def project_active_cells_distal(tsframe, T03):
    points = np.empty([0, 3])
    for y in range(13):
        for x in range(6):
            if (tsframe[y, x] > 0.0):
                vertex = DH.get_xyz_distal(x, y, T03)
                points = np.vstack((points, vertex))
    return points
def project_active_cells_distal(tsframe, T03):
    points = np.empty([0,3])
    for y in range(13):
        for x in range(6):
            if(tsframe[y,x] > 0.0):
                vertex = DH.get_xyz_distal(x, y, T03)
                points = np.vstack((points, vertex))
    return points   
def plot_cells_proximal(ax, tsframe, T02, scalarMap):
    span = 0.5
    for y in range(14):
        for x in range(6):
            vertex = np.empty([4,3])
            vertex[0,:] = DH.get_xyz_proximal(x-span, y+span, T02)
            vertex[1,:] = DH.get_xyz_proximal(x+span, y+span, T02)
            vertex[2,:] = DH.get_xyz_proximal(x+span, y-span, T02)
            vertex[3,:] = DH.get_xyz_proximal(x-span, y-span, T02)
            quad = Axes3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection([vertex])
            color = scalarMap.to_rgba(tsframe[y,x])            
            if(tsframe[y,x] > 0.0):
                quad.set_color([color[0], color[1], color[2], 1.0]) # Active cell
                quad.set_color([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
            quad.set_edgecolor([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0])
def plot_cells_distal(ax, tsframe, T03, scalarMap):
    span = 0.5
    for y in range(13):
        for x in range(6):
            vertex = np.empty([4, 3])
            vertex[0, :] = DH.get_xyz_distal(x - span, y + span, T03)
            vertex[1, :] = DH.get_xyz_distal(x + span, y + span, T03)
            vertex[2, :] = DH.get_xyz_distal(x + span, y - span, T03)
            vertex[3, :] = DH.get_xyz_distal(x - span, y - span, T03)
            quad = Axes3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection([vertex])

            color = scalarMap.to_rgba(tsframe[y, x])

            if (tsframe[y, x] > 0.0):
                quad.set_color([color[0], color[1], color[2],
                                1.0])  # Active cell
                quad.set_color([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

            quad.set_edgecolor([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0])
#jointangle_frame = frameManager.get_jointangle_frame(angleID)

#corresponding_jointangle_frame = frameManager.get_corresponding_jointangles(frameID)
#theta = frameManager.get_corresponding_jointangles(frameID)

Phi0 = 90  # Rotational axis (Finger 0 + 2) [0, 90]
Phi1 = -15  # Finger 0 proximal [-90, 90]
Phi2 = 15  # Finger 0 distal [-90, 90]
Phi3 = -90  # Finger 1 proximal [-90, 90]
Phi4 = 0  # Finger 1 distal [-90, 90]
Phi5 = -15  # Finger 2 proximal [-90, 90]
Phi6 = 15  # Finger 2 distal [-90, 90]
theta = np.array([Phi0, Phi1, Phi2, Phi3, Phi4, Phi5, Phi6], dtype=np.float64)

# Compute transformation matrices
T01_f0, T02_f0, T03_f0 = DH.create_transformation_matrices_f0(
    Phi0, Phi1, Phi2)  # Finger 0
T01_f1, T02_f1, T03_f1 = DH.create_transformation_matrices_f1(Phi3,
                                                              Phi4)  # Finger 1
T01_f2, T02_f2, T03_f2 = DH.create_transformation_matrices_f2(
    Phi0, Phi5, Phi6)  # Finger 2

# Forward kinematics of active sensor cells

# Finger 0
points_f0_prox = project_active_cells_proximal(tsframe_proximal_f0, T02_f0)
points_f0_dist = project_active_cells_distal(tsframe_distal_f0, T03_f0)
# Finger 1
points_f1_prox = project_active_cells_proximal(tsframe_proximal_f1, T02_f1)
points_f1_dist = project_active_cells_distal(tsframe_distal_f1, T03_f1)
# Finger 3
points_f2_prox = project_active_cells_proximal(tsframe_proximal_f2, T02_f2)
Beispiel #6
Phi5_list = []
Phi6_list = []
close_ratios = np.linspace(0, 1, 20)

for close_ratio in close_ratios:

