the ticket to get the information of the client
        ret = False
        ticket = CryptoLib.decryptUsingSymetricKey(key, self.sessionID, ticket)
        ticket = ticket.split(":")
        peer_address = ticket[0]
        peer_public_key = ticket[1]
        peer = Peer.Peer(peer_username, peer_address, peer_public_key)

        # Step 2: Generate and send contribution
        b = CryptoLib.generatePublicPrivateKeys(32)
        msg = pow(2, b, self.peerPrime)
        msg = CryptoLib.encryptUsingPublicKey(peer_public_key, msg)
        if not self.send_message(msg, peer_address[0], peer_address[1]):
            return ret

        # Step 3: Recieve peer contribution and iv and unpack it
        peer_contribution = self.receive_response()
        peer_contribution = CryptoLib.decryptUsingPrivateKey(self.clientPrivateKey, peer_contribution)
        peer_contribution = peer_contribution.split(":")
        peer_session_id = peer_contribution[1]
        peer_contribution = peer_contribution[0]

        # Construct shared key
        shared_key = pow(peer_contribution, b, self.peerPrime)

        # Step 4: Challenge Response (Two way authentication) - user sends challenge, client increments and sends
        # back response which is again incremented and sent back to user. All of this is done using the symmetric
        # key encryption with the shared key.
        challenge = random.randrange(1, 100000)
        challenge = CryptoLib.encyptUsingSymmetricKey(shared_key, peer_session_id, challenge)
        if not self.send_message(challenge, peer_address[0], peer_address[1]):
            return ret
        response = self.receive_response()
        response = CryptoLib.decryptUsingSymetricKey(shared_key, peer_session_id, response)

        # If authentication is successful, add the peer to list of connected peers and send back response
        if response == challenge + 1:
            response += 1
            response = CryptoLib.encyptUsingSymmetricKey(shared_key, peer_session_id, response)
            if not self.send_message(response, peer_address[0], peer_address[1]):
                return ret
            self.peers[peer_address] = peer
            return True

        return False
Beispiel #2
    def authenticateMe(self, pwdHash):
        print "authenticate with chat server and set up session key"
        ret = False
        if self.serverPublicKey is not None:
            # step 1: send authentication message
            msg = "authenticate me"
            if self.sendMessage(msg, self.serverAddr, self.port) is False:
                return ret

            # step 2: receive challenge and starting number
            servermsg = self.receiveMessage()
            challenge_starting = servermsg.split(":")
            challenge = challenge_starting[0]
            starting_num = challenge_starting[1]

            # step 3: handle challenge and generate response as well as
            response = self.solvechallenge(challenge, starting_num)
            msg = response
            if self.sendMessage(msg, self.serverAddr, self.port) is False:
                return ret

            # Start authentication procedure (Augmented PDM)
            a = random.randrange(1, 100)
            # retrieve the safe prime for the user
            p = genPrime.genp(self.username, self.password)
            # send 2^a modp to server
            msg = pow(2, a) % p
            if self.sendMessage(msg, self.serverAddr, self.port) is False:
                return ret

            b = self.receiveMessage()
            # TODO: get W for client
            W = pwdHash
            # HASH(2^ab modp, 2^bW modp)
            hash_msg_client = hash(str((pow(2, (a*b)) % p)) + ":" + str((pow(2, (b*W)) % p)))
            msg = "send hash"
            if self.sendMessage(msg, self.serverAddr, self.port) is False:
                return ret
            hash_msg_server = self.receiveMessage()
            if hash_msg_client == hash_msg_server:
                ret = True

            # End of authentication with server.

            # Diffie Hellman contribution
            # TODO: handle challenge received and generate response
            clientContribution = CryptoLib.generateDHContribution(ChatClient.generator,

            # step 4: encrypt client contribution and send response
            clientCipher = CryptoLib.encryptUsingPublicKey(self.serverPublicKey,
            msg = "Response:todo:%s:%s" % (self.username, clientCipher)
            if self.sendMessage(msg, self.serverAddr, self.port) is False:
                return ret

            # step 5: receive server contribution and hash
            serverContribution = self.receiveMessage()

            # step 6: TODO: calculate session key and hash

            # step 7: send server client's public key
            ret = True
        return ret