Beispiel #1
def lightcone_stats(s='',ht=''):
    infile = setup_dirs.resultsdir()+'dbt_lightcone_smooth'+ht+'.bin'
    zfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir()+'dbt_lightcone_redshifts.bin','rb')
    meanfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir()+s+'_'+'mean'+'_'+ht+'lightcone.dat','w')
    skewnessfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir()+s+'_'+'skewness'+'_'+ht+'lightcone.dat','w')
    kurtosisfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir()+s+'_'+'kurtosis'+'_'+ht+'lightcone.dat','w')
    rmsfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir()+s+'_'+'rms'+'_'+ht+'lightcone.dat','w')
    redshiftfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir()+s+'_'+'zs'+'_'+ht+'.dat','w')
    lc = np.load(infile)
    zs = np.load(zfile)
    ratio=4. #smoothing ratio
    Lbox=244./0.7 #boxsize in cMpc
    SLbox=Lbox/ratio #size of smoothing box
    Nbox=250 #number of cells
    SNbox=int(Nbox/ratio)+1 #new number of cells
    print Lbox, SLbox, Nbox, SNbox
    for i in range(len(zs)-SNbox/2-2,SNbox/2,-1):
        print "Doing redshift: " + str(zs[i])
        data,dims = c2t.get_lightcone_subvolume(lc,zs,zs[i],depth_mpc=SLbox,subtract_mean=False)
    print "Written statistics"
Beispiel #2
def smoothed_lightcone_dbt(id="", ht=""):
    infile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "dbt_lightcone" + ht + ".bin", "rb")
    outfile = setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "dbt_lightcone_smooth" + ht + ".bin"
    zfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "dbt_lightcone_redshifts.bin", "rb")
    dT_box = np.load(infile)
    log = open("stats.dat", "w")
    zs = np.load(zfile)

    dT_box3 = np.zeros((len(dT_box[:, 1, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, :, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, 1, :])))
    dT_box2 = np.zeros((len(dT_box[:, 1, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, :, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, 1, :])))
    for z in range(len(dT_box[1, 1, :]) - 1, -1, -1):
        wl = 0.21 * (1 + zs[z])
        c = 299792.458
        omm = 0.27
        oml = 0.73
        omr = 0.0
        omk = 1.0 - omm - oml - omr
        H0 = 70.0

        def integrand(x, omm, oml, omr, omk):
            return 1.0 / np.sqrt(omr * ((1 + x) ** 4) + omm * ((1 + x) ** 3) + oml + omk * ((1 + x) ** 2))

        def dc(z, omm, oml, omr, omk):
            return quad(integrand, 0, z, args=(omm, oml, omr, omk))[0]  # /(1.0+z)

        vec_dc = np.vectorize(dc)

        bw_r = wl / (2.0e3)  # radians
        bw = bw_r * 3437.74677  # arcminutesi
        log.write("Wavelength of 21-cm from redshift " + str(zs[z]) + " is " + str(wl) + "m\n")
        log.write("At redshift: " + str(zs[z]) + " smoothing with a " + str(bw) + " arc minute beam.\n")

        rc = bw_r * c / H0 * vec_dc(zs[z], omm, oml, omr, omk)  # comoving Mpc
        Hz = H0 * np.sqrt(omr * (1 + zs[z]) ** 4 + omm * (1 + zs[z]) ** 3 + oml + omk * (1 + zs[z]) ** 2)

        log.write("rc = " + str(rc) + "\n")
        #        dnu=nu0*Hz*rc/(c*(1+zs[z])**2)
        dz = rc * Hz / c
        log.write("$\Delta$ z = " + str(dz) + "\n")
        ncs = rc * 250.0 * 0.7 / 244.0
        log.write(str(ncs) + " cells in the z direction\n")
        #        rc_h=rc/0.7 # comoving Mpc/h
        #        print "This corresponds to "+str(rc_h)+"Mpc/h on the sky"

        dT_box2[:, :, z] = c2t.beam_convolve(dT_box[:, :, z], zs[z], 244.0, beam_w=bw)

        if z > ncs and z + ncs < zs[len(zs) - 1]:
            for x in range(len(dT_box2)):
                for y in range(len(dT_box2)):
                    dT_box3[x, y, z] = np.mean(dT_box2[x, y, z - ncs / 2.0 : z + ncs / 2.0])
            print "..."
            dT_box3[:, :, z] = dT_box2[:, :, z]

        IO.writebin(dT_box3[:, :, z], setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "smoothed_map_dbt_" + ht + str("%.3f" % zs[z]) + ".bin")

