Beispiel #1
def RunModel(ConceptualModel, Paths, ParPath, p2, init_st, snow):
        RunModel(PrecPath, Evap_Path, TempPath, DemPath, FlowAccPath, FlowDPath, ParPath, p2)
    this function runs the conceptual distributed hydrological model
                [String] path to the Folder contains precipitation rasters
                [String] path to the Folder contains Evapotranspiration rasters
                [String] path to the Folder contains Temperature rasters
                [String] path to the Flow Accumulation raster of the catchment (it should
                include the raster name and extension)
                [String] path to the Flow Direction raster of the catchment (it should
                include the raster name and extension)
            [String] path to the Folder contains parameters rasters of the catchment 
            [List] list of unoptimized parameters
            p2[0] = tfac, 1 for hourly, 0.25 for 15 min time step and 24 for daily time step
            p2[1] = catchment area in km2
        1- st:
            [4D array] state variables
        2- q_out:
            [1D array] calculated Discharge at the outlet of the catchment
        3- q_uz:
            [3D array] Distributed discharge for each cell
        PrecPath = prec_path="meteodata/4000/calib/prec"
        Evap_Path = evap_path="meteodata/4000/calib/evap"
        TempPath = temp_path="meteodata/4000/calib/temp"
        DemPath = "GIS/4000/dem4000.tif"
        FlowAccPath = "GIS/4000/acc4000.tif"
        FlowDPath = "GIS/4000/fd4000.tif"
        ParPath = "meteodata/4000/parameters"
        p2=[1, 227.31]
        st, q_out, q_uz_routed = RunModel(PrecPath,Evap_Path,TempPath,DemPath,
    # input data validation
    assert len(Paths) == 5, "Paths should include 5 folder pathes " +str(len(Paths))+" paths are only provided"
#    DemPath=Paths[3]
    # data type
    assert type(PrecPath)== str, "PrecPath input should be string type"
    assert type(Evap_Path)== str, "Evap_Path input should be string type"
    assert type(TempPath)== str, "TempPath input should be string type"
#    assert type(DemPath)== str, "DemPath input should be string type"
    assert type(FlowAccPath)== str, "FlowAccPath input should be string type"
    assert type(FlowDPath)== str, "FlowDPath input should be string type"
    assert type(ParPath)== str, "ParPath input should be string type"
    # input values
#    dem_ext=DemPath[-4:]
#    assert dem_ext == ".tif", "please add the extension at the end of the DEM raster path input"
    assert acc_ext == ".tif", "please add the extension at the end of the Flow accumulation raster path input"
    assert fd_ext == ".tif", "please add the extension at the end of the Flow Direction path input"
    # check wether the path exists or not
    assert os.path.exists(PrecPath), PrecPath + " you have provided does not exist"
    assert os.path.exists(Evap_Path), Evap_Path+" path you have provided does not exist"
    assert os.path.exists(TempPath), TempPath+" path you have provided does not exist"
#    assert os.path.exists(DemPath), DemPath+ " you have provided does not exist"
    assert os.path.exists(FlowAccPath), FlowAccPath + " you have provided does not exist"
    assert os.path.exists(FlowDPath), FlowDPath+ " you have provided does not exist"
    # check wether the folder has the rasters or not 
    assert len(os.listdir(PrecPath)) > 0, PrecPath+" folder you have provided is empty"
    assert len(os.listdir(Evap_Path)) > 0, Evap_Path+" folder you have provided is empty"
    assert len(os.listdir(TempPath)) > 0, TempPath+" folder you have provided is empty"
    # read data
    ### meteorological data
    print("meteorological data are read successfully")
    #### GIS data
#    dem= gdal.Open(DemPath) 
    print("GIS data are read successfully")
    # parameters
    print("Parameters are read successfully")
    #run the model
    st, q_out, q_uz, q_lz = Wrapper.Dist_model(ConceptualModel, acc, fd, prec, evap,
                                               temp, parameters, p2, snow, init_st)
    return st, q_out, q_uz, q_lz
def RunCalibration(ConceptualModel,
        RunCalibration(Paths, p2, Q_obs, UB, LB, SpatialVarFun, lumpedParNo, lumpedParPos, objective_function, printError=None, *args):
    this function runs the conceptual distributed hydrological model
                [String] path to the Folder contains precipitation rasters
                [String] path to the Folder contains Evapotranspiration rasters
                [String] path to the Folder contains Temperature rasters
                [String] path to the Flow Accumulation raster of the catchment (it should
                include the raster name and extension)
                [String] path to the Flow Direction raster of the catchment (it should
                include the raster name and extension)
                [List] list of unoptimized parameters
                p2[0] = tfac, 1 for hourly, 0.25 for 15 min time step and 24 for daily time step
                p2[1] = catchment area in km2
                [list] initial values for the state variables [sp,sm,uz,lz,wc] in mm
                [Numeric] upper bound of the values of the parameters
                [Numeric] Lower bound of the values of the parameters
            [Numeric] Observed values of discharge 
            [int] nomber of lumped parameters, you have to enter the value of 
            the lumped parameter at the end of the list, default is 0 (no lumped parameters)
            [List] list of order or position of the lumped parameter among all
            the parameters of the lumped model (order starts from 0 to the length 
            of the model parameters), default is [] (empty), the following order
            of parameters is used for the lumped HBV model used
            [ltt, utt, rfcf, sfcf, ttm, cfmax, cwh, cfr, fc, beta, e_corr, etf, lp,
            c_flux, k, k1, alpha, perc, pcorr, Kmuskingum, Xmuskingum]
            [function] objective function to calculate the performance of the model
            and to be used in the calibration
            other arguments needed on the objective function
        1- st:
            [4D array] state variables
        2- q_out:
            [1D array] calculated Discharge at the outlet of the catchment
        3- q_uz:
            [3D array] Distributed discharge for each cell
        PrecPath = prec_path="meteodata/4000/calib/prec"
        Evap_Path = evap_path="meteodata/4000/calib/evap"
        TempPath = temp_path="meteodata/4000/calib/temp"
        FlowAccPath = "GIS/4000/acc4000.tif"
        FlowDPath = "GIS/4000/fd4000.tif"
        ParPath = "meteodata/4000/"+"parameters.txt"
        p2=[1, 227.31]
        st, q_out, q_uz_routed = RunModel(PrecPath,Evap_Path,TempPath,DemPath,
    ### inputs validation
    # data type