    Phi0, Phi1, Phi2, Phi3, Phi4, Phi5, Phi6 = preshape_pinch(
        close_ratio)  # Simulated grasp


    # Compute transformation matrices
    T01_f0, T02_f0, T03_f0 = DH.create_transformation_matrices_f0(
        Phi0, Phi1, Phi2)  # Finger 0
    T01_f2, T02_f2, T03_f2 = DH.create_transformation_matrices_f2(
        Phi0, Phi5, Phi6)  # Finger 2

    # DH-Transform: finger 0
    P_dist = DH.create_P_dist(y)
    T_total =
    p = np.array([y, 0.0, x, 1.0])
    xyz_0 =[0:3]  # remove w

    # DH-Transform: finger 2
    P_dist = DH.create_P_dist(y)
    T_total =
    p = np.array([y, 0.0, x, 1.0])
    xyz_2 =[0:3]  # remove w
Phi2_list = []
Phi5_list = []
Phi6_list = []
close_ratios =  np.linspace(0, 1, 20)

for close_ratio in close_ratios:
    Phi0, Phi1, Phi2, Phi3, Phi4, Phi5, Phi6 = preshape_pinch(close_ratio) # Simulated grasp


    # Compute transformation matrices 
    T01_f0, T02_f0, T03_f0 = DH.create_transformation_matrices_f0(Phi0, Phi1, Phi2) # Finger 0
    T01_f2, T02_f2, T03_f2 = DH.create_transformation_matrices_f2(Phi0, Phi5, Phi6) # Finger 2

    # DH-Transform: finger 0
    P_dist = DH.create_P_dist(y)
    T_total =
    p = np.array([y, 0.0, x, 1.0])
    xyz_0 =[0:3] # remove w

    # DH-Transform: finger 2
    P_dist = DH.create_P_dist(y)
    T_total =
    p = np.array([y, 0.0, x, 1.0])
    xyz_2 =[0:3] # remove w

    # Distance between specified points on finger 0 and 2
#corresponding_jointangle_frame = frameManager.get_corresponding_jointangles(frameID)
#theta = frameManager.get_corresponding_jointangles(frameID)

Phi0 = 90 # Rotational axis (Finger 0 + 2) [0, 90]
Phi1 = -15 # Finger 0 proximal [-90, 90]
Phi2 = 15 # Finger 0 distal [-90, 90]
Phi3 = -90 # Finger 1 proximal [-90, 90]
Phi4 = 0 # Finger 1 distal [-90, 90]
Phi5 = -15 # Finger 2 proximal [-90, 90]
Phi6 = 15 # Finger 2 distal [-90, 90]
theta = np.array([Phi0, Phi1, Phi2, Phi3, Phi4, Phi5, Phi6], dtype=np.float64)

# Compute transformation matrices 
T01_f0, T02_f0, T03_f0 = DH.create_transformation_matrices_f0(Phi0, Phi1, Phi2) # Finger 0
T01_f1, T02_f1, T03_f1 = DH.create_transformation_matrices_f1(Phi3, Phi4)       # Finger 1
T01_f2, T02_f2, T03_f2 = DH.create_transformation_matrices_f2(Phi0, Phi5, Phi6) # Finger 2

# Forward kinematics of active sensor cells

# Finger 0
points_f0_prox = project_active_cells_proximal(tsframe_proximal_f0, T02_f0)
points_f0_dist = project_active_cells_distal(tsframe_distal_f0, T03_f0)
# Finger 1
points_f1_prox = project_active_cells_proximal(tsframe_proximal_f1, T02_f1)
points_f1_dist = project_active_cells_distal(tsframe_distal_f1, T03_f1)
# Finger 3
points_f2_prox = project_active_cells_proximal(tsframe_proximal_f2, T02_f2)
points_f2_dist = project_active_cells_distal(tsframe_distal_f2, T03_f2)