Beispiel #1
 def remove_unit_productions(self):
     g = DirectedGraph()
     productions =
     for key in productions: # construimos el grafo
         for rule in productions[key]:
             if len(rule) == 1 and rule in self.nonterminals:
                 g.add_edge(key, rule)
     followings = { v: g.vertices_forward(v) for v in g.vertices() }
     not_unit = dict()
     not_unit_fun = lambda s: len(s) != 1 or s in self.terminals
     for vertex in g.vertices():
         not_unit[vertex] = set(filter(not_unit_fun, productions[vertex])) 
     for e0, e1 in g.edges():
         for node in followings[e0]:
             productions[e0] = productions[e0] | not_unit[node]
     return productions
Beispiel #2
class Lattice(object):

    def __init__(self, criteria):
        """ initialize a lattice to the equilibrium state. """
        self.__graph = DirectedGraph()
        self.__weights = dict() #coeff
        self.__descriptors = dict() #{'a' : 'Gout'}
        self.__importanceValue = dict()
        self.__visited = dict()
        for i in range(len(criteria)-1): self.__descriptors[DESCRIPTORS[i]] = criteria[i]

    def __contribute(self):
        """ construct a directed graph with combinaison les descriptors,
        and initialize with all coefficients non visited. """
        descriptors = sorted(self.__descriptors.keys())
        end = len(descriptors)
        empty = '.'
        for x in descriptors: self.__graph.add_edge(empty, x) #layer0 & 1
        iteration = 1
        while iteration <= end:
            iteration += 1
            concat = set()
            for i in range(len(descriptors)-1):
                for j in range(i+1, len(descriptors)):
                    new_vertex = ''.join(sorted(set(descriptors[i] + descriptors[j])))
                    if len(new_vertex) == iteration : 
                        self.__graph.add_edge(descriptors[i], new_vertex)
                        self.__graph.add_edge(descriptors[j], new_vertex)
            descriptors = list(concat)
        for x in self.__graph.vertices(): self.__visited[x] = False

    def __equilibrate(self):
        """ status equilibrium  """
        for i in self.__graph.vertices(): self.__weights[i] = len(i)/len(self.__descriptors)
        self.__weights['.'] = 0

    def set_coeff_value(self, v, value):
        """ modify the v coefficient's value and be touched. """
        self.__weights[v] = value
        self.__visited[v] = True

    def get_coeff_value(self, v):
        """ return coefficient's value"""
        return self.__weights[v]

    def set_importanceValue(self, data):
        """ associate every criterion with its importance value. (can be modified when data change) """
        for i in range(len(data)-1): self.__importanceValue[DESCRIPTORS[i]] = data[i]

    def permute_importanceValue(self):
        """ return a pair of list ordered with importance value. """
        return list(x for x in sorted(list(self.__importanceValue.items()), key = lambda x: x[1]))

    def deduce_path(self):
        """ return a path deduced by the importance values"""
        path = ['.']
        for x in reversed(list((x[0] for x in self.permute_importanceValue()))):
            if path[-1] == '.': path.append(x)
        return path

    def has_visited(self, v):
        """ return whether the vertex / coefficient v has been visited. """
        return self.__visited[v]

    def lower_neighbors_values(self, v):
        """ return a list of value of its lower neighbors. """
        return list(map(lambda x: self.get_coeff_value(x), self.__graph.lower_neighbors(v)))

    def upper_neighbors_values(self, v):
        """ return a list of value of its upper neighbors. """
        return list(map(lambda x: self.get_coeff_value(x), self.__graph.upper_neighbors(v)))

    def get_coefficients_non_modified(self):
        """ return all coefficients non modified. """
        return list(filter(lambda x: not self.has_visited(x), self.__graph.vertices()))

    def get_coefficients(self):
        """ return all coefficients. """
        return self.__graph.vertices()

    def get_coeffs_without(self, i):
        """ return all coefficients that dosen't contain element i. """
        return sorted(list(filter(lambda x: i not in x, self.__graph.vertices())))
    def get_criteria(self, i):
        """ return the real criteria's name in the context. """
        return self.__descriptors[i]
    def get_criterias(self):
        """ return all criteria with pair of (supdo , real name in context). """
        return self.__descriptors
    # uncomment in need of visualizing