def is_daemon_ready(host, auth):
  '''Performs an isDaemonReady operation on the given host and returns True or
  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
  req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.isDaemonReady()
  return _ws_port(host, auth).isDaemonReady(req).Return
Beispiel #2
def is_daemon_ready(host, auth):
    '''Performs an isDaemonReady operation on the given host and returns True or
  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
    req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.isDaemonReady()
    return _ws_port(host, auth).isDaemonReady(req).Return
Beispiel #3
def _ws_port(host, auth, tracefile=None):
    url = 'http://%s/ws/DaemonStatusService' % (host, )
    locator = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.DaemonStatusServiceImplServiceLocator(
    if tracefile is None:
        return locator.getDaemonStatusServiceImplPort(url=url, auth=auth)
        return locator.getDaemonStatusServiceImplPort(url=url,
def get_auids(host, auth):
  '''Performs a getAuids operation on the given host, which really produces a
  sequence of all AUIDs with the AU names, and returns a list of records with
  these fields:
  - Id (string)
  - Name (string)
  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
  req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.getAuIds()
  return _ws_port(host, auth).getAuIds(req).Return
Beispiel #5
def get_auids(host, auth):
    '''Performs a getAuids operation on the given host, which really produces a
  sequence of all AUIDs with the AU names, and returns a list of records with
  these fields:
  - Id (string)
  - Name (string)
  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
    req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.getAuIds()
    return _ws_port(host, auth).getAuIds(req).Return
def get_au_status(host, auth, auid):
  '''Performs a getAuStatus operation on the given host for the given AUID, and
  returns a record with these fields (or None if ZSI.FaultException starting
  with 'No Archival Unit with provided identifier' is raised):
  - AccessType (string)
  - AvailableFromPublisher (boolean)
  - ContentSize (numeric)
  - CrawlPool (string)
  - CrawlProxy (string)
  - CrawlWindow (string)
  - CreationTime (numeric)
  - CurrentlyCrawling (boolean)
  - CurrentlyPolling (boolean)
  - DiskUsage (numeric)
  - JournalTitle (string)
  - LastCompletedCrawl (numeric)
  - LastCompletedPoll (numeric)
  - LastCrawl (numeric)
  - LastCrawlResult (string)
  - LastCompletedDeepCrawl (numeric)
  - LastDeepCrawl (numeric)
  - LastDeepCrawlResult (string)
  - LastCompletedDeepCrawlDepth (numeric)
  - LastPoll (numeric)
  - LastPollResult (string)
  - LastMetadataIndex (numeric)
  - PluginName (string)
  - Provider (string)
  - Publisher (string)
  - PublishingPlatform (string)
  - RecentPollAgreement (floating point)
  - Repository (string)
  - Status (string)
  - SubscriptionStatus (string)
  - SubstanceState (string)
  - Volume (string) (the AU name)
  - Year (string)
  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
  - auid (string): an AUID
  req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.getAuStatus()
  req.AuId = auid
    ret = _ws_port(host, auth).getAuStatus(req)
    return ret.Return
  except ZSI.FaultException as e:
    if str(e).startswith('No Archival Unit with provided identifier'):
      return None
def get_au_urls(host, auth, auid, prefix=None):
  '''Performs a getAuUrls operation on the given host for the given AUID and
  returns a list of URLs (strings) in the AU. If the optional prefix argument is
  given, limits the results to URLs with that prefix (including the URL itself).

  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
  - auid (string): an AUID
  - prefix (string): a URL prefix (default: None)
  req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.getAuUrls()
  req.AuId = auid
  if prefix is not None: req.url = prefix
  return _ws_port(host, auth).getAuUrls(req).Return
def get_au_urls(host, auth, auid, prefix=None):
  '''Performs a getAuUrls operation on the given host for the given AUID and
  returns a list of URLs (strings) in the AU. If the optional prefix argument is
  given, limits the results to URLs with that prefix (including the URL itself).

