Beispiel #1
	def testErrorAndDelete( self ) :

		# Create a script with a dodgy node,
		# and a GraphGadget for displaying it.

		script = Gaffer.ScriptNode()
		script["n"] = GafferTest.BadNode()

		graphGadget = GafferUI.GraphGadget( script )

		# Arrange for the node to error on
		# a background thread.

		def f() :
			with IECore.IgnoredExceptions( Exception ) :

		r = threading.Thread( target = f )

		# Delete the node on the
		# foreground thread - this will
		# remove the NodeGadget inside
		# the GraphGadget.

		del script["n"]

		# Run idle events. Woe betide any NodeGadget
		# implementation assuming it will still be
		# alive at arbitrary points in the future!

		self.waitForIdle( 1000 )
    def testErrorSignalledOnIntermediateNodes(self):

        nodes = [GafferTest.BadNode()]
        for i in range(0, 10):

                nodes[-2]["sum"] if i != 0 else nodes[-2]["out3"])

        slots = [GafferTest.CapturingSlot(n.errorSignal()) for n in nodes]

        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, nodes[-1]["sum"].getValue)
        for i, slot in enumerate(slots):
            self.assertEqual(len(slot), 1)
            self.assertTrue(slot[0][0].isSame(nodes[i]["out3"] if i ==
                                              0 else nodes[i]["sum"]))
    def testErrorSignal(self):

        b = GafferTest.BadNode()
        a = GafferTest.AddNode()

        cs = GafferTest.CapturingSlot(b.errorSignal())

        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, b["out1"].getValue)
        self.assertEqual(len(cs), 1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(cs[0][2], str))

        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, a["sum"].getValue)
        self.assertEqual(len(cs), 2)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(cs[1][2], str))
    def testErrorSignalledAtScopeTransitions(self):

        s = Gaffer.ScriptNode()
        s["b"] = Gaffer.Box()
        s["b"]["b"] = GafferTest.BadNode()
        s["b"]["a"] = GafferTest.AddNode()

        css = GafferTest.CapturingSlot(s.errorSignal())
        csb = GafferTest.CapturingSlot(s["b"].errorSignal())
        csbb = GafferTest.CapturingSlot(s["b"]["b"].errorSignal())

        p = Gaffer.PlugAlgo.promote(s["b"]["a"]["sum"])

        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, p.getValue)
        self.assertEqual(len(css), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(csb), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(csbb), 1)
Beispiel #5
    def testThrowInAffects(self):
        # Dirty propagation is a secondary process that
        # is triggered by primary operations like adding
        # plugs, setting values, and changing inputs.
        # We don't want errors that occur during dirty
        # propagation to prevent the original operation
        # from succeeding, so that although dirtiness is
        # not propagated fully, the graph itself is in
        # an intact state.

        node = GafferTest.BadNode()

        with IECore.CapturingMessageHandler() as mh:
            node["in3"] = Gaffer.IntPlug(flags=Gaffer.Plug.Flags.Default
                                         | Gaffer.Plug.Flags.Dynamic)

        # We want the addition of the child to have succeeded.
        self.assertTrue("in3" in node)
        # And to have been informed of the bug in BadNode.
        self.assertEqual(len(mh.messages), 1)
        self.assertEqual(mh.messages[0].level, mh.Level.Error)
        self.assertEqual(mh.messages[0].context, "BadNode::affects()")
        self.assertTrue("BadNode is bad" in mh.messages[0].message)

        with IECore.CapturingMessageHandler() as mh:
            del node["in3"]

        # We want the removal of the child to have succeeded.
        self.assertTrue("in3" not in node)
        # And to have been informed of the bug in BadNode.
        self.assertEqual(len(mh.messages), 1)
        self.assertEqual(mh.messages[0].level, mh.Level.Error)
        self.assertEqual(mh.messages[0].context, "BadNode::affects()")
        self.assertTrue("BadNode is bad" in mh.messages[0].message)

        # And after all that, we still want dirty propagation to work properly.
        cs = GafferTest.CapturingSlot(node.plugDirtiedSignal())
        self.assertTrue(node["out1"] in [c[0] for c in cs])
Beispiel #6
	def testErrorSlotsDontSeeException( self ) :

		self.fRan = False
		def f( *unusedArgs ) :

			# If there's an active python exception (from
			# the error in BadNode below) when we try this
			# import, it'll appear (falsely) as if the error
			# originated from the import, and throw an exception
			# here. This is not the intention - error slots are
			# just meant to be informed of the error, without
			# ever seeing the exception itself.
			import IECore
			self.fRan = True

		n = GafferTest.BadNode()
		c = n.errorSignal().connect( f )

		with IECore.IgnoredExceptions( Exception ) :

		self.assertTrue( self.fRan )
    def testPlugNotSet(self):

        n = GafferTest.BadNode()
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, n["out3"].getValue)
    def testWrongPlugSet(self):

        n = GafferTest.BadNode()
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, n["out1"].getValue)