Beispiel #1
 def data(self):
     self.assertEqual(m.Data(0x80000000).__class__, m.Int64)
     self.assertEqual(m.Data(0x7fffffff).__class__, m.Int32)
     if m.version.ispy2:
         self.assertEqual(m.Data(long(1)).__class__, m.Int64)
     a = m.ADD(m.Int32(1), m.Int32(2))
     self.assertEqual(m.MULTIPLY(a, a).decompile(), "(1 + 2) * (1 + 2)")
     self.assertEqual(m.Data(2).compare(2), True)
     self.assertEqual(m.Data(2).compare(1), False)
         m.Dictionary([1, 'a', 2, 'b']).data().tolist(), {
             1: 'a',
             2: 'b'
         m.List([1, 'a', 2, 'b']).data().tolist(), [1, 'a', 2, 'b'])
     a = m.Apd()
     e = m.Data(1)
     e.tree = 'dummy_e'
     f = m.Data(2)
     f.tree = 'dummy_f'
     self.assertEqual(a.tree, None)
     a.append(e)  # a should use tree of e
     self.assertEqual(a.tree, e.tree)
     self.assertEqual(a[0].tree, e.tree)
     a.append(f)  # a should keep tree of e
     self.assertEqual(a.tree, e.tree)
     self.assertEqual(a[1].tree, f.tree)
     self._doUnaryArray(m.Int32(range(10)), m.Int32Array(range(10)),
Beispiel #2
def getShotDB(expt, path=None, lower=None, upper=None):
        return MDSplus.Int32Array(
            MDSplus.Tree.getShotDB(expt, path, lower, upper))
    except Exception:
        import traceback
Beispiel #3
 def tdiFunctions(self):
     m.dTRUE = m.__dict__['$TRUE']
     m.dFALSE = m.__dict__['$FALSE']
     from MDSplus import mdsExceptions as Exc
     """Test Exceptions"""
     self._doExceptionTest('abort()', Exc.TdiABORT)
     self._doExceptionTest('{,}', Exc.TdiSYNTAX)
     self._doExceptionTest('\033[[A', Exc.TdiBOMB)
     self._doExceptionTest('abs()', Exc.TdiMISS_ARG)
     self._doExceptionTest('abs("")', Exc.TdiINVDTYDSC)
     self._doExceptionTest('abs(1,2)', Exc.TdiEXTRA_ARG)
     self._doExceptionTest('"', Exc.TdiUNBALANCE)
     """Test $Missing/NoData/None"""
     self._doTdiTest('', None)
     """Test abs"""
     self._doThreeTest('abs(cmplx(3.0,4.0))', m.ABS(m.Complex64(3. + 4.j)),
     """Test abs1"""
                       m.ABS1(m.Complex64(3. + 4.j)), m.Float32(7.))
     """Test abssq"""
                       m.ABSSQ(m.Complex64(3. + 4.j)), m.Float32(25.))
     """Test accumulate"""
                            m.ACCUMULATE(m.makeArray([1, 2, 3])),
                            m.Int32Array([1, 3, 6]))
         m.ACCUMULATE(m.makeArray([[1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6]])),
         m.Int32Array([[1, 4, 9], [11, 15, 21]]))
         m.ACCUMULATE(m.makeArray([[1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6]]), 0),
         m.Int32Array([[1, 4, 9], [2, 6, 12]]))
     #self._doThreeTestArray('accumulate([[1,3,5],[2,4,6]],1)',m.ACCUMULATE([[1,3,5],[2,4,6]],1),m.Int32Array([[1,3,5],[3,7,11]]))  # tdi issue
         m.ACCUMULATE(m.makeArray([[1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6]]), 1).getData())
     """Test achar"""
     self._doThreeTest('achar(88)', m.ACHAR(88), m.String('X'))
     """Test ADJUSTL"""
     self._doThreeTest('adjustl(" WORD")', m.ADJUSTL(" WORD"),
                       m.String("WORD "))
     """Test ADJUSTR"""
     self._doThreeTest('adjustr("WORD ")', m.ADJUSTR("WORD "),
                       m.String(" WORD"))
     """Test AIMAG"""
     self._doThreeTest('AIMAG(CMPLX(2.0,3.0))', m.AIMAG(m.CMPLX(2., 3.)),
