Beispiel #1
def SetupSpellsWindow(chargen=0):
	if chargen:
		MyChar = GemRB.GetVar ("Slot")
		Class = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (MyChar, IE_CLASS)
		ClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName (Class, "class")
		Level = LevelDiff = 1
		MyChar = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
		ClassIndex = GemRB.GetVar ("LUClass")
		ClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName (ClassIndex, "index")
		LevelDiff = GemRB.GetVar ("LevelDiff")
		Level = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (MyChar, IE_CLASSLEVELSUM)#FIXME +1?

	SpellTableName = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue (ClassName, "MAGESPELL")
	# mxsplbon.2da is handled in core and does not affect learning

	# sorcerer types need this hack to not get too many spells
	# for them the castable and known count progress differently
	if SpellTableName == "MXSPLSOR":
		SpellTableName = "SPLSRCKN"
	elif SpellTableName == "MXSPLBRD":
		SpellTableName = "SPLBRDKN"

	# learn priest spells if any and setup spell levels
	# but first nullify any previous spells
	if chargen:
		for row in range(CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetRowCount()):
			rowname = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetRowName (row)
			SpellBookType = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue (rowname, "SPLTYPE")
			if SpellBookType != "*":
				Spellbook.RemoveKnownSpells (MyChar, SpellBookType, 1,9, 0)
		Spellbook.RemoveKnownSpells (MyChar, IE_IWD2_SPELL_DOMAIN, 1,9, 0)
	IDLUCommon.LearnAnySpells (MyChar, ClassName, chargen)

	# make sure we have a correct table
	if SpellTableName == "*":
		if chargen:
			GemRB.SetNextScript ("CharGen7")
			import GUIREC
			GUIREC.FinishLevelUp ()

	# FIXME: this way will only work for chargen, where there aren't any multikits
	# extract LUClass kit if any and use that IFF it is a mage kit
	# this value is only used for detecting specialists!
	KitValue = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (MyChar, IE_KIT)
	SpellBookType = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue (ClassName, "SPLTYPE")

	LUSpellSelection.OpenSpellsWindow (MyChar, SpellTableName, Level, LevelDiff, KitValue, chargen, True, SpellBookType)

	if not chargen:
		import GUIREC
		GUIREC.FinishLevelUp ()
def SetupSpellsWindow(chargen=0):
    if chargen:
        MyChar = GemRB.GetVar("Slot")
        Class = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(MyChar, IE_CLASS)
        ClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName(Class, "class")
        Level = 0
        LevelDiff = 1
        KitValue = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(MyChar, IE_KIT)
        MyChar = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle()
        ClassIndex = GemRB.GetVar("LUClass")
        ClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName(ClassIndex, "index")
        LevelDiff = GemRB.GetVar("LevelDiff")
        Level = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(MyChar, IE_CLASSLEVELSUM)
        # this is only used for detecting specialists!
        KitValue = GemRB.GetVar("LUKit")

    SpellTableName = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(ClassName, "MAGESPELL")
    # mxsplbon.2da is handled in core and does not affect learning

    # sorcerer types need this change to not get too many spells
    # for them the castable and known count progress differently
    # TODO: create an extra clsskills column to hold this data
    if SpellTableName == "MXSPLSOR":
        SpellTableName = "SPLSRCKN"
    elif SpellTableName == "MXSPLBRD":
        SpellTableName = "SPLBRDKN"

    # charbase has domain slots reserved, so nuke them
    if chargen:
        Spellbook.UnsetupSpellLevels(MyChar, "MXSPLCLR", IE_IWD2_SPELL_DOMAIN,

    # learn priest spells if any and setup spell levels
    # but first nullify any previous spells
    if chargen:
        for row in range(CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetRowCount()):
            rowname = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetRowName(row)
            SpellBookType = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(
                rowname, "SPLTYPE")
            if SpellBookType != "*":
                Spellbook.RemoveKnownSpells(MyChar, SpellBookType, 1, 9, 0)
        Spellbook.RemoveKnownSpells(MyChar, IE_IWD2_SPELL_DOMAIN, 1, 9, 0)
    IDLUCommon.LearnAnySpells(MyChar, ClassName, chargen)

    # make sure we have a correct table and that we're eligible
    BookType = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(ClassName, "BOOKTYPE")
    canLearn = chargen or Spellbook.IsSorcererBook(BookType)  # bard / sorcerer
    if SpellTableName == "*" or not canLearn:
        if chargen:
            import GUIREC

    SpellBookType = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(ClassName, "SPLTYPE")
    LUSpellSelection.OpenSpellsWindow(MyChar, SpellTableName,
                                      Level + LevelDiff, LevelDiff, KitValue,
                                      chargen, True, SpellBookType)
def CanLevelUp(actor):
	"""Returns true if the actor can level up."""

	# get our class and placements for Multi'd and Dual'd characters
	Class = GUICommon.GetClassRowName (actor)
	Multi = GUICommon.IsMultiClassed (actor, 1)
	Dual = GUICommon.IsDualClassed (actor, 1)

	# get all the levels and overall xp here
	xp = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (actor, IE_XP)
	Levels = [GemRB.GetPlayerStat (actor, IE_LEVEL), GemRB.GetPlayerStat (actor, IE_LEVEL2),\
		GemRB.GetPlayerStat (actor, IE_LEVEL3)]

	if GemRB.GetPlayerStat(actor, IE_LEVELDRAIN)>0:
		return 0

	if GameCheck.IsIWD2():
		import GUIREC
		levelsum = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (actor, IE_CLASSLEVELSUM)
		next = GUIREC.GetNextLevelExp(levelsum, GUIREC.GetECL(actor))
		return next <= xp

	if Multi[0] > 1: # multiclassed
		xp = xp/Multi[0] # divide the xp evenly between the classes
		for i in range (Multi[0]):
			# if any class can level, return 1
			TmpClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName (Multi[i+1], "class")
			tmpNext = int(GetNextLevelExp (Levels[i], TmpClassName))
			if (tmpNext != 0 or Levels[i] == 0) and tmpNext <= xp:
				return 1

		# didn't find a class that could level
		return 0
	elif Dual[0] > 0: # dual classed
		# get the class we can level
		if Dual[0] == 3:
			ClassID = CommonTables.KitList.GetValue (Dual[2], 7)
			Class = GUICommon.GetClassRowName (ClassID, "class")
			Class = GUICommon.GetClassRowName(Dual[2], "index")
		if GUICommon.IsDualSwap(actor):
			Levels = [Levels[1], Levels[0], Levels[2]]

	# check the class that can be level (single or dual)
	tmpNext = int(GetNextLevelExp (Levels[0], Class) )
	return ((tmpNext != 0 or Levels[0] == 0) and tmpNext <= xp)
Beispiel #4
def CloseCustomizeWindow ():
	import GUIREC
	global CustomizeWindow
	if CustomizeWindow:
		CustomizeWindow.Unload ()
		CustomizeWindow = None
		GUIREC.UpdateRecordsWindow ()
Beispiel #5
def ReviewPress():
    global PartyFormationWindow, ReviewWindow

    ReviewWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow(8, "GUISP")

    DoneButton = ReviewWindow.GetControl(1)
    DoneButton.SetEvent(IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, ReviewDonePress)

    LeftTextArea = ReviewWindow.GetControl(2)
    RightTextArea = ReviewWindow.GetControl(3)

    MyChar = GemRB.GetVar("Slot")
    import GUIREC
    GUIREC.DisplayGeneral(MyChar, LeftTextArea)
    GUIREC.DisplaySkills(MyChar, RightTextArea)

def ReviewPress ():
	global PartyFormationWindow, ReviewWindow

	PartyFormationWindow.SetVisible (WINDOW_INVISIBLE)
	ReviewWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow (8)

	DoneButton = ReviewWindow.GetControl (1)
	DoneButton.SetText (11973)
	DoneButton.SetFlags (IE_GUI_BUTTON_CANCEL, OP_OR)
	DoneButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, ReviewDonePress)

	LeftTextArea = ReviewWindow.GetControl (2)
	RightTextArea = ReviewWindow.GetControl (3)

	MyChar = GemRB.GetVar ("Slot")
	import GUIREC
	GUIREC.DisplayGeneral (MyChar, LeftTextArea)
	GUIREC.DisplaySkills (MyChar, RightTextArea)

	ReviewWindow.SetVisible (WINDOW_VISIBLE)
Beispiel #7
def LevelUpInfoPress():
    """Displays new abilites gained on level up.