  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
  - auid (string): an AUID
  - prefix (string): a URL prefix (default: None)
  req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.getAuUrls()
  req.AuId = auid
  if prefix is not None: req.url = prefix
  return _ws_port(host, auth).getAuUrls(req).Return
def get_au_status(host, auth, auid):
  '''Performs a getAuStatus operation on the given host for the given AUID, and
  returns a record with these fields (or None if ZSI.FaultException starting
  with 'No Archival Unit with provided identifier' is raised):
  - AccessType (string)
  - AvailableFromPublisher (boolean)
  - ContentSize (numeric)
  - CrawlPool (string)
  - CrawlProxy (string)
  - CrawlWindow (string)
  - CreationTime (numeric)
  - CurrentlyCrawling (boolean)
  - CurrentlyPolling (boolean)
  - DiskUsage (numeric)
  - JournalTitle (string)
  - LastCompletedCrawl (numeric)
  - LastCompletedPoll (numeric)
  - LastCrawl (numeric)
  - LastCrawlResult (string)
  - LastPoll (numeric)
  - LastPollResult (string)
  - PluginName (string)
  - Provider (string)
  - Publisher (string)
  - PublishingPlatform (string)
  - RecentPollAgreement (floating point)
  - Repository (string)
  - Status (string)
  - SubscriptionStatus (string)
  - SubstanceState (string)
  - Volume (string) (the AU name)
  - Year (string)
  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
  - auid (string): an AUID
  req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.getAuStatus()
  req.AuId = auid
    ret = _ws_port(host, auth).getAuStatus(req)
    return ret.Return
  except ZSI.FaultException as e:
    if str(e).startswith('No Archival Unit with provided identifier'):
      return None
def query_crawls(host, auth, select, where=None):
  '''Performs a queryCrawls operation on the given host, using the given field
  names to build a SELECT clause, optionally using the given string to build a
  WHERE clause, and returns a list of records with these fields (populated or
  not depending on the SELECT clause):
  - AuId (string)
  - AuName (string)
  - BytesFetchedCount (long)
  - CrawlKey (string)
  - CrawlStatus (string)
  - CrawlType (string)
  - Duration (long)
  - LinkDepth (int)
  - MimeTypeCount (int)
  - MimeTypes (list of strings)
  - OffSiteUrlsExcludedCount (int)
  - PagesExcluded (list of strings)
  - PagesExcludedCount (int)
  - PagesFetched (list of strings)
  - PagesFetchedCount (int)
  - PagesNotModified (list of strings)
  - PagesNotModifiedCount (int)
  - PagesParsed (list of strings)
  - PagesParsedCount (int)
  - PagesPending (list of strings)
  - PagesPendingCount (int)
  - PagesWithErrors, a list of records with these fields:
      - Message (string)
      - Severity (string)
      - Url (string)
  - PagesWithErrorsCount (int)
  - RefetchDepth (int)
  - Sources (list of strings)
  - StartTime (long)
  - StartingUrls (list of strings)
  if type(select) is list: query = 'SELECT %s' % (', '.join(select))
  elif type(select) is str: query = 'SELECT %s' % (select,)
  else: raise ValueError, 'invalid type for select parameter: %s' % (type(select),)
  if where is not None: query = '%s WHERE %s' % (query, where)
  req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.queryCrawls()
  req.CrawlQuery = query
  return _ws_port(host, auth).queryCrawls(req).Return
def query_crawls(host, auth, select, where=None):
  '''Performs a queryCrawls operation on the given host, using the given field
  names to build a SELECT clause, optionally using the given string to build a
  WHERE clause, and returns a list of records with these fields (populated or
  not depending on the SELECT clause):
  - AuId (string)
  - AuName (string)
  - BytesFetchedCount (long)
  - CrawlKey (string)
  - CrawlStatus (string)
  - CrawlType (string)
  - Duration (long)
  - LinkDepth (int)
  - MimeTypeCount (int)
  - MimeTypes (list of strings)
  - OffSiteUrlsExcludedCount (int)