     """Test AINT"""
     self._doThreeTest('aint(2.783)', m.AINT(2.783), m.Float32(2.0))
     self._doThreeTest('aint(-2.783)', m.AINT(-2.783), m.Float32(-2.0))
     """Test NE (operates on flattened array, i.e. first 3 values are compared)"""
     A, B = m.makeArray([1, 3, 5]), m.makeArray([[0, 3, 5], [0, 0, 0],
                                                 [0, 4, 8]])
         '_A=[1,3,5],_B=[[0,3,5],[0,0,0],[0,4,8]],_A ne _B', m.NE(A, B),
         m.Uint8Array([1, 0, 0]))
     """Test NE (operates on flattened array, i.e. first 3 values are compared)"""
     self._doThreeTestArray('_A eq _B', m.EQ(A, B), m.Uint8Array([0, 1, 1]))
     """Test ALL and ANY"""
                       m.ALL(m.makeArray([1, 0, 1])), m.Uint8(0))
                       m.ANY(m.makeArray([1, 0, 1])), m.Uint8(1))
     A = 0
     self._doThreeTest('_A=0,all(_A eq _B)', m.ALL(m.EQ(A, B)), False)
     self._doThreeTest('any(_A ne _B)', m.ANY(m.NE(A, B)), True)
     self._doThreeTestArray('all(_A ne _B,0)', m.ALL(m.NE(A, B), 0),
                            m.Uint8Array([0, 0, 0]))
     self._doThreeTestArray('any(_A ne _B,0)', m.ANY(m.NE(A, B), 0),
                            m.Uint8Array([1, 0, 1]))
     self._doThreeTestArray('all(_A eq _B,1)', m.ALL(m.EQ(A, B), 1),
                            m.Uint8Array([1, 0, 0]))
     self._doThreeTestArray('any(_A ne _B,1)', m.ANY(m.NE(A, B), 1),
                            m.Uint8Array([0, 1, 1]))
     """Test allocated"""
     self.assertEqual(m.DEALLOCATE('*') >= 2,
                      True)  # deallocates _A and _B and more?
     self.assertEqual(m.ALLOCATED('_xyz'), m.Uint8(0))
     self._doTdiTest('_xyz=0,allocated("_xyz")', m.Uint8(1))
     self.assertEqual(m.ALLOCATED('_xyz'), m.Uint8(1))
     self.assertEqual(m.DEALLOCATE('*'), m.Uint8(1))
     self.assertEqual(m.ALLOCATED('_xyz'), m.Uint8(0))
     """Test AND"""
     A, B = m.makeArray([0, 0, 1, 1]), m.makeArray([0, 1, 0, 1])
     self._doThreeTestArray('_A=[0,0,1,1],_B=[0,1,0,1],_A && _B',
                            m.AND(A, B), m.Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 1]))
     """Test AND_NOT"""
     self._doThreeTestArray('_A AND_NOT _B', m.AND_NOT(A, B),
                            m.Uint8Array([0, 0, 1, 0]))
     """Test ANINT"""
     self._doThreeTest('ANINT(2.783)', m.ANINT(2.783), m.Float32(3.0))
     """Test ARG"""
         'execute("abs(arg(cmplx(3.0,4.0)) - .9272952) < .000001")',
     """Test ARGD"""
         'execute("abs(argd(cmplx(3.0,4.0)) - 53.1301) < .000001")',
     """Test arg_of"""
                       m.ARG_OF(m.Call('pub', 'foo', 42, 43)), m.Int32(42))
                       m.ARG_OF(m.Call('pub', 'foo', 42, 43), 1),
     self._doThreeTest('arg_of(1+3,1)', m.ARG_OF(m.ADD(1, 3), 1),
     """Test Array"""
     self._doThreeTestArray('array(10)', m.ARRAY(10),
                            m.Float32Array([0] * 10))
     self._doThreeTestArray('array(10,0)', m.ARRAY(10, 0),
                            m.Int32Array([0] * 10))
     self._doThreeTestArray('array(10,0BU)', m.ARRAY(10, m.Uint8(0)),
                            m.Uint8Array([0] * 10))
     self._doThreeTestArray('zero(100)', m.ZERO(100),
                            m.Float32Array([0] * 100))
Beispiel #4
        def GetModelParameterData(ParameterStruct, numOfParameters):

