def correctAndCropImage(inputPath, labelPath, outputPrefix, areaBB=None):
    '''Can crop and restore missing metadata.'''

    # At least one image was too tall and had to be split in half for this to work

    inputIsJp2 = (inputPath[-4:] == ".JP2")

    if inputIsJp2:  # Call the JP2 function
        if areaBB:
            areaString = getChunkAreaString(areaBB)
            areaString = None
        return jp2ToImgAndBack(inputPath, labelPath, outputPrefix, areaString)

    else:  # Input is a GeoTIFF
        outputPath = outputPrefix + '.TIF'
        # This is simpler, we just crop using gdal_translat
        cmd = 'gdal_translate -of GTiff ' + inputPath + '' + outputPath
        if areaBB:  # Handle crop
            bbString = ' -srcwin %d %d %d %d ' % areaBB
            cmd += bbString
        print cmd

        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(outputPath):
            raise Exception('Could not crop TIFF file: ' + inputPath)
        return outputPath
def correctAndCropImage(inputPath, labelPath, outputPrefix, areaBB=None):
    '''Can crop and restore missing metadata.'''

    # At least one image was too tall and had to be split in half for this to work

    inputIsJp2 = (inputPath[-4:] == ".JP2")
    if inputIsJp2: # Call the JP2 function 
        if areaBB:
            areaString = getChunkAreaString(areaBB)
            areaString = None
        return jp2ToImgAndBack(inputPath, labelPath, outputPrefix, areaString)

    else: # Input is a GeoTIFF
        outputPath = outputPrefix + '.TIF'
        # This is simpler, we just crop using gdal_translat
        cmd = 'gdal_translate -of GTiff ' + inputPath  +''+ outputPath
        if areaBB: # Handle crop
            bbString = ' -srcwin %d %d %d %d ' % areaBB 
            cmd += bbString
        print cmd

        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(outputPath):
           raise Exception('Could not crop TIFF file: ' + inputPath)
        return outputPath
def jp2ToImgAndBack(jp2Path, labelPath, outputPrefix, areaString=None):
    '''Convert a Jp2 to an IMG and back.  Can crop and restore missing metadata.'''

    # Convert from JP2 to IMG, possibly adding in missing metadata and cropping.
    tempImgPath = outputPrefix + '.IMG'
    cmd = (
        '/home/pirl/smcmich1/programs/PDS_JP2-3.17_Linux-x86_64/bin/JP2_to_PDS -Force -Input '
        + jp2Path + ' -Output ' + tempImgPath + ' -LAbel ' + labelPath)
    if areaString:
        cmd += ' -Area ' + areaString
    print cmd
    if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(tempImgPath):
        raise Exception('Failed to convert chunk to IMG file: ' + jp2Path)

    # Convert back to JP2 format
    outputPath = outputPrefix + '.JP2'
    cmd = (
        '/home/pirl/smcmich1/programs/PDS_JP2-3.17_Linux-x86_64/bin/PDS_to_JP2 -Force -Geotiff -Input '
        + tempImgPath + ' -Output ' + outputPath)
    print cmd

    # If converting back to JP2 failed, try converting to TIF instead
    if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(outputPath):
        #raise Exception('Failed to convert chunk to JP2 file: ' + outputPath)
        print 'WARNING: Failed to convert IMG file to JP2 file!  Trying to convert to TIF instead...'
        outputPath = outputPrefix + '.TIF'
        cmd = 'gdal_translate -of GTiff ' + tempImgPath + ' ' + outputPath
        print cmd

        # If we still failed, return an exception
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(outputPath):
            raise Exception('Could not convert IMG file to anything! ' +

