Beispiel #1
    def begin(self, gameStateObj, metaDataObj):
        if not self.started:
            # Get units to display
            self.units = [unit for unit in gameStateObj.allunits if unit.position and == 'player']

            self.bg_surf = Image_Modification.flickerImageTranslucent(GC.IMAGESDICT['UnitMenuBackground'], 10)
            self.title_bg = Image_Modification.flickerImageTranslucent(GC.IMAGESDICT['TitleBar'], 10)
            self.background = MenuFunctions.MovingBackground(GC.IMAGESDICT['RuneBackground'])
            self.states = [('Character', ['Class', 'Lv', 'Exp', 'HP', 'Max'], [4, 66, 89, 113, 133]),
                           ('Fighting Skill', ['STR', 'MAG', 'SKL', 'SPD', 'LCK', 'DEF', 'RES'], [4, 26, 48, 71, 94, 119, 142]),
                           ('Equipment', ['Equip', 'Atk', 'Hit', 'Avoid'], [16, 72, 103, 136]),
                           ('Personal Data', ['MOV', 'CON', 'Aid', 'Rat', 'Trv'], [4, 33, 60, 82, 106]),
                           ('Weapon Level', Weapons.TRIANGLE.types, [9 + idx*16 for idx in range(len(Weapons.TRIANGLE.types))])]
            if cf.CONSTANTS['support']:
                self.states.append(('Support Chance', ['Ally'], [0]))
            self.state_index = 0
            self.prev_state_index = 0
            self.unit_index = 1 # 0 means on banner
            self.scroll_index = 1
            self.banner_index = 0
            self.num_per_page = 6

            self.state_scroll = 0
            self.scroll_direction = 0

            self.weapon_icons = [Weapons.Icon(weapon) for weapon in Weapons.TRIANGLE.types]
            self.help_boxes = []
   = False

            self.scroll_bar = GUIObjects.ScrollBar((233, 59))
            self.left_arrow = GUIObjects.ScrollArrow('left', (7, 41))
            self.right_arrow = GUIObjects.ScrollArrow('right', (GC.WINWIDTH - 7 - 8, 41), 0.5)

            # For sort
            self.current_sort = 'Name'
            self.descending = False
            self.sort_surf = MenuFunctions.CreateBaseMenuSurf((64, 24))
            self.sort_surf = Image_Modification.flickerImageTranslucent(self.sort_surf, 10)
            self.sort_arrow_counter = Counters.ArrowCounter()
            self.sort_arrow_counter.arrow_anim = [0, 1, 2]

            # Transition in:
            return 'repeat'
            chosen_unit = gameStateObj.info_menu_struct['chosen_unit']
            if chosen_unit and chosen_unit in self.units:
            gameStateObj.info_menu_struct['chosen_unit'] = None
    def begin(self, gameStateObj, metaDataObj):
        if not self.started:
            self.config = [('Animation', ['Always', 'Your Turn', 'Combat Only', 'Never'], cf.WORDS['Animation_desc'], 0),
                           ('temp_Screen Size', ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'], cf.WORDS['temp_Screen Size_desc'], 18),
                           ('Unit Speed', list(reversed(range(15, 180, 15))), cf.WORDS['Unit Speed_desc'], 1),
                           ('Text Speed', cf.text_speed_options, cf.WORDS['Text Speed_desc'], 2),
                           ('Cursor Speed', list(reversed(range(0, 220, 20))), cf.WORDS['Cursor Speed_desc'], 8),
                           ('Show Terrain', ['ON', 'OFF'], cf.WORDS['Show Terrain_desc'], 7),
                           ('Show Objective', ['ON', 'OFF'], cf.WORDS['Show Objective_desc'], 6),
                           ('Autocursor', ['ON', 'OFF'], cf.WORDS['Autocursor_desc'], 13),
                           ('HP Map Team', ['All', 'Ally', 'Enemy'], cf.WORDS['HP Map Team_desc'], 10),
                           ('HP Map Cull', ['None', 'Wounded', 'All'], cf.WORDS['HP Map Cull_desc'], 10),
                           ('Music Volume', [x/10.0 for x in range(0, 11, 1)], cf.WORDS['Music Volume_desc'], 15),
                           ('Sound Volume', [x/10.0 for x in range(0, 11, 1)], cf.WORDS['Sound Volume_desc'], 16),
                           ('Autoend Turn', ['ON', 'OFF'], cf.WORDS['Autoend Turn_desc'], 14),
                           ('Confirm End', ['ON', 'OFF'], cf.WORDS['Confirm End_desc'], 14),
                           ('Display Hints', ['ON', 'OFF'], cf.WORDS['Display Hints_desc'], 3)]

            self.controls = {'key_SELECT': Engine.subsurface(GC.IMAGESDICT['Buttons'], (0, 66, 14, 13)),
                             'key_BACK': Engine.subsurface(GC.IMAGESDICT['Buttons'], (0, 82, 14, 13)),
                             'key_INFO': Engine.subsurface(GC.IMAGESDICT['Buttons'], (1, 149, 16, 9)),
                             'key_AUX': Engine.subsurface(GC.IMAGESDICT['Buttons'], (1, 133, 16, 9)),
                             'key_START': Engine.subsurface(GC.IMAGESDICT['Buttons'], (0, 165, 33, 9)),
                             'key_LEFT': Engine.subsurface(GC.IMAGESDICT['Buttons'], (1, 4, 13, 12)),
                             'key_RIGHT': Engine.subsurface(GC.IMAGESDICT['Buttons'], (1, 19, 13, 12)),
                             'key_DOWN': Engine.subsurface(GC.IMAGESDICT['Buttons'], (1, 34, 12, 13)),
                             'key_UP': Engine.subsurface(GC.IMAGESDICT['Buttons'], (1, 50, 12, 13))}

            self.currentSelection = 0
            self.start_offset = 32
            self.top_of_menu = 0

            self.control_order = ['key_SELECT', 'key_BACK', 'key_INFO', 'key_AUX', 'key_LEFT', 'key_RIGHT', 'key_UP', 'key_DOWN', 'key_START']

            self.background = MenuFunctions.MovingBackground(GC.IMAGESDICT['StatusBackground'])

            self.state = CustomObjects.StateMachine('TopMenu')

            self.up_arrow = GUIObjects.ScrollArrow('up', (GC.WINWIDTH//2 - 7, self.start_offset - 4), 0)
            self.down_arrow = GUIObjects.ScrollArrow('down', (GC.WINWIDTH//2 - 7, self.start_offset + 6*16 - 1), 0.5)
            self.left_arrow = GUIObjects.ScrollArrow('left', (0, 0), 0)
            self.right_arrow = GUIObjects.ScrollArrow('right', (0, 0), 0.5)

            self.backSurf = gameStateObj.generic_surf

            # Transition in:
            return 'repeat'