def get_available_date_range(exp_name): """ given some existing DART experiment, return the daterange of all currently available data """ N = {'W0910_GLOBAL' : dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,10,1,0,0,0), periods=380, DT='6H'), 'W0910_NODA' :dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,10,1,0,0,0), periods=640, DT='6H'), } return N[exp_name]
def get_available_date_range(exp_name): """ given some existing DART experiment, return the daterange of all currently available data """ N = { 'W0910_GLOBAL': dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0), periods=380, DT='6H'), 'W0910_NODA': dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0), periods=640, DT='6H'), } return N[exp_name]
def compute_climate_indices(E, index_name, climatology_option='NODA', hostname='taurus', verbose=False): """ This subroutine computes various simple climate indices for a dataset defined by an experiment dictionary. Currently supporting the following indices: + 'Aleutian Low' index of Garfinkel et al. (2010) + 'East European High' index of Garfinkel et al. (2010) + 'AO Proxy' -- Polar Cap GPH Anomaly at 500hPa -- it's a proxy for the AO suggested by Cohen et al. (2002) * note however that we define the polar cap as everything north of 70N, I think Cohen et al do 60N + 'Vortex Strength' -- Polar Cap GPH Anomaly averaged 3-30hPa -- it's a measure of vortex strength suggested by Garfinkel et al. 2012 """ # modify the experiment dictionary to retrieve the right index EI = dart.climate_index_dictionaries(index_name) E['levrange'] = EI['levrange'] E['latrange'] = EI['latrange'] E['lonrange'] = EI['lonrange'] E['variable'] = EI['variable'] # for all indices defined so far, compute the anomaly # with respect to climatology # this uses an anomaly subroutine from the MJO module A, C, lat, lon, lev = mjo.ano(E, climatology_option=climatology_option, verbose=verbose) # Aleutian Low and East European high indices are single points, so just return the anomaly if (index_name == 'Aleutian Low') or (index_name == 'East European High'): index_out = A # for the Polar Cap GPH -based indices, average over latitude and longitude # here can use a subroutine written for MJO stuff in the MJO module if (index_name == 'AO Proxy') or (index_name == 'Vortex Strength'): lat1, lon1, Aave = mjo.aave(E, A, lat, lon, season=None, variable_name=None, averaging_dimension='all') # for the AO proxy, reverse the sign so that it's more intuitive -- a positive GPH anomaly is related to a negative AO if (index_name == 'AO Proxy') or (index_name == 'Vortex Strength'): index_out = -Aave # for vortex strength, average between 3 and 30 hPa if (index_name == 'Vortex Strength'): index_out = np.nanmean(Aave, axis=0) # return index over desired daterange return index_out
def compute_climate_indices(E,index_name,climatology_option = 'NODA',hostname='taurus',verbose=False): """ This subroutine computes various simple climate indices for a dataset defined by an experiment dictionary. Currently supporting the following indices: + 'Aleutian Low' index of Garfinkel et al. (2010) + 'East European High' index of Garfinkel et al. (2010) + 'AO Proxy' -- Polar Cap GPH Anomaly at 500hPa -- it's a proxy for the AO suggested by Cohen et al. (2002) * note however that we define the polar cap as everything north of 70N, I think Cohen et al do 60N + 'Vortex Strength' -- Polar Cap GPH Anomaly averaged 3-30hPa -- it's a measure of vortex strength suggested by Garfinkel et al. 2012 """ # modify the experiment dictionary to retrieve the right index EI = dart.climate_index_dictionaries(index_name) E['levrange'] = EI['levrange'] E['latrange'] = EI['latrange'] E['lonrange'] = EI['lonrange'] E['variable'] = EI['variable'] # for all indices defined so far, compute the anomaly # with respect to climatology # this uses an anomaly subroutine from the MJO module A,C,lat,lon,lev = mjo.ano(E,climatology_option = climatology_option,verbose=verbose) # Aleutian Low and East European high indices are single points, so just return the anomaly if (index_name == 'Aleutian Low') or (index_name == 'East European High'): index_out = A # for the Polar Cap GPH -based indices, average over latitude and longitude # here can use a subroutine written for MJO stuff in the MJO module if (index_name == 'AO Proxy') or (index_name == 'Vortex Strength'): lat1,lon1,Aave = mjo.aave(E,A,lat,lon,season=None,variable_name=None,averaging_dimension='all') # for the AO proxy, reverse the sign so that it's more intuitive -- a positive GPH anomaly is related to a negative AO if (index_name == 'AO Proxy') or (index_name == 'Vortex Strength'): index_out = -Aave # for vortex strength, average between 3 and 30 hPa if (index_name == 'Vortex Strength'): index_out = np.nanmean(Aave,axis=0) # return index over desired daterange return index_out
def find_paths(E, date, file_type='diag', hostname='taurus', debug=False): import DART as dart """ This subroutine takes a DART experiment dictionary and returns the file path for the needed diagnostic. The optional input, `file_type`, can have one of these values: + 'covariance' -- then we load pre-computed data of covariances between state variables and a given obs + 'obs_epoch' -- load files + 'diag' -- load standard DART Posterior_Diag or Prior_Diag files + 'truth' -- load true state files from a perfect-model simulation Note that if E has an additional entry called "extra_string", that string is added to the name of the file that we retrieve -- that makes it easy to retrieve unusual files that were created later but in the same style as other files. """ path_found = False if E['run_category'] == 'NCAR': data_dir_list, truth_dir_list = exp_paths_NCAR(hostname, E['exp_name']) path_found = True if 'ERA' in E['exp_name']: data_dir_list, truth_dir_list = exp_paths_era(date, hostname, diagnostic=E['diagn']) path_found = True if not path_found: data_dir_list, truth_dir_list = exp_paths(hostname, E['exp_name']) #------------COVARIANCE FILES if file_type == 'covariance': fname = E['exp_name'] + '_' + 'covariance_' + E['obs_name'] + '_' + E[ 'variable'] + '_' + date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '.nc' #------------OBS EPOCH FILES if file_type == 'obs_epoch': DR = get_experiment_date_ranges(E['exp_name']) delta_time = date - DR[0] obs_epoch_no = delta_time.days + 1 if obs_epoch_no < 10: obs_epoch_name = 'obs_epoch_00' + str(obs_epoch_no) + '.nc' if (obs_epoch_no >= 10) and (obs_epoch_no < 100): obs_epoch_name = 'obs_epoch_0' + str(obs_epoch_no) + '.nc' if (obs_epoch_no >= 100): obs_epoch_name = 'obs_epoch_' + str(obs_epoch_no) + '.nc' if E['run_category'] is None: fname = '/dart/hist/' + obs_epoch_name if E['run_category'] == 'ERPDA': fname = '/../obs_epoch/' + obs_epoch_name #------------regular DART output files or true state files if (file_type == 'diag') or (file_type == 'truth'): if E['diagn'] == 'Truth': file_type = 'truth' # either load a given date, or a time mean if isinstance(date, str): endstring = date else: datestr = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") seconds = date.hour * 60 * 60 if seconds == 0: timestr = '00000' else: timestr = str(seconds) endstring = datestr + '-' + timestr if E['run_category'] is None: diagstring = 'Diag' # additional diagnostics files have the 'Diag' string replaced with something else. TIL_variables = ['theta', 'ptrop', 'Nsq', 'P', 'brunt', 'ztrop'] # the following list returns list of the above variables that appear in the requested variable type import re matches = [ string for string in TIL_variables if string in E['variable'] ] if len(matches) > 0: diagstring = 'TIL' if 'extrastring' not in E: E['extrastring'] = '' if E['extrastring'] == '': fname = '/dart/hist/cam_' + E[ 'diagn'] + '_' + diagstring + '.' + endstring + '.nc' fname_truth = '/dart/hist/cam_' + 'True_State' + '.' + endstring + '.nc' else: fname = '/dart/hist/cam_' + E[ 'diagn'] + '_' + diagstring + '.' + E[ 'extrastring'] + '.' + endstring + '.nc' fname_truth = '/dart/hist/cam_' + 'True_State' + '.' + E[ 'extrastring'] + '.' + endstring + '.nc' if E['run_category'] == 'ERPDA': gday = dart.date_to_gday(date) # for all my (Lisa's) old experiments, obs sequence 1 is 1 Jan 2009 gday1 = dart.date_to_gday(datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) obs_seq_no = int(gday - gday1 + 1) if (obs_seq_no < 10): mid = 'obs_000' + str(obs_seq_no) else: mid = 'obs_00' + str(obs_seq_no) fname_truth = mid + '/' + '' fname = mid + '/' + E['diagn'] + '' if E['run_category'] == 'NCAR': if E['exp_name'] == 'NCAR_LAONLY': suffix = '_LAONLY' else: suffix = '' fname_truth = '/' + 'True_State' + '_' + datestr + '-' + timestr + '.nc' + suffix fname = '/' + E[ 'diagn'] + '_Diag.' + datestr + '-' + timestr + '.nc' + suffix if file_type == 'truth': fname = fname_truth data_dir_list = truth_dir_list # if data_dir_list was not found, throw an error if data_dir_list is None: print( ' cannot find settings for the following experiment dict:' ) print(E) return None #-----search for the right files correct_filepath_found = False for data_dir in data_dir_list: filename = data_dir + fname if debug: print('Looking for file ' + filename) if os.path.exists(filename): correct_filepath_found = True break # return the file filename with path return filename
