def main(): (options, input_imagefiles, output_lstfile) = parse_command_line() Particle.sym = options.sym Particle.max_ang_diff = options.max_ang_diff * math.pi/180.0 Particle.max_cen_diff = options.max_cen_diff image_lists = [] for f in input_imagefiles: # build the image sets tmp_image_list = EMAN.image2list(f) # first check and remove duplicate images seen = sets.Set() tmp_image_list2 = [] for i, img in enumerate(tmp_image_list): imgid = "%s-%d" % (os.path.abspath(img[0]), img[1]) if imgid in seen: print "%s: particle %d/%d (%s %d) is a duplicate image, ignored" % (f, i, len(tmp_image_list), img[0], img[1]) else: seen.add(imgid) tmp_image_list2.append(img) image_list = sets.Set() for i, img in enumerate(tmp_image_list2): p = Particle(img) image_list.add(p) print "%s: %d images" % (f, len(image_list)) image_lists.append( image_list ) all_images = image_lists[0] print "Begining with %d images in %s" % (len(all_images), input_imagefiles[0]) for i in range(1,len(image_lists)): image_list = image_lists[i] if options.mode == "common": # all_images & imageset all_images = intersection(all_images, image_list) print "%d common images after processing %d images in %s" % ( len(all_images), len(image_list), input_imagefiles[i] ) elif options.mode == "union": all_images = union(all_images, image_list) # all_images | imageset print "%d images after merging %d images in %s" % ( len(all_images), len(image_list), input_imagefiles[i] ) elif options.mode == "diff": all_images = difference(all_images,image_list) # all_images-imageset print "%d different images after processing %d images in %s" % ( len(all_images), len(image_list), input_imagefiles[i] ) elif options.mode == "symdiff": all_images = symmetric_difference(all_images,image_list) # all_images ^ imageset print "%d different images after processing %d images in %s" % ( len(all_images), len(image_list), input_imagefiles[i] ) all_images=list(all_images) all_images.sort() all_images_output_list = [i.image for i in all_images] if len(all_images_output_list): print "%d images saved to %s" % ( len(all_images_output_list), output_lstfile ) EMAN.imagelist2lstfile(all_images_output_list, output_lstfile) else: print "No image left after the image sets operation"
def main(): EMAN.appinit(sys.argv) if sys.argv[-1].startswith("usefs="): sys.argv = sys.argv[:-1] # remove the runpar fileserver info (options, rawimage, refmap) = parse_command_line() sffile = options.sffile verbose = options.verbose shrink = options.shrink mask = options.mask first = options.first last = options.last scorefunc = options.scorefunc projfile = options.projection output_ptcls = options.update_rawimage cmplstfile = options.cmplstfile ortlstfile = options.ortlstfile startSym = options.startSym endSym = options.endSym if not options.nocmdlog: pid = EMAN.LOGbegin(sys.argv) EMAN.LOGInfile(pid, rawimage) EMAN.LOGInfile(pid, refmap) if projfile: EMAN.LOGOutfile(pid, projfile) if output_ptcls: EMAN.LOGOutfile(pid, output_ptcls) if cmplstfile: EMAN.LOGOutfile(pid, cmplstfile) if ortlstfile: EMAN.LOGOutfile(pid, ortlstfile) ptcls = [] if not (mpi or pypar) or ((mpi and mpi.rank == 0) or (pypar and pypar.rank == 0)): ptcls = EMAN.image2list(rawimage) ptcls = ptcls[first:last] print "Read %d particle parameters" % (len(ptcls)) # ptcls = ptcls[0:10] if mpi and mpi.size > 1: ptcls = mpi.bcast(ptcls) print "rank=%d\t%d particles" % (mpi.rank, len(ptcls)) elif pypar and pypar.size() > 1: ptcls = pypar.broadcast(ptcls) print "rank=%d\t%d particles" % (pypar.rank(), len(ptcls)) if sffile: sf = EMAN.XYData() sf.readFile(sffile) sf.logy() if not mpi or ((mpi and mpi.rank == 0) or (pypar and pypar.rank() == 0)): if cmplstfile and projfile: if output_ptcls: raw_tmp = output_ptcls else: raw_tmp = rawimage raw_tmp = rawimage fp = open("tmp-" + cmplstfile, "w") fp.write("#LST\n") for i in range(len(ptcls)): fp.write("%d\t%s\n" % (first + i, projfile)) fp.write("%d\t%s\n" % (first + i, raw_tmp)) fp.close() if (mpi and mpi.size > 1 and mpi.rank == 0) or (pypar and pypar.size() > 1 and pypar.rank() == 0): total_recv = 0 if output_ptcls: total_recv += len(ptcls) if projfile: total_recv += len(ptcls) for r in range(total_recv): # print "before recv from %d" % (r) if mpi: msg, status = mpi.recv() else: msg = pypar.receive(r) # print "after recv from %d" % (r) # print msg, status d = emdata_load(msg[0]) fname = msg[1] index = msg[2] d.writeImage(fname, index) print "wrtie %s %d" % (fname, index) if options.ortlstfile: solutions = [] for r in range(1, mpi.size): msg, status = mpi.recv(source=r, tag=r) solutions += msg def ptcl_cmp(x, y): eq = cmp(x[0], y[0]) if not eq: return cmp(x[1], y[1]) else: return eq solutions.sort(ptcl_cmp) if (not mpi or (mpi and ((mpi.size > 1 and mpi.rank > 0) or mpi.size == 1))) or ( not pypar or (pypar and ((pypar.size() > 1 and pypar.rank() > 0) or pypar.size() == 1)) ): map3d = EMAN.EMData() map3d.readImage(refmap, -1) map3d.normalize() if shrink > 1: map3d.meanShrink(shrink) map3d.realFilter(0, 0) # threshold, remove negative pixels imgsize = map3d.ySize() img = EMAN.EMData() ctffilter = EMAN.EMData() ctffilter.setSize(imgsize + 2, imgsize, 1) ctffilter.setComplex(1) ctffilter.setRI(1) if (mpi and mpi.size > 1) or (pypar and pypar.size() > 1): ptclset = range(mpi.rank - 1, len(ptcls), mpi.size - 1) else: ptclset = range(0, len(ptcls)) if mpi: print "Process %d/%d: %d/%d particles" % (mpi.rank, mpi.size, len(ptclset), len(ptcls)) solutions = [] for i in ptclset: ptcl = ptcls[i] e = EMAN.Euler(ptcl[2], ptcl[3], ptcl[4]) dx = ptcl[5] - imgsize / 2 dy = ptcl[6] - imgsize / 2 print "%d\talt,az,phi=%8g,%8g,%8g\tx,y=%8g,%8g" % ( i + first, e.alt() * 180 / pi, * 180 / pi, e.phi() * 180 / pi, dx, dy, ), img.readImage(ptcl[0], ptcl[1]) img.setTAlign(-dx, -dy, 0) img.setRAlign(0, 0, 0) img.rotateAndTranslate() # now img is centered img.applyMask(int(mask - max(abs(dx), abs(dy))), 6, 0, 0, 0) if img.hasCTF(): fft = img.doFFT() ctfparm = img.getCTF() ctffilter.setCTF(ctfparm) if options.phasecorrected: if sffile: ctffilter.ctfMap(64, sf) # Wiener filter with 1/CTF (no sign) correction else: if sffile: ctffilter.ctfMap(32, sf) # Wiener filter with 1/CTF (including sign) correction else: ctffilter.ctfMap(2, EMAN.XYData()) # flip phase fft.mult(ctffilter) img2 = fft.doIFT() # now img2 is the CTF-corrected raw image img.gimmeFFT() del fft