	Alternates between overall and modified stats."""
    import GUIREC
    global LevelUpWindow, TextAreaControl, InfoCounter, LevelDiff

    if InfoCounter % 2:
        # call GetStatOverview with the new levels, so the future overview is shown
        TextAreaControl.SetText(GUIREC.GetStatOverview(pc, LevelDiff))
    InfoCounter += 1
Beispiel #8
def LevelUpInfoPress():
    """Displays new abilites gained on level up.

	Alternates between overall and modified stats."""
    import GUIREC
    global LevelUpWindow, TextAreaControl, InfoCounter, LevelDiff

    if InfoCounter % 2:
        # call GetStatOverview with the new levels, so the future overview is shown
        # TODO: show only xp, levels, thac0, #att, lore, reputation, backstab, saving throws
        TextAreaControl.SetText(GUIREC.GetStatOverview(pc, LevelDiff))
    InfoCounter += 1
Beispiel #9
def DoSingleAction ():
	i = GemRB.GetVar ('ItemButton')
	print i
	OpenFloatMenuWindow ()
	if i == 0:
		GUIMA.OpenMapWindow ()
	elif i == 1:
		GUIJRNL.OpenJournalWindow ()
	elif i == 2:
		GUIINV.OpenInventoryWindow ()
	elif i == 3:
		GUIREC.OpenRecordsWindow ()
	elif i == 4:
		# FIXME: Or priest scroll ....
		GUIMG.OpenMageWindow ()
Beispiel #10
def DoSingleAction():
    i = GemRB.GetVar('ItemButton')
    if i == 0:
    elif i == 1:
    elif i == 2:
    elif i == 3:
    elif i == 4:
        pc = GemRB.GameGetFirstSelectedPC()
        ClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName(pc)
        if CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(ClassName, "CLERICSPELL") == "*":
Beispiel #11
def ReviewPress():
    global PartyFormationWindow, ReviewWindow

    ReviewWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow(8)

    DoneButton = ReviewWindow.GetControl(1)
    DoneButton.SetFlags(IE_GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, OP_OR)
    DoneButton.SetFlags(IE_GUI_BUTTON_CANCEL, OP_OR)
    DoneButton.SetEvent(IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, ReviewDonePress)

    LeftTextArea = ReviewWindow.GetControl(2)
    RightTextArea = ReviewWindow.GetControl(3)

    MyChar = GemRB.GetVar("Slot")
    # TODO: mimic original; reuse GUIREC/CharOverview to reduce duplication
    import GUIREC
    GUIREC.DisplaySkills(MyChar, RightTextArea)

Beispiel #12
def AcceptPress():
    if TotPoints:
        # Setting up the error window
        TextArea = QuitWindow.GetControl(0)

        Button = QuitWindow.GetControl(1)
        Button.SetFlags(IE_GUI_BUTTON_NO_IMAGE, OP_SET)
        Button = QuitWindow.GetControl(2)
        Button.SetFlags(IE_GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, OP_OR)
        Button.SetEvent(IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, OkButton)
        NewLifeWindow.SetVisible(WINDOW_GRAYED)  #go dark

    if NewLifeWindow:
    if QuitWindow:
    #set my character up
    if not LevelUp:
        MyChar = GemRB.CreatePlayer("charbase", 1)

    Str = Stats[0]
    if Str <= 18:
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(1, IE_STR, Str)
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(1, IE_STREXTRA, 0)
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(1, IE_STR, 18)
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(1, IE_STREXTRA, extras[Str - 19])

    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(1, IE_INT, Stats[1])
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(1, IE_WIS, Stats[2])
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(1, IE_DEX, Stats[3])
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(1, IE_CON, Stats[4])
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(1, IE_CHR, Stats[5])

    if LevelUp:
        # hp is handled in GUIREC
        import GUIREC

    #don't add con bonus, it will be calculated by the game
    #interestingly enough, the game adds only one level's con bonus
    Con = Stats[4]
    if Con > 14:
        x = 30
        x = 20 + (Con - 9) * 2

    print "Setting max hp to: ", x
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(1, IE_MAXHITPOINTS, x)
    #adding the remaining constitution bonus to the current hp
    #if Con>14:
    #	x = x+(Con-14)*3
    print "Setting current hp to: ", x
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(1, IE_HITPOINTS, x)

    GemRB.FillPlayerInfo(1)  #does all the rest
    #alter this if needed
    GemRB.SetRepeatClickFlags(GEM_RK_DISABLE, OP_SET)
    #LETS PLAY!!
Beispiel #13
def SpellsDonePress():
    """Move to the next assignable level.

	If there is not another assignable level, then save all the new spells and
	close the window."""

    global SpellBook, SpellLevel, SpellsWindow, MemoBook, Memorization

    # oops, we were here before, just memorise the spells and exit
    if sum(MemoBook) > 0:
        for i in MemoBook:
            if i:
                GemRB.MemorizeSpell(pc, SpellBookType, SpellLevel, i - 1, 1)
        SpellBook = []
        MemoBook = [0] * ButtonCount

    # save all the spells
    if not Memorization:
        for i in range(len(Spells[SpellLevel])):
            if SpellBook[i]:  # we need to learn this spell
                if IWD2:
                    GemRB.LearnSpell(pc, Spells[SpellLevel][i][0], 0,
                                     1 << SpellBookType)
                    GemRB.LearnSpell(pc, Spells[SpellLevel][i][0])

        # check to see if we need to update again
        for i in range(SpellLevel + 1, 9):
            if SpellsSelectPointsLeft[i] > 0:
                # reset the variables
                GemRB.SetVar("SpellTopIndex", 0)
                SpellLevel = i
                if not (chargen and GameCheck.IsBG1()):
                    SpellBook = [0] * len(Spells[i])

                ScrollBar = SpellsWindow.GetControl(NewScrollBarID)
                UpdateScrollBar(ScrollBar, len(Spells[i]))

                # show the spells and set the done button to off

        # bg1 lets you memorize spells too (iwd too, but it does it by itself)
        if chargen and sum(MemoBook) == 0 and \
        (GameCheck.IsBG1() or (IWD2 and SpellBookType == IE_IWD2_SPELL_WIZARD)):
            SpellLevel = 0
            # bump it for specialists and iwd2 casters with high stats
            SpellsSelectPointsLeft[SpellLevel] = 1 + BonusPoints[SpellLevel]
            # FIXME: setting the proper count here breaks original characters, see #680
            #GemRB.SetMemorizableSpellsCount (pc, SpellsSelectPointsLeft[SpellLevel], SpellBookType, SpellLevel)
            Memorization = 1

    # close our window and update our records
    if SpellsWindow and (not chargen or GameCheck.IsBG2() or IWD2):
        SpellsWindow = None

