Beispiel #1
# Path to the specular coordinates
SpecCoordPath = f"{DOSSIERDATA}Pretraitement/Centres_{DIMHOLO}.txt"
fi = rp.Calc_fi(SpecCoordPath, NB_ANGLE, DIMHOLO)

# Paths to the real, and imaginary parts of the field
CHEMIN_RE_UBORN = f"{DOSSIERDATA}Pretraitement/ReBorn_{DIMHOLO}.tiff"
CHEMIN_IM_UBORN = f"{DOSSIERDATA}Pretraitement/ImBorn_{DIMHOLO}.tiff"

# Field files reading
ReUBorn = ft.ReadtiffCube(CHEMIN_RE_UBORN)
ImUBorn = ft.ReadtiffCube(CHEMIN_IM_UBORN)
UBornCplx = ReUBorn + ImUBorn * 1j
del ReUBorn, ImUBorn

# Rounding tomographic volume dimensions to the next power of 2
pow2 = ft.NextPow2(2 * DIMHOLO)
DIMTOMO = 2**pow2

f_recon, TFVol, mask_sum = rp.retropropagation(UBornCplx, NB_HOLO, fi,
                                               FMAXHOLO, REWALD, M.LAMBDA,
                                               M.NIMM, PIXTHEO, UBornPitch)

Refraction = f_recon.real
Absorption = f_recon.imag

if "DIC" == MethodUsed:
    print("- DIC simulation -")
    start_time = time.time()
    UBornCplxDIC = rp.dic(Refraction + 1j * Absorption, 3, 3, 1, 0.1)