    IO.writebin(dT_box3, outfile)
    print "Written map to " + outfile
Beispiel #3
def dbt_lightcone(ht=""):
    filenames = ["" for x in range(len(redshifts))]
    for i in range(0, len(redshifts)):
        filenames[i] = setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "dbt" + ht + "/map_dbt_" + ht + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + ".bin"
    output = setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "dbt_lightcone" + ht + ".bin"
    output2 = setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "dbt_lightcone_redshifts.bin"
    lightcone, z = c2t.make_lightcone(filenames, redshifts[len(redshifts) - 1], redshifts[0], interpolation="linear")
    lightcone2 = np.asarray(lightcone)
    z2 = np.asarray(z)
    IO.writebin(lightcone2, output)
    IO.writebin(z2, output2)
    print "written lightcone to " + output
Beispiel #4
def blurtemp():
    for z in range(start,len(redshifts)):
        print "Doing redshift " + str(redshifts[z])+"..."
        temp_filename = setup_dirs.path() + 'Temper3D_'+str('%.3f' % redshifts[z]) + '.bin'
        T = c2t.TemperFile(temp_filename).temper
        for i in range(len(T[:,1,1])):
            for j in range(len(T[:,1,1])):
                for k in range(len(T[:,1,1])):
        print "written to tests/blurred/temp_"+str(redshifts[z])+".bin"
Beispiel #5
def smoothed_lightcone_dbt2(id="", ht=""):
    print "hello"
    infile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "dbt_lightcone" + ht + ".bin", "rb")
    outfile = setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "dbt_lightcone_smooth" + ht + ".bin"
    zfile = open(setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "dbt_lightcone_redshifts.bin", "rb")
    dT_box = np.load(infile)
    log = open("stats.dat", "w")
    zs = np.load(zfile)

    dT_box3 = np.zeros((len(dT_box[:, 1, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, :, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, 1, :])))
    dT_box2 = np.zeros((len(dT_box[:, 1, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, :, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, 1, :])))
    for z in range(len(dT_box[1, 1, :])):
        wl = 0.21 * (1 + zs[z])
        c = 299792.458
        omm = 0.27
        oml = 0.73
        omr = 0.0
        omk = 1.0 - omm - oml - omr
        H0 = 70.0
        print 1

        def integrand(x, omm, oml, omr, omk):
            return 1.0 / np.sqrt(omr * ((1 + x) ** 4) + omm * ((1 + x) ** 3) + oml + omk * ((1 + x) ** 2))

        def dc(z, omm, oml, omr, omk):
            return quad(integrand, 0, z, args=(omm, oml, omr, omk))[0]  # /(1.0+z)

        vec_dc = np.vectorize(dc)

        print 2
        bw_r = wl / (2.0e3)  # radians
        bw = bw_r * 3437.74677  # arcminutesi
        stats.write("Wavelength of 21-cm from redshift " + str(zs[z]) + " is " + str(wl) + "m")
        stats.write("At redshift: " + str(zs[z]) + " smoothing with a " + str(bw_r) + " radian beam")
        stats.write("At redshift: " + str(zs[z]) + " smoothing with a " + str(bw) + " arc minute beam")

        print 3
        dT_box2[:, :, z] = c2t.beam_convolve(dT_box[:, :, z], zs[z], 244.0, beam_w=bw)

        print 4
        dT_box3 = lightcone_smooth.frequency_direction_same(dT_box2, zs[0], 244.0, 2)
        print 5
        IO.writebin(dT_box3[:, :, z], setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "smoothed_map_dbt_" + ht + str("%.3f" % zs[z]) + ".bin")

    IO.writebin(dT_box3, outfile)
    print "Written map to " + outfile
Beispiel #6
def map_dbt():
    for i in range(start, len(redshifts)):
        filename = setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "map_dbt_" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + ".bin"
        temp_filename = setup_dirs.path() + "Temper3D_" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + ".bin"
        xfrac_filename = setup_dirs.path() + "xfrac3d_" + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i]) + ".bin"
        if i % 2 == 0:
            density_filename = (
                + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i])
                + "n_all.dat"
            density_filename = (
                + str("%.3f" % redshifts[i - 1])
                + "n_all.dat"

        tfile = c2t.TemperFile(temp_filename)
        xfile = c2t.XfracFile(xfrac_filename).xi

        if ss != " ":
            abu_he = 0.074
            G_grav = 6.674e-11
            pc = 3.086e16
            Mpc = 1e6 * pc
            H0 = 0.7 * 100.0 * 1.0e5 / Mpc
            rho_crit_0 = 3.0 * H0 * H0 / (8.0 * np.pi * G_grav)
            Omega_B = 0.044
            mu = (1.0 - abu_he) + 4.0 * abu_he
            m_p = 1.672661e-24