    # move to the next script if this is chargen
    if chargen:
        if GameCheck.IsBG2():
        elif GameCheck.IsBG1():
            # HACK
            from CharGenCommon import next
        elif IWD2:
    elif IWD2:
        import GUIREC

def OpenLUStatsWindow(Type=1):
    global NewLifeWindow, QuitWindow, StatTable
    global TotPoints, AcPoints, HpPoints
    global TotLabel, AcLabel, HpLabel
    global TextArea, Stats, StatLabels, StatLowerLimit, StatLimit, LevelUp

    GemRB.SetRepeatClickFlags(GEM_RK_DOUBLESPEED, OP_SET)
    LevelUp = Type
    if LevelUp:
        import GUICommonWindows
        import GUIREC
        # only TNO gets the main stat boosts
        pc = GemRB.GameGetFirstSelectedPC()
        if pc != 1:
        GemRB.LoadGame(None)  #loading the base game
    StatTable = GemRB.LoadTable("abcomm")
    #setting up confirmation window
    QuitWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow(1)

    #setting up CG window
    NewLifeWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow(0)

    if LevelUp:
        Str = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(1, IE_STR, 1)
        Dex = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(1, IE_DEX, 1)
        Con = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(1, IE_CON, 1)
        Wis = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(1, IE_WIS, 1)
        Int = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(1, IE_INT, 1)
        Cha = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(1, IE_CHR, 1)
        TotPoints = 1  # FIXME: actually LevelDiff
        Stats = [Str, Int, Wis, Dex, Con, Cha]
        StatLowerLimit = list(
        )  # so we copy the values or the lower limit would increase with them
        StatLimit = [25] * 6
        Str = Dex = Con = Wis = Int = Cha = 9
        TotPoints = 21
        Stats = [Str, Int, Wis, Dex, Con, Cha]

    # stat label controls
    for i in range(len(Stats)):
        StatLabels[i] = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(0x10000018 + i)

    # individual stat buttons
    for i in range(len(Stats)):
        Button = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(i + 2)
        Button.SetFlags(IE_GUI_BUTTON_NO_IMAGE, OP_SET)
        Button.SetEvent(IE_GUI_MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON, StatPress[i])

    Button = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(8)
    Button.SetSprites("", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    Button.SetEvent(IE_GUI_MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON, AcPress)

    Button = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(9)
    Button.SetSprites("", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    Button.SetEvent(IE_GUI_MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON, HpPress)

    Button = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(10)
    Button.SetSprites("", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    Button.SetEvent(IE_GUI_MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON, PointPress)

    # stat +/- buttons
    for i in range(len(StatPress)):
        Button = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(11 + 2 * i)
        Button.SetEvent(IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, IncreasePress)
        Button.SetEvent(IE_GUI_MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON, StatPress[i])
        Button.SetVarAssoc("Pressed", i)

        Button = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(12 + 2 * i)
        Button.SetEvent(IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, DecreasePress)
        Button.SetEvent(IE_GUI_MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON, StatPress[i])
        Button.SetVarAssoc("Pressed", i)

    NewLifeLabel = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(0x10000023)

    TextArea = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(23)

    TotLabel = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(0x10000020)
    AcLabel = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(0x1000001E)
    HpLabel = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(0x1000001F)

    Label = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(0x10000021)

    PhotoButton = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(35)
    PhotoButton.SetEvent(IE_GUI_MOUSE_OVER_BUTTON, OverPhoto)

    AcceptButton = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(0)
    AcceptButton.SetEvent(IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, AcceptPress)
    AcceptButton.SetFlags(IE_GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, OP_OR)

    CancelButton = NewLifeWindow.GetControl(1)
    CancelButton.SetEvent(IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, CancelPress)


def SpellsDonePress():
    """Move to the next assignable level.

	If there is not another assignable level, then save all the new spells and
	close the window."""

    global SpellBook, SpellLevel, SpellsWindow, MemoBook, Memorization

    # oops, we were here before, just memorise the spells and exit
    if sum(MemoBook) > 0:
        for i in MemoBook:
            if i:
                GemRB.MemorizeSpell(pc, SpellBookType, SpellLevel, i - 1, 1)
        SpellBook = []
        MemoBook = [0] * ButtonCount

    # save all the spells
    if not Memorization:
        for i in range(len(Spells[SpellLevel])):
            if SpellBook[i]:  # we need to learn this spell
                if IWD2:
                    GemRB.LearnSpell(pc, Spells[SpellLevel][i][0], 0,
                                     1 << SpellBookType)
                    GemRB.LearnSpell(pc, Spells[SpellLevel][i][0])

        # check to see if we need to update again
        for i in range(SpellLevel + 1, 9):
            if SpellsSelectPointsLeft[i] > 0:
                # reset the variables
                GemRB.SetVar("SpellTopIndex", 0)
                SpellLevel = i
                if not (chargen and GameCheck.IsBG1()):
                    SpellBook = [0] * len(Spells[i])

                if (EnhanceGUI):
                    # setup the scrollbar
                    ScrollBar = SpellsWindow.GetControl(1000)
                    if len(Spells[i]) > (ButtonCount + ExtraSpellButtons()):
                        if chargen:
                                    (len(Spells[i]) - ButtonCount), 6) + 1)
                                    (len(Spells[i]) - ButtonCount - 1), 5) + 1)
                        ScrollBar.SetVarAssoc("SpellTopIndex", 0)

                # show the spells and set the done button to off

        # bg1 lets you memorize spells too (iwd too, but it does it by itself)
        if chargen and sum(MemoBook) == 0 and \
        (GameCheck.IsBG1() or (IWD2 and SpellBookType != IE_IWD2_SPELL_SORCERER)):
            SpellLevel = 0
            SpellsSelectPointsLeft[SpellLevel] = 1
            if KitMask != 0x4000:
                # specialists get an extra spell per level
                SpellsSelectPointsLeft[SpellLevel] += 1
            Memorization = 1

    # close our window and update our records
    if SpellsWindow and (not chargen or GameCheck.IsBG2() or IWD2):
        SpellsWindow = None

    # move to the next script if this is chargen
    if chargen:
        if GameCheck.IsBG2():
        elif GameCheck.IsBG1():
            # HACK
            from CharGenCommon import next
        elif IWD2:
    elif IWD2:
        import GUIREC

Beispiel #16
def CanLevelUp(actor):
	"""Returns true if the actor can level up."""

	# get our class and placements for Multi'd and Dual'd characters
	Class = GUICommon.GetClassRowName (actor)
	Multi = GUICommon.IsMultiClassed (actor, 1)
	Dual = GUICommon.IsDualClassed (actor, 1)

	# get all the levels and overall xp here
	xp = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (actor, IE_XP)
	Levels = [GemRB.GetPlayerStat (actor, IE_LEVEL), GemRB.GetPlayerStat (actor, IE_LEVEL2),\
		GemRB.GetPlayerStat (actor, IE_LEVEL3)]

	if GemRB.GetPlayerStat(actor, IE_LEVELDRAIN)>0:
		return 0

	if GameCheck.IsIWD2():
		import GUIREC
		levelsum = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (actor, IE_CLASSLEVELSUM)
		nextXP = GUIREC.GetNextLevelExp (levelsum, GUIREC.GetECL (actor))
		return nextXP <= xp

