def genCode ( self, indent, codeout, tagreg, tag ):
     If we got here, we're out of context
     DTCompilerUtil.tagDebug ( indent, codeout, tag )
     DTExcept.raiseRuntime ( codeout, indent, 
                      '<:%s:> tag out of context' % self.tagname )
 def genCode(self, indent, codeout, tagreg, tag):
     If we got here, we're out of context
     DTCompilerUtil.tagDebug(indent, codeout, tag)
     DTExcept.raiseRuntime(codeout, indent,
                           '<:%s:> tag out of context' % self.tagname)
Beispiel #3
def genHandler(text, taglist, start, tagreg, name):
    '''we got a tag that needs to be parsed'''
    curTag = taglist[start]
    tagname = curTag.tagname
    #get the DTTag object for the current tag
        dttag = tagreg.getTag(tagname)
    except KeyError, val:  #not a valid tagname, barf
        raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(curTag, 'invalid tag name %s' % tagname)
def tagCall(tag, argspec, tcol=None, kwcol=None):
    t, d = tag.tupargs, tag.dictargs
        return pseudoApply(argspec, t, d, tcol, kwcol)
        raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(
            tag, 'error parsing arguments: %s\n'
            'args are %s, tuple args are %s, dictargs are %s' %
            (sys.exc_info()[1], argspec, t, d))
Beispiel #5
def checkName(tag, argname, val, ppval=None):
    tag is the tag which we are currently on
    argname is the tag argument name
    val is the val after pyifyArg*
    ppval is optional and is the val before pyifyArg*

    The reason for ppval is that it is possible for checkname to succeed
    on a val of `"foo bar"` and `"foo" + foo + "bar"`
    if ppval and ppval[0] == ppval[-1] == '`':
        raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(tag,
                                      ('argument %s is an expression'
                                       ' and should be a string') % argname)
    if len(val) and (val[0] == val[-1] == '"' or val[0] == val[-1] == "'"):
        return val[1:-1]
    raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(tag, ('argument %s is an expression and '
                                        'should be a string') % argname)
    def genCode(self, indent, codeout, tagreg, tag):
        DTCompilerUtil.tagDebug(indent, codeout, tag)
        pargs = args = DTUtil.tagCall(tag, [('expr', 'None')])
        args = DTCompilerUtil.pyifyArgs(tag, args)

            DTCompilerUtil.checkName(tag, 'expr', args['expr'], pargs['expr'])
            raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(tag, 'cannot call a string')

        stmt = args['expr'] + '\n'

            compile(stmt, stmt, 'exec')
        except SyntaxError:
            raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(
                tag, 'syntax error in statement "%s"' % stmt)

        codeout.writemultiline(indent, stmt)
    def parseBlock(self, text, taglist, start, tagreg, name):
        should return node, last.  This is only called for
        non-empty tags
        cur = start
        #create a new node
        n = DTParser.Node()
        #get current tag
        t = taglist[cur]
        #this is in case they started a block with the close tag (for whatever
        if t.isclose:
            raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(t, 'close tag out of context')

        #add current tag to the node
        #while we haven't eaten the taglist
        while cur < (len(taglist) - 1):
            cur = cur + 1
            curtag = taglist[cur]
            if type(curtag) == types.StringType:
                #if it's our close tag, add it and return
                if curtag.tagname == self.tagname and curtag.isclose:
                    return n, cur

                #else it's not our tag so we pass it to the generic handler
                nodeortag, last = DTParser.genHandler(text, taglist, cur,
                                                      tagreg, name)
                cur = last

        raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(
            t, 'unexpected EOF encountered '
            'parsing <:%s:> block' % self.tagname)
    def parseBlock(self, text, taglist, start, tagreg, name):
        cur = start
        n = DTParser.Node()
        t = taglist[cur]

        while cur < (len(taglist) - 1):
            #basically, ignore tokens until we see <:/comment:>
            cur = cur + 1
            curtagl = taglist[cur]
            if type(curtagl) == types.StringType:
                if curtagl.tagname == self.tagname and curtagl.isclose:
                    return n, cur
        raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(
            t, 'unexpected EOF encountered '
            'parsing <:%s:> block' % self.tagname)
Beispiel #9
def pyifyArgs(tag, args, parenthesize_exprs=0):
    """convert arguments to an evalable format"""
    nd = {}
    for k, v in args.items():
        if type(v) == types.StringType:
            if len(v) > 1 and v[0] == v[-1] == "`":
                if parenthesize_exprs:
                    nd[k] = "(%s)" % convertToNativeLineEndings(v[1:-1])
                    nd[k] = convertToNativeLineEndings(v[1:-1])
                nd[k] = repr(v)
            nd[k] = v

        if type(nd[k]) == types.StringType:
                compile(nd[k] + '\n', nd[k], 'exec')
            except SyntaxError, val:
                raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(
                    tag, 'syntax error in argument: %s' % val)
Beispiel #10
def genHandler(text, taglist, start, tagreg, name):
    '''we got a tag that needs to be parsed'''
    curTag = taglist[start]
    tagname = curTag.tagname
    #get the DTTag object for the current tag
        dttag = tagreg.getTag(tagname)
    except KeyError, val:  #not a valid tagname, barf
        raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(curTag, 'invalid tag name %s' % tagname)