  - PagesExcluded (list of strings)
  - PagesExcludedCount (int)
  - PagesFetched (list of strings)
  - PagesFetchedCount (int)
  - PagesNotModified (list of strings)
  - PagesNotModifiedCount (int)
  - PagesParsed (list of strings)
  - PagesParsedCount (int)
  - PagesPending (list of strings)
  - PagesPendingCount (int)
  - PagesWithErrors, a list of records with these fields:
      - Message (string)
      - Severity (string)
      - Url (string)
  - PagesWithErrorsCount (int)
  - RefetchDepth (int)
  - Sources (list of strings)
  - StartTime (long)
  - StartingUrls (list of strings)
  if type(select) is list: query = 'SELECT %s' % (', '.join(select))
  elif type(select) is str: query = 'SELECT %s' % (select,)
  else: raise ValueError, 'invalid type for select parameter: %s' % (type(select),)
  if where is not None: query = '%s WHERE %s' % (query, where)
  req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.queryCrawls()
  req.CrawlQuery = query
  return _ws_port(host, auth).queryCrawls(req).Return
Beispiel #12
def get_au_status(host, auth, auid):
    '''Performs a getAuStatus operation on the given host for the given AUID, and
  returns a record with these fields:
  - AccessType (string)
  - AvailableFromPublisher (boolean)
  - ContentSize (numeric)
  - CrawlPool (string)
  - CrawlProxy (string)
  - CrawlWindow (string)
  - CreationTime (numeric)
  - CurrentlyCrawling (boolean)
  - CurrentlyPolling (boolean)
  - DiskUsage (numeric)
  - JournalTitle (string)
  - LastCompletedCrawl (numeric)
  - LastCompletedPoll (numeric)
  - LastCrawl (numeric)
  - LastCrawlResult (string)
  - LastPoll (numeric)
  - LastPollResult (string)
  - PluginName (string)
  - Publisher (string)
  - PublishingPlatform (string)
  - RecentPollAgreement (floating point)
  - Repository (string)
  - Status (string)
  - SubscriptionStatus (string)
  - SubstanceState (string)
  - Volume (string) (the AU name)
  - Year (string)
  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
  - auid (string): an AUID
    req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.getAuStatus()
    req.AuId = auid
    return _ws_port(host, auth).getAuStatus(req).Return
Beispiel #13
def get_au_status(host, auth, auid):
  '''Performs a getAuStatus operation on the given host for the given AUID, and
  returns a record with these fields:
  - AccessType (string)
  - AvailableFromPublisher (boolean)
  - ContentSize (numeric)
  - CrawlPool (string)
  - CrawlProxy (string)
  - CrawlWindow (string)
  - CreationTime (numeric)
  - CurrentlyCrawling (boolean)
  - CurrentlyPolling (boolean)
  - DiskUsage (numeric)
  - JournalTitle (string)
  - LastCompletedCrawl (numeric)
  - LastCompletedPoll (numeric)
  - LastCrawl (numeric)
  - LastCrawlResult (string)
  - LastPoll (numeric)
  - LastPollResult (string)
  - PluginName (string)
  - Publisher (string)
  - PublishingPlatform (string)
  - RecentPollAgreement (numeric)
  - Repository (string)
  - Status (string)
  - SubscriptionStatus (string)
  - SubstanceState (string)
  - Volume (string) (the AU name)
  - Year (string)
  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
  - auid (string): an AUID
  req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.getAuStatus()
  req.AuId = auid
  return _ws_port(host, auth).getAuStatus(req).Return
def get_platform_configuration(host, auth):
  '''Performs a getPlatformConfiguration operation on the given host and returns
  a record with these fields:
  - AdminEmail (string)
  - BuildHost (string)
  - BuildTimestamp (numeric)
  - CurrentTime (numeric)
  - CurrentWorkingDirectory (string)
  - DaemonVersion, a record with these fields:
      - BuildVersion (numeric)
      - FullVersion (string)
      - MajorVersion (numeric)
      - MinorVersion (numeric)
  - Disks (list of strings)
  - Groups (list of strings)
  - HostName (string)
  - IpAddress (string)
