Beispiel #1
def gps_str(latitude, longitude):
    location = LatLon(latitude, longitude)
    pp_loc_pt = location.to_string('d%|%m%|%S%|%H')
    res = []
    for cor in pp_loc_pt:
        part = cor.split('|')
        res.append(part[0] + u'\u00b0' + part[1].zfill(2) + '\'' + part[2] +
                   '"' + part[3])
    return res[0] + " " + res[1]
def landout_check(flight_reg, flight_no, af_centre, radius, landing_coords, mode):
    # This function determines if a flight has landed within the vicinity of the airfield take off point.
    # If not it sends an email to the designated address specifying the landing coordinates, these
    # can then be used by the recovery team to locate the aircraft using appropriate mapping technology.
    # The algorithm used is that of a circle of defined radius centred on the originating airfield.
    # The function is intended to send the msg either by email or SMS but at the moment only email
    # is supported.  The SMS code is included, has not been tested and requires an account to be created
    # and of course each SMS msg would be charged to that account.  The provenance of the SMS code is
    # included if this helps with subsequent development.
    # Returns: True - landed out.  False - landed inside airfield limits
    print "landout_check called. Registration: ", flight_reg, " Start coords: ", af_centre, " End coords: ", landing_coords
    landing_dist = vincenty(af_centre, landing_coords).meters
    print "Landing distance is: %d metres from airfield centre" % landing_dist
    if landing_dist <= radius:
        landing_status = "landed"
        result = False
        print "Landed in airfield"
        landing_status = "landed out"
        result = True
        print "Flight landed out, send msg. Registration: ", flight_reg, " Flight No: ", flight_no
    # Is an email or SMS of landing status requested?
    if settings.FLOGGER_LANDING_EMAIL <> "Y" and settings.FLOGGER_LANDING_EMAIL <> "y":
        # No email or SMS of landing status required, return landing status
        return result
    # Email or SMS of landed status to be sent
    landing_point = LatLon(landing_coords[0], landing_coords[1])   # Decimal degrees to object
    landing_coords = landing_point.to_string('d% %m% %S% %H')   # Coordinates to degrees minutes seconds 
    now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")    # Date and time of event
    if mode == "SMS":
        # Send SMS Text Message using Python
        # Author : Matt Hawkins
        # Site   :
        # Date   : 01/04/2016
        # Requires account with TxtLocal
        # Import required libraries
        import urllib      # URL functions
        import urllib2     # URL functions
        # Set YOUR TextLocal username
        username = '******'
        # Set YOUR unique API hash
        # It is available from the docs page
        hash = '1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234'
        # Set a sender name.
        # Sender name must alphanumeric and 
        # between 3 and 11 characters in length.
        sender = 'RPiSpy'
        sender = settings.FLOGGER_YGC_ADMIN
        # Set flag to 1 to simulate sending
        # This saves your credits while you are
        # testing your code.
        # To send real message set this flag to 0
        test_flag = 1
        # Set the phone number you wish to send
        # message to.
        # The first 2 digits are the country code.
        # 44 is the country code for the UK
        # Multiple numbers can be specified if required
        # e.g. numbers = ('447xxx123456','447xxx654321')
        numbers = ('447xxx123456')
        # Define your message
        message = 'Test message sent from my Raspberry Pi'
        # No need to edit anything below this line
        values = {'test'    : test_flag,
                  'uname'   : username,
                  'hash'    : hash,
                  'message' : message,
                  'from'    : sender,
                  'selectednums' : numbers }
        url = ''
        postdata = urllib.urlencode(values)
        req = urllib2.Request(url, postdata)
        print 'Attempt to send SMS ...'
          response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
          response_url = response.geturl()
          if response_url==url:
            print 'SMS sent!'
            return result
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
          print 'Send failed!'
          print e.reason
          return result
def landout_check(flight_reg, flight_no, af_centre, radius, landing_coords,
                  mode, settings):
    # This function determines if a flight has landed within the vicinity of the airfield take off point.
    # If not it sends an email to the designated address specifying the landing coordinates, these
    # can then be used by the recovery team to locate the aircraft using appropriate mapping technology.
    # The algorithm used is that of a circle of defined radius centred on the originating airfield.
    # The function is intended to send the msg either by email or SMS but at the moment only email
    # is supported.  The SMS code is included, has not been tested and requires an account to be created
    # and of course each SMS msg would be charged to that account.  The provenance of the SMS code is
    # included if this helps with subsequent development.
    # Returns: True - landed out.  False - landed inside airfield limits
    print "landout_check called. Registration: ", flight_reg, " Start coords: ", af_centre, " End coords: ", landing_coords
    landing_dist = vincenty(af_centre, landing_coords).meters
    print "Landing distance is: %d metres from airfield centre" % landing_dist
    if landing_dist <= radius:
        landing_status = "landed"
        result = False
        print "Landed in airfield"
        landing_status = "landed out"
        result = True
        print "Flight landed out, send msg. Registration: ", flight_reg, " Flight No: ", flight_no

    # Is an email or SMS of landing status requested?
    if settings.FLOGGER_LANDING_EMAIL <> "Y" and settings.FLOGGER_LANDING_EMAIL <> "y":
        # No email or SMS of landing status required, return landing status
        return result
    # Email or SMS of landed status to be sent
    landing_point = LatLon(landing_coords[0],
                           landing_coords[1])  # Decimal degrees to object
    landing_coords = landing_point.to_string(
        'd% %m% %S% %H')  # Coordinates to degrees minutes seconds
    now =
        "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")  # Date and time of event

    if mode == "SMS":
        # Send SMS Text Message using Python
        # Author : Matt Hawkins
        # Site   :
        # Date   : 01/04/2016
        # Requires account with TxtLocal

        # Import required libraries
        import urllib  # URL functions
        import urllib2  # URL functions

        # Set YOUR TextLocal username
        username = '******'

        # Set YOUR unique API hash
        # It is available from the docs page
        hash = '1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234'

        # Set a sender name.
        # Sender name must alphanumeric and
        # between 3 and 11 characters in length.
        sender = 'RPiSpy'
        sender = settings.FLOGGER_YGC_ADMIN

        # Set flag to 1 to simulate sending
        # This saves your credits while you are
        # testing your code.
        # To send real message set this flag to 0
        test_flag = 1

        # Set the phone number you wish to send
        # message to.
        # The first 2 digits are the country code.
        # 44 is the country code for the UK
        # Multiple numbers can be specified if required
        # e.g. numbers = ('447xxx123456','447xxx654321')
        numbers = ('447xxx123456')

        # Define your message
        message = 'Test message sent from my Raspberry Pi'

        # No need to edit anything below this line

        values = {
            'test': test_flag,
            'uname': username,
            'hash': hash,
            'message': message,
            'from': sender,
            'selectednums': numbers

        url = ''

        postdata = urllib.urlencode(values)
        req = urllib2.Request(url, postdata)

        print 'Attempt to send SMS ...'

            response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
            response_url = response.geturl()
            if response_url == url:
                print 'SMS sent!'
                return result
        except urllib2.URLError, e:
            print 'Send failed!'
            print e.reason
            return result