	# hardcoded special case to handle TNO, who is usually a single class 
	# but with three separate Levels/XP values and the ability to switch between them
	# it returns the active class if true
	SwitcherClass = GUICommon.NamelessOneClass(actor) 
	if SwitcherClass:
		xp = { "FIGHTER" : GemRB.GetPlayerStat (actor, IE_XP), "MAGE" : GemRB.GetPlayerStat (actor, IE_XP_MAGE), "THIEF" : GemRB.GetPlayerStat (actor, IE_XP_THIEF) }
		lvls = { "FIGHTER" : Levels[0] , "MAGE": Levels[1], "THIEF": Levels [2] }

		tmpNext = GetNextLevelExp (lvls[SwitcherClass], SwitcherClass)
		if (tmpNext != 0 or lvls[SwitcherClass] == 0) and tmpNext <= xp[SwitcherClass]:
			return 1
		#ignore the rest of this function, to avoid false positives
		#other classes can only be achieved by hacking the game somehow
		return 0

	if Multi[0] > 1: # multiclassed
		xp = xp // Multi[0] # divide the xp evenly between the classes
		for i in range (Multi[0]):
			# if any class can level, return 1
			TmpClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName (Multi[i+1], "class")
			tmpNext = GetNextLevelExp (Levels[i], TmpClassName)
			if (tmpNext != 0 or Levels[i] == 0) and tmpNext <= xp:
				return 1

		# didn't find a class that could level
		return 0
	elif Dual[0] > 0: # dual classed
		# get the class we can level
		if Dual[0] == 3:
			ClassID = CommonTables.KitList.GetValue (Dual[2], 7)
			Class = GUICommon.GetClassRowName (ClassID, "class")
			Class = GUICommon.GetClassRowName(Dual[2], "index")
		if GUICommon.IsDualSwap(actor):
			Levels = [Levels[1], Levels[0], Levels[2]]

	# check the class that can be level (single or dual)
	tmpNext = GetNextLevelExp (Levels[0], Class)
	return ((tmpNext != 0 or Levels[0] == 0) and tmpNext <= xp)
Beispiel #17
def OpenLevelUpWindow():
	"""Sets up the level up window."""
	import GUIREC

	global LevelUpWindow, TextAreaControl, NewProfPoints, actor
	global DoneButton
	global NewSkillPoints, KitName, LevelDiff
	global Level, Classes, NumClasses, DualSwap, IsMulti
	global OldHPMax, OldSaves, OldLore, OldThaco, DeltaDSpells, DeltaWSpells
	global NewDSpells, NewWSpells, OldDSpells, OldWSpells, pc, HLACount, ClassName, IsDual

	LevelUpWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow (3)

	if GameCheck.IsBG2():
		InfoButton = LevelUpWindow.GetControl (125)
		InfoButton.SetText (13707)
		InfoButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, LevelUpInfoPress)
		# hide "Character Generation"

	DoneButton = LevelUpWindow.GetControl (0)
	DoneButton.SetText (11962)
	DoneButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, LevelUpDonePress)
	# also disable closing by ESC, so we don't stack upgrades
	DoneButton.MakeEscape ()

	# name
	pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle ()
	actor = Actor.Actor(pc)
	Label = LevelUpWindow.GetControl (0x10000000+90)
	Label.SetText (GemRB.GetPlayerName (pc))

	# some current values
	OldHPMax = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_MAXHITPOINTS, 1)
	OldThaco = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_TOHIT, 1)
	OldLore = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_LORE, 1)
	for i in range (5):
		OldSaves[i] = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_SAVEVSDEATH+i, 1)

	# class
	Label = LevelUpWindow.GetControl (0x10000000+106)
	Label.SetText (GUICommon.GetActorClassTitle (pc))
	print("Title: " + GUICommon.GetActorClassTitle (pc) + "\tActor Title: " + actor.ClassTitle())

	Class = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_CLASS)
	print("Class: " + str(Class) + "\tActor Class: " + str(actor.classid))

	# kit
	ClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName (Class, "class")
	Kit = GUICommon.GetKitIndex (pc)
	print("Kit: " + str(Kit) + "\tActor Kit: " + str(actor.KitIndex()))
	print("ClassName: " + ClassName + "\tActor ClassNames: " + str(actor.ClassNames()))

	# need this for checking gnomes
	RaceName = GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_RACE, 1)
	RaceName = CommonTables.Races.FindValue (3, RaceName)
	RaceName = CommonTables.Races.GetRowName (RaceName)

	# figure our our proficiency table and index
	if Kit == 0:
		KitName = ClassName
		#rowname is just a number, the kitname is the first data column
		KitName = CommonTables.KitList.GetValue(Kit, 0)

	# our multiclass variables
	IsMulti = GUICommon.IsMultiClassed (pc, 1)
	Classes = [IsMulti[1], IsMulti[2], IsMulti[3]]
	NumClasses = IsMulti[0] # 2 or 3 if IsMulti; 0 otherwise
	IsMulti = NumClasses > 1
	IsDual = 0
	DualSwap = 0

	# not multi, check dual
	if not IsMulti:
		# check if we're dual classed
		IsDual = GUICommon.IsDualClassed (pc, 1)
		Classes = []

		# either dual or single only care about 1 class
		NumClasses = 1

		# not dual, must be single
		if IsDual[0] == 0:
			Classes = [Class]
		else: # resolve kits to classes (new class goes first)
			if IsDual[0] == 3: # 1st kit
				Classes.append (CommonTables.KitList.GetValue (IsDual[2], 7))
			else: # 1st class
				Classes.append (CommonTables.Classes.GetValue (IsDual[2], 5))
			if IsDual[0] == 1: # 2nd kit
				Classes.append (CommonTables.KitList.GetValue (IsDual[1], 7))
			else: # 2nd class
				Classes.append (CommonTables.Classes.GetValue (IsDual[1], 5))

		# store a boolean for IsDual
		IsDual = IsDual[0] > 0

	print("NumClasses: " + str(NumClasses) + "\tActor NumClasses: " + str(actor.NumClasses()))

	if IsDual:
		# convert the classes from indicies to class id's
		DualSwap = GUICommon.IsDualSwap (pc)
		ClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName (Classes[0], "index")
		KitName = ClassName # for simplicity throughout the code

	print("Classes: " + str(Classes) + "\tActor Classes: " + str(actor.Classes()))
	print("IsDual: " + str(IsDual > 0) + "\tActor IsDual: " + str(actor.isdual))

	# get the next target levels and difference between levels
	Level = LUCommon.GetNextLevels(pc, Classes)
	LevelDiff = LUCommon.GetLevelDiff(pc, Level)

	# clear some globals, since we may get called multiple times with different classes
	DeltaWSpells = 0
	DeltaDSpells = 0
	OldDSpells = [0]*7
	OldWSpells = [0]*9
	NewDSpells = [0]*7
	NewWSpells = [0]*9

	# calculate the new spells (results are stored in global variables)
	GetNewSpells(pc, Classes, Level, LevelDiff, Kit)

# this is handled by core
#		# setup class bonuses for this class
#		if IsMulti or IsDual or Kit == 0:
#			ABTable = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue (TmpClassName, "ABILITIES")
#		else: # single-classed with a kit
#			ABTable = CommonTables.KitList.GetValue (str(Kit), "ABILITIES")
#		# add the abilites if we have a table to ref
#		if ABTable != "*" and GemRB.HasResource (ABTable, RES_2DA, 1):
#			GUICommon.AddClassAbilities (pc, ABTable, Level[i], LevelDiff[i])

	print("Actor CurrentLevels:" + str(actor.Levels()))
	print("Levels: " + str(Level) + "\tActor NextLevels: " + str(actor.NextLevels()))
	print("LevelDiffs: " + str(LevelDiff) + "\tActor LevelDiffs: " + str(actor.LevelDiffs()))

	#update our saves, thaco, hp and lore
	LUCommon.SetupSavingThrows (pc, Level)
	LUCommon.SetupThaco (pc, Level)
	LUCommon.SetupLore (pc, LevelDiff)
	LUCommon.SetupHP (pc, Level, LevelDiff)

	# we set up these labels so late, so they can show the new HP
	if GameCheck.IsBG1() or GameCheck.IsIWD1():
		# armorclass
		Label = LevelUpWindow.GetControl (0x10000057)
		Label.SetText (str (GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_ARMORCLASS)))
		Label.SetTooltip (17183)

