Beispiel #1
def findBestLocation(lidardists, location, testingrange, angoffsetrange):
    difvsret = {}
    # xs = tuple(range(location[0] - testingrange, location[0] + (testingrange + 1)))
    # ys = tuple(range(location[1] - testingrange, location[1] + (testingrange + 1)))
    # angs = tuple(range(location[2] - angoffsetrange, location[2] + angoffsetrange + 1))
    cordrange = np.array(
        [[location[0] - testingrange, location[0] + testingrange],
         [location[1] - testingrange, location[1] + testingrange]])
    cordrange[cordrange <= 0] = 1
    cordx = cordrange[0]
    cordy = cordrange[1]
    cordx[cordx >= size[0]] = size[0] - 1
    cordy[cordy >= size[1]] = size[1] - 1
    cordrange = np.array([cordx[0], cordx[1], cordy[0], cordy[1]])
    xs = tuple(range(cordrange[0], cordrange[1] + 1))
    ys = tuple(range(cordrange[2], cordrange[3] + 1))
    angs = tuple(
        range(location[2] - angoffsetrange, location[2] + angoffsetrange + 1))
    fieldlines = CythonLidarPost.openEnvFile("")
    for x in xs:
        for y in ys:
            postdata = CythonLidarPost.customRayIntersects(
                CythonLidarPost.Point(x, y), 0, fieldlines)
            for angle in angs:
                idealdists = shiftInds(postdata, angle)
                difvsret[findDotDif(lidardists, idealdists)] = [(x, y), angle]
    bestdotdif = difvsret[sorted(difvsret)[0]]
    reallocation = [bestdotdif[0]]
    ang = bestdotdif[1]
    return (reallocation, ang), difvsret
Beispiel #2
def main():
    realpoints = [50, 48]
    testval = shiftInds(
            CythonLidarPost.Point(realpoints[0], realpoints[1]), 0,
    printinfo, pointvals = findBestLocation(testval, [49, 49, 2], 5, 15)
    # print(printinfo)
    dotSvg(findLargestPointPerAngle(pointvals), realpoints)
Beispiel #3
def speedThisProgramUpDramatically():
    postpoints = {}
    xs = range(1, 324)
    ys = range(1, 648)
    angs = range(360)
    for x in xs:
        for y in ys:
            for ang in angs:
                postpoints[(x, y, ang)] = CythonLidarPost.angledRayIntersects(
                    CythonLidarPost.Point(x, y), ang)
    json.dump(postpoints, "postpoints.json")
Beispiel #4
def catchMyDrift(lidarid, location):
    # lidardists = parseLidar("COM3")
    fieldlines = CythonLidarPost.openEnvFile("")
    lidardists = CythonLidarPost.customRayIntersects(
        CythonLidarPost.Point(location.x, location.y), list(range(1, 50)),
    location, ang, distdifs = findRobotLocation(lidardists, location, 15, 5,
                                                15, fieldlines)
    obstacles = measureObstacles(distdifs, 6)
    obstaclepoints = extractPointsFromObstacles(obstacles, location,
    return location, ang, obstaclepoints
Beispiel #5
def extractPointsFromObstacles(obstacles, location, lidardists):
    points = []
    for obstacle in obstacles:
        for ang in obstacle:
                CythonLidarPost.pointFromDistAng(location, ang,
    return points
Beispiel #6
def findClosestDot(lidardists, minv, maxv, mode, location, ang=None):
    variance = np.array(list(range(minv, maxv + 1)))
    difvsret = {}
    if mode == "location":
        xs = variance.copy() + location[0]
        ys = variance.copy() + location[1]
        for x in xs:
            for y in ys:
                testdists = CythonLidarPost.angledRayIntersects(
                    CythonLidarPost.Point(x, y), ang)
                difvsret[findDotDif(lidardists, testdists)] = (
                    x, y)  # findDotDif finds the dot sum of the arguments
    if mode == "angle":
        for var in variance:
            testdists = CythonLidarPost.angledRayIntersects(
                CythonLidarPost.Point(location[0], location[1]), var)
            difvsret[findDotDif(lidardists, testdists)] = var
    return difvsret[sorted(difvsret)[-1]]
Beispiel #7
def findRobotLocation(lidardists, location, angle, testingrange,
                      angoffsetrange, fieldlines):
    difvsret = {}
    cordrange = np.array(
        [[location.x - testingrange, location.x + testingrange],
         [location.y - testingrange, location.y + testingrange]])
    cordrange[cordrange <= 0] = 1
    cordx = cordrange[0]
    cordy = cordrange[1]
    cordx[cordx >= size[0]] = size[0] - 1
    cordy[cordy >= size[1]] = size[1] - 1
    cordrange = np.array([cordx[0], cordx[1], cordy[0], cordy[1]])
    xs = tuple(range(int(cordrange[0]), int(cordrange[1] + 1)))
    ys = tuple(range(int(cordrange[2]), int(cordrange[3] + 1)))
    angs = tuple(range(angle - angoffsetrange, angle + angoffsetrange + 1))
    # lidardists = CmToInchesInDict(lidardists)
    lidarkeys = list(lidardists.keys())
    lidarlist = np.array(list(lidardists.values()))
    for x in xs:
        for y in ys:
            postdata = np.array(
                        CythonLidarPost.Point(x, y), lidarkeys,
            for angle in angs:
                idealdists = shiftInds(postdata, angle)
                difvsret[findDotDif(lidarlist, idealdists)] = [
                    CythonLidarPost.Point(x, y), angle, idealdists
    bestdotdif = difvsret[sorted(difvsret)[0]]
    location = bestdotdif[0]
    print(location.x, location.y)
    angle = bestdotdif[1]
    distdifs = (findDistDifs(lidarlist, bestdotdif[2]))
    return location, angle, distdifs
Beispiel #8
    ys = range(1, 648)
    angs = range(360)
    for x in xs:
        for y in ys:
            for ang in angs:
                postpoints[(x, y, ang)] = CythonLidarPost.angledRayIntersects(
                    CythonLidarPost.Point(x, y), ang)
    json.dump(postpoints, "postpoints.json")

def shiftInds(itershift, offset):
    return np.concatenate((itershift[offset:], itershift[:offset]))
    # return itershift[offset:] + itershift[:offset]

x = catchMyDrift(0, CythonLidarPost.Point(150, 150))

def measureTime(func):
    start = time.time()
    fin = time.time()
    finaltime = fin - start
    print("Time: {0}".format(finaltime))

def main():
    realpoints = [50, 48]
    testval = shiftInds(