            paramList = []

            for paramIdx in range(numOfParameters):

                # name is retrieved
                retrievedName = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterName(
                    ParameterStruct, paramIdx)
                retrievedName = retrievedName.decode("utf-8")

                # type is retrieved
                retrievedTypeIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDataTypeIdx(
                    ParameterStruct, paramIdx)
                retrievedSLIdType = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId(
                    DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx)

                retrievedCTypename = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeCName(
                    DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx)
                retrievedCTypename = retrievedCTypename.decode("utf-8")

                if retrievedSLIdType == 0:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'float64'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_double
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 1:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'float32'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_float
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 2:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'int8'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 3:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'uint8'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 4:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'int16'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 5:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'uint16'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 6:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'int32'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 7:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'uint32'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 8:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'bool'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_bool
                    raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.')

                # actual parameter value is retrieved
                paramAddrIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterAddrIdx(
                    ParameterStruct, paramIdx)
                paramDataAddr = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddress(
                    DataAddrMap, paramAddrIdx)
                paramPointer = ctypes.cast(paramDataAddr,

                # dimensions are retrieved
                dimIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDimensionIdx(
                    ParameterStruct, paramIdx)

                dimArrayIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex(
                    dimIdx)  # Starting position in the dimensionArray
                dimNum = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumDims(
                    DimensionMap, dimIdx
                )  # Number of elements in the dimensionArray referring to this signal

                currDimension = []
                for currIdx in range(dimNum):
                    currDimension.append(DimensionArray[dimArrayIdx + currIdx])

                if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1:  # scalar
                    dimension = 0
                    mdsplusValue = paramPointer[0]
                elif currDimension[0] == 1:  # vector
                    dimension = currDimension[0] * currDimension[1]
                    valueList = []
                    for idx in range(dimension):
                    # matrix or column vector (MARTe2 sees column vectors as matrices)
                    dimension = currDimension
                    idx = 0
                    valueList = []
                    valueRow = []
                    for nRow in range(currDimension[0]):
                        for nCol in range(currDimension[1]):
                            idx = idx + 1
                        valueRow = []

                if currDimension[0] != 1 or currDimension[1] != 1:
                    if retrievedSLIdType == 0:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float32Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 1:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float64Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 2:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int8Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 3:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint8Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 4:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int16Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 5:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint16Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 6:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int32Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 7:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint32Array(valueList)
                        raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.')

                # retrieved data is saved to a dictionary
                paramDict = dict(name='Parameters.' + retrievedName,

                # dictionary is appended to the MDSplus-style list

            return paramList
Beispiel #5
    def getConfigurationFromSimulink(self):
            modelName = self.getNode('parameters.par_3:value').data()
            libraryName = modelName + '.so'
            ModelLib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libraryName)
            raise Exception(
                'Cannot retrieve shared library for the Simulink model ')
        initializeFuncName = modelName + '_initialize'
        # By default functions are assumed to return the C int type.
        # Other return types can be specified by setting the restype attribute.
        InstFunc = getattr(ModelLib, modelName)
        InstFunc.argtypes = []
        InstFunc.restype = ctypes.POINTER(None)
        states = InstFunc()

        GetMmiPtr = getattr(ModelLib, modelName + '_GetCAPImmi')
        GetMmiPtr.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(None)]
        GetMmiPtr.restype = ctypes.POINTER(None)
        mmi = GetMmiPtr(states)

        # Initialization function is called with a dynamically-specified name
        InitializeFunc = getattr(ModelLib, initializeFuncName)
        InitializeFunc.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(None)]

            WrapperLib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("")
            raise Exception(
                'Cannot link to, required to get information from '
                + libraryName)
        # ** GENERAL MODEL DATA **

        # Number of inputs
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumRootInputs.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(None)]
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumRootInputs.restype = ctypes.c_int
        numInputs = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumRootInputs(mmi)
        if (numInputs > 8):
            raise Exception('Number ' + str(numInputs) +
                            ' of inputs cannot be greater than 8')

        # Number of outputs
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumRootOutputs.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(None)]
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumRootOutputs.restype = ctypes.c_int
        numOutputs = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumRootOutputs(mmi)
        if (numOutputs > 8):
            raise Exception('Number ' + str(numOutputs) +
                            ' of outputs cannot be greater than 8')

        # Number of parameters
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumModelParameters.argtypes = [
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumModelParameters.restype = ctypes.c_int
        numParameters = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumModelParameters(mmi)
        if (numParameters > 8):
            raise Exception('Number ' + str(numParameters) +
                            ' of parameters cannot be greater than 8')