def count_Nobs_in_time(E, output_interval=0, DART_qc_flags_list=[0]): """ For a given experiment and list of observations, cycle through a daterange and count the number of each observation type made at each time, then return a Pandas dataframe that gives observations as a function of observation type and name. INPUTS: E: A standard DART experiment dictionary. The following keys are important: daterange: the range of dates over which to count the observations obs_name: a list of the observations to retrieve output_interval: the number of steps (in the daterange) where we print output. This can be helpful for checking progress, because this process can take a while. The default is 0: no output printed to the screen at all. DART_qc_flags_list: a list of DART quality control flags indicating which obs to retrieve. The default is [0], i.e. only retrieving the assimilated observations. Here is what the DART QC flags mean: 0= Assimilated 1= Evaluated only 2= Assimilated but posterior forward observation operator(s) failed 3= Evaluated only but posterior forward observation operator(s) failed 4= Not used, prior forward observation operator(s) failed 5= Not used because not selected in obs_kind_nml 6= Not used, failed prior quality control check 7= Not used, violated outlier threshold """ # copy the input dict into a temporary one, and make sure that the right diagnostic (prior) # and copy (observation) are retrieved. P = E.copy() P['diagn'] = 'prior' P['copystring'] = 'observation' # save the daterange and create an empy dictionary with the dates as the keys DR = E['daterange'] Sdict = dict.fromkeys(DR) # loop over dates for D, ii in zip(DR, range(len(DR))): if output_interval != 0: if np.mod(ii, output_interval) == 0: print D P['daterange'] = [D] # for each date, load all the obs types OBS, copy_names, obs_names, lons, lats, levs, QCdict = dart.load_DART_obs_epoch_file( P, debug=False) # initialize an empty dictionary comprised of a list for each obs type obscount = {k: [] for k in P['obs_name']} # select only the obs where the DART quality control is 0 QCD = QCdict['DART quality control '] assimilated = [obs_names[i] for i, j in enumerate(QCD) if j == 0] # for each obs type, count how many times it occurs, and store in the dictionary for ObsName in P['obs_name']: nobs = assimilated.count(ObsName) obscount[ObsName] = nobs # now turn the dictionary into a Series S = pd.Series(obscount) # store the series for this date in a dictionary Sdict[D] = S # turn the dictionary into a pandas dataframe DF = pd.DataFrame(Sdict) return DF
def plot_DARTobs_scatter_lev_lat(E, colors=None, compare='QC', QC_list=range(8), yscale='log', alpha=0.5, hostname='taurus', debug=False, add_legend=False): """ This code plots a scatterplot DART assimilated or evaluated observations on on a level-longitude slice. It is possible to simultaneously plot several obs types (listed in E['obs_name']), or different DART quality control flags (listed in QC_list) INPUTS: E: a DART experiment dictionary. The relevant keys are: 'latrange' : gives the lat limits of the plot 'levrange' : gives the vertical level range of the plot 'copystring': a string giving the DART copies to show. If it's a list, we loop over the list 'obs_name': a string giving the DART observation to show. If it's a list, we loop over the list 'daterange': range of dates over which to plot the observations colors: list of colors assigned to either the different types of obs plotted, or the QC values. Default is None, which selected the colorbrewer qualitative 'Dark2' palette compare: select either 'QC' to color code the QC values, or 'obs_type' to color code the observation types Default is 'QC' QC_list = list of QC values to plot. The default is all values from 0 to 7 yscale: the scale of the levels axis -- choose 'linear' or 'log' -- default is log alpha: the degree of transparency. default is 0.5 add_legend: set to True to show a legend. Default is False. """ #--------- load the obs on the given day OBS, copy_names, obs_names, lons, lats, levs_Pa, QCdict = dart.load_DART_obs_epoch_file( E, debug=debug, hostname=hostname) # convert the levels from Pa to hPa levs = [ll / 100.0 for ll in levs_Pa] # define a list of colors if needed if colors is None: if compare is 'obs_type': if type(E['obs_name']) is not list: obs_type_list = [E['obs_name']] else: obs_type_list = E['obs_name'] NN = len(obs_type_list) if compare is 'QC': NN = len(QC_list) ncol = np.min([NN, 12]) if ncol < 3: ncol = 3 # TODO: replace brewer2mpl call with palettable call colors, cmap, cmap_type = state_space_HCL_colormap( E, Ediff, reverse=reverse_colors) #bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map('Dark2', 'qualitative', ncol) #colors = bmap.mpl_colors # if comparing different observation types, loop over the list of obs # and select the lats and levs for the desired obs types if compare is 'obs_type': for obs_type, ii in zip(obs_type_list, range(len(obs_type_list))): levs_obstype = [ levs[i] for i, x in enumerate(obs_names) if obs_type in x ] lats_obstype = [ lats[i] for i, x in enumerate(obs_names) if obs_type in x ] # scatter the obs over the map y = levs_obstype x = lats_obstype plt.scatter(x, y, s=10, color=colors[ii], alpha=alpha, rasterized=True) # if comparing different QC values , loop over the list of obs # and select the lats and levs for the desired obs types if compare is 'QC': DQC = QCdict['DART quality control '] for QC, ii in zip(QC_list, range(len(QC_list))): levs_obstype = [levs[i] for i, x in enumerate(DQC) if QC == x] lats_obstype = [lats[i] for i, x in enumerate(DQC) if QC == x] # scatter the obs over the map y = levs_obstype x = lats_obstype plt.scatter(x, y, s=10, color=colors[ii], alpha=alpha, rasterized=True) # axis labels plt.xlabel('Latitude') plt.ylabel('Pressure (hPa)') plt.yscale(yscale) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() # change the plot limits plt.xlim(E['latrange']) plt.ylim(E['levrange']) # add a legend if add_legend: if compare is 'QC': QCdef = DART_QC_values() QCnames = [QCdef[QCvalue] for QCvalue in QC_list] L = plt.legend(QCnames, loc='best') if compare is 'obs_type': L = plt.legend(obs_type_list, loc='best') return L return
def plot_DARTobs_scatter_globe(E, projection='miller', coastline_width=0, water_color="#CCF3FF", land_color="#996600", colors=None, compare='QC', QC_list=range(8), alpha=0.5, hostname='taurus', debug=False): """ This code plots a scatterplot of the horizontal distribution of DART assimilated or evaluated observations on a map. INPUTS: E: a DART experiment dictionary. The relevant keys are: 'latrange' : gives the lat limits of the plot 'lonrange' : gives the lon limits of the plot 'levrange' : only observations between these levels are shown 'copystring': a string giving the DART copies to show. If it's a list, we loop over the list 'obs_name': a string giving the DART observation to show. If it's a list, we loop over the list 'daterange': range of dates over which to plot the observations projection: the map projection to use (default is "miller") coastline_width: width of the coastlines; default is 0 (no coastlines) water_color: color given to oceans and lakes (default is cyan/blue) land_color: color given to continents (default is an earthy brown) obs_color: list of colors assigned to the different types of obs plotted. Default is colorbrewer Paired compare: select either 'QC' to color code the QC values, or 'obs_type' to color code the observation types Default is 'QC' QC_list = list of QC values to plot. The default is all values from 0 to 7 alpha: the degree of transparency. default is 0.5 """ #---------set up the map----------------- # if plotting a polar stereographic projection, it's better to return all lats and lons, and then # cut off the unwanted regions with map limits -- otherwise we get artifical circles on a square map if (projection == 'npstere'): if E['latrange'][0] < 0: boundinglat = 0 else: boundinglat = E['latrange'][0] E['latrange'] = [-90, 90] E['lonrange'] = [0, 361] if (projection == 'spstere'): boundinglat = E['latrange'][1] E['latrange'] = [-90, 90] E['lonrange'] = [0, 361] # set up a map projection if projection == 'miller': maxlat = np.min([E['latrange'][1], 90.0]) minlat = np.max([E['latrange'][0], -90.0]) map = Basemap(projection='mill',llcrnrlat=minlat,urcrnrlat=maxlat,\ llcrnrlon=E['lonrange'][0],urcrnrlon=E['lonrange'][1],resolution='l') if 'stere' in projection: map = Basemap(projection=projection, boundinglat=boundinglat, lon_0=0, resolution='l') if projection == None: map = Basemap(projection='ortho', lat_0=54, lon_0=10, resolution='l') # draw coastlines, country boundaries, fill continents. map.drawcoastlines(linewidth=coastline_width) map.drawmapboundary(fill_color=water_color) # draw lat/lon grid lines every 30 degrees. map.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30), linewidth=0.25) map.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30), linewidth=0.25) map.fillcontinents(color=land_color, lake_color=water_color, alpha=alpha) #--------- load the obs on the given day OBS, copy_names, obs_names, lons, lats, levs, QCdict = dart.load_DART_obs_epoch_file( E, debug=debug, hostname=hostname) #---------loop over obs types----------------- # loop over obs types given in E if type(E['obs_name']) is not list: obs_type_list = [E['obs_name']] else: obs_type_list = E['obs_name'] # define a list of colors if needed if colors is None: if compare is 'obs_type': if type(E['obs_name']) is not list: obs_type_list = [E['obs_name']] else: obs_type_list = E['obs_name'] NN = len(obs_type_list) if compare is 'QC': NN = len(QC_list) ncol = np.min([NN, 12]) if ncol < 3: ncol = 3 colors = palettable.colorbrewer.qualitative.Dark2.mpl_colors # if comparing observation types, loop over them and scatter plot individually if compare is 'obs_type': for obs_type, ii in zip(obs_type_list, range(len(obs_type_list))): lons_obstype = [ lons[i] for i, x in enumerate(obs_names) if obs_type in x ] lats_obstype = [ lats[i] for i, x in enumerate(obs_names) if obs_type in x ] # scatter the obs over the map x, y = map(lons_obstype, lats_obstype) map.scatter(x, y, 3, marker='o', color=colors[ii], rasterized=True) # if comparing different QC values , loop over the list of obs # and select the lats and levs for the desired obs types if compare is 'QC': DQC = QCdict['DART quality control '] for QC, ii in zip(QC_list, range(len(QC_list))): lons_obstype = [lons[i] for i, x in enumerate(DQC) if QC == x] lats_obstype = [lats[i] for i, x in enumerate(DQC) if QC == x] # scatter the obs over the map x, y = map(lons_obstype, lats_obstype) map.scatter(x, y, 3, marker='o', color=colors[ii], rasterized=True) return