		# hp now
		Label = LevelUpWindow.GetControl (0x10000058)
		Label.SetText (str (GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_HITPOINTS)))
		Label.SetTooltip (17184)

		# hp max
		Label = LevelUpWindow.GetControl (0x10000059)
		Label.SetText (str (GemRB.GetPlayerStat (pc, IE_MAXHITPOINTS)))
		Label.SetTooltip (17378)

	# use total levels for HLAs
	HLACount = 0
	if GameCheck.HasTOB(): # make sure SoA doesn't try to get it
		HLATable = GemRB.LoadTable("lunumab")
		# we need to check each level against a multi value (this is kinda screwy)
		if actor.multiclass:
			print("Actor HLA Names: " + str(["MULTI" + str(actor.NumClasses()) + name \
				for name in actor.ClassNames()]))
			print("Actor HLA Names: " + str(actor.ClassNames()))

		for i in range (NumClasses):
			if IsMulti:
				# get the row name for lookup ex. MULTI2FIGHTER, MULTI3THIEF
				MultiName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName (Classes[i], "class")
				MultiName = "MULTI" + str(NumClasses) + MultiName
				MultiName = ClassName

			# if we can't learn for this class, we can't learn at all
			FirstLevel = HLATable.GetValue (MultiName, "FIRST_LEVEL", GTV_INT)
			if Level[i] < FirstLevel:
				HLACount = 0

			if (Level[i] - LevelDiff[i]) < FirstLevel:
				# count only from FirstLevel up
				HLACount += (Level[i] - FirstLevel + 1)
				HLACount += LevelDiff[i]

		# set values required by the hla level up code
		HLACount = HLACount // HLATable.GetValue (ClassName, "RATE", GTV_INT)
		GemRB.SetVar ("HLACount", HLACount)
	if GameCheck.IsBG2():
		HLAButton = LevelUpWindow.GetControl (126)
		if HLACount:
			HLAButton.SetText (4954)
			HLAButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, LevelUpHLAPress)

	# setup our profs
	Level1 = []
	for i in range (len (Level)):
		Level1.append (Level[i]-LevelDiff[i])
	if GameCheck.IsBG2():
		LUProfsSelection.SetupProfsWindow (pc, LUProfsSelection.LUPROFS_TYPE_LEVELUP, LevelUpWindow, RedrawSkills, Level1, Level)
		LUProfsSelection.SetupProfsWindow (pc, LUProfsSelection.LUPROFS_TYPE_LEVELUP, LevelUpWindow, RedrawSkills, Level1, Level, 0, False, 0)
	NewProfPoints = GemRB.GetVar ("ProfsPointsLeft")

	#we autohide the skills and let SetupSkillsWindow show them if needbe
	for i in range (4):
		HideSkills (i)
	if GameCheck.IsBG2():
		LUSkillsSelection.SetupSkillsWindow (pc, LUSkillsSelection.LUSKILLS_TYPE_LEVELUP, LevelUpWindow, RedrawSkills, Level1, Level)
		LUSkillsSelection.SetupSkillsWindow (pc, LUSkillsSelection.LUSKILLS_TYPE_LEVELUP, LevelUpWindow, RedrawSkills, Level1, Level, 0, False)
	NewSkillPoints = GemRB.GetVar ("SkillPointsLeft")

	if GameCheck.IsBG2():
		TextAreaControl = LevelUpWindow.GetControl(110)
		TextAreaControl = LevelUpWindow.GetControl(42)
		TextAreaControl.SetText(GUIREC.GetStatOverview(pc, LevelDiff))

	LevelUpWindow.ShowModal (MODAL_SHADOW_GRAY)

	# if we have a sorcerer who can learn spells, we need to do spell selection
	for c in range(NumClasses):
		if Spellbook.HasSorcererBook (pc, Classes[c]) and DeltaWSpells > 0:
			LUSpellSelection.OpenSpellsWindow (pc, "SPLSRCKN", Level[c], LevelDiff[c])
Beispiel #18
def OpenLevelUpWindow():
    """Sets up the level up window."""
    import GUIREC

    global LevelUpWindow, TextAreaControl, NewProfPoints, actor
    global DoneButton
    global NewSkillPoints, KitName, LevelDiff
    global Level, Classes, NumClasses, DualSwap, IsMulti
    global OldHPMax, OldSaves, OldLore, OldThaco, DeltaDSpells, DeltaWSpells
    global NewDSpells, NewWSpells, OldDSpells, OldWSpells, pc, HLACount, ClassName, IsDual

    LevelUpWindow = GemRB.LoadWindow(3)

    if GameCheck.IsBG2():
        InfoButton = LevelUpWindow.GetControl(125)
        InfoButton.SetEvent(IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, LevelUpInfoPress)

    DoneButton = LevelUpWindow.GetControl(0)
    DoneButton.SetEvent(IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, LevelUpDonePress)
    DoneButton.SetFlags(IE_GUI_BUTTON_DEFAULT, OP_OR)

    # hide "Character Generation"
    Label = LevelUpWindow.CreateLabel(
        0x1000007e, 0, 0, 0, 0, "NUMBER", "",

    # name
    pc = GemRB.GameGetSelectedPCSingle()
    actor = Actor.Actor(pc)
    Label = LevelUpWindow.GetControl(0x10000000 + 90)

    if GameCheck.IsBG1() or GameCheck.IsIWD1():
        # armorclass
        Label = LevelUpWindow.GetControl(0x10000057)
        Label.SetText(str(GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_ARMORCLASS)))

        # hp now
        Label = LevelUpWindow.GetControl(0x10000058)
        Label.SetText(str(GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_HITPOINTS)))

        # hp max
        Label = LevelUpWindow.GetControl(0x10000059)
        Label.SetText(str(GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_MAXHITPOINTS)))

    # some current values
    OldHPMax = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_MAXHITPOINTS, 1)
    OldThaco = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_TOHIT, 1)
    OldLore = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LORE, 1)
    for i in range(5):
        OldSaves[i] = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_SAVEVSDEATH + i, 1)

    # class
    Label = LevelUpWindow.GetControl(0x10000000 + 106)
    print "Title:", GUICommon.GetActorClassTitle(
        pc), "\tActor Title:", actor.ClassTitle()

    Class = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_CLASS)
    print "Class:", Class, "\tActor Class:", actor.classid
    SkillTable = GemRB.LoadTable("skills")

    # kit
    ClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName(Class, "class")
    Kit = GUICommon.GetKitIndex(pc)
    print "Kit:", Kit, "\tActor Kit:", actor.KitIndex()
    print "ClassName:", ClassName, "\tActor ClassNames:", actor.ClassNames()

    # need this for checking gnomes
    RaceName = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_RACE, 1)
    RaceName = CommonTables.Races.FindValue(3, RaceName)
    RaceName = CommonTables.Races.GetRowName(RaceName)

    # figure our our proficiency table and index
    if Kit == 0:
        KitName = ClassName
        #rowname is just a number, the kitname is the first data column
        KitName = CommonTables.KitList.GetValue(Kit, 0)

    # our multiclass variables
    IsMulti = GUICommon.IsMultiClassed(pc, 1)
    Classes = [IsMulti[1], IsMulti[2], IsMulti[3]]
    NumClasses = IsMulti[0]  # 2 or 3 if IsMulti; 0 otherwise
    IsMulti = NumClasses > 1
    IsDual = 0
    DualSwap = 0

    # not multi, check dual
    if not IsMulti:
        # check if we're dual classed
        IsDual = GUICommon.IsDualClassed(pc, 1)
        Classes = [IsDual[2], IsDual[1]]  # make sure the new class is first