    #if an empty tag (like <:var:>, <:break:>, et. al.)
    if dttag.isempty:
        if curTag.isclose:
            #it's a closing empty tag????
            raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(
                curTag, 'empty close tag??? %s' % curTag.tagname)
        return curTag, start
    else:  #it's a non-empty tag (like <:if:><:/if:>)
        #have the DTTag parse it's block
        return dttag.parseBlock(text, taglist, start, tagreg, name)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import DTLexer
    import sys
    import DTTagRegistry
    text = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
    taglist = DTLexer.doTag(text)
    node = parseit(text, taglist, DTTagRegistry.defaultTagRegistry, None)
    print '--------------------'
    print node
Beispiel #11
    def genCode(self, indent, codeout, tagreg, tag):
        DTCompilerUtil.tagDebug(indent, codeout, tag)
        args = DTUtil.tagCall(tag, [])

        # Generate a halt
        DTExcept.raiseHalt(codeout, indent)
Beispiel #12
    def genCode(self, indent, codeout, tagreg, node, meta):
        tag = node.children[0]

        # Do the debug
        DTCompilerUtil.tagDebug(indent, codeout, tag)
        DTUtil.tagCall(tag, [])
        oldout = DTCompilerUtil.getTempName()

        # First, determine if this is a 'try...finally' form
        for i in node.children[1:-1]:
            if (type(i) == InstanceType and i.__class__ == DTLexer.DTToken
                    and i.tagname in ('finally', )):
                has_finally = 1
            has_finally = 0

        if has_finally:
            # This is a try...finally block
            codeout.write(indent, 'try:')

            for i in node.children[1:-1]:
                if (type(i) == InstanceType and i.__class__ == DTLexer.DTToken
                        and i.tagname in ('else', 'except', 'finally')):

                    if i.tagname in ('else', 'except'):
                        # This is an error
                        raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(
                            'tag %s inside of a try...finally block' % str(i))
                    else:  # i.tagname == 'finally':
                        codeout.write(indent, 'finally:')
                        codeout.write(indent + 4, '__d.FTAG=__d.CURRENT_TAG')
                        codeout.write(indent + 4,
                        DTCompilerUtil.tagDebug(indent + 4, codeout, i)
                    DTCompilerUtil.genCodeChild(indent + 4, codeout, tagreg, i,
            codeout.write(indent + 4, '__d.CURRENT_TAG=__d.FTAG')
            codeout.write(indent + 4, '__d.CURRENT_LINENO=__d.FLINENO')
            codeout.write(indent + 4, 'del __d.FTAG, __d.FLINENO')
            # Ok, we're done - return

        # Store a reference to current output object. Basically, if an exception
        # occurs we kind of rollback to the point before the 'try' block
        codeout.write(indent, '%s = __h.OUTPUT' % oldout)
        codeout.write(indent, '__h.OUTPUT=__h.NEWOUTPUT()')
        codeout.write(indent, 'try:')

        waselse = 0
        wasexcept = 0

        for i in node.children[1:-1]:
            if (type(i) == InstanceType and i.__class__ == DTLexer.DTToken
                    and i.tagname in ('else', 'except')):
                if i.tagname == 'except':
                    # Get the arguments for the except clause
                    args = DTUtil.tagCall(i, [('exc', 'None')])
                    args = DTCompilerUtil.pyifyArgs(tag, args)

                    if args['exc'] != None:
                        codeout.write(indent, 'except %s:' % args['exc'])
                        codeout.write(indent, 'except:')

                    # Do the debugging
                    DTCompilerUtil.tagDebug(indent + 4, codeout, i)

                    # Restore the original output
                    codeout.write(indent + 4, '__h.OUTPUT = %s' % oldout)
                    codeout.write(indent + 4, 'del %s' % oldout)

                    wasexcept = 1
                else:  # i.tagname == 'else':
                    codeout.write(indent, 'else:')

                    DTCompilerUtil.tagDebug(indent + 4, codeout, i)

                    # Print and restore the original output
                    codeout.write(indent + 4,
                                  '%s.write(__h.OUTPUT.getvalue())' % oldout)
                    codeout.write(indent + 4, '__h.OUTPUT = %s' % oldout)
                    codeout.write(indent + 4, 'del %s' % oldout)

                    waselse = 1
                DTCompilerUtil.genCodeChild(indent + 4, codeout, tagreg, i,

        if not wasexcept:
            raise DTExcept.DTCompileError(tag, '<:try:> without <:except:>')

        if not waselse:
            codeout.write(indent, 'else:')
            codeout.write(indent + 4,
                          '%s.write(__h.OUTPUT.getvalue())' % oldout)
            codeout.write(indent + 4, '__h.OUTPUT = %s' % oldout)
            codeout.write(indent + 4, 'del %s' % oldout)
Beispiel #13
    def genCode(self, indent, codeout, tagreg, tag):
        DTCompilerUtil.tagDebug(indent, codeout, tag)
        args=DTUtil.tagCall(tag, [])

        # Generate a halt
        DTExcept.raiseHalt ( codeout, indent )