Beispiel #1
	def __startDrag( self, qObject, qEvent, forKeyPress = False ) :

		if self.__lastButtonPressWidget is None :
			return False

		if qEvent.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.NoButton :
			# sometimes Qt can fail to give us a mouse button release event
			# for the widget that received the mouse button press - in particular
			# this appears to happen when a context menu is raised in the press
			# event. this can mean we end up here, with a __lastButtonPressWidget
			# we don't want, attempting to start a drag when no buttons are down.
			# so we fix that.
			self.__lastButtonPressWidget = None
			return False

		sourceWidget = self.__lastButtonPressWidget()
		if sourceWidget is None :
			# the widget died
			return False

		threshold = 3 if not forKeyPress else 0
		if ( self.__lastButtonPressEvent.line.p0 - self.__widgetSpaceLine( qEvent, sourceWidget ).p0 ).length() < threshold :
			return False

		if sourceWidget._dragBeginSignal is None :
			return False

		dragDropEvent = GafferUI.DragDropEvent(
			Widget._buttons( qEvent.button() ),
			Widget._buttons( qEvent.buttons() ),
			Widget._modifiers( qEvent.modifiers() ),
		dragDropEvent.sourceWidget = sourceWidget
		dragDropEvent.destinationWidget = None
		dragDropEvent.__startedByKeyPress = forKeyPress

		dragData = sourceWidget._dragBeginSignal( sourceWidget, dragDropEvent )
		if dragData is not None : = dragData

			self.__lastButtonPressWidget = None
			self.__lastButtonPressEvent = None
			self.__dragDropEvent = dragDropEvent

			self.__updateDrag( qObject, qEvent )

			return True