Beispiel #1
	def __init__(self, screen_size, fps):
		self._tmx_root = None  # Will be used to store the currently loaded tmx-file:
		self._fps = fps # Save fps
		self._CLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() # Create pygame.Clock for fps-control
		self._draw_tile_ids = False # DEBUG: Draw all ids:

		# Create instance of Graphics-Engine: = Graphics(self,screen_size)
		# Create instance of World: = World(self)
		# Create instance of input-engine
		self.input = Input(self)
		# Create actors-controller
		self.actors = GameActorController(self)
		# Create sound-controller (not jet programmed...)
		self.sound = Sound(self)

		# Finally, first map (temporary):

		# Var changed by self.load_new_level. If not false, in the next update cycle, the level gets loaded.
		self._load_new_level = False
Beispiel #2
	def __init__(self, screen_size, fps):
		self._tmx_root = None  # Will be used to store the currently loaded tmx-file:
		self._fps = fps # Save fps
		self._CLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() # Create pygame.Clock for fps-control
		self._draw_tile_ids = False # DEBUG: Draw all ids:

		# Create instance of Graphics-Engine: = Graphics(self,screen_size)
		# Create instance of World: = World(self)
		# Create instance of input-engine
		self.input = Input(self)
		# Create actors-controller
		self.actors = GameActorController(self)
		# Create sound-controller (not jet programmed...)
		self.sound = Sound(self)

		# Finally, first map (temporary):

		# Var changed by self.load_new_level. If not false, in the next update cycle, the level gets loaded.
		self._load_new_level = False
Beispiel #3
	def _load_tmx(self, filepath):
		Loads the tmx-file 'filepath' and parses it.

		TODO: Maybe it would be better to move the part that parses tile-csv to the world-class....

		# Empty self.actors:
		self.actors = GameActorController(self)
		# TODO: Find a way to empty = World(self)

		# Open and parse the tmx-file
		self._tmx_root = ET.parse(filepath).getroot()

		# Get grid-size (in tiles)
		grid_size = (int(self._tmx_root.attrib["width"]), int(self._tmx_root.attrib["height"]))
		# Set the grid-size in the world:

		# Get tile-size (in pixels)
		tile_size = (int(self._tmx_root.attrib["tilewidth"]), int(self._tmx_root.attrib["tileheight"]))
		# Set the tile-size in the world:

		# Next, process the tilesets:
		# For tileset..
		for tileset in self._tmx_root.findall("tileset"):
			# If tileset is "world":
			if tileset.attrib["name"] == "world":
				# Dor tile in this tileset:
				for tile in tileset.findall("tile"):
					# For property in tile:
					for property in tile.find("properties").findall("property"): 
						# Update tile-property["id"]), property.attrib["name"], property.attrib["value"])

		# Next, process the layers: Where is what tile?
		# For every layer...
		all_layers = self._tmx_root.findall("layer")
		for layer in range(len(all_layers)):
			# Get and save the raw csv data which contains information about where which tile is:
			csv_data = all_layers[layer].find("data").text
			# First, split the csv in rows:
			splitted_data = csv_data.split("\n")
			# For row in csv_data:
			for row in range(len(splitted_data)):
				# Make sure the row isn't empty:
				if not splitted_data[row] == "":
					splitted_row = splitted_data[row].split(",")
					# For column in csv_data (= for tile)
					for column in range(len(splitted_row)):
						# Make sure the tile isn't empty:
						if not splitted_row[column] == "":
							# Calculate the position of the tile:
							position = map(lambda x, y: x*y, (column, row-1), tile_size)
							# Finally create the tile:, position, tile_size, int(splitted_row[column])-1)

		# Next, process object-group-layers:
		# For object-group-layer...
		for objectgroup in self._tmx_root.findall("objectgroup"):
			# If layer-name == "main"...
			if objectgroup.attrib["name"] == "game_actors":
				# For every object in that layer...
				for object in objectgroup.findall("object"):
					# Get the name of that object (=GameActor):
					actor_name = object.attrib["name"]
					# Get the position of that object
					position = (float(object.attrib["x"]), float(object.attrib["y"])-float(object.attrib["height"]))
					# Spawn a game-actor with that name:
					self.actors.spawn_game_actor(actor_name, position, self.input,,, self.sound)
Beispiel #4
class Engine:
	def __init__(self, screen_size, fps):
		self._tmx_root = None  # Will be used to store the currently loaded tmx-file:
		self._fps = fps # Save fps
		self._CLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() # Create pygame.Clock for fps-control
		self._draw_tile_ids = False # DEBUG: Draw all ids:

		# Create instance of Graphics-Engine: = Graphics(self,screen_size)
		# Create instance of World: = World(self)
		# Create instance of input-engine
		self.input = Input(self)
		# Create actors-controller
		self.actors = GameActorController(self)
		# Create sound-controller (not jet programmed...)
		self.sound = Sound(self)

		# Finally, first map (temporary):

		# Var changed by self.load_new_level. If not false, in the next update cycle, the level gets loaded.
		self._load_new_level = False

	def update(self):
		Updates everything. Should be called once per frame.