    assert len(Paths) == 5, "Paths should include 5 folder pathes " + str(
        len(Paths)) + " paths are only provided"

    PrecPath = Paths[0]
    Evap_Path = Paths[1]
    TempPath = Paths[2]
    #    DemPath=Paths[3]
    FlowAccPath = Paths[3]
    FlowDPath = Paths[4]

    assert type(PrecPath) == str, "PrecPath input should be string type"
    assert type(Evap_Path) == str, "Evap_Path input should be string type"
    assert type(TempPath) == str, "TempPath input should be string type"
    #    assert type(DemPath)== str, "DemPath input should be string type"
    assert type(FlowAccPath) == str, "FlowAccPath input should be string type"
    assert type(FlowDPath) == str, "FlowDPath input should be string type"

    # input values
    #    dem_ext=DemPath[-4:]
    #    assert dem_ext == ".tif", "please add the extension at the end of the DEM raster path input"
    acc_ext = FlowAccPath[-4:]
    assert acc_ext == ".tif", "please add the extension at the end of the Flow accumulation raster path input"
    fd_ext = FlowDPath[-4:]
    assert fd_ext == ".tif", "please add the extension at the end of the Flow Direction path input"

    # check wether the path exists or not
    assert os.path.exists(
        PrecPath), PrecPath + " you have provided does not exist"
    assert os.path.exists(
        Evap_Path), Evap_Path + " path you have provided does not exist"
    assert os.path.exists(
        TempPath), TempPath + " path you have provided does not exist"
    #    assert os.path.exists(DemPath), DemPath+ " you have provided does not exist"
    assert os.path.exists(
        FlowAccPath), FlowAccPath + " you have provided does not exist"
    assert os.path.exists(
        FlowDPath), FlowDPath + " you have provided does not exist"

    # check wether the folder has the rasters or not
    assert len(os.listdir(
        PrecPath)) > 0, PrecPath + " folder you have provided is empty"
    assert len(os.listdir(
        Evap_Path)) > 0, Evap_Path + " folder you have provided is empty"
    assert len(os.listdir(
        TempPath)) > 0, TempPath + " folder you have provided is empty"