else: img2 = img img2.normalize() if shrink > 1: img2.meanShrink(shrink) # if sffile: # snrcurve = img2.ctfCurve(9, sf) # absolute SNR # else: # snrcurve = img2.ctfCurve(3, EMAN.XYData()) # relative SNR e.setSym(startSym) maxscore = -1e30 # the larger the better scores = [] for s in range(e.getMaxSymEl()): ef = e.SymN(s) # proj = map3d.project3d(ef.alt(),, ef.phi(), -6) # Wen's direct 2D accumulation projection proj = map3d.project3d( ef.alt(),, ef.phi(), -1 ) # Pawel's fast projection, ~3 times faster than mode -6 with 216^3 # don't use mode -4, it modifies its own data # proj2 = proj proj2 = proj.matchFilter(img2) proj2.applyMask(int(mask - max(abs(dx), abs(dy))), 6, 0, 0, 0) if scorefunc == "ncccmp": score = proj2.ncccmp(img2) elif scorefunc == "lcmp": score = -proj2.lcmp(img2)[0] elif scorefunc == "pcmp": score = -proj2.pcmp(img2) elif scorefunc == "fsccmp": score = proj2.fscmp(img2, []) elif scorefunc == "wfsccmp": score = proj2.fscmp(img2, snrcurve) if score > maxscore: maxscore = score best_proj = proj2 best_ef = ef best_s = s scores.append(score) # proj2.writeImage("proj-debug.img",s) # print "\tsym %2d/%2d: euler=%8g,%8g,%8g\tscore=%12.7g\tbest=%2d euler=%8g,%8g,%8g score=%12.7g\n" % \ # (s,60,ef.alt()*180/pi,*180/pi,ef.phi()*180/pi,score,best_s,best_ef.alt()*180/pi,*180/pi,best_ef.phi()*180/pi,maxscore) scores = Numeric.array(scores) print "\tbest=%2d euler=%8g,%8g,%8g max score=%12.7g\tmean=%12.7g\tmedian=%12.7g\tmin=%12.7g\n" % ( best_s, best_ef.alt() * 180 / pi, * 180 / pi, best_ef.phi() * 180 / pi, maxscore, MLab.mean(scores), MLab.median(scores), MLab.min(scores), ) if projfile: best_proj.setTAlign(dx, dy, 0) best_proj.setRAlign(0, 0, 0) best_proj.rotateAndTranslate() best_proj.set_center_x(ptcl[5]) best_proj.set_center_y(ptcl[6]) best_proj.setRAlign(best_ef) # print "before proj send from %d" % (mpi.rank) if mpi and mpi.size > 1: mpi.send((emdata_dump(best_proj), projfile, i + first), 0) elif pypar and pypar.size() > 1: pypar.send((emdata_dump(best_proj), projfile, i + first), 0) # print "after proj send from %d" % (mpi.rank) else: best_proj.writeImage(projfile, i + first) img2.setTAlign(0, 0, 0) img2.setRAlign(best_ef) img2.setNImg(1) # print "before raw send from %d" % (mpi.rank) if output_ptcls: if mpi and mpi.size > 1: mpi.send((emdata_dump(img2), output_ptcls, i + first), 0) elif pypar and pypar.size() > 1: pypar.send((emdata_dump(img2), output_ptcls, i + first), 0) # print "after raw send from %d" % (mpi.rank) else: img2.writeImage(output_ptcls, i + first) solutions.append((ptcl[0], ptcl[1], best_ef.alt(),, best_ef.phi(), ptcl[5], ptcl[6])) if mpi and (mpi.size > 1 and mpi.rank > 0): mpi.send(solutions, 0, tag=mpi.rank) if mpi: mpi.barrier() elif pypar: pypar.barrier() if mpi: mpi.finalize() elif pypar: pypar.finalize() if options.cmplstfile: os.rename("tmp-" + cmplstfile, cmplstfile) if options.ortlstfile: lFile = open(options.ortlstfile, "w") lFile.write("#LST\n") for i in solutions: lFile.write( "%d\t%s\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\n" % (i[1], i[0], i[2] * 180.0 / pi, i[3] * 180.0 / pi, i[4] * 180.0 / pi, i[5], i[6]) ) lFile.close() if not options.nocmdlog: EMAN.LOGend()