		# Check if new level should be loaded:
		if self._load_new_level:
			self._load_new_level = False

		# Handle events:
		# Update input:
		# Update world:
		# Update Game-Actors:
		# Update screen:
		# Make sure engine doesn't run faster than 60 fps:
	def _load_tmx(self, filepath):
		Loads the tmx-file 'filepath' and parses it.

		TODO: Maybe it would be better to move the part that parses tile-csv to the world-class....

		# Empty self.actors:
		self.actors = GameActorController(self)
		# TODO: Find a way to empty = World(self)

		# Open and parse the tmx-file
		self._tmx_root = ET.parse(filepath).getroot()

		# Get grid-size (in tiles)
		grid_size = (int(self._tmx_root.attrib["width"]), int(self._tmx_root.attrib["height"]))
		# Set the grid-size in the world:

		# Get tile-size (in pixels)
		tile_size = (int(self._tmx_root.attrib["tilewidth"]), int(self._tmx_root.attrib["tileheight"]))
		# Set the tile-size in the world:

		# Next, process the tilesets:
		# For tileset..
		for tileset in self._tmx_root.findall("tileset"):
			# If tileset is "world":
			if tileset.attrib["name"] == "world":
				# Dor tile in this tileset:
				for tile in tileset.findall("tile"):
					# For property in tile:
					for property in tile.find("properties").findall("property"): 
						# Update tile-property["id"]), property.attrib["name"], property.attrib["value"])

		# Next, process the layers: Where is what tile?
		# For every layer...
		all_layers = self._tmx_root.findall("layer")
		for layer in range(len(all_layers)):
			# Get and save the raw csv data which contains information about where which tile is:
			csv_data = all_layers[layer].find("data").text
			# First, split the csv in rows:
			splitted_data = csv_data.split("\n")
			# For row in csv_data:
			for row in range(len(splitted_data)):
				# Make sure the row isn't empty:
				if not splitted_data[row] == "":
					splitted_row = splitted_data[row].split(",")
					# For column in csv_data (= for tile)
					for column in range(len(splitted_row)):
						# Make sure the tile isn't empty:
						if not splitted_row[column] == "":
							# Calculate the position of the tile:
							position = map(lambda x, y: x*y, (column, row-1), tile_size)
							# Finally create the tile:, position, tile_size, int(splitted_row[column])-1)

		# Next, process object-group-layers:
		# For object-group-layer...
		for objectgroup in self._tmx_root.findall("objectgroup"):
			# If layer-name == "main"...
			if objectgroup.attrib["name"] == "game_actors":
				# For every object in that layer...
				for object in objectgroup.findall("object"):
					# Get the name of that object (=GameActor):
					actor_name = object.attrib["name"]
					# Get the position of that object
					position = (float(object.attrib["x"]), float(object.attrib["y"])-float(object.attrib["height"]))
					# Spawn a game-actor with that name:
					self.actors.spawn_game_actor(actor_name, position, self.input,,, self.sound)

	def _handle_events(self):
		for event in
			if event.type == QUIT:

	def load_new_level(self, filename):
		self._load_new_level = filename
Beispiel #5
	def _load_tmx(self, filepath):
		Loads the tmx-file 'filepath' and parses it.

		TODO: Maybe it would be better to move the part that parses tile-csv to the world-class....

		# Empty self.actors:
		self.actors = GameActorController(self)
		# TODO: Find a way to empty = World(self)

		# Open and parse the tmx-file
		self._tmx_root = ET.parse(filepath).getroot()

		# Get grid-size (in tiles)
		grid_size = (int(self._tmx_root.attrib["width"]), int(self._tmx_root.attrib["height"]))
		# Set the grid-size in the world:

		# Get tile-size (in pixels)
		tile_size = (int(self._tmx_root.attrib["tilewidth"]), int(self._tmx_root.attrib["tileheight"]))
		# Set the tile-size in the world:

		# Next, process the tilesets:
		# For tileset..
		for tileset in self._tmx_root.findall("tileset"):
			# If tileset is "world":
			if tileset.attrib["name"] == "world":
				# Dor tile in this tileset:
				for tile in tileset.findall("tile"):
					# For property in tile:
					for property in tile.find("properties").findall("property"):
						# Update tile-property["id"]), property.attrib["name"], property.attrib["value"])

		# Next, process the layers: Where is what tile?
		# For every layer...
		all_layers = self._tmx_root.findall("layer")
		for layer in range(len(all_layers)):
			# Get and save the raw csv data which contains information about where which tile is:
			csv_data = all_layers[layer].find("data").text
			# First, split the csv in rows:
			splitted_data = csv_data.split("\n")
			# For row in csv_data:
			for row in range(len(splitted_data)):
				# Make sure the row isn't empty:
				if not splitted_data[row] == "":
					splitted_row = splitted_data[row].split(",")
					# For column in csv_data (= for tile)
					for column in range(len(splitted_row)):
						# Make sure the tile isn't empty:
						if not splitted_row[column] == "":
							# Calculate the position of the tile:
							position = list(map(lambda x, y: x*y, (column, row-1), tile_size))
							# Finally create the tile:, position, tile_size, int(splitted_row[column])-1)