    # Successfully created an output file
    return outputPath
def jp2ToImgAndBack(jp2Path, labelPath, outputPrefix, areaString=None):
    '''Convert a Jp2 to an IMG and back.  Can crop and restore missing metadata.'''
    # Convert from JP2 to IMG, possibly adding in missing metadata and cropping.
    tempImgPath = outputPrefix + '.IMG'
    cmd = ('/home/pirl/smcmich1/programs/PDS_JP2-3.17_Linux-x86_64/bin/JP2_to_PDS -Force -Input '  + jp2Path +
                                                                                       ' -Output ' + tempImgPath +
                                                                                       ' -LAbel '  + labelPath)
    if areaString:
        cmd += ' -Area ' + areaString
    print cmd
    if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(tempImgPath):
        raise Exception('Failed to convert chunk to IMG file: ' + jp2Path)
    # Convert back to JP2 format
    outputPath = outputPrefix + '.JP2'
    cmd = ('/home/pirl/smcmich1/programs/PDS_JP2-3.17_Linux-x86_64/bin/PDS_to_JP2 -Force -Geotiff -Input '  + tempImgPath +
                                                                                                ' -Output ' + outputPath)
    print cmd
    # If converting back to JP2 failed, try converting to TIF instead
    if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(outputPath):
        #raise Exception('Failed to convert chunk to JP2 file: ' + outputPath)
        print 'WARNING: Failed to convert IMG file to JP2 file!  Trying to convert to TIF instead...'
        outputPath = outputPrefix + '.TIF'
        cmd = 'gdal_translate -of GTiff ' + tempImgPath +' '+ outputPath
        print cmd
        # If we still failed, return an exception
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(outputPath):
           raise Exception('Could not convert IMG file to anything! ' + tempImgPath)

    # Successfully created an output file
    return outputPath
def fetchAndPrepFile(db, setName, subtype, remoteURL, workDir):
    '''Retrieves a remote file and prepares it for upload'''
    #print 'Uploading file ' + setName
    # Images with a center over this latitude will use polar stereographic projection
    #   instead of simple cylindrical projection.
    HIGH_LATITUDE_CUTOFF = 65 # Degrees
    asuImagePath  = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '_noGeo.jp2') # Map projected image from ASU
    asuLabelPath  = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '_noGeo.lbl') # Label from ASU
    edrPath       = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.IMG')       # Raw image from PDS
    timePath      = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.time')      # Contains only the file capture time string
    #cubPath     = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.cub')        # Output of mroctx2isis
    #calPath     = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.cal.cub')    # Output of ctxcal
    mapPath       = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.map.cub')   # Output of cam2map
    mapLabelPath  = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.map.pvl')   # Specify projection to cam2map
    # Generate the remote URLs from the data prefix and volume stored in these parameters
    asuImageUrl, asuLabelUrl, edrUrl = generatePdsPath(setName, subtype)
    if True: # Map project the EDR ourselves <-- This takes way too long!
        print 'Projecting the EDR image using ISIS...'

        localFilePath = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.tif') # The output file we will upload

        # Check if this is a "flat" calibration image
        badImage = checkForBadFile(edrUrl)       
        if badImage:
            raise Exception('TODO: Remove bad images from the DB!')
        if not os.path.exists(edrPath):
            # Download the EDR file
            cmd = 'wget ' + edrUrl + ' -O ' + edrPath
            print cmd

        # Extract the image capture time from the .IMG file
        if not os.path.exists(timePath):
            timeString = getCreationTimeHelper(edrPath)
            f = open(timePath, 'w')
        # Convert and apply calibration to the CTX file
        calPath = IrgIsisFunctions.prepareCtxImage(edrPath, workDir, False)

