Beispiel #1
def generateFortranModules(cmd, srcPath, OutputDir):
    # Fortran 90 code often fails to compile because it needs modules defined by
    # other files in the same directory.  If this seems to be happening then try
    # to generate all of the required modules by compiling every Fortran file in
    # the same directory.
    srcDir, srcBase = os.path.split(srcPath)
    cmd = cmd + ['-I', srcDir, '-fsyntax-only']

    # If the file compiles OK or isn't failing because of lacking modules then
    # there is no point in trying to generate modules.
    out, err, exitCode = DEUtils.executeCommand(cmd + [srcPath], OutputDir)
    if exitCode == 0 or err is None or "Can't open module file" not in err:

    # Drat, it fails to compile.  Generate modules for every Fortran file in the
    # source directory.
    fortranSuffixes = DEUtils.getSuffixesForLanguage('fortran')
    filesToCompile = []
    for filename in os.listdir(srcDir):
        filepath = os.path.join(srcDir, filename)
        if not os.path.isdir(filepath):
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            if ext in fortranSuffixes:

    # Compile every file, returning triumphantly once the original file manages
    # to compile, or giving up miserably if no progress is being made.
    newFilesToCompile = []
    while filesToCompile != newFilesToCompile:
        newFilesToCompile = []
        # Compile each file in turn.
        for path in filesToCompile:
            out, err, exitCode = DEUtils.executeCommand(
                cmd + [path], OutputDir)
            if exitCode != 0 and err is not None and "Can't open module file" in err:
                # It failed to compile due to a missing module.  Remember it for
                # the next round.
            elif path == srcPath:
                # The original file compiled, or at least didn't fail to compile
                # due to a lacking module.  Return triumphantly!
        # Arrange for the next iteration to compile the files that were missing
        # modules this time round.
        filesToCompile, newFilesToCompile = newFilesToCompile, filesToCompile

    # The set of files missing modules didn't change, give up miserably.
Beispiel #2
def generateFortranModules(cmd, srcPath, OutputDir):
    # Fortran 90 code often fails to compile because it needs modules defined by
    # other files in the same directory.  If this seems to be happening then try
    # to generate all of the required modules by compiling every Fortran file in
    # the same directory.
    srcDir,srcBase = os.path.split(srcPath)
    cmd = cmd + ['-I', srcDir, '-fsyntax-only']

    # If the file compiles OK or isn't failing because of lacking modules then
    # there is no point in trying to generate modules.
    out,err,exitCode = DEUtils.executeCommand(cmd + [srcPath], OutputDir)
    if exitCode == 0 or err is None or "Can't open module file" not in err:

    # Drat, it fails to compile.  Generate modules for every Fortran file in the
    # source directory.
    fortranSuffixes = DEUtils.getSuffixesForLanguage('fortran')
    filesToCompile = []
    for filename in os.listdir(srcDir):
        filepath = os.path.join(srcDir, filename)
        if not os.path.isdir(filepath):
            base,ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            if ext in fortranSuffixes:

    # Compile every file, returning triumphantly once the original file manages
    # to compile, or giving up miserably if no progress is being made.
    newFilesToCompile = []
    while filesToCompile != newFilesToCompile:
        newFilesToCompile = []
        # Compile each file in turn.
        for path in filesToCompile:
            out,err,exitCode = DEUtils.executeCommand(cmd + [path], OutputDir)
            if exitCode != 0 and err is not None and "Can't open module file" in err:
                # It failed to compile due to a missing module.  Remember it for
                # the next round.
            elif path == srcPath:
                # The original file compiled, or at least didn't fail to compile
                # due to a lacking module.  Return triumphantly!
        # Arrange for the next iteration to compile the files that were missing
        # modules this time round.
        filesToCompile, newFilesToCompile = newFilesToCompile, filesToCompile

    # The set of files missing modules didn't change, give up miserably.
Beispiel #3
 def executeOne(cmd):
     return DEUtils.executeCommand(cmd + args, cwd)
Beispiel #4
 def executeOne(cmd):
     return DEUtils.executeCommand(cmd + args, cwd)