        # either dual or single only care about 1 class
        NumClasses = 1

        # not dual, must be single
        if IsDual[0] == 0:
            Classes = [Class]
        else:  # make sure Classes[1] is a class, not a kit
            if IsDual[0] == 1:  # kit
                Classes[1] = CommonTables.KitList.GetValue(IsDual[1], 7)
            else:  # class
                TmpClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName(Classes[1], "index")
                Classes[1] = CommonTables.Classes.GetValue(TmpClassName, "ID")

        # store a boolean for IsDual
        IsDual = IsDual[0] > 0

    print "NumClasses:", NumClasses, "\tActor NumClasses:", actor.NumClasses()

    Level = [0] * 3
    LevelDiff = [0] * 3

    # reorganize the leves if we're dc so the one we want to use is in Level[0]
    # and the old one is in Level[1] (used to regain old class abilities)
    if IsDual:
        # convert the classes from indicies to class id's
        DualSwap = GUICommon.IsDualSwap(pc)
        ClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName(Classes[0], "index")
        KitName = ClassName  # for simplicity throughout the code
        Classes[0] = CommonTables.Classes.GetValue(ClassName, "ID")
        # Class[1] is taken care of above

        # we need the old level as well
        if DualSwap:
            Level[1] = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL)
            Level[1] = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL2)

    print "Classes:", Classes, "\tActor Classes:", actor.Classes()
    print "IsDual:", IsDual > 0, "\tActor IsDual", actor.isdual

    hp = 0
    HaveCleric = 0
    # clear some globals, since we may get called multiple times with different classes
    DeltaWSpells = 0
    DeltaDSpells = 0
    OldDSpells = [0] * 7
    OldWSpells = [0] * 9
    NewDSpells = [0] * 7
    NewWSpells = [0] * 9

    # get a bunch of different things each level
    for i in range(NumClasses):
        #		print "Class:",Classes[i]
        # we don't care about the current level, but about the to-be-achieved one
        # get the next level
        Level[i] = LUCommon.GetNextLevelFromExp(
            GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_XP) / NumClasses, Classes[i])
        TmpClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName(Classes[i], "class")

        # find the level diff for each classes (3 max, obviously)
        if i == 0:
            if DualSwap:
                LevelDiff[i] = Level[i] - GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL2)
                LevelDiff[i] = Level[i] - GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL)
        elif i == 1:
            LevelDiff[i] = Level[i] - GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL2)
        elif i == 2:
            LevelDiff[i] = Level[i] - GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL3)

#		print "Level (",i,"):",Level[i]
#		print "Level Diff (",i,"):",LevelDiff[i]

# save our current and next spell amounts
        StartLevel = Level[i] - LevelDiff[i]
        DruidTable = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(TmpClassName,
                                                       "DRUIDSPELL", GTV_STR)
        ClericTable = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(
            TmpClassName, "CLERICSPELL", GTV_STR)
        MageTable = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(TmpClassName,
                                                      "MAGESPELL", GTV_STR)

        # see if we have mage spells
        if MageTable != "*":
            # we get 1 extra spell per level if we're a specialist
            Specialist = 0
            if CommonTables.KitList.GetValue(
                    Kit, 7) == 1:  # see if we're a kitted mage
                Specialist = 1

            if Spellbook.HasSorcererBook(pc, Classes[i]):
                MageTable = "SPLSRCKN"

            MageTable = GemRB.LoadTable(MageTable)
            # loop through each spell level and save the amount possible to cast (current)
            for j in range(MageTable.GetColumnCount()):
                NewWSpells[j] = MageTable.GetValue(str(Level[i]), str(j + 1),
                OldWSpells[j] = MageTable.GetValue(str(StartLevel), str(j + 1),
                if NewWSpells[
                        j] > 0:  # don't want specialist to get 1 in levels they should have 0
                    NewWSpells[j] += Specialist
                if OldWSpells[j] > 0:
                    OldWSpells[j] += Specialist
            DeltaWSpells = sum(NewWSpells) - sum(OldWSpells)
        elif ClericTable != "*":
            # check for cleric spells
            if not GemRB.HasResource(ClericTable, RES_2DA, 1):
                ClericTable = "MXSPLPRS"  # iwd1 doesn't have a DRUIDSPELL column in the table
            ClericTable = GemRB.LoadTable(ClericTable)
            HaveCleric = 1
            # same as above
            for j in range(ClericTable.GetColumnCount()):
                NewDSpells[j] = ClericTable.GetValue(str(Level[i]), str(j + 1),
                OldDSpells[j] = ClericTable.GetValue(str(StartLevel),
                                                     str(j + 1), GTV_INT)
            DeltaDSpells = sum(NewDSpells) - sum(OldDSpells)
        elif DruidTable != "*":
            # clerics have precedence in multis (ranger/cleric)
            if HaveCleric == 0:
                #use MXSPLPRS if we can't find the resource (SoA fix)
                if not GemRB.HasResource(DruidTable, RES_2DA):
                    DruidTable = "MXSPLPRS"

                # check druid spells
                DruidTable = GemRB.LoadTable(DruidTable)
                # same as above
                for j in range(DruidTable.GetColumnCount()):
                    NewDSpells[j] = DruidTable.GetValue(
                        str(Level[i]), str(j + 1), GTV_INT)
                    OldDSpells[j] = DruidTable.GetValue(
                        str(StartLevel), str(j + 1), GTV_INT)
                DeltaDSpells = sum(NewDSpells) - sum(OldDSpells)

# this is handled by core
#		# setup class bonuses for this class
#		if IsMulti or IsDual or Kit == 0:
#			ABTable = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue (TmpClassName, "ABILITIES")
#		else: # single-classed with a kit
#			ABTable = CommonTables.KitList.GetValue (str(Kit), "ABILITIES")
#		# add the abilites if we have a table to ref
#		if ABTable != "*" and GemRB.HasResource (ABTable, RES_2DA, 1):
#			GUICommon.AddClassAbilities (pc, ABTable, Level[i], LevelDiff[i])

    print "Actor CurrentLevels:", actor.Levels()
    print "Levels:", Level, "Actor NextLevels:", actor.NextLevels()
    print "LevelDiffs:", LevelDiff, "Actor LevelDiffs:", actor.LevelDiffs()

    #update our saves, thaco, hp and lore
    LUCommon.SetupSavingThrows(pc, Level)
    LUCommon.SetupThaco(pc, Level)
    LUCommon.SetupLore(pc, LevelDiff)
    LUCommon.SetupHP(pc, Level, LevelDiff)

    # use total levels for HLAs
    HLACount = 0
    if GameCheck.HasTOB():  # make sure SoA doesn't try to get it
        HLATable = GemRB.LoadTable("lunumab")
        # we need to check each level against a multi value (this is kinda screwy)
        if actor.multiclass:
            print "Actor HLA Names:",["MULTI"+str(actor.NumClasses())+name \
             for name in actor.ClassNames()]
            print "Actor HLA Names:", actor.ClassNames()

        for i in range(NumClasses):
            if IsMulti:
                # get the row name for lookup ex. MULTI2FIGHTER, MULTI3THIEF
                MultiName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName(Classes[i], "class")
                MultiName = "MULTI" + str(NumClasses) + MultiName
                MultiName = ClassName

            # if we can't learn for this class, we can't learn at all
            FirstLevel = HLATable.GetValue(MultiName, "FIRST_LEVEL", GTV_INT)
            if Level[i] < FirstLevel:
                HLACount = 0

            if (Level[i] - LevelDiff[i]) < FirstLevel:
                # count only from FirstLevel up
                HLACount += (Level[i] - FirstLevel + 1)
                HLACount += LevelDiff[i]