        ## Find out the center latitude of the file and determine if it is high latitude
        centerLat = IrgIsisFunctions.getCubeCenterLatitude(calPath, workDir)
        print centerLat
        highLat   = abs(float(centerLat)) > HIGH_LATITUDE_CUTOFF

        if True:#not os.path.exists(mapLabelPath):
            # Generate the map label file           
            generateDefaultMappingPvl(mapLabelPath, highLat)
        if True:#not os.path.exists(mapPath):
            # Generate the map projected file
            cmd = ['timeout', '6h', 'cam2map', 'matchmap=','False', 'from=', calPath, 'to=', mapPath, 'map=', mapLabelPath]
            print cmd
            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
            if (p.returncode != 0):
                raise Exception('Error or timeout running cam2map, returnCode = ' + str(p.returncode))
        if True: #not os.path.exists(localFilePath):
            # Generate the final image to upload
            cmd = 'gdal_translate -of GTiff ' + mapPath + ' ' + localFilePath
            print cmd
        # Clean up intermediate files    
        # Two local files are left around, the first should be uploaded.
        return [localFilePath, timePath]
    else: # Use the map projected image from the ASU web site
        print 'Using ASU projected image...'
        localFilePath = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.jp2')  # The output file we will upload
        # Note: ASU seems to be missing some files!
        # We are using the label path in both projection cases
        if not os.path.exists(asuLabelPath):
            # Download the label file
            cmd = 'wget "' + asuLabelUrl + '" -O ' + asuLabelPath
            print cmd
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(asuLabelPath): # Try the alternate label path
            asuLabelUrl  = asuLabelUrl.replace( '.scyl.', '.ps.')
            asuLabelPath = asuLabelPath.replace('.scyl.', '.ps.')
            print 'Trying alternate label path: ' + asuLabelUrl
            # Download the label file
            cmd = 'wget "' + asuLabelUrl + '" -O ' + asuLabelPath
            print cmd
            if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(asuLabelPath):
                raise Exception('Failed to download file label at URL: ' + asuLabelUrl)
        # Check the projection type
        projType = IrgGeoFunctions.getProjectionFromIsisLabel(asuLabelPath)
        if projType != 'SimpleCylindrical':
            print 'WARNING: projType = ' + projType
            print 'Maps Engine may fail to ingest this file!'
            #raise Exception(projType + ' images on hold until Google fixes a bug!')
        if not os.path.exists(asuImagePath):
            # Download the image file
            cmd = 'wget "' + asuImageUrl + '" -O ' + asuImagePath
            print cmd
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(asuImagePath):
            raise Exception('Failed to download image file at URL: ' + asuImageUrl)

        ## Correct the ISIS header if needed
        #fixedAsuHeaderPath = putIsisHeaderIn180(asuLabelPath)
        #if (fixedAsuHeaderPath != asuLabelPath):
        #    os.remove(asuLabelPath) # Delete replaced header

        if True: # This is fast now, so do it every time
            # Correct the file - The JP2 file from ASU needs the geo data from the label file!
            #cmd = ' --keep --label '+ asuLabelPath +' '+ asuImagePath +' '+ localFilePath
            #print cmd
            # TODO: Remove unnecessary image copy here
            (correctedPath, sidecarPath) = addGeoDataToAsuJp2File(asuImagePath, asuLabelPath, localFilePath, keep=False)
            if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(sidecarPath):
                raise Exception('Script to add geo data to JP2 file failed!')
        # Clean up
        # Three local files are left around, the first should be uploaded.
        return [correctedPath, sidecarPath, asuLabelPath]
def fetchAndPrepFile(db, setName, subtype, remoteURL, workDir):
    '''Retrieves a remote file and prepares it for upload'''

    #print 'Uploading file ' + setName

    if subtype != 'DEM':  # Handles RED and COLOR images
        # The label file URL is the same as the image but with a different extension
        remoteLabelURL = getLabelPathFromImagePath(remoteURL)

        localFilePath = os.path.join(workDir, os.path.basename(remoteURL))
        localLabelPath = os.path.join(workDir,

        # Retrieve the header file
        if not os.path.exists(localLabelPath):
            # Try to get the label locally!
            pdsStart = remoteLabelURL.find('PDS')
            localPdsPath = os.path.join('/HiRISE/Data/',
            print localPdsPath
            if os.path.exists(
                    localPdsPath):  # File available locally, just copy it!
                cmd = 'cp ' + localPdsPath + ' ' + localLabelPath
            else:  # Download the image
                cmd = 'wget ' + remoteLabelURL + ' -O ' + localLabelPath
            print cmd