def HRRS_mean_ztrop_to_csv(DR, hostname='taurus', debug=False): """ Given a certain daterange, retrieve available high res radiosonde data, compute the average tropopause height per station, and store in a csv file. """ from TIL import ztrop # first read in station information as a dataframe stationdata = HRRS_station_data(hostname) # because the HRRS data are sorted by years, loop over the years in the daterange y0 = DR[0].year yf = DR[len(DR) - 1].year years = range(y0, yf + 1, 1) for YYYY in years: # load a list of the available stations for that year Slist = HRRS_stations_available_per_year(YYYY) # also compute the subset of the requested daterange that fits into this year. year_daterange = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime( YYYY, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), periods=365 * 4, DT='6H') DR2 = set(year_daterange).intersection(DR) # also find the dir where the station data live datadir = es.obs_data_paths('HRRS', hostname) # initialize empty dictionary to hold average tropoopause heights per station ztrop_dict = dict() # now loop over available stations, and for each one, retrieve the data # that fit into the requested daterange for s in Slist: ztrop_list = [ ] # empty list to hold tropopause heights for all available obs per station # loop over dates, and retrieve data if available for dd in DR2: datestr = dd.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") ff = datadir + '/' + str(YYYY) + '/' + str(s) + '/' + str( s) + '-' + datestr + '_mod.dat' if os.path.exists(ff): if debug: print(ff) # read in the station data D = read_HRRS_data(ff) # compute tropopause height z = D['Alt'] / 1E3 # Altitude in km T = D['Temp'] + 273.15 # Temp in Kelvin ztropp = ztrop(z=z, T=T, debug=debug, hostname=hostname) # add to list if not none if ztropp is not None: ztrop_list.append(ztropp) # average the tropopause heights and add to dictionary ztrop_dict[s] = np.mean(ztrop_list) # turn dict into data frame ZT = pd.Series(data=ztrop_dict, name='ztrop_mean') if debug: print(ZT) # turn dataframe into csv file hrrs_path = es.obs_data_paths('HRRS', hostname) datestr = DR[0].strftime("%Y%m%d") + '-' + DR[len(DR) - 1].strftime( "%Y%m%d") + '.csv' fname = hrrs_path + '/' + 'mean_tropopause_height_per_station_' + datestr print('storing file ' + fname) ZT.to_csv(fname, index=True, sep=',', header=True) return (ZT)
def count_Nobs_in_time(E,output_interval=0,DART_qc_flags_list=[0]): """ For a given experiment and list of observations, cycle through a daterange and count the number of each observation type made at each time, then return a Pandas dataframe that gives observations as a function of observation type and name. INPUTS: E: A standard DART experiment dictionary. The following keys are important: daterange: the range of dates over which to count the observations obs_name: a list of the observations to retrieve output_interval: the number of steps (in the daterange) where we print output. This can be helpful for checking progress, because this process can take a while. The default is 0: no output printed to the screen at all. DART_qc_flags_list: a list of DART quality control flags indicating which obs to retrieve. The default is [0], i.e. only retrieving the assimilated observations. Here is what the DART QC flags mean: 0= Assimilated 1= Evaluated only 2= Assimilated but posterior forward observation operator(s) failed 3= Evaluated only but posterior forward observation operator(s) failed 4= Not used, prior forward observation operator(s) failed 5= Not used because not selected in obs_kind_nml 6= Not used, failed prior quality control check 7= Not used, violated outlier threshold """ # copy the input dict into a temporary one, and make sure that the right diagnostic (prior) # and copy (observation) are retrieved. P = E.copy() P['diagn']='prior' P['copystring']='observation' # save the daterange and create an empy dictionary with the dates as the keys DR = E['daterange'] Sdict = dict.fromkeys(DR) # loop over dates for D,ii in zip(DR,range(len(DR))): if output_interval != 0: if np.mod(ii,output_interval) == 0: print D P['daterange'] = [D] # for each date, load all the obs types OBS,copy_names,obs_names,lons,lats,levs,QCdict = dart.load_DART_obs_epoch_file(P,debug=False) # initialize an empty dictionary comprised of a list for each obs type obscount = {k:[] for k in P['obs_name']} # select only the obs where the DART quality control is 0 QCD = QCdict['DART quality control '] assimilated = [obs_names[i] for i, j in enumerate(QCD) if j ==0] # for each obs type, count how many times it occurs, and store in the dictionary for ObsName in P['obs_name']: nobs = assimilated.count(ObsName) obscount[ObsName] = nobs # now turn the dictionary into a Series S = pd.Series(obscount) # store the series for this date in a dictionary Sdict[D] = S # turn the dictionary into a pandas dataframe DF = pd.DataFrame(Sdict) return DF
def plot_DARTobs_scatter_lev_lat(E,colors=None,compare='QC',QC_list=range(8),yscale='log',alpha=0.5,hostname='taurus',debug=False,add_legend=False): """ This code plots a scatterplot DART assimilated or evaluated observations on on a level-longitude slice. It is possible to simultaneously plot several obs types (listed in E['obs_name']), or different DART quality control flags (listed in QC_list) INPUTS: E: a DART experiment dictionary. The relevant keys are: 'latrange' : gives the lat limits of the plot 'levrange' : gives the vertical level range of the plot 'copystring': a string giving the DART copies to show. If it's a list, we loop over the list 'obs_name': a string giving the DART observation to show. If it's a list, we loop over the list 'daterange': range of dates over which to plot the observations colors: list of colors assigned to either the different types of obs plotted, or the QC values. Default is None, which selected the colorbrewer qualitative 'Dark2' palette compare: select either 'QC' to color code the QC values, or 'obs_type' to color code the observation types Default is 'QC' QC_list = list of QC values to plot. The default is all values from 0 to 7 yscale: the scale of the levels axis -- choose 'linear' or 'log' -- default is log alpha: the degree of transparency. default is 0.5 add_legend: set to True to show a legend. Default is False. """ #--------- load the obs on the given day OBS,copy_names,obs_names,lons,lats,levs_Pa,QCdict = dart.load_DART_obs_epoch_file(E,debug=debug,hostname=hostname) # convert the levels from Pa to hPa levs = [ll/100.0 for ll in levs_Pa] # define a list of colors if needed if colors is None: if compare is 'obs_type': if type(E['obs_name']) is not list: obs_type_list = [E['obs_name']] else: obs_type_list = E['obs_name'] NN = len(obs_type_list) if compare is 'QC': NN = len(QC_list) ncol = np.min([NN,12]) if ncol < 3: ncol=3 # TODO: replace brewer2mpl call with palettable call colors,cmap,cmap_type = state_space_HCL_colormap(E,Ediff,reverse=reverse_colors) #bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map('Dark2', 'qualitative', ncol) #colors = bmap.mpl_colors # if comparing different observation types, loop over the list of obs # and select the lats and levs for the desired obs types if compare is 'obs_type': for obs_type,ii in zip(obs_type_list,range(len(obs_type_list))): levs_obstype = [levs[i] for i,x in enumerate(obs_names) if obs_type in x] lats_obstype = [lats[i] for i,x in enumerate(obs_names) if obs_type in x] # scatter the obs over the map y = levs_obstype x = lats_obstype plt.scatter(x,y,s=10,color=colors[ii],alpha=alpha,rasterized=True) # if comparing different QC values , loop over the list of obs # and select the lats and levs for the desired obs types if compare is 'QC': DQC = QCdict['DART quality control '] for QC,ii in zip(QC_list,range(len(QC_list))): levs_obstype = [levs[i] for i,x in enumerate(DQC) if QC == x] lats_obstype = [lats[i] for i,x in enumerate(DQC) if QC == x] # scatter the obs over the map y = levs_obstype x = lats_obstype plt.scatter(x,y,s=10,color=colors[ii],alpha=alpha,rasterized=True) # axis labels plt.xlabel('Latitude') plt.ylabel('Pressure (hPa)') plt.yscale(yscale) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() # change the plot limits plt.xlim(E['latrange']) plt.ylim(E['levrange']) # add a legend if add_legend: if compare is 'QC': QCdef = DART_QC_values() QCnames = [QCdef[QCvalue] for QCvalue in QC_list] L = plt.legend(QCnames,loc='best') if compare is 'obs_type': L = plt.legend(obs_type_list,loc='best') return L return
def plot_climate_indices(E, index_name, copies_to_plot, climatology_option='NODA', hostname='taurus', verbose=False): """ This subroutine computes a bunch of simple climate indices for a given experiment, and plots them for all copies given by 'copies_to_plot' INPUTS: copies_to_plot: list containing keywords for what copies to plot. Here are the options: + any valid copystring in DART output data (e.g. "ensemble member 1") + 'ensemble' = plot the entire ensemble + 'ensemble mean' = plot the ensemble mean + 'operational' = plot the operational value of this index """ # create a list of copies to load copy_list = [] if "copystring" in copies_to_plot: copy_list.append(E['copystring']) if ("ensemble" in copies_to_plot): N = dart.get_ensemble_size_per_run(E['exp_name']) for iens in np.arange(1, N + 1): if iens < 10: spacing = ' ' else: spacing = ' ' copy_list.append("ensemble member" + spacing + str(iens)) if ("ensemble mean" in copies_to_plot): copy_list.append("ensemble mean") # retrieve desired index for all the copies in the list L = [] for copy in copy_list: E['copystring'] = copy x = compute_climate_indices(E, index_name, climatology_option, hostname, verbose) L.append(x) # plot it for copy, climate_index in zip(copy_list, L): # define a color for the ensemble mean - depending on experiment lcolor = "#000000" if E['exp_name'] == 'W0910_NODA': bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map('Dark2', 'qualitative', 7) lcolor = bmap.hex_colors[1] if E['exp_name'] == 'W0910_GLOBAL': # make this one black, since it's sort of the reference lcolor = "#000000" if E['exp_name'] == 'W0910_TROPICS': bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map('Dark2', 'qualitative', 7) lcolor = bmap.hex_colors[0] # make the ensemble a lighter version of their original color ensemble_color = plot_tools.colorscale(lcolor, 1.6) # here is the plot if (copy == 'ensemble mean'): plt.plot(E['daterange'], climate_index, color=lcolor, linewidth=2) if "ensemble member" in copy: plt.plot(E['daterange'], climate_index, color=ensemble_color, linewidth=1)
