Beispiel #1
    def _getPoolDisasm(self):
        # type: () -> str
        Disassembles pool in a linker compatible version. If the instruction is not a pool

        :param ea: ea of inst
        :return: disassembly with the correct LDR/STR [PC, ...] format or ''
        :raise DataException: if an invalid state is entered while parsing the pool load
        output = ''
        if 'LDR' in idc.GetMnem(self.ea) and Instruction.isPoolLDR(self.ea):
            insn = Instruction.Insn(self.ea)
            inst = 'LDR'
            reg = 'R%d' % (insn.ops[0].reg)

            # retrieve the pool address from the instruction
            pool_ea = insn.ops[1].addr
            poolData = Data(pool_ea)
            offset = pool_ea - poolData.ea

            # every pool reference must have a name
            if not poolData.getName():
                raise (DataException(
                    "%07X: pool_ea %07X does not have a name" %
                    (self.ea, pool_ea)))

            content = poolData.getContent()

            # the pool might point to an array. The offset determines which element is loaded
            if type(content) == list:
                content = content[offset / (poolData.getSize() / len(content))]

            if type(content) != int and type(content) != long:
                raise (DataException(
                    "%07X: attempt to load non-int to register" % pool_ea))

            # write the actual pool value being loaded for readability
            contentData = Data(content)
            if contentData.isPointer(contentData.ea):
                # figure out unsync between xref of pool and content data... that's the index +!
                # depending on the data format of the value in the db, it may have no xrefs...
                if poolData.getXRefsFrom()[1]:
                    contentXref = poolData.getXRefsFrom()[1][0]
                    if contentXref - contentData.ea > 0:
                        index = "+%d" % (contentXref - contentData.ea)
                    elif contentXref - contentData.ea < 0:
                        index = "-%d" % (contentData.ea - contentXref)
                        index = ''
                    index = ''

                cmt = "=%s%s" % (contentData.getName(), index)
                cmt = "=0x%X" % content

            # in case pool_ea is within an array, then it could be offset
            if offset:
                offset = '+%d' % offset
                offset = ''

            output = "%s %s, %s%s // %s " % (inst, reg, poolData.getName(),
                                             offset, cmt)

            # TODO: old output style for debugging purposes
            # if self.getSize() == 4:
            #     shift = 8
            # elif (pool_ea - self.ea - 4) % 4 != 0:
            #     # to achieve word alignment, we round down to the last word aligned value
            #     shift = 2
            # else:
            #     # normal case, PC is 2 instructions ahead
            #     shift = 4
            # output =  "%s %s, [PC, #0x%07X-0x%07X-%d] // %s" % (inst, reg,
            #                                                    pool_ea, self.ea, shift, cmt)
        return output
Beispiel #2
    def _convertCode(self, disasm):
        modifies code data items so that they're compatible with arm-none-eabi-gcc
        :param ea: (long) addr of disasm
        :param disasm: (str) disasm to transform
        :return: (str) converted disasm
        flags = idc.GetFlags(self.ea)
        output = disasm  # Default case, no modifications
        if idc.isCode(flags):

            # some instructions take no operands, like NOP
            instName = idc.GetMnem(self.ea)

            # if the instruction is THUMB, it cannot have an 'S' in it... (except for branches)
            # the BIC instruction is not a branch, account for that
            isThumb = self.getSize() == 2

            isBranch = instName[0] == 'B' and 'BIC' not in instName
            hasCond = instName[-1] == 'S'
            if isThumb and not isBranch and hasCond:
                output = instName[:-1] + ' ' + output[len(instName):].lstrip()
                instName = instName[:-1]

            # adjust instruction spacing TODO: tabs or pad`s for instruction?
            output = instName + ' ' + output[len(instName):].lstrip()

            # convert immediate reference instructions
            output = self._convertImmediateReferences(output)

            # if the instruction is a pool instruction, the format should be changed
            poolDisasm = self._getPoolDisasm()
            if poolDisasm: output = poolDisasm

            # convert MOV Rlow, Rlow to a meaner form LSL Rx, Ry, #0. Thanks anyway, IDA.
            if instName == 'MOV' and output.count(',') == 1:
                insn = Instruction.Insn(self.ea)
                if insn.ops[1].type == ida_ua.o_reg and insn.ops[
                        0].reg <= 7 and insn.ops[1].reg <= 7:
                    output = output.replace(instName, 'LSL', 1) + ', #0'

            # convert ADD Rlow, Rlow, #0 to a nicer form MOV Rlow, Rlow. This is what arm-none-eabi-as does.
            if instName == 'ADD' and output.endswith(
                    ', #0') and output.count(',') > 1:
                insn = Instruction.Insn(self.ea)
                if insn.ops[1].type == ida_ua.o_reg and insn.ops[
                        0].reg <= 7 and insn.ops[1].reg <= 7:
                    output = output.replace(instName, 'MOV',

            # if the instruction is an adc, replace it with a short
            if "ADR " in instName:
                output = "DCW 0x%X // %s" % (self.getContent(), output)
                output = self._convertData(output)

            # parse comment commands -- if it's a redundant instruction, it should have the <mkdata> tag in it
            # if "<mkdata>" in self.getComment():
            #     output = "DCW 0x%X // %s" % (self.getContent(), output)
            #     output = self._convertData(output)

        return output