def load_annot(self, annot_fi_name):
     Load a FreeSurfer annot file with included color table.
     annot_fi_name: The path to the annot file
         data, color_table = FsF.read_annot(annot_fi_name)
         self.annot = [color_table[i] for i in data]
         test_val = self.annot[0]
         # Make sure we have an annot file that doesn't need a cmap
         if type(test_val) != list or len(test_val) != 5:
              tkMessageBox.showwarning("Could not read annot file",
                  "The annot file in this dataset can't be read by COVI, "+
                  "but SUMA should display the name of the cortical area.")
              self.annot = False
     except (IOError, ValueError, struct_error) as e:
         tkMessageBox.showerror("Could not read annot file", 
                    "%s If you want annotation data, "+
                    "try reloading the dataset."%str(e))