        # Input structure
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetRootInputs.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(None)]
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetRootInputs.restype = ctypes.POINTER(None)
        RootInputStruct = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetRootInputs(mmi)

        # Output structure
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetRootOutputs.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(None)]
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetRootOutputs.restype = ctypes.POINTER(None)
        RootOutputStruct = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetRootOutputs(mmi)

        # Parameter structure
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameters.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(None)]
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameters.restype = ctypes.POINTER(None)
        ParameterStruct = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameters(mmi)

        # DataType structure
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeMap.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(None)]
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeMap.restype = ctypes.POINTER(None)
        DataTypeMap = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeMap(mmi)

        # Dimension structure
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimensionMap.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(None)]
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimensionMap.restype = ctypes.POINTER(None)
        DimensionMap = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimensionMap(mmi)

        # Dimension structure
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddressMap.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(None)]
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddressMap.restype = ctypes.POINTER(
        DataAddrMap = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddressMap(mmi)

        # Dimension array
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimensionArray.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(None)]
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimensionArray.restype = ctypes.POINTER(
        DimensionArray = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimensionArray(mmi)

        # ** SIGNAL DATA **

        # Functions are imported from the library:

        # 1. Name
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetSignalName.argtypes = [
            ctypes.POINTER(None), ctypes.c_int
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetSignalName.restype = ctypes.c_char_p

        # 2. Type
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetSignalDataTypeIdx.argtypes = [
            ctypes.POINTER(None), ctypes.c_int
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetSignalDataTypeIdx.restype = ctypes.c_uint

        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId.argtypes = [
            ctypes.POINTER(None), ctypes.c_int
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId.restype = ctypes.c_uint

        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeCName.argtypes = [
            ctypes.POINTER(None), ctypes.c_int
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeCName.restype = ctypes.c_char_p

        # 3. Dimensions
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex.argtypes = [
            ctypes.POINTER(None), ctypes.c_int
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex.restype = ctypes.c_uint

        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumDims.argtypes = [
            ctypes.POINTER(None), ctypes.c_int
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumDims.restype = ctypes.c_uint

        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetSignalDimensionIdx.argtypes = [
            ctypes.POINTER(None), ctypes.c_int
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetSignalDimensionIdx.restype = ctypes.c_uint16

        def removeAngular(strIn):
            if strIn[0] == '<':
                return strIn[1:-1]
            return strIn

        # Function to retrieve data on inputs and outputs
        def GetSignalData(SignalStruct, numOfSignals):

            signalList = []

            for signalIdx in range(numOfSignals):

                # name is retrieved
                retrievedName = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetSignalName(
                    SignalStruct, signalIdx)
                retrievedName = retrievedName.decode("utf-8")
                retrievedName = removeAngular(retrievedName)

                # type is retrieved
                retrievedTypeIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetSignalDataTypeIdx(
                    SignalStruct, signalIdx)
                retrievedSLIdType = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId(
                    DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx)

                retrievedCTypename = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeCName(
                    DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx)
                retrievedCTypename = retrievedCTypename.decode("utf-8")

                if retrievedSLIdType == 0:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'float64'
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 1:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'float32'
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 2:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'int8'
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 3:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'uint8'
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 4:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'int16'
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 5:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'uint16'
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 6:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'int32'
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 7:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'uint32'
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 8:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'bool'
                    raise Exception('Unsupported datatype.')

                # dimensions are retrieved
                dimIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetSignalDimensionIdx(
                    SignalStruct, signalIdx)

                dimArrayIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex(
                    dimIdx)  # Starting position in the dimensionArray
                # Number of elements in the dimensionArray referring to this signal
                dimNum = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumDims(DimensionMap, dimIdx)

                currDimension = []
                for currIdx in range(dimNum):
                    currDimension.append(DimensionArray[dimArrayIdx + currIdx])
                if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1:
                    dimension = 0
                elif currDimension[0] == 1 or currDimension[1] == 1:
                    dimension = [currDimension[0] * currDimension[1]]
                    dimension = currDimension

                # retrieved data is saved to a dictionary
                signalDict = dict(name=retrievedName,

                # dictionary is appended to the MDSplus-style list

            return signalList

        # ** PARAMETER DATA **

        # Name
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterName.argtypes = [
            ctypes.POINTER(None), ctypes.c_int
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterName.restype = ctypes.c_char_p