		# Next, process object-group-layers:
		# For object-group-layer...
		for objectgroup in self._tmx_root.findall("objectgroup"):
			# If layer-name == "main"...
			if objectgroup.attrib["name"] == "game_actors":
				# For every object in that layer...
				for object in objectgroup.findall("object"):
					# Get the name of that object (=GameActor):
					actor_name = object.attrib["name"]
					# Get the position of that object
					position = (float(object.attrib["x"]), float(object.attrib["y"])-float(object.attrib["height"]))
					# Spawn a game-actor with that name:
					self.actors.spawn_game_actor(actor_name, position)
Beispiel #6
class Engine:
	def __init__(self, screen_size, fps):
		self._tmx_root = None  # Will be used to store the currently loaded tmx-file:
		self._fps = fps # Save fps
		self._CLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() # Create pygame.Clock for fps-control
		self._draw_tile_ids = False # DEBUG: Draw all ids:

		# Create instance of Graphics-Engine: = Graphics(self,screen_size)
		# Create instance of World: = World(self)
		# Create instance of input-engine
		self.input = Input(self)
		# Create actors-controller
		self.actors = GameActorController(self)
		# Create sound-controller (not jet programmed...)
		self.sound = Sound(self)

		# Finally, first map (temporary):

		# Var changed by self.load_new_level. If not false, in the next update cycle, the level gets loaded.
		self._load_new_level = False

	def update(self):
		Updates everything. Should be called once per frame.

		# Check if new level should be loaded:
		if self._load_new_level:
			self._load_new_level = False

		# Handle events:
		# Update input:
		# Update world:
		# Update Game-Actors:
		# Update screen:
		# Make sure engine doesn't run faster than 60 fps:
	def _load_tmx(self, filepath):
		Loads the tmx-file 'filepath' and parses it.

		TODO: Maybe it would be better to move the part that parses tile-csv to the world-class....

		# Empty self.actors:
		self.actors = GameActorController(self)
		# TODO: Find a way to empty = World(self)

		# Open and parse the tmx-file
		self._tmx_root = ET.parse(filepath).getroot()

		# Get grid-size (in tiles)
		grid_size = (int(self._tmx_root.attrib["width"]), int(self._tmx_root.attrib["height"]))
		# Set the grid-size in the world:

		# Get tile-size (in pixels)
		tile_size = (int(self._tmx_root.attrib["tilewidth"]), int(self._tmx_root.attrib["tileheight"]))
		# Set the tile-size in the world:

		# Next, process the tilesets:
		# For tileset..
		for tileset in self._tmx_root.findall("tileset"):
			# If tileset is "world":
			if tileset.attrib["name"] == "world":
				# Dor tile in this tileset:
				for tile in tileset.findall("tile"):
					# For property in tile:
					for property in tile.find("properties").findall("property"):
						# Update tile-property["id"]), property.attrib["name"], property.attrib["value"])

		# Next, process the layers: Where is what tile?
		# For every layer...
		all_layers = self._tmx_root.findall("layer")
		for layer in range(len(all_layers)):
			# Get and save the raw csv data which contains information about where which tile is:
			csv_data = all_layers[layer].find("data").text
			# First, split the csv in rows:
			splitted_data = csv_data.split("\n")
			# For row in csv_data:
			for row in range(len(splitted_data)):
				# Make sure the row isn't empty:
				if not splitted_data[row] == "":
					splitted_row = splitted_data[row].split(",")
					# For column in csv_data (= for tile)
					for column in range(len(splitted_row)):
						# Make sure the tile isn't empty:
						if not splitted_row[column] == "":
							# Calculate the position of the tile:
							position = list(map(lambda x, y: x*y, (column, row-1), tile_size))
							# Finally create the tile:, position, tile_size, int(splitted_row[column])-1)

		# Next, process object-group-layers:
		# For object-group-layer...
		for objectgroup in self._tmx_root.findall("objectgroup"):
			# If layer-name == "main"...
			if objectgroup.attrib["name"] == "game_actors":
				# For every object in that layer...
				for object in objectgroup.findall("object"):
					# Get the name of that object (=GameActor):
					actor_name = object.attrib["name"]
					# Get the position of that object
					position = (float(object.attrib["x"]), float(object.attrib["y"])-float(object.attrib["height"]))
					# Spawn a game-actor with that name:
					self.actors.spawn_game_actor(actor_name, position)

	def _handle_events(self):
		for event in
			if event.type == QUIT:

	def load_new_level(self, filename):
		self._load_new_level = filename