def Nsq_forcing_from_Q(E,datetime_in=None,debug=False,hostname='taurus'): """ Birner (2010) used the thermodynamic equation in the TEM form to derive an expression for the rate of change of static stability (N2) due to residual motion and diabatic heating. This subroutine compares the term due to diabatic heating, i.e.: g d(Q/theta)dz INPUTS: E: a DART experiment dictionary. Relevant fields are: E['exp_name'] - the experiment name E['daterange'] - helps to choose which date to load in case this isn't specifically given E['variable'] - this determines what kind of diabatic heating we use: the value of E['variable'] should be a string like 'Nsq_forcing_XXXXX' where XXXXX is the model variable corresponding to whatever diabatic heating type we are looking for. For example, in WACCM, 'QRL_TOT' is the total longwave heating, so to get the N2 forcing from that, just set E['variable']='Nsq_forcing_QRL_TOT' datetime_in: the date for which we want to compute this diagnostic. default is None -- in this case, just choose the fist date in E['daterange'] OUTPUTS: N2_forcing: Nsquared forcing term in s^2/day lev lat """ # necessary constants H=7000.0 # scale height in m p0=1000.0 # reference pressure in hPa g=9.8 # acceleration of gravity # load the desired diabatic heating term # this is not typically part of the DART output, so load from model history files # (right now this really only works for WACCM/CAM) Qstring = E['variable'].strip('Nsq_forcing_') EQ = E.copy() EQ['variable']=Qstring Q2,lat,lon,lev = DSS.compute_DART_diagn_from_model_h_files(EQ,datetime_in,verbose=debug) # remove the time dimension, which should have length 1 Q = np.squeeze(Q2) # also load potential temperature ET = E.copy() ET['variable']='theta' lev,lat,lon,theta2,P0,hybm,hyam = dart.load_DART_diagnostic_file(ET,datetime_in,hostname=hostname,debug=debug) # squeeze out extra dims, which we get if we load single copies (e.g. ensemble mean) theta = np.squeeze(theta2) # now find the longitude dimension and average over it # for both Q and theta nlon=len(lon) Mean_arrays = [] for A in [Q,theta]: for idim,s in enumerate(A.shape): if s == nlon: londim=idim Mean_arrays.append(np.average(A,axis=londim)) Q_mean=Mean_arrays[0] theta_mean=Mean_arrays[1] # if the shapes don't match up, might have to transpose one of them # if Mean_arrays[1].shape[0] != Q_mean.shape[0]: # theta_mean=np.transpose(Mean_arrays[1]) # else: # theta_mean=Mean_arrays[1] # Q_mean should come out as copy x lev x lat, whereas theta_mean is copy x lat x lev # to manually transpose Q_mean Q_mean2 = np.zeros(shape=theta_mean.shape) if Q_mean2.ndim==3: for icopy in range(theta_mean.shape[0]): for ilat in range(theta_mean.shape[1]): for ilev in range(theta_mean.shape[2]): Q_mean2[icopy,ilat,ilev]=Q_mean[icopy,ilev,ilat] else: for ilat in range(theta_mean.shape[0]): for ilev in range(theta_mean.shape[1]): Q_mean2[ilat,ilev]=Q_mean[ilev,ilat] # divide Q by theta X = Q_mean2/theta_mean # convert pressure levels to approximate altitude and take the vertical gradient zlev = H*np.log(p0/lev) dZ = np.gradient(zlev) # gradient of vertical levels in m # now X *should* have shape (copy x lat x lev) OR (lat x lev) # so need to copy dZ to look like this if X.ndim==3: dZm = dZ[None,None,:] levdim=2 if X.ndim==2: dZm = dZ[None,:] levdim=1 dZ3 = np.broadcast_to(dZm,X.shape) dXdZ_3D = np.gradient(X,dZ3) dxdz = dXdZ_3D[levdim] # this is the vertical gradient with respect to height # the above calculation yields a quantity in units s^-2/s, but it makes more sense # in the grand scheme of things to look at buoyancy forcing per day, so here # is a conversion factor. seconds_per_day = 60.*60.*24.0 # now loop over ensemble members and compute the n2 forcing for each one N2_forcing = g*dxdz*seconds_per_day return N2_forcing,lat,lev
def plot_climate_indices(E,index_name,copies_to_plot,climatology_option = 'NODA',hostname='taurus',verbose=False): """ This subroutine computes a bunch of simple climate indices for a given experiment, and plots them for all copies given by 'copies_to_plot' INPUTS: copies_to_plot: list containing keywords for what copies to plot. Here are the options: + any valid copystring in DART output data (e.g. "ensemble member 1") + 'ensemble' = plot the entire ensemble + 'ensemble mean' = plot the ensemble mean + 'operational' = plot the operational value of this index """ # create a list of copies to load copy_list = [] if "copystring" in copies_to_plot: copy_list.append(E['copystring']) if ("ensemble" in copies_to_plot): N = dart.get_ensemble_size_per_run(E['exp_name']) for iens in np.arange(1,N+1): if iens < 10: spacing = ' ' else: spacing = ' ' copy_list.append("ensemble member"+spacing+str(iens)) if ("ensemble mean" in copies_to_plot): copy_list.append("ensemble mean") # retrieve desired index for all the copies in the list L = [] for copy in copy_list: E['copystring'] = copy x = compute_climate_indices(E,index_name,climatology_option,hostname,verbose) L.append(x) # plot it for copy,climate_index in zip(copy_list,L): # define a color for the ensemble mean - depending on experiment lcolor = "#000000" if E['exp_name'] == 'W0910_NODA': bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map('Dark2', 'qualitative', 7) lcolor = bmap.hex_colors[1] if E['exp_name'] == 'W0910_GLOBAL': # make this one black, since it's sort of the reference lcolor = "#000000" if E['exp_name'] == 'W0910_TROPICS': bmap = brewer2mpl.get_map('Dark2', 'qualitative', 7) lcolor = bmap.hex_colors[0] # make the ensemble a lighter version of their original color ensemble_color = plot_tools.colorscale(lcolor, 1.6) # here is the plot if (copy == 'ensemble mean'): plt.plot(E['daterange'],climate_index,color=lcolor,linewidth=2) if "ensemble member" in copy: plt.plot(E['daterange'],climate_index,color=ensemble_color,linewidth=1)
def Nsq_forcing_from_RC(E,datetime_in=None,debug=False,hostname='taurus'): """ Birner (2010) used the thermodynamic equation in the TEM form to derive an expression for the rate of change of static stability (N2) due to residual motion and diabatic heating. This subroutine compares those terms from the dynamical heating rates computed by Wuke Wang. The vertical motion (wstar) term is -d(wsar*Nsq)/dz. Wuke already computed WS = -wstar*HNsq/R, so it's easiest to load that data, divide out H and R, and then take the vertical gradient. The horizontal term is -g d(vstar/theta * d(theta)dy)/dz. Wuke already computed the heating rate term v*dtheta/dy = v*dTdy, so the easiest thing to do is to multiply the heating rates by g/theta and then take the vertical gradient. INPUTS: E: a DART experiment dictionary. Relevant fields are: E['exp_name'] - the experiment name E['daterange'] - helps to choose which date to load in case this isn't specifically given E['variable'] - if this is set to N2_forcing_vstar, the code returns the N2 forcing due to meridional residual circulation. For anything else, it returns the forcing due to vertical residual circulation. datetime_in: the date for which we want to compute this diagnostic. default is None -- in this case, just choose the fist date in E['daterange'] OUTPUTS: N2_forcing: Nsquared forcing term in s^2/day lev lat """ # necessary constants H=7000.0 # scale height in m g = 9.80 p0=1000.0 # reference pressure in hPa if datetime_in is None: datetime_in = E['daterange'][0] # depending on which term we want, need to load the residual circulation component and some other stuff, # and then derive a quantity for which we take the vertical gradient ERC = E.copy() ET=E.copy() if E['variable'] == 'Nsq_vstar_forcing': ET['variable']='theta' lev,lat,lon,theta,P0,hybm,hyam = dart.load_DART_diagnostic_file(ET,datetime_in,hostname=hostname,debug=debug) ERC['variable']='VSTAR' vstar,lat,lev = DSS.compute_DART_diagn_from_Wang_TEM_files(ERC,datetime_in,hostname=hostname,debug=debug) # the above routines do not return arrays of consistent shape, so have to do # some acrobatics to get everything to match up. # find how the dimensions fit to the shape nlon=len(lon) nlat=len(lat) nlev=len(lev) for idim,s in enumerate(theta.shape): if s==nlon: londim=idim latdim=idim levdim=idim # take the zonal mean of potential temp - this should make its shape copy x lat x lev thetam = np.average(theta,axis=londim) # next step is to find the meridional gradient of theta # latitude steps --> convert to distance (arclength) rlat = np.deg2rad(lat) Re = 6371000.0 # radius of Earth in m y = Re*rlat dy = np.gradient(y) # need to replicate dy to suit the shape of zonal mean theta dym = dy[None,:,None] dy3 = np.broadcast_to(dym,thetam.shape) # here is the gradient - need to squeeze out a possible length-1 # copy dimension dthetady_list = np.gradient(np.squeeze(thetam),np.squeeze(dy3)) # now find which dimension of _squeezed_ thetam corresponds to latitude - # that's the gradient that we want # (is this a pain in the ass? Yes! But I haven't yet found a more clever approach) for idim,s in enumerate(np.squeeze(thetam).shape): if s==nlat: newlatdim=idim dthetady = dthetady_list[newlatdim] # the meridional gradient of zonal mean theta then gets multiplied by vstar and g/theta. But... # the subroutine compute_DART_diagn_from_Wang_TEM_files delivers an array with # dimensions lev x lat x copy (or just levxlat) # whereas N2 should come out as copy x lat x lev (or simply lat x lev) # need to transpose this, but I don't trust np.reshape - do it manually vstar2 = np.zeros(shape=dthetady.shape) if vstar2.ndim==3: for icopy in range(dthetady.shape[0]): for ilat in range(dthetady.shape[1]): for ilev in range(dthetady.shape[2]): vstar2[icopy,ilat,ilev]=vstar[icopy,ilev,ilat] else: for ilat in range(dthetady.shape[0]): for ilev in range(dthetady.shape[1]): vstar2[ilat,ilev]=vstar[ilev,ilat] X = (g/np.squeeze(thetam))*vstar2*dthetady else: ET['variable']='Nsq' lev,lat,lon,Nsq,P0,hybm,hyam = dart.load_DART_diagnostic_file(ET,datetime_in,hostname=hostname,debug=debug) ERC['variable']='WSTAR' wstar,lat,lev = DSS.compute_DART_diagn_from_Wang_TEM_files(ERC,datetime_in,hostname=hostname,debug=debug) # find how the dimensions fit to the shape nlon=len(lon) nlat=len(lat) nlev=len(lev) for idim,s in enumerate(Nsq.shape): if s==nlon: londim=idim latdim=idim levdim=idim # take the zonal mean of buoyancy frequency Nsqm = np.average(Nsq,axis=londim) # might have to squeeze out a length-1 copy dimension Nsqm2 = np.squeeze(Nsqm) # the subroutine compute_DART_diagn_from_Wang_TEM_files delivers an array with dimensions lev x lat x copy (or just levxlat) # whereas N2 should come out as copy x lat x lev (or simply lat x lev) # need to transpose this, but I don't trust np.reshape - do it manually wstar2 = np.zeros(shape=Nsqm2.shape) if wstar2.ndim==3: for icopy in range(Nsqm2.shape[0]): for ilat in range(Nsqm2.shape[1]): for ilev in range(Nsqm2.shape[2]): wstar2[icopy,ilat,ilev]=wstar[icopy,ilev,ilat] else: for ilat in range(Nsqm2.shape[0]): for ilev in range(Nsqm2.shape[1]): wstar2[ilat,ilev]=wstar[ilev,ilat] X = Nsqm2*wstar2 # convert pressure levels to approximate altitude and take the vertical gradient zlev = H*np.log(p0/lev) dZ = np.gradient(zlev) # gradient of vertical levels in m # now X *should* have shape (copy x lat x lev) OR (lat x lev) # so need to copy dZ to look like this if X.ndim==3: dZm = dZ[None,None,:] levdim=2 if X.ndim==2: dZm = dZ[None,:] levdim=1 dZ3 = np.broadcast_to(dZm,X.shape) dXdZ_3D = np.gradient(X,dZ3) dxdz = dXdZ_3D[levdim] # this is the vertical gradient with respect to height # the above calculation yields a quantity in units s^-2/s, but it makes more sense # in the grand scheme of things to look at buoyancy forcing per day, so here # is a conversion factor. seconds_per_day = 60.*60.*24.0 N2_forcing = -dxdz*seconds_per_day return N2_forcing,lat,lev