  - JavaVersion, a record with these fields:
      - RuntimeName (string)
      - RuntimeVersion (string)
      - SpecificationVersion (string)
      - Version (string)
  - MailRelay (string)
  - Platform, a record with these fields:
      - Name (string)
      - Suffix (string)
      - Version (string)
  - Project (string)
  - Properties (list of strings)
  - Uptime (numeric)
  - V3Identity (string)
  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
  req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.getPlatformConfiguration()
  return _ws_port(host, auth).getPlatformConfiguration(req).Return
Beispiel #15
def get_platform_configuration(host, auth):
    '''Performs a getPlatformConfiguration operation on the given host and returns
  a record with these fields:
  - AdminEmail (string)
  - BuildHost (string)
  - BuildTimestamp (numeric)
  - CurrentTime (numeric)
  - CurrentWorkingDirectory (string)
  - DaemonVersion, a record with these fields:
      - BuildVersion (numeric)
      - FullVersion (string)
      - MajorVersion (numeric)
      - MinorVersion (numeric)
  - Disks (list of strings)
  - Groups (list of strings)
  - HostName (string)
  - IpAddress (string)
  - JavaVersion, a record with these fields:
      - RuntimeName (string)
      - RuntimeVersion (string)
      - SpecificationVersion (string)
      - Version (string)
  - MailRelay (string)
  - Platform, a record with these fields:
      - Name (string)
      - Suffix (string)
      - Version (string)
  - Project (string)
  - Properties (list of strings)
  - Uptime (numeric)
  - V3Identity (string)
  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
    req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.getPlatformConfiguration()
    return _ws_port(host, auth).getPlatformConfiguration(req).Return
def query_aus(host, auth, select, where=None):
  '''Performs a queryAus operation on the given host, using the given field
  names to build a SELECT clause, optionally using the given string to build a
  WHERE clause, and returns a list of records with these fields (populated or
  not depending on the SELECT clause):
  - AccessType (string)
  - AuConfiguration, a record with these fields:
      - DefParams, a list of records with these fields:
          - Key (string)
          - Value (string)
      - NonDefParams, a list of records with these fields:
          - Key (string)
          - Value (string)
  - AuId (string)
  - AvailableFromPublisher (boolean)
  - ContentSize (numeric)
  - CrawlPool (string)
  - CrawlProxy (string)
  - CrawlWindow (string)
  - CreationTime (numeric)
  - CurrentlyCrawling (boolean)
  - CurrentlyPolling (boolean)
  - DiskUsage (numeric)
  - IsBulkContent (boolean)
  - LastCompletedCrawl (numeric)
  - LastCompletedPoll (numeric)
  - LastCrawl (numeric)
  - LastCrawlResult (string)
  - LastPoll (numeric)
  - LastPollResult (string)
  - Name (string)
  - NewContentCrawlUrls (list of strings)
  - PeerAgreements, a list of records with these fields:
      - Agreements, a record with these fields:
          - Entry, a list of records with these fields:
              - Key, a string among:
                  - "POR"
                  - "POP"
                  - "SYMMETRIC_POR"
                  - "SYMMETRIC_POP"
                  - "POR_HINT"
                  - "POP_HINT"
                  - "SYMMETRIC_POR_HINT"
                  - "SYMMETRIC_POP_HINT"
              - Value, a record with these fields:
                  - HighestPercentAgreement (floating point)
                  - HighestPercentAgreementTimestamp (numeric)
                  - PercentAgreement (floating point)
                  - PercentAgreementTimestamp (numeric)
      - PeerId (string)
  - PluginName (string)
  - PublishingPlatform (string)
  - RecentPollAgreement (numeric)
  - RepositoryPath (string)
  - SubscriptionStatus (string)
  - SubstanceState (string)
  - TdbPublisher (string)