        # Type
        # same as the ones used for signals

        # Dimension
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDimensionIdx.argtypes = [
            ctypes.POINTER(None), ctypes.c_int
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDimensionIdx.restype = ctypes.c_uint

        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDataTypeIdx.argtypes = [
            ctypes.POINTER(None), ctypes.c_int
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDataTypeIdx.restype = ctypes.c_uint

        # Value
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterAddrIdx.argtypes = [
            ctypes.POINTER(None), ctypes.c_int
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterAddrIdx.restype = ctypes.c_uint

        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddress.argtypes = [
            ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(None)), ctypes.c_int
        WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddress.restype = ctypes.c_void_p

        # Function to retrieve data on parameters
        def GetModelParameterData(ParameterStruct, numOfParameters):

            paramList = []

            for paramIdx in range(numOfParameters):

                # name is retrieved
                retrievedName = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterName(
                    ParameterStruct, paramIdx)
                retrievedName = retrievedName.decode("utf-8")

                # type is retrieved
                retrievedTypeIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDataTypeIdx(
                    ParameterStruct, paramIdx)
                retrievedSLIdType = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId(
                    DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx)

                retrievedCTypename = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeCName(
                    DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx)
                retrievedCTypename = retrievedCTypename.decode("utf-8")

                if retrievedSLIdType == 0:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'float64'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_double
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 1:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'float32'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_float
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 2:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'int8'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 3:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'uint8'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 4:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'int16'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 5:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'uint16'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 6:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'int32'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 7:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'uint32'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 8:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'bool'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_bool
                    raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.')

                # actual parameter value is retrieved
                paramAddrIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterAddrIdx(
                    ParameterStruct, paramIdx)
                paramDataAddr = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddress(
                    DataAddrMap, paramAddrIdx)
                paramPointer = ctypes.cast(paramDataAddr,

                # dimensions are retrieved
                dimIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDimensionIdx(
                    ParameterStruct, paramIdx)

                dimArrayIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex(
                    dimIdx)  # Starting position in the dimensionArray
                # Number of elements in the dimensionArray referring to this signal
                dimNum = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumDims(DimensionMap, dimIdx)

                currDimension = []
                for currIdx in range(dimNum):
                    currDimension.append(DimensionArray[dimArrayIdx + currIdx])

                if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1:  # scalar
                    dimension = 0
                    mdsplusValue = paramPointer[0]
                elif currDimension[0] == 1:  # vector
                    dimension = currDimension[0] * currDimension[1]
                    valueList = []
                    for idx in range(dimension):
                    # matrix or column vector (MARTe2 sees column vectors as matrices)
                    dimension = currDimension
                    idx = 0
                    valueList = []
                    valueRow = []
                    for nRow in range(currDimension[0]):
                        if currDimension[1] == 1:
                            idx = idx + 1
                            for nCol in range(currDimension[1]):
                                idx = idx + 1
                            valueRow = []
                    # Transpose matrix
                    if currDimension[0] > 1 and currDimension[1] > 1:
                        transList = []
                        transRow = []
                        for nRow in range(currDimension[1]):
                            for nCol in range(currDimension[0]):
                                    paramPointer[nCol * currDimension[1] +
                            transRow = []
                        valueList = transList

                if currDimension[0] != 1 or currDimension[1] != 1:
                    if retrievedSLIdType == 0:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float64Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 1:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float32Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 2:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int8Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 3:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint8Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 4:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int16Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 5:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint16Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 6:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int32Array(valueList)
                    elif retrievedSLIdType == 7:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint32Array(valueList)
                        raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.')

                # retrieved data is saved to a dictionary
                paramDict = dict(name='Parameters.' + retrievedName,

                # dictionary is appended to the MDSplus-style list

            return paramList

        # Fill Parameters
        for i in range(8):
            self.getNode('parameters.par_' + str(i + 4) + ':name').deleteData()
            self.getNode('parameters.par_' + str(i + 4) +
            self.getNode('' + str(i + 1) + ':dimensions').deleteData()
            self.getNode('' + str(i + 1) + ':name').deleteData()
            self.getNode('' + str(i + 1) + ':type').putData('int32')
            self.getNode('outputs.out' + str(i + 1) +
            self.getNode('outputs.out' + str(i + 1) + ':name').deleteData()
            self.getNode('outputs.out' + str(i + 1) + ':type').putData('int32')