    # basic inputs
    # check if all inputs are included
    assert all(
        ["p2", "init_st", "UB", "LB", "snow "][i] in Basic_inputs.keys()
        for i in range(
            4)), "Basic_inputs should contain ['p2','init_st','UB','LB'] "

    p2 = Basic_inputs['p2']
    init_st = Basic_inputs["init_st"]
    UB = Basic_inputs['UB']
    LB = Basic_inputs['LB']
    snow = Basic_inputs['snow']

    assert len(UB) == len(LB), "length of UB should be the same like LB"

    # check objective_function
    assert callable(OF), "second argument should be a function"

    if OF_args == None:
        OF_args = []

    # read data
    ### meteorological data
    prec = GIS.ReadRastersFolder(PrecPath)
    evap = GIS.ReadRastersFolder(Evap_Path)
    temp = GIS.ReadRastersFolder(TempPath)
    print("meteorological data are read successfully")
    #### GIS data
    #    dem= gdal.Open(DemPath)
    acc = gdal.Open(FlowAccPath)
    fd = gdal.Open(FlowDPath)
    print("GIS data are read successfully")

    ### optimization

    # get arguments
    store_history = OptimizationArgs[0]
    history_fname = OptimizationArgs[1]
    # check optimization arguement
    assert store_history != 0 or store_history != 1, "store_history should be 0 or 1"
    assert type(
        history_fname) == str, "history_fname should be of type string "
    assert history_fname[
        -4:] == ".txt", "history_fname should be txt file please change extension or add .txt ad the end of the history_fname"

    print('Calibration starts')

    ### calculate the objective function
    def opt_fun(par):
            # parameters
            klb = float(par[-2])
            kub = float(par[-1])
            par = par[:-2]

            par_dist = SpatialVarFun(par, *SpatialVarArgs, kub=kub, klb=klb)

            #run the model
            _, q_out, q_uz_routed, q_lz_trans = Wrapper.Dist_model(
                ConceptualModel, acc, fd, prec, evap, temp, par_dist, p2, snow,

            # calculate performance of the model
                error = OF(Q_obs, q_out, q_uz_routed, q_lz_trans, *OF_args)
            except TypeError:  # if no of inputs less than what the function needs
                assert 1 == 5, "the objective function you have entered needs more inputs please enter then in a list as *args"

            # print error
            if printError != 0:

            fail = 0
            error = np.nan
            fail = 1

        return error, [], fail

    ### define the optimization components
    opt_prob = Optimization('HBV Calibration', opt_fun)
    for i in range(len(LB)):
        opt_prob.addVar('x{0}'.format(i), type='c', lower=LB[i], upper=UB[i])


    opt_engine = ALHSO(etol=0.0001,
                       par=0.5)  #,filename='mostafa.out'

            'hms': [int, 9],  # Memory Size [1,50]
            'hmcr': [float, 0.95
                     ],  # Probability rate of choosing from memory [0.7,0.99]
            'par': [float, 0.99],  # Pitch adjustment rate [0.1,0.99]
            'dbw': [int, 2000],  # Variable Bandwidth Quantization
            [int, 2e3
             ],  # Maximum Number of Outer Loop Iterations (Major Iterations)
            [int, 2e2
             ],  # Maximum Number of Inner Loop Iterations (Minor Iterations)
            'stopcriteria': [int, 1],  # Stopping Criteria Flag
            'stopiters': [
                int, 20
            ],  # Consecutively Number of Outer Iterations for which the Stopping Criteria must be Satisfied
            'etol': [float,
                     0.0001],  # Absolute Tolerance for Equality constraints
            'itol': [float,
                     0.0001],  # Absolute Tolerance for Inequality constraints 
            'atol': [float,
                     0.0001],  # Absolute Tolerance for Objective Function 1e-6
            'rtol': [float,
                     0.0001],  # Relative Tolerance for Objective Function
             0],  # Number of Iterations Before Print Outer Loop Information
             0],  # Number of Iterations Before Print Inner Loop Information
             0],  # Initial Position Flag (0 - no position, 1 - position given)
            'rinit': [float, 1.0],  # Initial Penalty Factor
            'fileout': [int,
                        store_history],  # Flag to Turn On Output to filename
            'filename': [
                str, 'parameters.txt'
            ],  # We could probably remove fileout flag if filename or fileinstance is given
             0.5],  # Random Number Seed (0 - Auto-Seed based on time clock)
            'scaling': [
                int, 1
            ],  # Design Variables Scaling Flag (0 - no scaling, 1 - scaling between [-1,1]) 

    res = opt_engine(opt_prob)

    return res