        # Retrieve the image file
        if not os.path.exists(localFilePath):  # Need to get it from somewhere
            # Try to get the image locally!
            pdsStart = remoteURL.find('PDS')
            localPdsPath = os.path.join('/HiRISE/Data/', remoteURL[pdsStart:])
            if os.path.exists(
                    localPdsPath):  # File available locally, just copy it!
                cmd = 'cp ' + localPdsPath + ' ' + localFilePath
            else:  # Download the image
                cmd = 'wget ' + remoteURL + ' -O ' + localFilePath
            print cmd

        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(localFilePath):
            if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(localLabelPath):
                print 'Could not find label or image file, DELETING DATA RECORD!'
                common.removeDataRecord(db, common.SENSOR_TYPE_HiRISE, subtype,
            raise Exception('Unable to download from URL: ' + remoteURL)

        # Check if there is geo data in the JP2 file
        jp2HasGeoData = IrgGeoFunctions.doesImageHaveGeoData(localFilePath)

        # If there is no label file, try to generate an artificial one.
        fakeLabelFile = False
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(localLabelPath):
            #raise Exception('Unable to download from URL: ' + remoteLabelURL)
            print 'WARNING: Unable to download from URL: ' + remoteLabelURL
            if not jp2HasGeoData:
                raise Exception(
                    'No geo data in JP2 and no Label file!  Cannot handle this!'
            print 'Generating a fake LBL file to proceed...'
            localLabelPath = writeFakeLabelFromJp2(localFilePath)
            fakeLabelFile = True
        # At this point we always have a label file but it may be fake

        # Some images are missing geo information but we can add it from the label file
        localImageIsTiff = False
        localImagePath = localFilePath
        if not jp2HasGeoData:
            print 'Correcting JP2 file with no geo information!!!!'
            # Correct the local file, then remove the old (bad) file
            outputPrefix = localFilePath[0:-4]
            localImagePath = correctAndCropImage(localFilePath, localLabelPath,
            print 'Generated ' + localImagePath
            if localFilePath != localImagePath:
                print 'Deleting JP2 file without metadata!'
            localImageIsTiff = (localImagePath[-4:] == ".TIF")

        if not localImageIsTiff:
            # Call code to fix the header information in the JP2 file!
            cmd = FIX_JP2_TOOL + ' ' + localImagePath
            print cmd

        # Check the projection type
        projType = IrgGeoFunctions.getProjectionFromIsisLabel(localLabelPath)
        (width, height) = IrgIsisFunctions.getImageSize(localImagePath)
        if (projType == 'POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC'
            ) and False:  #(width < MAX_POLAR_UPLOAD_WIDTH):
            # Google has trouble digesting these files so handle them differently.

            #raise Exception('POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC images on hold until Google fixes a bug!')
            print 'Special handling for POLAR STEROGRAPHIC image!'

            if fakeLabelFile:
                print 'Cannot reprocess polar image without a label file!'
                print 'All we can do is upload the file and hope for the best.'
                # First file is for upload, second contains the timestamp.
                return [localImagePath, localLabelPath]

            # Compute how many chunks are needed for this image
            numChunks = ceil(width / POLAR_WIDTH_CHUNK_SIZE)

            # Determine which chunk this DB entry is for
            chunkNum = getChunkNum(setName)
            print 'This is chunk number ' + str(chunkNum)

            if chunkNum >= numChunks:  # Check for chunk number error
                raise Exception('Illegal chunk number: ' + setName)

            # If this is the main DB entry, we need to make sure the other DB entries exist!
            if chunkNum == 0:
                # Go ahead and try to add each chunk, the call will only go through if it does not already exist.
                for i in range(1, numChunks):
                    chunkSetName = makeChunkSetName(setName, i)
                    print 'Add chunk set name to DB: ' + chunkSetName
                    common.addDataRecord(db, common.SENSOR_TYPE_HiRISE,
                                         subtype, chunkSetName, remoteURL)

            raise Exception('DEBUG')