def Nsq_forcing_from_Q(E, datetime_in=None, debug=False, hostname='taurus'): """ Birner (2010) used the thermodynamic equation in the TEM form to derive an expression for the rate of change of static stability (N2) due to residual motion and diabatic heating. This subroutine compares the term due to diabatic heating, i.e.: g d(Q/theta)dz INPUTS: E: a DART experiment dictionary. Relevant fields are: E['exp_name'] - the experiment name E['daterange'] - helps to choose which date to load in case this isn't specifically given E['variable'] - this determines what kind of diabatic heating we use: the value of E['variable'] should be a string like 'Nsq_forcing_XXXXX' where XXXXX is the model variable corresponding to whatever diabatic heating type we are looking for. For example, in WACCM, 'QRL_TOT' is the total longwave heating, so to get the N2 forcing from that, just set E['variable']='Nsq_forcing_QRL_TOT' datetime_in: the date for which we want to compute this diagnostic. default is None -- in this case, just choose the fist date in E['daterange'] OUTPUTS: N2_forcing: Nsquared forcing term in s^2/day lev lat """ # necessary constants H = 7000.0 # scale height in m p0 = 1000.0 # reference pressure in hPa g = 9.8 # acceleration of gravity # load the desired diabatic heating term # this is not typically part of the DART output, so load from model history files # (right now this really only works for WACCM/CAM) Qstring = E['variable'].strip('Nsq_forcing_') EQ = E.copy() EQ['variable'] = Qstring DQ = DSS.compute_DART_diagn_from_model_h_files(EQ, datetime_in, verbose=debug) # remove the time dimension, which should have length 1 DQ['data'] = np.squeeze(DQ['data']) # also load potential temperature ET = E.copy() ET['variable'] = 'theta' Dtheta = dart.load_DART_diagnostic_file(ET, datetime_in, hostname=hostname, debug=debug) # squeeze out extra dims, which we get if we load single copies (e.g. ensemble mean) Dtheta['data'] = np.squeeze(Dtheta['data']) # now find the longitude dimension and average over it # for both Q and theta Q_mean = DSS.average_over_named_dimension(DQ['data'], DQ['lon']) theta_mean = DSS.average_over_named_dimension(Dtheta['data'], Dtheta['lon']) # if the shapes don't match up, might have to transpose one of them # if Mean_arrays[1].shape[0] != Q_mean.shape[0]: # theta_mean=np.transpose(Mean_arrays[1]) # else: # theta_mean=Mean_arrays[1] # Q_mean should come out as copy x lev x lat, whereas theta_mean is copy x lat x lev # to manually transpose Q_mean Q_mean2 = np.zeros(shape=theta_mean.shape) if Q_mean2.ndim == 3: for icopy in range(theta_mean.shape[0]): for ilat in range(theta_mean.shape[1]): for ilev in range(theta_mean.shape[2]): Q_mean2[icopy, ilat, ilev] = Q_mean[icopy, ilev, ilat] else: for ilat in range(theta_mean.shape[0]): for ilev in range(theta_mean.shape[1]): Q_mean2[ilat, ilev] = Q_mean[ilev, ilat] # divide Q by theta X = Q_mean2 / theta_mean # convert pressure levels to approximate altitude and take the vertical gradient lev = DQ['lev'] zlev = H * np.log(p0 / lev) dZ = np.gradient(zlev) # gradient of vertical levels in m # now X *should* have shape (copy x lat x lev) OR (lat x lev) # so need to copy dZ to look like this if X.ndim == 3: dZm = dZ[None, None, :] levdim = 2 if X.ndim == 2: dZm = dZ[None, :] levdim = 1 dZ3 = np.broadcast_to(dZm, X.shape) dXdZ_3D = np.gradient(X, dZ3) dxdz = dXdZ_3D[ levdim] # this is the vertical gradient with respect to height # the above calculation yields a quantity in units s^-2/s, but it makes more sense # in the grand scheme of things to look at buoyancy forcing per day, so here # is a conversion factor. seconds_per_day = 60. * 60. * 24.0 # now loop over ensemble members and compute the n2 forcing for each one N2_forcing = g * dxdz * seconds_per_day D = dict() D['data'] = N2_forcing D['lev'] = DQ['lev'] D['lat'] = DQ['lat'] D['units'] = 's^{-2}/day' D['long_name'] = 'N^{2} Forcing' return D
def Nsq_forcing_from_RC(E, datetime_in=None, debug=False, hostname='taurus'): """ Birner (2010) used the thermodynamic equation in the TEM form to derive an expression for the rate of change of static stability (N2) due to residual motion and diabatic heating. This subroutine compares those terms from the dynamical heating rates computed by Wuke Wang. The vertical motion (wstar) term is -d(wsar*Nsq)/dz. Wuke already computed WS = -wstar*HNsq/R, so it's easiest to load that data, divide out H and R, and then take the vertical gradient. The horizontal term is -g d(vstar/theta * d(theta)dy)/dz. Wuke already computed the heating rate term v*dtheta/dy = v*dTdy, so the easiest thing to do is to multiply the heating rates by g/theta and then take the vertical gradient. INPUTS: E: a DART experiment dictionary. Relevant fields are: E['exp_name'] - the experiment name E['daterange'] - helps to choose which date to load in case this isn't specifically given E['variable'] - if this is set to N2_forcing_vstar, the code returns the N2 forcing due to meridional residual circulation. For anything else, it returns the forcing due to vertical residual circulation. datetime_in: the date for which we want to compute this diagnostic. default is None -- in this case, just choose the fist date in E['daterange'] OUTPUTS: N2_forcing: Nsquared forcing term in s^2/day lev lat """ # necessary constants H = 7000.0 # scale height in m g = 9.80 p0 = 1000.0 # reference pressure in hPa if datetime_in is None: datetime_in = E['daterange'][0] # depending on which term we want, need to load the residual circulation component and some other stuff, # and then derive a quantity for which we take the vertical gradient ERC = E.copy() ET = E.copy() if E['variable'] == 'Nsq_vstar_forcing': ET['variable'] = 'theta' Dtheta = dart.load_DART_diagnostic_file(ET, datetime_in, hostname=hostname, debug=debug) theta = Dtheta['data'] lat = Dtheta['lat'] lon = Dtheta['lon'] lev = Dtheta['lev'] ERC['variable'] = 'VSTAR' Dvstar = DSS.compute_DART_diagn_from_Wang_TEM_files(ERC, datetime_in, hostname=hostname, debug=debug) vstar = Dvstar['data'] # the above routines do not return arrays of consistent shape, so have to do # some acrobatics to get everything to match up. # find how the dimensions fit to the shape nlon = len(lon) nlat = len(lat) nlev = len(lev) for idim, s in enumerate(theta.shape): if s == nlon: londim = idim latdim = idim levdim = idim # take the zonal mean of potential temp - this should make its shape copy x lat x lev thetam = np.average(theta, axis=londim) # next step is to find the meridional gradient of theta # latitude steps --> convert to distance (arclength) rlat = np.deg2rad(lat) Re = 6371000.0 # radius of Earth in m y = Re * rlat dy = np.gradient(y) # need to replicate dy to suit the shape of zonal mean theta dym = dy[None, :, None] dy3 = np.broadcast_to(dym, thetam.shape) # here is the gradient - need to squeeze out a possible length-1 # copy dimension dthetady_list = np.gradient(np.squeeze(thetam), np.squeeze(dy3)) # now find which dimension of _squeezed_ thetam corresponds to latitude - # that's the gradient that we want # (is this a pain in the ass? Yes! But I haven't yet found a more clever approach) for idim, s in enumerate(np.squeeze(thetam).shape): if s == nlat: newlatdim = idim dthetady = dthetady_list[newlatdim] # the meridional gradient of zonal mean theta then gets multiplied by vstar and g/theta. But... # the subroutine compute_DART_diagn_from_Wang_TEM_files delivers an array with # dimensions lev x lat x copy (or just levxlat) # whereas N2 should come out as copy x lat x lev (or simply lat x lev) # need to transpose this, but I don't trust np.reshape - do it manually vstar2 = np.zeros(shape=dthetady.shape) if vstar2.ndim == 3: for icopy in range(dthetady.shape[0]): for ilat in range(dthetady.shape[1]): for ilev in range(dthetady.shape[2]): vstar2[icopy, ilat, ilev] = vstar[icopy, ilev, ilat] else: for ilat in range(dthetady.shape[0]): for ilev in range(dthetady.shape[1]): vstar2[ilat, ilev] = vstar[ilev, ilat] X = (g / np.squeeze(thetam)) * vstar2 * dthetady else: ET['variable'] = 'Nsq' D = dart.load_DART_diagnostic_file(ET, datetime_in, hostname=hostname, debug=debug) Nsq = D['data'] lat = D['lat'] lon = D['lon'] lev = D['lev'] ERC['variable'] = 'WSTAR' Dwstar = DSS.compute_DART_diagn_from_Wang_TEM_files(ERC, datetime_in, hostname=hostname, debug=debug) wstar = Dwstar['data'] # find how the dimensions fit to the shape nlon = len(lon) nlat = len(lat) nlev = len(lev) for idim, s in enumerate(Nsq.shape): if s == nlon: londim = idim latdim = idim levdim = idim # take the zonal mean of buoyancy frequency Nsqm = np.average(Nsq, axis=londim) # might have to squeeze out a length-1 copy dimension Nsqm2 = np.squeeze(Nsqm) # the subroutine compute_DART_diagn_from_Wang_TEM_files delivers an array with dimensions lev x lat x copy (or just levxlat) # whereas N2 should come out as copy x lat x lev (or simply lat x lev) # need to transpose this, but I don't trust np.reshape - do it manually wstar2 = np.zeros(shape=Nsqm2.shape) if wstar2.ndim == 3: for icopy in range(Nsqm2.shape[0]): for ilat in range(Nsqm2.shape[1]): for ilev in range(Nsqm2.shape[2]): wstar2[icopy, ilat, ilev] = wstar[icopy, ilev, ilat] else: for ilat in range(Nsqm2.shape[0]): for ilev in range(Nsqm2.shape[1]): wstar2[ilat, ilev] = wstar[ilev, ilat] X = Nsqm2 * wstar2 # convert pressure levels to approximate altitude and take the vertical gradient zlev = H * np.log(p0 / lev) dZ = np.gradient(zlev) # gradient of vertical levels in m # now X *should* have shape (copy x lat x lev) OR (lat x lev) # so need to copy dZ to look like this if X.ndim == 3: dZm = dZ[None, None, :] levdim = 2 if X.ndim == 2: dZm = dZ[None, :] levdim = 1 dZ3 = np.broadcast_to(dZm, X.shape) dXdZ_3D = np.gradient(X, dZ3) dxdz = dXdZ_3D[ levdim] # this is the vertical gradient with respect to height # the above calculation yields a quantity in units s^-2/s, but it makes more sense # in the grand scheme of things to look at buoyancy forcing per day, so here # is a conversion factor. seconds_per_day = 60. * 60. * 24.0 N2_forcing = -dxdz * seconds_per_day D = dict() D['data'] = N2_forcing D['lat'] = lat D['lev'] = lev D['units'] = 's^{-2}/day' D['long_name'] = 'N^{2} Forcing' return D