        # set values required by the hla level up code
        HLACount = HLACount / HLATable.GetValue(ClassName, "RATE", GTV_INT)
        GemRB.SetVar("HLACount", HLACount)
    if GameCheck.IsBG2():
        HLAButton = LevelUpWindow.GetControl(126)
        if HLACount:
            HLAButton.SetEvent(IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, LevelUpHLAPress)
            HLAButton.SetFlags(IE_GUI_BUTTON_DISABLED, OP_OR)

    # setup our profs
    Level1 = []
    for i in range(len(Level)):
        Level1.append(Level[i] - LevelDiff[i])
    if GameCheck.IsBG2():
            pc, LUProfsSelection.LUPROFS_TYPE_LEVELUP, LevelUpWindow,
            RedrawSkills, Level1, Level)
            pc, LUProfsSelection.LUPROFS_TYPE_LEVELUP, LevelUpWindow,
            RedrawSkills, Level1, Level, 0, False, 0)
    NewProfPoints = GemRB.GetVar("ProfsPointsLeft")

    #we autohide the skills and let SetupSkillsWindow show them if needbe
    for i in range(4):
    if GameCheck.IsBG2():
            pc, LUSkillsSelection.LUSKILLS_TYPE_LEVELUP, LevelUpWindow,
            RedrawSkills, Level1, Level)
            pc, LUSkillsSelection.LUSKILLS_TYPE_LEVELUP, LevelUpWindow,
            RedrawSkills, Level1, Level, 0, False)
    NewSkillPoints = GemRB.GetVar("SkillPointsLeft")

    if GameCheck.IsBG2():
        TextAreaControl = LevelUpWindow.GetControl(110)
        TextAreaControl = LevelUpWindow.GetControl(42)
        TextAreaControl.SetText(GUIREC.GetStatOverview(pc, LevelDiff))

    GemRB.SetRepeatClickFlags(GEM_RK_DISABLE, OP_NAND)

    # if we have a sorcerer who can learn spells, we need to do spell selection
    for c in range(len(Classes)):
        if Spellbook.HasSorcererBook(pc, Classes[c]) and DeltaWSpells > 0:
            LUSpellSelection.OpenSpellsWindow(pc, "SPLSRCKN", Level[c],
Beispiel #19
def LevelUpDonePress():
    """Updates the PC with the new choices.

	Closes the window when finished."""
    import GUICommonWindows
    import GUIREC
    global SkillTable

    # proficiencies

    # skills

    # level
    if DualSwap:  # swap the IE_LEVELs around if a backward dual
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL2, Level[0])
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL, Level[1])
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL, Level[0])
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL2, Level[1])
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL3, Level[2])

    print "Levels:", Level[0], "/", Level[1], "/", Level[2]

    # save our number of memorizable spells per level
    if DeltaWSpells > 0:
        # loop through each wizard spell level
        for i in range(len(NewWSpells)):
            if NewWSpells[i] > 0:  # we have new spells, so update
                GemRB.SetMemorizableSpellsCount(pc, NewWSpells[i],
                                                IE_SPELL_TYPE_WIZARD, i)

    # save our number of memorizable priest spells
    if DeltaDSpells > 0:  # druids and clerics count
        for i in range(len(NewDSpells)):
            # get each update
            if NewDSpells[i] > 0:
                GemRB.SetMemorizableSpellsCount(pc, NewDSpells[i],
                                                IE_SPELL_TYPE_PRIEST, i)

            # learn all the spells we're given, but don't have, up to our given casting level
            # bonus spells don't count in determining if we can use this level
            if GemRB.GetMemorizableSpellsCount(
                    pc, IE_SPELL_TYPE_PRIEST, i,
                    0) > 0:  # we can memorize spells of this level
                for j in range(NumClasses):  # loop through each class
                    TmpClassName = GUICommon.GetClassRowName(
                        Classes[j], "class")
                    IsDruid = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(
                        TmpClassName, "DRUIDSPELL", GTV_STR)
                    IsCleric = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(
                        TmpClassName, "CLERICSPELL", GTV_STR)
                    if IsCleric == "*" and IsDruid == "*":  # no divine spells (so mage/cleric multis don't screw up)
                    elif IsCleric == "*":  # druid spells
                        ClassFlag = 0x8000
                    else:  # cleric spells
                        ClassFlag = 0x4000

                    Learnable = Spellbook.GetLearnablePriestSpells(
                        ClassFlag, GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_ALIGNMENT),
                        i + 1)
                    for k in range(len(Learnable)
                                   ):  # loop through all the learnable spells
                        if Spellbook.HasSpell(
                                pc, IE_SPELL_TYPE_PRIEST, i, Learnable[k]
                        ) < 0:  # only write it if we don't yet know it
                            GemRB.LearnSpell(pc, Learnable[k])

    # hlas
    # level, xp and other stuff by the core?

    # 5261 - Regained abilities from inactive class
    if IsDual:  # we're dual classed
        print "activation?"
        if (Level[0] - LevelDiff[0]) <= Level[1] and Level[0] > Level[
                1]:  # our new classes now surpasses our old class
            print "reactivating base class"

    if LevelUpWindow:

    GemRB.SetRepeatClickFlags(GEM_RK_DISABLE, OP_OR)
Beispiel #20
def DCMainDonePress():
    """Saves our dualclass changes and closes the window.

	This de-activates our old class and readjusts the basic actor stats, such as
	THAC0, spell casting, proficiencies, and so forth, to the new class."""
    import GUIREC

    # save our proficiencies
    LUProfsSelection.ProfsSave(pc, LUProfsSelection.LUPROFS_TYPE_DUALCLASS)

    # remove old class abilities
    KitIndex = GUICommon.GetKitIndex(pc)
    if KitIndex:
        ABTable = CommonTables.KitList.GetValue(str(KitIndex), "ABILITIES")
        ABTable = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(OldClassName, "ABILITIES")
    if ABTable != "*" and GemRB.HasResource(ABTable, RES_2DA, 1):
        GUICommon.RemoveClassAbilities(pc, ABTable,
                                       GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL))

    # remove old class casting
    if not NewMageSpells:
        for i in range(9):
            GemRB.SetMemorizableSpellsCount(pc, 0, IE_SPELL_TYPE_WIZARD, i)
    GUICommon.RemoveKnownSpells(pc, IE_SPELL_TYPE_PRIEST, 1, 7, 1)

    # apply our class abilities
    ABTable = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(ClassName, "ABILITIES")
    if ABTable != "*" and GemRB.HasResource(ABTable, RES_2DA, 1):
        GUICommon.AddClassAbilities(pc, ABTable)

    # learn our new priest spells
    if NewPriestMask:
        GUICommon.LearnPriestSpells(pc, 1, NewPriestMask)
        GemRB.SetMemorizableSpellsCount(pc, 1, IE_SPELL_TYPE_PRIEST, 0)

    # save our thief skills if we have them

    # save our new class and say was multi
    OldClassId = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_CLASS)
    MultClassId = (1 << (NewClassId - 1)) | (1 << (OldClassId - 1))
    MultClassId = CommonTables.Classes.FindValue(4, MultClassId)
    MultClassId = CommonTables.Classes.GetValue(MultClassId, 5)
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_CLASS, MultClassId)
        pc, IE_MC_FLAGS,
        CommonTables.Classes.GetValue(OldClassName, "MC_WAS_ID", 1))

    # update our levels and xp
    if GUICommon.IsDualSwap(pc):
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL2, 1)
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL2, GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL),
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL, 1)
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_XP, 0)

    # new thac0
    ThacoTable = GemRB.LoadTable("THAC0")
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_TOHIT,
                        ThacoTable.GetValue(NewClassId - 1, 0, 1))

    # new saves
    SavesTable = CommonTables.Classes.GetValue(
        CommonTables.Classes.FindValue(5, NewClassId), 3, 0)
    SavesTable = GemRB.LoadTable(SavesTable)
    for i in range(5):
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_SAVEVSDEATH + i, SavesTable.GetValue(i, 0))

    # close our window
    if DCMainWindow:
Beispiel #21
def DCMainDonePress():
    """Saves our dualclass changes and closes the window.