            # Now actually generate the desired chunk
            # - Need to use PIRL tools to extract a chunk to an IMG format, then convert that back to JP2 so that Google can read it.
            fileBasePath = os.path.splitext(localImagePath)[0]
            localImgPath = fileBasePath + '.IMG'
            localChunkPrefix = fileBasePath + '_' + str(chunkNum)
            chunkBB = getChunkBoundingBox(width, height, chunkNum)
            localChunkPath = correctAndCropImage(localImagePath,
                                                 localChunkPrefix, chunkBB)

            # Just use the same label file, we don't care if the DB has per-chunk boundaries.
            return [localChunkPath, localLabelPath]

        else:  # A normal, non-polar file.
            # First file is for upload, second contains the timestamp.
            return [localImagePath, localLabelPath]

    # TODO: Handle POLAR DEMS

    else:  # Handle DEMs

        # For DEMs there is no label file
        localFilePath = os.path.join(workDir, os.path.basename(remoteURL))
        if not os.path.exists(localFilePath):
            # Download the image
            cmd = 'wget ' + remoteURL + ' -O ' + localFilePath
            print cmd
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(
                localFilePath):  # Make sure we got the file
            raise Exception('Unable to download from URL: ' + remoteURL)

        # Generate a header file from the IMG file
        localLabelPath = localFilePath[:-4] + '.LBL'
        cmd = 'head -n 90 ' + localFilePath + ' >  ' + localLabelPath
        print cmd

        # Check if this is a polar stereographic image
        isPolar = False
        f = open(localLabelPath)
        for line in f:
            if ("MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE" in line) and ("POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC"
                                                    in line):
                isPolar = True
                #raise Exception('POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC DEMs on hold until Google fixes a bug!')

        # Convert from IMG to TIF
        tiffFilePath = localFilePath[:-4] + '.TIF'
        if not os.path.exists(tiffFilePath):
            cmd = 'gdal_translate -of GTiff ' + localFilePath + ' ' + tiffFilePath
            print cmd

            if not isPolar:  # Only EQC files need to be corrected
                # Correct projected coordinates problems
                cmd = 'python /home/pirl/smcmich1/repo/Tools/ --normalize-eqc-lon ' + tiffFilePath
                print cmd

        os.remove(localFilePath)  # Clean up source image
        return [tiffFilePath, localLabelPath]
Beispiel #7
def fetchAndPrepFile(db, setName, subtype, remoteURL, workDir):
    '''Retrieves a remote file and prepares it for upload'''

    #print 'Uploading file ' + setName

    # Images with a center over this latitude will use polar stereographic projection
    #   instead of simple cylindrical projection.
    HIGH_LATITUDE_CUTOFF = 65  # Degrees

    asuImagePath = os.path.join(workDir, setName +
                                '_noGeo.jp2')  # Map projected image from ASU
    asuLabelPath = os.path.join(workDir,
                                setName + '_noGeo.lbl')  # Label from ASU
    edrPath = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.IMG')  # Raw image from PDS
    timePath = os.path.join(
        setName + '.time')  # Contains only the file capture time string
    #cubPath     = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.cub')        # Output of mroctx2isis
    #calPath     = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.cal.cub')    # Output of ctxcal
    mapPath = os.path.join(workDir, setName + '.map.cub')  # Output of cam2map
    mapLabelPath = os.path.join(workDir, setName +
                                '.map.pvl')  # Specify projection to cam2map

    # Generate the remote URLs from the data prefix and volume stored in these parameters
    asuImageUrl, asuLabelUrl, edrUrl = generatePdsPath(setName, subtype)

    if True:  # Map project the EDR ourselves <-- This takes way too long!
        print 'Projecting the EDR image using ISIS...'

