def setup(self): if self.usesmallfont: GG.prefs.font.setsmallfont() GG.padx=3 GG.pady=3 self.readUserPrefs() GG.icon = PhotoImage(data = spiderIcons.spider) #file = iconimage) # set up output streams for GUI self.msgfr = Frame(GG.topwindow, relief=GG.frelief, borderwidth=GG.brdr, background=GG.bgd01) self.msgbox = Pmw.ScrolledText(self.msgfr, borderframe=4, vscrollmode='static', hscrollmode='dynamic', text_wrap='none') logfile = GG.sysprefs.logfile GB.outstream = GG.GUIOutput(self.msgbox, logfile) GB.errstream = GG.GUIOutput(self.msgbox, logfile) if GG.prefs.savelogfile: GB.outstream.uselogfile = 1 GB.errstream.uselogfile = 1 GG.balloon = Pmw.Balloon(GG.topwindow) GG.balloon.component('label').configure(font=GG.spid.font['small'])
def putImage(self, imagefile): if not GG.setMainImage(imagefile): print "cannot find %s" % imagefile return imagefile = GG.mainImage self.img = PhotoImage(file=imagefile) #, palette=256) #/256/256) self.imglabel.configure(image=self.img)
def systemdef(self): " reset to system defaults " GG.interface.user.font = GG.SysFonts() GG.prefs = GG.interface.user GG.spid = GG.interface.user.font self.current = GG.spid GG.spidui.setOptionDB(widget=GG.topwindow) self.redraw()
def default(self): " reset GG.interface to system defaults " GG.interface = GG.SysInterface() # new instance with defaults GG.prefs = GG.interface.user GG.sysprefs = GG.interface.system GG.spid = GG.prefs.font GG.colors = GG.prefs.colors GG.sysbgd = GG.colors.background GG.bgd01 = GG.colors.bgd01 GG.bgd02 = GG.colors.bgd02 GG.bgd03 = GG.colors.bgd03 self.setValues()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ set default values, decode keyword args """ self.ID = "" self.title = "" = "" # short title self.projfile = "proj001" self.projdir = os.getcwd() self.dataext = "dat" = gethostname() self.RunList = [] # a list of batchrun id's self.SpiderBatchDir = "" self.config = GG.sysprefs.configFile (date, time, x) = nowisthetime() self.startdate = "%s, %s" % (date, time) self.updated = "" self.parameters = {} self.pixelsize = "" self.kv = "" self.Cs = "" self.SpireVersion = GG.applicationversion keywords = [ 'ID', 'id', 'title', 'file', 'dir', 'projdir', 'config', 'dataext', 'ext', 'host', 'SpiderBatchDir', 'name' ] for kw in kwargs: if kw not in keywords: GG.errstream("%s not a valid keyword" % kw) return if kw == 'id' or kw == 'ID': self.ID = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'title': self.title = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'name': = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'file': self.projfile = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'dir' or kw == 'projdir': self.projdir = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'ext' or kw == 'dataext': = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'host': = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'config': = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'SpiderBatchDir': self.SpiderBatchDir = kwargs[kw]
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ set default values, decode keyword args """ self.ID = "" self.title = "" = "" # short title self.projfile = "proj001" self.projdir = os.getcwd() self.dataext = "dat" = gethostname() self.RunList = [] # a list of batchrun id's self.SpiderBatchDir = "" self.config = GG.sysprefs.configFile (date, time, x) = nowisthetime() self.startdate = "%s, %s" % (date, time) self.updated = "" self.parameters = {} self.pixelsize = "" self.kv = "" self.Cs = "" self.SpireVersion = GG.applicationversion keywords = ['ID', 'id', 'title','file','dir','projdir','config', 'dataext','ext','host','SpiderBatchDir', 'name'] for kw in kwargs: if kw not in keywords: GG.errstream("%s not a valid keyword" % kw) return if kw == 'id' or kw == 'ID': self.ID = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'title': self.title = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'name': = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'file': self.projfile = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'dir' or kw == 'projdir': self.projdir = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'ext' or kw == 'dataext': = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'host': = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'config': = kwargs[kw] elif kw == 'SpiderBatchDir': self.SpiderBatchDir = kwargs[kw]