def get_experiment_date_ranges(exp_name): # stored date ranges for various DART experiments DR = None # CAM experiments for ERP assimilation study if exp_name == 'NODA': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,1,1,0,0,0), periods=31, DT='1D') if exp_name == 'ERPALL': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,1,1,0,0,0), periods=31, DT='1D') if exp_name == 'RST': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,1,1,0,0,0), periods=17, DT='1D') if exp_name == 'ERPRST': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,1,1,0,0,0), periods=17, DT='1D') # DART-WACCM runs performed at GEOMAR if exp_name == 'PMO32': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,10,1,6,0,0), periods=31, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'W0910_NODA': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,10,1,12,0,0), periods=596, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'W0910_GLOBAL': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,10,1,12,0,0), periods=596, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'W0910_TROPICS': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,10,1,12,0,0), periods=596, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'W0910_NODART': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,10,1,12,0,0), periods=10, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'W0910_NOSTOP': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,10,1,12,0,0), periods=64, DT='6H') # WACCM PMO runs performed by Nick Pedatella at NCAR if exp_name == 'NCAR_PMO_CONTROL': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2008,11,6,6,0,0), periods=72, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'NCAR_PMO_LAS': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2008,11,6,6,0,0), periods=72, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'NCAR_PMO_LA': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2008,11,6,6,0,0), periods=72, DT='6H') # WACCM real-obs runs performed by Nick Pedatella at NCAR if exp_name == 'NCAR_FULL': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,1,1,6,0,0), periods=204, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'NCAR_LAONLY': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009,1,1,6,0,0), periods=204, DT='6H') if DR is None: print('find_paths Cannot find experiment '+exp_name+' returning...') return DR
def HRRS_as_DF(OBS,TPbased=False,TPbased_vertical_res=50E-3,hostname='taurus',debug=False): """ Loop over a set of dates and a specified latitude- and longitude range, and return the available high-resolution radiosonde data as a pandas data frame INPUTS: OBS: a dictionary with the following entries: daterange: a list of datetime objects that give the desired date range latrange: a list giving the bounding latitudes of the desired range lonrange: a list giving the bounding longitudes of the desired range Note that OBS can be a DART experiment dictionary (see, but the DART/model specific entries are ignored. TPbased: set to True to return the profiles ordered into regularly-spaced altitudes relative to the tropopause - default is False. hostname: default is taurus debug: set to True to print some stuff out. Default is False. TPbased_vertical_res: resolution of the grid to which we inteprolate the obs doing TP-based coordinates. Default is 50m. """ # first read in station information as a dataframe stationdata = HRRS_station_data(hostname) # initialize an empy list which will hold the data frames for each station and time DFlist=[] # because the HRRS data are sorted by years, loop over the years in the daterange DR=OBS['daterange'] y0 = DR[0].year yf = DR[len(DR)-1].year years = range(y0,yf+1,1) for YYYY in years: # load a list of the available stations for that year Slist = HRRS_stations_available_per_year(YYYY) # trim list down to the ones that fit into the latitude range stations_lat = [s for s in Slist if stationdata.loc[int(s)]['Lat'] >= OBS['latrange'][0] and stationdata.loc[int(s)]['Lat'] <= OBS['latrange'][1] ] # trim list down to the ones that fit into the longitude range stations_latlon = [s for s in stations_lat if stationdata.loc[int(s)]['Lon'] >= OBS['lonrange'][0] and stationdata.loc[int(s)]['Lon'] <= OBS['lonrange'][1] ] # also compute the subset of the requested daterange that fits into this year. year_daterange = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(YYYY,1,1,0,0,0), periods=365*4, DT='6H') DR2 = set(year_daterange).intersection(DR) # also find the dir where the station data live datadir = es.obs_data_paths('HRRS',hostname) # now loop over available stations, and for each one, retrieve the data # that fit into the requested daterange for s in stations_latlon: # loop over dates, and retrieve data if available for dd in DR2: datestr = dd.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") ff = datadir+'/'+str(YYYY)+'/'+str(s)+'/'+str(s)+'-'+datestr+'_mod.dat' if os.path.exists(ff): if debug: print(ff) # read in the station data if TPbased: D = TP_based_HRRS_data(ff,vertical_res_km=TPbased_vertical_res) alt_to_km = 1.0 # here the altitude is already in km temp_to_K = 0.0 else: D = read_HRRS_data(ff) alt_to_km = 1.0E-3 # raw data are in m -- convert to km temp_to_K = 273.15 # raw data need to be converted to kelvin if D is not None: # also add a column holding the date D['Date'] = pd.Series(dd, index=D.index) # also add a column holding the station number D['StationNumber'] = pd.Series(s, index=D.index) # make sure altitude is in km # and temp in Kelvin D['Alt']=D['Alt']*alt_to_km D['Temp']=D['Temp']+temp_to_K # get rid of some unneeded columns if not TPbased: useless_cols=['Time','Dewpt','RH','Ucmp','Vcmp','spd','dir', 'Wcmp', 'Ele', 'Azi', 'Qp', 'Qt', 'Qrh', 'Qu', 'Qv', 'QdZ'] D.drop(useless_cols,inplace=True,axis=1) # append to list of data frames DFlist.append(D) # merge the list of data frames into a single DF using list comprehension DFout = pd.concat(DFlist, axis=0) return(DFout)
def find_paths(E,date,file_type='diag',hostname='taurus',debug=False): import DART as dart """ This subroutine takes a DART experiment dictionary and returns the file path for the needed diagnostic. The optional input, `file_type`, can have one of these values: + 'covariance' -- then we load pre-computed data of covariances between state variables and a given obs + 'obs_epoch' -- load files + 'diag' -- load standard DART Posterior_Diag or Prior_Diag files + 'truth' -- load true state files from a perfect-model simulation """ path_found = False if E['run_category'] == 'NCAR': data_dir_list,truth_dir_list = exp_paths_NCAR(hostname,E['exp_name']) path_found = True if 'ERA' in E['exp_name']: data_dir_list,truth_dir_list = exp_paths_era(date,hostname,diagnostic=E['diagn']) path_found = True if not path_found: data_dir_list,truth_dir_list = exp_paths(hostname,E['exp_name']) #------------COVARIANCE FILES if file_type == 'covariance': fname = E['exp_name']+'_'+'covariance_'+E['obs_name']+'_'+E['variable']+'_'+date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+'.nc' #------------OBS EPOCH FILES if file_type == 'obs_epoch': DR = get_experiment_date_ranges(E['exp_name']) delta_time = date-DR[0] obs_epoch_no = delta_time.days+1 if obs_epoch_no < 10: obs_epoch_name = 'obs_epoch_00'+str(obs_epoch_no)+'.nc' if (obs_epoch_no >= 10) and (obs_epoch_no < 100): obs_epoch_name = 'obs_epoch_0'+str(obs_epoch_no)+'.nc' if (obs_epoch_no >= 100): obs_epoch_name = 'obs_epoch_'+str(obs_epoch_no)+'.nc' if E['run_category'] is None: fname = '/dart/hist/'+obs_epoch_name if E['run_category'] == 'ERPDA': fname = '/../obs_epoch/'+obs_epoch_name #------------regular DART output files or true state files if (file_type == 'diag') or (file_type == 'truth'): if E['diagn']=='Truth': file_type='truth' # either load a given date, or a time mean if isinstance(date,str): endstring=date else: datestr = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") seconds = date.hour*60*60 if seconds == 0: timestr = '00000' else: timestr = str(seconds) endstring =datestr+'-'+timestr if E['run_category'] is None: diagstring = 'Diag' # additional diagnostics files have the 'Diag' string replaced with something else. TIL_variables = ['theta','ptrop','Nsq','P','brunt','ztrop'] if E['variable'] in TIL_variables: diagstring='TIL' fname = '/dart/hist/cam_'+E['diagn']+'_'+diagstring+'.'+endstring+'.nc' #fname = '/dart/hist/cam_'+E['diagn']+'_'+diagstring+'.'+datestr+'-'+timestr+'.nc' fname_truth = '/dart/hist/cam_'+'True_State'+'.'+endstring+'.nc' if E['run_category'] == 'ERPDA': gday = dart.date_to_gday(date) # for all my (Lisa's) old experiments, obs sequence 1 is 1 Jan 2009 gday1 = dart.date_to_gday(datetime.datetime(2009,1,1,0,0,0)) obs_seq_no = int(gday-gday1+1) if (obs_seq_no < 10): mid = 'obs_000'+str(obs_seq_no) else: mid = 'obs_00'+str(obs_seq_no) fname_truth = mid+'/'+'' fname = mid+'/'+E['diagn']+'' if E['run_category']=='NCAR': if E['exp_name'] == 'NCAR_LAONLY': suffix = '_LAONLY' else: suffix = '' fname_truth = '/'+'True_State'+'_'+datestr+'-'+timestr+'.nc'+suffix fname = '/'+E['diagn']+'_Diag.'+datestr+'-'+timestr+'.nc'+suffix if file_type == 'truth': fname = fname_truth data_dir_list = truth_dir_list # if data_dir_list was not found, throw an error if data_dir_list is None: print(' cannot find settings for the following experiment dict:') print(E) return None #-----search for the right files correct_filepath_found = False for data_dir in data_dir_list: filename = data_dir+fname if debug: print('Looking for file '+filename) if os.path.exists(filename): correct_filepath_found = True break # return the file filename with path return filename