        localFilePath = os.path.join(workDir, setName +
                                     '.tif')  # The output file we will upload

        # Check if this is a "flat" calibration image
        badImage = checkForBadFile(edrUrl)
        if badImage:
            raise Exception('TODO: Remove bad images from the DB!')

        if not os.path.exists(edrPath):
            # Download the EDR file
            cmd = 'wget ' + edrUrl + ' -O ' + edrPath
            print cmd

        # Extract the image capture time from the .IMG file
        if not os.path.exists(timePath):
            timeString = getCreationTimeHelper(edrPath)
            f = open(timePath, 'w')

        # Convert and apply calibration to the CTX file
        calPath = IrgIsisFunctions.prepareCtxImage(edrPath, workDir, False)

        ## Find out the center latitude of the file and determine if it is high latitude
        centerLat = IrgIsisFunctions.getCubeCenterLatitude(calPath, workDir)
        print centerLat
        highLat = abs(float(centerLat)) > HIGH_LATITUDE_CUTOFF

        if True:  #not os.path.exists(mapLabelPath):
            # Generate the map label file
            generateDefaultMappingPvl(mapLabelPath, highLat)

        if True:  #not os.path.exists(mapPath):
            # Generate the map projected file
            cmd = [
                'timeout', '6h', 'cam2map', 'matchmap=', 'False', 'from=',
                calPath, 'to=', mapPath, 'map=', mapLabelPath
            print cmd
            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
            if (p.returncode != 0):
                raise Exception(
                    'Error or timeout running cam2map, returnCode = ' +

        if True:  #not os.path.exists(localFilePath):
            # Generate the final image to upload
            cmd = 'gdal_translate -of GTiff ' + mapPath + ' ' + localFilePath
            print cmd

        # Clean up intermediate files

        # Two local files are left around, the first should be uploaded.
        return [localFilePath, timePath]

    else:  # Use the map projected image from the ASU web site
        print 'Using ASU projected image...'

        localFilePath = os.path.join(workDir, setName +
                                     '.jp2')  # The output file we will upload

        # Note: ASU seems to be missing some files!
        # We are using the label path in both projection cases
        if not os.path.exists(asuLabelPath):
            # Download the label file
            cmd = 'wget "' + asuLabelUrl + '" -O ' + asuLabelPath
            print cmd
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(
                asuLabelPath):  # Try the alternate label path
            asuLabelUrl = asuLabelUrl.replace('.scyl.', '.ps.')
            asuLabelPath = asuLabelPath.replace('.scyl.', '.ps.')
            print 'Trying alternate label path: ' + asuLabelUrl
            # Download the label file
            cmd = 'wget "' + asuLabelUrl + '" -O ' + asuLabelPath
            print cmd
            if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(asuLabelPath):
                raise Exception('Failed to download file label at URL: ' +

        # Check the projection type
        projType = IrgGeoFunctions.getProjectionFromIsisLabel(asuLabelPath)
        if projType != 'SimpleCylindrical':
            print 'WARNING: projType = ' + projType
            print 'Maps Engine may fail to ingest this file!'
            #raise Exception(projType + ' images on hold until Google fixes a bug!')

        if not os.path.exists(asuImagePath):
            # Download the image file
            cmd = 'wget "' + asuImageUrl + '" -O ' + asuImagePath
            print cmd
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(asuImagePath):
            raise Exception('Failed to download image file at URL: ' +

        ## Correct the ISIS header if needed
        #fixedAsuHeaderPath = putIsisHeaderIn180(asuLabelPath)
        #if (fixedAsuHeaderPath != asuLabelPath):
        #    os.remove(asuLabelPath) # Delete replaced header

        if True:  # This is fast now, so do it every time
            # Correct the file - The JP2 file from ASU needs the geo data from the label file!
            #cmd = ' --keep --label '+ asuLabelPath +' '+ asuImagePath +' '+ localFilePath
            #print cmd
            # TODO: Remove unnecessary image copy here
             sidecarPath) = addGeoDataToAsuJp2File(asuImagePath,

            if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(sidecarPath):
                raise Exception('Script to add geo data to JP2 file failed!')