            dfile = np.ones(ss ** 3).reshape(ss, ss, ss)
            dfile = dfile * rho_crit_0 * Omega_B / (mu * m_p) * (1.0 + redshifts[i]) ** 3
            dfile = dfile * 1.23581719037e-35

            dfile = c2t.DensityFile(density_filename).cgs_density
        dT_box = c2t.calc_dt_full(xfile, tfile, dfile, redshifts[i])
        #        IO.writemap(dT_box,filename)
        IO.writebin(dT_box, filename)
        print "Written map to " + filename
Beispiel #7
def smoothed_coeval_box(ht=""):
    log2 = open("coeval_stats.dat", "w")
    for z in range(len(redshifts)):
        infile = "map_dbt_" + ht + str("%0.3f" % redshifts[z]) + ".bin"
        dT_box = IO.readbin(infile)
        dT_box3 = np.zeros((len(dT_box[:, 1, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, :, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, 1, :])))
        dT_box2 = np.zeros((len(dT_box[:, 1, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, :, 1]) / 2, len(dT_box[1, 1, :])))
        wl = 0.21 * (1 + redshifts[z])
        c = 299792.458
        omm = 0.27
        oml = 0.73
        omr = 0.0
        omk = 1.0 - omm - oml - omr
        H0 = 70.0

        def integrand(x, omm, oml, omr, omk):
            return 1.0 / np.sqrt(omr * ((1 + x) ** 4) + omm * ((1 + x) ** 3) + oml + omk * ((1 + x) ** 2))

        def dc(z, omm, oml, omr, omk):
            return quad(integrand, 0, z, args=(omm, oml, omr, omk))[0]  # /(1.0+z)

        vec_dc = np.vectorize(dc)
        bw_r = wl / (2.0e3)  # radians
        bw = bw_r * 3437.74677  # arcminutesi
        log2.write("Wavelength of 21-cm from redshift " + str(redshifts[z]) + " is " + str(wl) + "m\n")
        log2.write("At redshift: " + str(redshifts[z]) + " smoothing with a " + str(bw) + " arc minute beam.\n")

        rc = bw_r * c / H0 * vec_dc(redshifts[z], omm, oml, omr, omk)  # comoving Mpc
        Hz = H0 * np.sqrt(
            omr * (1 + redshifts[z]) ** 4 + omm * (1 + redshifts[z]) ** 3 + oml + omk * (1 + redshifts[z]) ** 2
        log2.write("rc = " + str(rc) + "\n")
        dz = rc * Hz / c
        log2.write("$\Delta$ z = " + str(dz) + "\n")
        ncs = rc * 250.0 * 0.7 / 244.0
        log2.write(str(ncs) + " cells in the z direction\n")
        for k in range(len(dT_box2[1, 1, :])):
            dT_box2[:, :, k] = c2t.beam_convolve(dT_box[:, :, k], redshifts[z], 244.0, beam_w=bw)
        for i in range(0):  # len(dT_box2[:,1,1])):
            for j in range(0):  # len(dT_box2[1,:,1])):
                for k in range(0):  # len(dT_box2[1,1,:])):
                    L = len(dT_box2[1, 1, :])
                    if k - ncs / 2 > 0 and k + ncs / 2 < L:
                        dT_box3[i, j, k] = np.mean(dT_box2[i, j, k - ncs / 2.0 : k + ncs / 2.0])
                        if k + ncs / 2.0 - k + ncs / 2.0 != ncs:
                            print "Wrong smoothing width for tophat function!!"
                    elif (k - ncs) / 2 < 0:
                        if k + ncs / 2.0 + k - ncs / 2 != ncs:
                            print "Wrong smoothing width for tophat function!!"
                        dT_box3[i, j, k] = (
                            np.sum(dT_box2[i, j, 0 : (k + ncs / 2.0)]) + np.sum(dT_box2[i, j, L - ncs / 2 + k : L])
                        ) / ncs
                    elif (k + ncs) / 2 > 10:
                        if L - k + ncs / 2 + L - k + ncs / 2 != ncs:
                            print "Wrong smoothing width for tophat function!!"
                        dT_box3[i, j, k] = (
                            np.sum(dT_box2[i, j, k - ncs / 2 : L]) + np.sum(dT_box2[i, j, L - k + ncs / 2 : L])
                        ) / ncs

            dT_box2, setup_dirs.resultsdir() + "smooth_coevalmap_dbt_" + ht + str("%.3f" % redshifts[z]) + ".bin"
        print np.mean(dT_box2)
        print "Written map"