def get_experiment_date_ranges(exp_name): # stored date ranges for various DART experiments DR = None # CAM experiments for ERP assimilation study if exp_name == 'NODA': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), periods=31, DT='1D') if exp_name == 'ERPALL': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), periods=31, DT='1D') if exp_name == 'RST': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), periods=17, DT='1D') if exp_name == 'ERPRST': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), periods=17, DT='1D') # DART-WACCM runs performed at GEOMAR if exp_name == 'PMO32': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009, 10, 1, 6, 0, 0), periods=31, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'W0910_NODA': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime( 2009, 10, 1, 12, 0, 0), periods=596, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'W0910_GLOBAL': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime( 2009, 10, 1, 12, 0, 0), periods=596, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'W0910_TROPICS': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime( 2009, 10, 1, 12, 0, 0), periods=596, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'W0910_NODART': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime( 2009, 10, 1, 12, 0, 0), periods=10, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'W0910_NOSTOP': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime( 2009, 10, 1, 12, 0, 0), periods=64, DT='6H') # WACCM PMO runs performed by Nick Pedatella at NCAR if exp_name == 'NCAR_PMO_CONTROL': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2008, 11, 6, 6, 0, 0), periods=72, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'NCAR_PMO_LAS': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2008, 11, 6, 6, 0, 0), periods=72, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'NCAR_PMO_LA': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2008, 11, 6, 6, 0, 0), periods=72, DT='6H') # WACCM real-obs runs performed by Nick Pedatella at NCAR if exp_name == 'NCAR_FULL': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, 6, 0, 0), periods=204, DT='6H') if exp_name == 'NCAR_LAONLY': DR = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1, 6, 0, 0), periods=204, DT='6H') if DR is None: print('find_paths Cannot find experiment ' + exp_name + ' returning...') return DR
def plot_DARTobs_scatter_globe(E,projection='miller',coastline_width=0,water_color="#CCF3FF",land_color="#996600",colors=None,compare='QC',QC_list=range(8),alpha=0.5,hostname='taurus',debug=False): """ This code plots a scatterplot of the horizontal distribution of DART assimilated or evaluated observations on a map. INPUTS: E: a DART experiment dictionary. The relevant keys are: 'latrange' : gives the lat limits of the plot 'lonrange' : gives the lon limits of the plot 'levrange' : only observations between these levels are shown 'copystring': a string giving the DART copies to show. If it's a list, we loop over the list 'obs_name': a string giving the DART observation to show. If it's a list, we loop over the list 'daterange': range of dates over which to plot the observations projection: the map projection to use (default is "miller") coastline_width: width of the coastlines; default is 0 (no coastlines) water_color: color given to oceans and lakes (default is cyan/blue) land_color: color given to continents (default is an earthy brown) obs_color: list of colors assigned to the different types of obs plotted. Default is colorbrewer Paired compare: select either 'QC' to color code the QC values, or 'obs_type' to color code the observation types Default is 'QC' QC_list = list of QC values to plot. The default is all values from 0 to 7 alpha: the degree of transparency. default is 0.5 """ #---------set up the map----------------- # if plotting a polar stereographic projection, it's better to return all lats and lons, and then # cut off the unwanted regions with map limits -- otherwise we get artifical circles on a square map if (projection == 'npstere'): if E['latrange'][0] < 0: boundinglat = 0 else: boundinglat = E['latrange'][0] E['latrange'] = [-90,90] E['lonrange'] = [0,361] if (projection == 'spstere'): boundinglat = E['latrange'][1] E['latrange'] = [-90,90] E['lonrange'] = [0,361] # set up a map projection if projection == 'miller': maxlat = np.min([E['latrange'][1],90.0]) minlat = np.max([E['latrange'][0],-90.0]) map = Basemap(projection='mill',llcrnrlat=minlat,urcrnrlat=maxlat,\ llcrnrlon=E['lonrange'][0],urcrnrlon=E['lonrange'][1],resolution='l') if 'stere' in projection: map = Basemap(projection=projection,boundinglat=boundinglat,lon_0=0,resolution='l') if projection == None: map = Basemap(projection='ortho',lat_0=54,lon_0=10,resolution='l') # draw coastlines, country boundaries, fill continents. map.drawcoastlines(linewidth=coastline_width) map.drawmapboundary(fill_color=water_color) # draw lat/lon grid lines every 30 degrees. map.drawmeridians(np.arange(0,360,30),linewidth=0.25) map.drawparallels(np.arange(-90,90,30),linewidth=0.25) map.fillcontinents(color=land_color,lake_color=water_color,alpha=alpha) #--------- load the obs on the given day OBS,copy_names,obs_names,lons,lats,levs,QCdict = dart.load_DART_obs_epoch_file(E,debug=debug,hostname=hostname) #---------loop over obs types----------------- # loop over obs types given in E if type(E['obs_name']) is not list: obs_type_list = [E['obs_name']] else: obs_type_list = E['obs_name'] # define a list of colors if needed if colors is None: if compare is 'obs_type': if type(E['obs_name']) is not list: obs_type_list = [E['obs_name']] else: obs_type_list = E['obs_name'] NN = len(obs_type_list) if compare is 'QC': NN = len(QC_list) ncol = np.min([NN,12]) if ncol < 3: ncol=3 colors = palettable.colorbrewer.qualitative.Dark2.mpl_colors # if comparing observation types, loop over them and scatter plot individually if compare is 'obs_type': for obs_type,ii in zip(obs_type_list,range(len(obs_type_list))): lons_obstype = [lons[i] for i,x in enumerate(obs_names) if obs_type in x] lats_obstype = [lats[i] for i,x in enumerate(obs_names) if obs_type in x] # scatter the obs over the map x, y = map(lons_obstype,lats_obstype) map.scatter(x,y,3,marker='o',color=colors[ii],rasterized=True) # if comparing different QC values , loop over the list of obs # and select the lats and levs for the desired obs types if compare is 'QC': DQC = QCdict['DART quality control '] for QC,ii in zip(QC_list,range(len(QC_list))): lons_obstype = [lons[i] for i,x in enumerate(DQC) if QC == x] lats_obstype = [lats[i] for i,x in enumerate(DQC) if QC == x] # scatter the obs over the map x, y = map(lons_obstype,lats_obstype) map.scatter(x,y,3,marker='o',color=colors[ii],rasterized=True) return
def ano(E,climatology_option = 'NODA',hostname='taurus',verbose=False): """ Compute anomaly fields relative to some climatology Inputs allowed for climatology_option: 'NODA': take the ensemble mean of the corresponding no-DA experiment as a 40-year climatology 'F_W4_L66': daily climatology of a CESM+WACCM simulation with realistic forcings, 1951-2010 None: don't subtract out anything -- just return the regular fields in the same shape as other "anomalies" """ # load climatology Xclim,lat,lon,lev,DR = load_climatology(E,climatology_option,hostname) # change the daterange in the anomalies to suit what was found for climatology if len(DR) != len(E['daterange']): print('Changing the experiment daterange to the dates found for the requested climatology') E['daterange'] = DR d1 = DR[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") d2 = DR[len(E['daterange'])-1].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") print('new daterange goes from '+d1+' to '+d2) # some climatologies are only available at daily resolution, so # in that case we have to change the daterange in E to be daily if (climatology_option == 'F_W4_L66'): d0 = E['daterange'][0] df = E['daterange'][len(E['daterange'])-1] days = df-d0 DRnew = dart.daterange(date_start=d0, periods=days.days+1, DT='1D') E['daterange'] = DRnew # load the desired model fields for the experiment Xlist = [] # empty list to hold the fields we retrieve for every day for date in E['daterange']: X,lat0,lon0,lev0 = DSS.compute_DART_diagn_from_model_h_files(E,date,hostname=hostname,verbose=verbose) if X is not None: Xs = np.squeeze(X) Xlist.append(Xs) lat = lat0 lon = lon0 lev = lev0 # check that the right vertical levels were loaded if verbose: print('------computing daily anomalies for the following vertical levels and variable:-------') print(lev) print(E['variable']) # compute anomalies: # for this we turn the model fields into a matrix and subtract from the climatology XX = np.concatenate([X[..., np.newaxis] for X in Xlist], axis=len(Xs.shape)) if climatology_option == None: AA = XX else: # if the climatology does not have shape lat x lon x lev x time, # run swapaxes 2x to get it as such # NOTE: this is still a kludge and probably wont work with all datasets - check this carefully # with your own data XclimS = np.squeeze(Xclim) nT = len(DRnew) lastdim = len(XclimS.shape)-1 for s,ii in zip(XclimS.shape,range(len(XclimS.shape))): if s == nT: time_dim = ii # if only retrieveing a single date, don't need to do any reshaping # but might need to squeeze out a length-one time dimension if nT == 1: XclimR = XclimS XX = np.squeeze(XX) else: # if time is the last dimension, don't need to reshape Xclim if time_dim == lastdim: XclimR = XclimS # if time is the first dimension, need to reshape Xclim if time_dim == 0: Xclim2 = XclimS.swapaxes(0,lastdim) XclimR = Xclim2.swapaxes(0,1) AA = XX-XclimR return AA,XclimR,lat,lon,lev,DR
# Inizializza web3 connettendolo al provider locale ganache w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider( accounts = w3.eth.accounts w3.eth.defaultAccount = accounts[0] if len(accounts) < nPartecipants: print( "Not enough available Ethereum accounts! At least N_partecipants accounts are needed in order to run this test" ) sys.exit(-1) accounts = accounts[:nPartecipants] # Inizializza l'interfaccia per interagire con lo smart contract DART DARTArtifact = json.load(open( d = DART(DARTArtifact['abi'], DARTArtifact['networks'][str(args.netid)]['address'], w3) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Per facilitare la stesura dei test e la lettura dei risultati # realizza due coppie di dizionari per legare: # ... principals ad address e viceversa PR = {} for idx, addr in enumerate(accounts): PR['Principal[' + str(idx + 1) + ']'] = addr INV_PR = {v: k for k, v in PR.items()} print("\nPRINCIPALS:") pprint(PR) # ... rolenames esadecimali a rolenames stringhe e viceversa
def HRRS_as_DF(OBS, TPbased=False, TPbased_vertical_res=50E-3, hostname='taurus', debug=False): """ Loop over a set of dates and a specified latitude- and longitude range, and return the available high-resolution radiosonde data as a pandas data frame INPUTS: OBS: a dictionary with the following entries: daterange: a list of datetime objects that give the desired date range latrange: a list giving the bounding latitudes of the desired range lonrange: a list giving the bounding longitudes of the desired range Note that OBS can be a DART experiment dictionary (see, but the DART/model specific entries are ignored. TPbased: set to True to return the profiles ordered into regularly-spaced altitudes relative to the tropopause - default is False. hostname: default is taurus debug: set to True to print some stuff out. Default is False. TPbased_vertical_res: resolution of the grid to which we inteprolate the obs doing TP-based coordinates. Default is 50m. """ # first read in station information as a dataframe stationdata = HRRS_station_data(hostname) # initialize an empy list which will hold the data frames for each station and time DFlist = [] # because the HRRS data are sorted by years, loop over the years in the daterange DR = OBS['daterange'] y0 = DR[0].year yf = DR[len(DR) - 1].year years = range(y0, yf + 1, 1) for YYYY in years: # load a list of the available stations for that year Slist = HRRS_stations_available_per_year(YYYY) # trim list down to the ones that fit into the latitude range stations_lat = [ s for s in Slist if stationdata.loc[int(s)]['Lat'] >= OBS['latrange'][0] and stationdata.loc[int(s)]['Lat'] <= OBS['latrange'][1] ] # trim list down to the ones that fit into the longitude range stations_latlon = [ s for s in stations_lat if stationdata.loc[int(s)]['Lon'] >= OBS['lonrange'][0] and stationdata.loc[int(s)]['Lon'] <= OBS['lonrange'][1] ] # also compute the subset of the requested daterange that fits into this year. year_daterange = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime( YYYY, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), periods=365 * 4, DT='6H') DR2 = set(year_daterange).intersection(DR) # also find the dir where the station data live datadir = es.obs_data_paths('HRRS', hostname) # now loop over available stations, and for each one, retrieve the data # that fit into the requested daterange for s in stations_latlon: # loop over dates, and retrieve data if available for dd in DR2: datestr = dd.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") ff = datadir + '/' + str(YYYY) + '/' + str(s) + '/' + str( s) + '-' + datestr + '_mod.dat' if os.path.exists(ff): if debug: print(ff) # read in the station data if TPbased: D = TP_based_HRRS_data( ff, vertical_res_km=TPbased_vertical_res) alt_to_km = 1.0 # here the altitude is already in km temp_to_K = 0.0 else: D = read_HRRS_data(ff) alt_to_km = 1.0E-3 # raw data are in m -- convert to km temp_to_K = 273.15 # raw data need to be converted to kelvin if D is not None: # also add a column holding the date D['Date'] = pd.Series(dd, index=D.index) # also add a column holding the station number D['StationNumber'] = pd.Series(s, index=D.index) # make sure altitude is in km # and temp in Kelvin D['Alt'] = D['Alt'] * alt_to_km D['Temp'] = D['Temp'] + temp_to_K # get rid of some unneeded columns if not TPbased: useless_cols = [ 'Time', 'Dewpt', 'RH', 'Ucmp', 'Vcmp', 'spd', 'dir', 'Wcmp', 'Ele', 'Azi', 'Qp', 'Qt', 'Qrh', 'Qu', 'Qv', 'QdZ' ] D.drop(useless_cols, inplace=True, axis=1) # append to list of data frames DFlist.append(D) # merge the list of data frames into a single DF using list comprehension DFout = pd.concat(DFlist, axis=0) return (DFout)
def HRRS_mean_ztrop_to_csv(DR,hostname='taurus',debug=False): """ Given a certain daterange, retrieve available high res radiosonde data, compute the average tropopause height per station, and store in a csv file. """ from TIL import ztrop # first read in station information as a dataframe stationdata = HRRS_station_data(hostname) # because the HRRS data are sorted by years, loop over the years in the daterange y0 = DR[0].year yf = DR[len(DR)-1].year years = range(y0,yf+1,1) for YYYY in years: # load a list of the available stations for that year Slist = HRRS_stations_available_per_year(YYYY) # also compute the subset of the requested daterange that fits into this year. year_daterange = dart.daterange(date_start=datetime.datetime(YYYY,1,1,0,0,0), periods=365*4, DT='6H') DR2 = set(year_daterange).intersection(DR) # also find the dir where the station data live datadir = es.obs_data_paths('HRRS',hostname) # initialize empty dictionary to hold average tropoopause heights per station ztrop_dict=dict() # now loop over available stations, and for each one, retrieve the data # that fit into the requested daterange for s in Slist: ztrop_list=[] # empty list to hold tropopause heights for all available obs per station # loop over dates, and retrieve data if available for dd in DR2: datestr = dd.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") ff = datadir+'/'+str(YYYY)+'/'+str(s)+'/'+str(s)+'-'+datestr+'_mod.dat' if os.path.exists(ff): if debug: print(ff) # read in the station data D = read_HRRS_data(ff) # compute tropopause height z=D['Alt']/1E3 # Altitude in km T=D['Temp']+273.15 # Temp in Kelvin ztropp=ztrop(z=z,T=T,debug=debug,hostname=hostname) # add to list if not none if ztropp is not None: ztrop_list.append(ztropp) # average the tropopause heights and add to dictionary ztrop_dict[s]=np.mean(ztrop_list) # turn dict into data frame ZT=pd.Series(data=ztrop_dict, name='ztrop_mean') if debug: print(ZT) # turn dataframe into csv file hrrs_path = es.obs_data_paths('HRRS',hostname) datestr = DR[0].strftime("%Y%m%d")+'-'+DR[len(DR)-1].strftime("%Y%m%d")+'.csv' fname=hrrs_path+'/'+'mean_tropopause_height_per_station_'+datestr print('storing file '+fname) ZT.to_csv(fname, index=True, sep=',',header=True) return(ZT)
def correlations_lag_lat_or_lon(E,maxlag,lat_or_lon = 'lon',filter_order=50,climatology_option='NODA',hostname='taurus',verbose=False): """ compute correlations between U850 or OLR in a reference are and everywhere else, as a function of lag and either latitude or longitude INPUTS: E - a standard DART experiment dictionary, with the variable field and level range corresponding to some MJO variable maxlag: the limit of the lag (in days) that we look at lat_or_lon: choose dimension to preserve after averaging -- 'lat' or 'lon' climatology_option: choose which climatology to take the anomalies to respect with -- default is "NODA" """ # change the given daterange to daily resolution, because the lag is specified in days E['daterange'] = dart.change_daterange_to_daily(E['daterange']) # compute or load the daily climatology and deviation from climatology anomalies,climatology,lat,lon,lev,DRnew = ano(E,climatology_option = climatology_option,hostname=hostname,verbose=verbose) # filter daily anomalies using a Lanczos filter AA,FA = filter(anomalies,filter_order,return_as_vector=False) if E['variable'] == 'U': variable_name = 'U'+str(E['levrange'][0]) else: variable_name = E['variable'] # compute the zonal and meridional mean of the resulting field # the regions we average over depend on whether we want lag-lat, or lag-lon plots # also, note thatm by how the filtered anomalies are constructed, the 3rd dimension is always time if lat_or_lon == "lon": # select latitudes 10S-10N and average meridionally, then plot correlations as a function of lon lat1,lon1,FAm = aave('TB',FA,lat,lon,None,variable_name,averaging_dimension='lat') if lat_or_lon == "lat": # average over the longitude corridor 80-100E and plot correlations as a function of lat lat1,lon1,FAm = aave('ZB',FA,lat,lon,None,variable_name,averaging_dimension='lon') # area averaging the desired variable over the Indian Ocean reference point if (E['daterange'][0].month >= 10) or (E['daterange'][0].month <= 2): season = 'winter' else: season = 'summer' lat0,lon0,FA0 = aave('IO',FA,lat,lon,season,variable_name,averaging_dimension="all") #------ compute field of correlation coefficients # empty array size Lag by Lat # plus an array to keep track of sample size Lag_range = range(-maxlag,maxlag+1) nlag = len(Lag_range) n = FAm.shape[0] R = np.zeros(shape=(nlag,n)) S = np.zeros(shape=(nlag,n)) # loop over latitudes T = len(FA0) for ii in range(n): # loop over lags for ilag,L in zip(range(nlag),Lag_range): # the time points that we can check go from L to T-L # so shorter lags have a larger sample size and are more significant. if L < 0: Tsel = range(-L,T) if L > 0: Tsel = range(0,T-L) if L == 0: Tsel = range(0,T) # loop over the available time points and gather values to compare IO = [] X = [] for k in Tsel: IO.append(FA0[k+L]) X.append(FAm[ii,k]) # now compute the correlation from this list of samples and store in the lag vs lat array rho = np.corrcoef(X,IO) if rho != []: R[ilag,ii] = rho[1,0] S[ilag,ii] = len(IO) else: R[ilag,ii] = np.nan S[ilag,ii] = np.nan if lat_or_lon == 'lon': space_dim = lon1 if lat_or_lon == 'lat': space_dim = lat1 L = np.array(Lag_range) return R,S,L,space_dim