        # Clean up
        # Three local files are left around, the first should be uploaded.
        return [correctedPath, sidecarPath, asuLabelPath]
def fetchAndPrepFile(db, setName, subtype, remoteURL, workDir):
    '''Retrieves a remote file and prepares it for upload'''
    #print 'Uploading file ' + setName
    if subtype != 'DEM': # Handles RED and COLOR images
        # The label file URL is the same as the image but with a different extension
        remoteLabelURL = getLabelPathFromImagePath(remoteURL)
        localFilePath  = os.path.join(workDir, os.path.basename(remoteURL))
        localLabelPath = os.path.join(workDir, os.path.basename(remoteLabelURL))

        # Retrieve the header file
        if not os.path.exists(localLabelPath):
            # Try to get the label locally!
            pdsStart     = remoteLabelURL.find('PDS')
            localPdsPath = os.path.join('/HiRISE/Data/', remoteLabelURL[pdsStart:])
            print localPdsPath
            if os.path.exists(localPdsPath): # File available locally, just copy it!
                cmd = 'cp ' + localPdsPath +' '+ localLabelPath
            else:  # Download the image
                cmd = 'wget ' + remoteLabelURL + ' -O ' + localLabelPath
            print cmd

        # Retrieve the image file
        if not os.path.exists(localFilePath): # Need to get it from somewhere
            # Try to get the image locally!
            pdsStart     = remoteURL.find('PDS')
            localPdsPath = os.path.join('/HiRISE/Data/', remoteURL[pdsStart:])
            if os.path.exists(localPdsPath): # File available locally, just copy it!
                cmd = 'cp ' + localPdsPath +' '+ localFilePath
            else:  # Download the image
                cmd = 'wget ' + remoteURL + ' -O ' + localFilePath
            print cmd

        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(localFilePath):
            if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(localLabelPath):
                print 'Could not find label or image file, DELETING DATA RECORD!'
                common.removeDataRecord(db, common.SENSOR_TYPE_HiRISE, subtype, setName)
            raise Exception('Unable to download from URL: ' + remoteURL)

        # Check if there is geo data in the JP2 file
        jp2HasGeoData = IrgGeoFunctions.doesImageHaveGeoData(localFilePath)

        # If there is no label file, try to generate an artificial one.
        fakeLabelFile = False
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(localLabelPath):
            #raise Exception('Unable to download from URL: ' + remoteLabelURL)
            print 'WARNING: Unable to download from URL: ' + remoteLabelURL
            if not jp2HasGeoData:
                raise Exception('No geo data in JP2 and no Label file!  Cannot handle this!')
            print 'Generating a fake LBL file to proceed...'
            localLabelPath = writeFakeLabelFromJp2(localFilePath)
            fakeLabelFile  = True
        # At this point we always have a label file but it may be fake

        # Some images are missing geo information but we can add it from the label file
        localImageIsTiff = False
        localImagePath   = localFilePath
        if not jp2HasGeoData:
            print 'Correcting JP2 file with no geo information!!!!'
            # Correct the local file, then remove the old (bad) file
            outputPrefix   = localFilePath[0:-4]
            localImagePath = correctAndCropImage(localFilePath, localLabelPath, outputPrefix)
            print 'Generated ' + localImagePath
            if localFilePath != localImagePath:
                print 'Deleting JP2 file without metadata!'
            localImageIsTiff = (localImagePath[-4:] == ".TIF")
        if not localImageIsTiff:
            # Call code to fix the header information in the JP2 file!
            cmd = FIX_JP2_TOOL +' '+ localImagePath
            print cmd

        # Check the projection type
        projType        = IrgGeoFunctions.getProjectionFromIsisLabel(localLabelPath)
        (width, height) = IrgIsisFunctions.getImageSize(localImagePath)
        if (projType == 'POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC') and False: #(width < MAX_POLAR_UPLOAD_WIDTH):
            # Google has trouble digesting these files so handle them differently.