	This de-activates our old class and readjusts the basic actor stats, such as
	THAC0, spell casting, proficiencies, and so forth, to the new class."""
    import GUIREC
    global ClassName

    # save our proficiencies
    LUProfsSelection.ProfsSave(pc, LUProfsSelection.LUPROFS_TYPE_DUALCLASS)

    # remove old class abilities
    KitIndex = GUICommon.GetKitIndex(pc)
    if KitIndex:
        ABTable = CommonTables.KitList.GetValue(str(KitIndex), "ABILITIES")
        ABTable = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(OldClassName, "ABILITIES")
    if ABTable != "*" and GemRB.HasResource(ABTable, RES_2DA, 1):
        GUICommon.RemoveClassAbilities(pc, ABTable,
                                       GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL))

    # remove old class casting
    if not NewMageSpells:
        for i in range(9):
            GemRB.SetMemorizableSpellsCount(pc, 0, IE_SPELL_TYPE_WIZARD, i)
    Spellbook.RemoveKnownSpells(pc, IE_SPELL_TYPE_PRIEST, 1, 7, 1)

    # apply our class abilities
    ABTable = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(ClassName, "ABILITIES")
    if ABTable != "*" and GemRB.HasResource(ABTable, RES_2DA, 1):
        GUICommon.AddClassAbilities(pc, ABTable)

    # learn our new priest spells
    if NewPriestMask:
        Spellbook.LearnPriestSpells(pc, 1, NewPriestMask)
        GemRB.SetMemorizableSpellsCount(pc, 1, IE_SPELL_TYPE_PRIEST, 0)

    # save our thief skills if we have them

    # NOTE: the ordering here is very deliberate, don't touch!
    # for the dc detection code to work in core, some level and mc bits info has to be there
    # 3 PCF functions (class, kit, level) all need more info
    # testcase: dualclassing and checking how the actionbar evolves

    # mark the actor as dualclassed
    OldMCFlags = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_MC_FLAGS, 1)
    NewMCBit = CommonTables.Classes.GetValue(OldClassName, "MC_WAS_ID",
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_MC_FLAGS, OldMCFlags | NewMCBit)

    # calculate new dc/mc class combo
    OldClassId = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_CLASS)
    MultClassId = (1 << (NewClassId - 1)) | (1 << (OldClassId - 1))
    MultClassId = CommonTables.Classes.FindValue("MULTI", MultClassId)
    MultClassId = CommonTables.Classes.GetRowName(MultClassId)
    MultClassId = CommonTables.Classes.GetValue(MultClassId, "ID")

    # fake update our levels (no PCF), so the PCF can be ran later on correct values
    # core only looks at the level difference when determining dc class order
    DSOverride = {"old": OldClassId, "new": NewClassId, "mc": MultClassId}
    Level1 = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL)
    if GUICommon.IsDualSwap(pc, DSOverride):
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL2, 0, 0)
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL2, Level1 - 1, 0)
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL, 0, 0)

    # finally set the new class
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_CLASS, MultClassId)

    # update our levels and xp
    if GUICommon.IsDualSwap(pc, DSOverride):
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL2, 1)
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL2, Level1, 0)
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL, 1)
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_XP, 0)

    # END of order matters NOTE

    # new thac0
    ThacoTable = GemRB.LoadTable("THAC0")
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_TOHIT,
                        ThacoTable.GetValue(NewClassId - 1, 0, GTV_INT))

    # new saves
    SavesTable = CommonTables.Classes.GetValue(ClassName, "SAVE", GTV_STR)
    SavesTable = GemRB.LoadTable(SavesTable)
    for i in range(5):
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_SAVEVSDEATH + i, SavesTable.GetValue(i, 0))

    # dump any equipped items that are now unusable

    # close our window
    if DCMainWindow:
Beispiel #22
def DCMainDonePress():
    """Saves our dualclass changes and closes the window.

	This de-activates our old class and readjusts the basic actor stats, such as
	THAC0, spell casting, proficiencies, and so forth, to the new class."""
    import GUIREC
    global ClassName

    # save our proficiencies
    LUProfsSelection.ProfsSave(pc, LUProfsSelection.LUPROFS_TYPE_DUALCLASS)

    # remove old class abilities
    KitIndex = GUICommon.GetKitIndex(pc)
    if KitIndex:
        ABTable = CommonTables.KitList.GetValue(str(KitIndex), "ABILITIES")
        ABTable = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(OldClassName, "ABILITIES")
    if ABTable != "*" and GemRB.HasResource(ABTable, RES_2DA, 1):
        GUICommon.RemoveClassAbilities(pc, ABTable,
                                       GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL))

    # remove old class casting
    if not NewMageSpells:
        for i in range(9):
            GemRB.SetMemorizableSpellsCount(pc, 0, IE_SPELL_TYPE_WIZARD, i)
    Spellbook.RemoveKnownSpells(pc, IE_SPELL_TYPE_PRIEST, 1, 7, 1)

    # apply our class abilities
    ABTable = CommonTables.ClassSkills.GetValue(ClassName, "ABILITIES")
    if ABTable != "*" and GemRB.HasResource(ABTable, RES_2DA, 1):
        GUICommon.AddClassAbilities(pc, ABTable)

    # learn our new priest spells
    if NewPriestMask:
        Spellbook.LearnPriestSpells(pc, 1, NewPriestMask)
        GemRB.SetMemorizableSpellsCount(pc, 1, IE_SPELL_TYPE_PRIEST, 0)

    # save our thief skills if we have them

    # save our new class and say was multi
    OldClassId = GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_CLASS)
    MultClassId = (1 << (NewClassId - 1)) | (1 << (OldClassId - 1))
    MultClassId = CommonTables.Classes.FindValue("MULTI", MultClassId)
    MultClassId = CommonTables.Classes.GetRowName(MultClassId)
    MultClassId = CommonTables.Classes.GetValue(MultClassId, "ID")
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_CLASS, MultClassId)
        pc, IE_MC_FLAGS,
        CommonTables.Classes.GetValue(OldClassName, "MC_WAS_ID", 1))

    # update our levels and xp
    if GUICommon.IsDualSwap(pc):
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL2, 1)
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL2, GemRB.GetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL),
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_LEVEL, 1)
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_XP, 0)

    # new thac0
    ThacoTable = GemRB.LoadTable("THAC0")
    GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_TOHIT,
                        ThacoTable.GetValue(NewClassId - 1, 0, 1))

    # new saves
    SavesTable = CommonTables.Classes.GetValue(ClassName, "SAVE", 0)
    SavesTable = GemRB.LoadTable(SavesTable)
    for i in range(5):
        GemRB.SetPlayerStat(pc, IE_SAVEVSDEATH + i, SavesTable.GetValue(i, 0))

    # dump any equipped items that are now unusable
    SlotTypes = [
    for type in SlotTypes:
        Slots = GemRB.GetSlots(pc, type)
        if not len(Slots):
            # nothing there
        for slot in Slots:
            SlotType = GemRB.GetSlotType(slot, pc)
            CREItem = GemRB.GetSlotItem(pc, slot)
            if not GemRB.CanUseItemType(SlotType["Type"],
                                        CREItem["ItemResRef"], pc):
                # move it to a free inventory slot by mimicking dragging
                Item = GemRB.GetItem(CREItem["ItemResRef"])
                GemRB.DragItem(pc, slot, Item["ItemIcon"])
                GemRB.DropDraggedItem(pc, -3)

    # close our window
    if DCMainWindow: