Beispiel #1
# grid
nx = 30
ny = 30
nh = 20
nv = 20
fdmesh = fdmesh.FDMesh(L, W, nx, ny)

# Surounding oxide
vsp = 3.0
hsp = 3.0

pgaa_zoner = zoner.pGAAZoner(L, W, fdmesh, vsp, hsp, nh, nv, IL=IL)

mesh = FVM.FVMMesh( pgaa_zoner.getXMesh(), 
					pgaa_zoner.prop_dict ) 
mesh.assignContact( lambda x, y: x < -hsp + 1e-8,   'Left' )
mesh.assignContact( lambda x, y: x >  L+hsp-1e-8, 'Right')


poisson = pois.FVMPoisson(mesh)

#print 'Lap mat:'
pmat =  poisson.Lap_mat
#print pmat.toarray()
Beispiel #2
nx = 20
ny = 20
fdmesh = fdmesh.FDMesh(L, W, nx, ny)

vsp = 3.0
hsp = 3.0

# Build a mesh using uniform x and y-spacing
# (uniformtity not required)
# Simple zoner function makes left half Silicon, right half Oxide
# Properties dictionary defines permittivities for the two materials
mesh = FVM.FVMMesh(np.linspace(0.0, L, nx), np.linspace(0.0, W, ny),
                   lambda x, y: 'Silicon' if x < 0.5 * L else 'Oxide', {
                       'Silicon': {
                           'eps': 11.9
                       'Oxide': {
                           'eps': 3.9

# Assign contacts (Dirichlet BCs) to left and right edges
mesh.assignContact(lambda x, y: x < 1e-8, 'Left')
mesh.assignContact(lambda x, y: L - x < 1e-8, 'Right')


poisson = pois.FVMPoisson(mesh)

#print 'Lap mat:'
pmat = poisson.Lap_mat