            #raise Exception('POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC images on hold until Google fixes a bug!')
            print 'Special handling for POLAR STEROGRAPHIC image!'

            if fakeLabelFile:
                print 'Cannot reprocess polar image without a label file!'
                print 'All we can do is upload the file and hope for the best.'
                # First file is for upload, second contains the timestamp.
                return [localImagePath, localLabelPath]
            # Compute how many chunks are needed for this image
            numChunks = ceil(width / POLAR_WIDTH_CHUNK_SIZE)
            # Determine which chunk this DB entry is for
            chunkNum = getChunkNum(setName)
            print 'This is chunk number ' + str(chunkNum)
            if chunkNum >= numChunks: # Check for chunk number error
                raise Exception('Illegal chunk number: ' + setName)
            # If this is the main DB entry, we need to make sure the other DB entries exist!
            if chunkNum == 0:
                # Go ahead and try to add each chunk, the call will only go through if it does not already exist.
                for i in range(1,numChunks):
                    chunkSetName = makeChunkSetName(setName, i)
                    print 'Add chunk set name to DB: ' + chunkSetName
                    common.addDataRecord(db, common.SENSOR_TYPE_HiRISE, subtype, chunkSetName, remoteURL)
            raise Exception('DEBUG')
            # Now actually generate the desired chunk
            # - Need to use PIRL tools to extract a chunk to an IMG format, then convert that back to JP2 so that Google can read it.
            fileBasePath     = os.path.splitext(localImagePath)[0]
            localImgPath     = fileBasePath + '.IMG'
            localChunkPrefix = fileBasePath + '_' + str(chunkNum)
            chunkBB = getChunkBoundingBox(width, height, chunkNum)
            localChunkPath = correctAndCropImage(localImagePath, localLabelPath, localChunkPrefix, chunkBB)           
            # Just use the same label file, we don't care if the DB has per-chunk boundaries.
            return [localChunkPath, localLabelPath]
        else: # A normal, non-polar file.
            # First file is for upload, second contains the timestamp.
            return [localImagePath, localLabelPath]

    # TODO: Handle POLAR DEMS

    else: # Handle DEMs
        # For DEMs there is no label file
        localFilePath = os.path.join(workDir, os.path.basename(remoteURL))
        if not os.path.exists(localFilePath):
            # Download the image
            cmd = 'wget ' + remoteURL + ' -O ' + localFilePath
            print cmd
        if not IrgFileFunctions.fileIsNonZero(localFilePath): # Make sure we got the file
            raise Exception('Unable to download from URL: ' + remoteURL)

        # Generate a header file from the IMG file
        localLabelPath = localFilePath[:-4] + '.LBL'
        cmd = 'head -n 90 ' + localFilePath +' >  '+ localLabelPath
        print cmd

        # Check if this is a polar stereographic image
        isPolar = False 
        f = open(localLabelPath)
        for line in f:
            if ("MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE" in line) and ("POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC" in line):
                isPolar = True
                #raise Exception('POLAR STEREOGRAPHIC DEMs on hold until Google fixes a bug!')
        # Convert from IMG to TIF
        tiffFilePath = localFilePath[:-4] + '.TIF'
        if not os.path.exists(tiffFilePath):
            cmd = 'gdal_translate -of GTiff ' + localFilePath +' '+ tiffFilePath
            print cmd
            if not isPolar: # Only EQC files need to be corrected
                # Correct projected coordinates problems
                cmd = 'python /home/pirl/smcmich1/repo/Tools/ --normalize-eqc-lon ' + tiffFilePath
                print cmd

        os.remove(localFilePath) # Clean up source image
        return [tiffFilePath, localLabelPath]