  - TdbYear (string)
  - UrlStems (list of strings)
  - Volume (string)
  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
  - select (string or list of strings): if a list of strings, the field names to
  be used in the SELECT clause; if a string, the single field name to be used in
  the SELECT clause
  - where (string): optional statement for the WHERE clause (default: None)
  - ValueError if select is not of the right type
  if type(select) is list: query = 'SELECT %s' % (', '.join(select))
  elif type(select) is str: query = 'SELECT %s' % (select,)
  else: raise ValueError, 'invalid type for select parameter: %s' % (type(select),)
  if where is not None: query = '%s WHERE %s' % (query, where)
  req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.queryAus()
  req.AuQuery = query
  return _ws_port(host, auth).queryAus(req).Return
Beispiel #17
def query_aus(host, auth, select, where=None):
    '''Performs a queryAus operation on the given host, using the given field
  names to build a SELECT clause, optionally using the given string to build a
  WHERE clause, and returns a list of records with these fields (populated or
  not depending on the SELECT clause):
  - AccessType (string)
  - AuConfiguration, a record with these fields:
      - DefParams, a list of records with these fields:
          - Key (string)
          - Value (string)
      - NonDefParams, a list of records with these fields:
          - Key (string)
          - Value (string)
  - AuId (string)
  - AvailableFromPublisher (boolean)
  - ContentSize (numeric)
  - CrawlPool (string)
  - CrawlProxy (string)
  - CrawlWindow (string)
  - CreationTime (numeric)
  - CurrentlyCrawling (boolean)
  - CurrentlyPolling (boolean)
  - DiskUsage (numeric)
  - IsBulkContent (boolean)
  - LastCompletedCrawl (numeric)
  - LastCompletedPoll (numeric)
  - LastCrawl (numeric)
  - LastCrawlResult (string)
  - LastPoll (numeric)
  - LastPollResult (string)
  - Name (string)
  - NewContentCrawlUrls (list of strings)
  - PeerAgreements, a list of records with these fields:
      - Agreements, a record with these fields:
          - Entry, a list of records with these fields:
              - Key, a string among:
                  - "POR"
                  - "POP"
                  - "SYMMETRIC_POR"
                  - "SYMMETRIC_POP"
                  - "POR_HINT"
                  - "POP_HINT"
                  - "SYMMETRIC_POR_HINT"
                  - "SYMMETRIC_POP_HINT"
              - Value, a record with these fields:
                  - HighestPercentAgreement (floating point)
                  - HighestPercentAgreementTimestamp (numeric)
                  - PercentAgreement (floating point)
                  - PercentAgreementTimestamp (numeric)
      - PeerId (string)
  - PluginName (string)
  - PublishingPlatform (string)
  - RecentPollAgreement (numeric)
  - RepositoryPath (string)
  - SubscriptionStatus (string)
  - SubstanceState (string)
  - TdbPublisher (string)
  - TdbYear (string)
  - UrlStems (list of strings)
  - Volume (string)
  - host (string): a host:port pair
  - auth (ZSI authentication object): an authentication object
  - select (string or list of strings): if a list of strings, the field names to
  be used in the SELECT clause; if a string, the single field name to be used in
  the SELECT clause
  - where (string): optional statement for the WHERE clause (default: None)
  - ValueError if select is not of the right type
    if type(select) is list: query = 'SELECT %s' % (', '.join(select))
    elif type(select) is str: query = 'SELECT %s' % (select, )
        raise ValueError, 'invalid type for select parameter: %s' % (
            type(select), )
    if where is not None: query = '%s WHERE %s' % (query, where)
    req = DaemonStatusServiceImplService_client.queryAus()
    req.AuQuery = query
    return _ws_port(host, auth).queryAus(req).Return