def readUserPrefs(verbose=1): " writes out user prefs if the file isn't there " filename = GG.interface.file if not os.path.exists(filename): writeUserPrefs(0) else: B = fileReadLines(filename) if B == None: showerror('File Open Error') return D = {} for line in B: if line.find(':') < 0: continue s = line.split(':',1) key, value = s[0], s[1].strip() D[key] = value #if 'useLocalPrefsFile' in D: # GG.prefs.useLocalPrefsFile = int(D['useLocalPrefsFile']) keys = D.keys() for key in keys: value = D[key] # see if value is a dictionary if len(value) > 0 and value[0] == '{' and value[-1] == '}': value = eval(value) #print "%s is a dictionary: %s" % (key, str(value.keys())) if key == 'colors': GG.prefs.colors.setAttributes(value) elif key == 'font': GG.prefs.font.font = value elif key == 'AppDict': GG.sysprefs.AppDict = value elif type(value) == type("string"): # see if it's an integer try: value = int(value) except: pass # some values should have the project extension if hasProject() and key in ['filenumFile', 'paramFile']: base, ext = os.path.splitext(value) if ext == '': value = value + '.' + GB.P.dataext elif ext == '.': value = value + GB.P.dataext elif ext != GB.P.dataext: value = base + '.' + GB.P.dataext # set values in GG.prefs and GG.sysprefs if hasattr(GG.prefs, key): try: value = int(value) exec("GG.prefs.%s = %d" % (key, value)) except: exec("GG.prefs.%s = '%s'" % (key, value)) elif hasattr(GG.sysprefs, key): try: value = int(value) exec("GG.sysprefs.%s = %d" % (key, value)) except: exec("GG.sysprefs.%s = '%s'" % (key, value)) if key == 'editor' and value not in GG.editorlist: GG.editorlist.append(value) # set shortcuts GG.interface = GG.SysInterface() # create a new instance GG.interface.user = GG.prefs GG.interface.system = GG.sysprefs if GG.prefs.useLocalPrefsFile == 0 or not hasProject(): GG.interface.file = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'],".spire") else: GG.interface.file = os.path.join(GB.P.projdir, '.spire') GG.spid = GG.prefs.font GG.colors = GG.prefs.colors GG.sysbgd = GG.colors.background GG.bgd01 = GG.colors.bgd01 GG.bgd02 = GG.colors.bgd02 GG.bgd03 = GG.colors.bgd03
def GG_evolution(dslist = [], data = None, dm_data = None, outname = 'GG_rstrip.dat'): ds0 = yt.load(dslist[0]) M = ds0.parameters['DiskGravityStellarDiskMass'] * cgs.Msun a = ds0.parameters['DiskGravityStellarDiskScaleHeightR'] * cgs.Mpc b = ds0.parameters['DiskGravityStellarDiskScaleHeightz'] * cgs.Mpc star_profile = lambda x : profiles.stellar_surface_density(x, b = b, M =M, a =a) Pram = np.logspace(-16,-11, 50) # ram pressure in cgs Rstrip = np.zeros( (np.size(dslist), np.size(Pram)) ) Rstrip_dm = np.zeros( (np.size(dslist), np.size(Pram)) ) t = np.zeros(np.size(dslist)) f = open(outname, 'w') # header f.write("# t") for P in Pram: f.write(" %3.3f"%(np.log10(P))) f.write("\n") i = 0 for d in dslist: ds = yt.load(d) tnow = ds.current_time.convert_to_units('Myr').value t[i] = round(tnow) index = np.argmin( np.abs(data['t'] - tnow)) x = (data['r'][1:] + data['r'][:-1])*0.5 gas = data['surface_density'][index] x_dm = (dm_data['r'][1:] + dm_data['r'][:-1])*0.5 dm = dm_data['surface_density'][index] gas_profile = profiles.gas_profile_function(x * cgs.kpc, gas, unit = 'cgs') dm_profile = profiles.gas_profile_function(x_dm * cgs.kpc, dm, unit = 'cgs') j = 0 f.write("%i"%(round(tnow))) for P in Pram: Rstrip[i][j] = GG.stripping_radius(star_profile, gas_profile, Pram = P, lu = cgs.kpc) Rstrip_dm[i][j] = GG.stripping_radius(star_profile, gas_profile, Pram = P, dm = dm_profile, lu = cgs.kpc) f.write(" %3.3E"%(Rstrip[i][j])) j = j + 1 f.write("\n"); i = i + 1 f.close() data = {} data['t'] = t data['Pram'] = Pram data['Rstrip'] = Rstrip data['stats'] = {} data['stats']['avg'] = np.average(Rstrip, 0) data['stats']['min'] = np.min(Rstrip, 0) data['stats']['max'] = np.max(Rstrip, 0) data['stats']['std'] = np.std(Rstrip, 0) data['Rstrip_dm'] = Rstrip_dm data['dm_stats'] = {} data['dm_stats']['avg'] = np.average(Rstrip_dm, 0) data['dm_stats']['min'] = np.min(Rstrip_dm, 0) data['dm_stats']['max'] = np.max(Rstrip_dm, 0) data['dm_stats']['std'] = np.std(Rstrip_dm, 0)'GG_evolution.h5', data) return