        paramDicts = GetModelParameterData(ParameterStruct, numParameters)
        parIdx = 4
        for paramDict in paramDicts:
            self.getNode('parameters.par_' + str(parIdx) + ':name').putData(
            self.getNode('parameters.par_' + str(parIdx) + ':value').putData(
            parIdx += 1

        inputIdx = 1
        inputDicts = GetSignalData(RootInputStruct, numInputs)
        for inputDict in inputDicts:
            self.getNode('' + str(inputIdx) + ':name').putData(
            self.getNode('' + str(inputIdx) + ':type').putData(
            inDim = inputDict['dimensions']
            if inDim != 0:
                inDim = MDSplus.Int32Array(inDim)
            self.getNode('' + str(inputIdx) +
            inputIdx += 1

        outputIdx = 1
        outputDicts = GetSignalData(RootOutputStruct, numOutputs)
        for outputDict in outputDicts:
            self.getNode('outputs.out' + str(outputIdx) + ':name').putData(
            self.getNode('outputs.out' + str(outputIdx) + ':type').putData(
            outDim = outputDict['dimensions']
            if outDim != 0:
                outDim = MDSplus.Int32Array(outDim)
            self.getNode('outputs.out' + str(outputIdx) +
            outputIdx += 1
Beispiel #6
        def GetModelParameterFields(structTypeIdx, ParameterStruct, paramIdx, baseParName, paramList, recLev  ):
            if recLev == 10:
              raise Exception
            numFields = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeNumElements(
                DataTypeMap, structTypeIdx)
            elementMapIndex = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeElemMapIndex(
                DataTypeMap, structTypeIdx)
          # actual parameter value is retrieved
            paramAddrIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterAddrIdx(
                ParameterStruct, paramIdx)
            paramDataAddr = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddress(
                DataAddrMap, paramAddrIdx)
            #print('NUM FIELDS: '+str(numFields))
            for fieldIdx in range(numFields):
                fieldName = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementName(
                    ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx)
                fieldName = fieldName.decode("utf-8")
                #print('FIELD: '+baseParName+'-'+fieldName)
                fieldOffset = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementOffset(
                    ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx)
                fieldTypeIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementDataTypeIdx(
                    ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx)
                #print('fieldTypeIdx: '+str(fieldTypeIdx))
                fieldSLIdType = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId(
                    DataTypeMap, fieldTypeIdx)
                #print('fieldSLIdType: '+str(fieldSLIdType))
                if fieldSLIdType == 0:
                    fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float64'
                    fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_double
                elif fieldSLIdType == 1:
                    fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float32'
                    fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_float
                elif fieldSLIdType == 2:
                    fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int8'
                    fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8
                elif fieldSLIdType == 3:
                    fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint8'
                    fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8
                elif fieldSLIdType == 4:
                    fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int16'
                    fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16
                elif fieldSLIdType == 5:
                    fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint16'
                    fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16
                elif fieldSLIdType == 6:
                    fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int32'
                    fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32
                elif fieldSLIdType == 7:
                    fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint32'
                    fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32
                elif fieldSLIdType == 8:
                    fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint8'
                    fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8
                elif fieldSLIdType == 254:
                    fieldEnumType =  WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataEnumStorageType(DataTypeMap, fieldTypeIdx)
                    if fieldEnumType == 0:
                        fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float64'
                        fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_double
                    elif fieldEnumType == 1:
                        fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float32'
                        fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_float
                    elif fieldEnumType == 2:
                        fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int8'
                        fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8
                    elif fieldEnumType == 3:
                        fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint8'
                        fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8
                    elif fieldEnumType == 4:
                        fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int16'
                        fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16
                    elif fieldEnumType == 5:
                        fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint16'
                        fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16
                    elif fieldEnumType == 6:
                        fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int32'
                        fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32
                    elif fieldEnumType == 7:
                        fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint32'
                        fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32
                        print('type '+str(fieldEnumType))
                        raise Exception('Unsupported Enum datatype.')
                else: #NESTED STRUCTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    #print('TYPE '+str(fieldSLIdType) + '   '+str(fieldTypeIdx))
                    GetModelParameterFields(fieldTypeIdx, ParameterStruct, paramIdx, baseParName + '-'+fieldName, paramList, recLev+1)
                    continue #no direct data associated
        # field dimensions
                # dimensions are retrieved
                fieldDimIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementDimensionIdx(
                    ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx)

                fieldDimArrayIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex(
                    DimensionMap, fieldDimIdx)  # Starting position in the dimensionArray
                # Number of elements in the dimensionArray referring to this signal
                fieldDimNum = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumDims(
                    DimensionMap, fieldDimIdx)
                #print('fieldDimNum: '+ str(fieldDimNum))
                currDimension = []
                for currIdx in range(fieldDimNum):
                        DimensionArray[fieldDimArrayIdx + currIdx])
                if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1:
                    fieldDimension = 0
                elif currDimension[0] == 1 or currDimension[1] == 1:
                    fieldDimension = [
                    fieldDimension = currDimension

                currParAddress = paramDataAddr + fieldOffset
                paramPointer = ctypes.cast(
                  currParAddress, ctypes.POINTER(fieldPythonTypename))

                if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1:  # scalar
                    dimension = 0
                    mdsplusValue = paramPointer[0]
                elif currDimension[0] == 1:  # vector
                    dimension = currDimension[0]*currDimension[1]
                    valueList = []
                    for idx in range(dimension):
                    # matrix or column vector (MARTe2 sees column vectors as matrices)
                    dimension = currDimension
                    idx = 0
                    valueList = []
                    valueRow = []
                    for nRow in range(currDimension[0]):
                        for nCol in range(currDimension[1]):
                            idx = idx + 1
                        valueRow = []
                if currDimension[0] != 1 or currDimension[1] != 1:
                    if fieldSLIdType == 0:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float32Array(valueList)
                    elif fieldSLIdType == 1:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float64Array(valueList)
                    elif fieldSLIdType == 2:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int8Array(valueList)
                    elif fieldSLIdType == 3:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint8Array(valueList)
                    elif fieldSLIdType == 4:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int16Array(valueList)
                    elif fieldSLIdType == 5:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint16Array(valueList)
                    elif fieldSLIdType == 6:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int32Array(valueList)
                    elif fieldSLIdType == 7:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint32Array(valueList)
                    elif fieldSLIdType == 8:
                        mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint8Array(valueList)
                        raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.')
                paramDict = dict(name=baseParName+'-'+fieldName,
                            type=fieldMARTe2Typename, dimensions=fieldDimension, value=mdsplusValue)
              # dictionary is appended to the MDSplus-style list
Beispiel #7
        def GetModelParameterData(ParameterStruct, numOfParameters):

            paramList = []

            for paramIdx in range(numOfParameters):

                # name is retrieved
                retrievedName = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterName(
                    ParameterStruct, paramIdx)
                retrievedName = retrievedName.decode("utf-8")
                #print('retrievedname: ', retrievedName)

                # type is retrieved
                retrievedTypeIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDataTypeIdx(
                    ParameterStruct, paramIdx)
                #print('retrievedTypeIdx: ', str(retrievedTypeIdx))
                retrievedSLIdType = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId(
                    DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx)
                #print('retrievedSLIdType: ', str(retrievedSLIdType))
                #retrievedCTypename = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeCName(
                #    DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx)
                #retrievedCTypename = retrievedCTypename.decode("utf-8")
                #print('retrievedCTypename: '+retrievedCTypename)

                if retrievedSLIdType == 0:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'float64'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_double
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 1:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'float32'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_float
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 2:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'int8'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 3:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'uint8'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 4:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'int16'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 5:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'uint16'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 6:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'int32'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 7:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'uint32'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 8:
                    MARTe2Typename = 'uint8'
                    pythonTypename = ctypes.c_bool
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 254:
                    fieldEnumType =  WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataEnumStorageType(DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx)
                    if fieldEnumType == 0:
                        MARTe2Typename = 'float64'
                        pythonTypename = ctypes.c_double
                    elif fieldEnumType == 1:
                        MARTe2Typename = 'float32'
                        pythonTypename = ctypes.c_float
                    elif fieldEnumType == 2:
                        MARTe2Typename = 'int8'
                        pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8
                    elif fieldEnumType == 3:
                        pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8
                        MARTe2Typename = 'uint8'
                    elif fieldEnumType == 4:
                        MARTe2Typename = 'int16'
                        pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16
                    elif fieldEnumType == 5:
                        pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16
                        MARTe2Typename = 'uint16'
                    elif fieldEnumType == 6:
                        pythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32
                        MARTe2Typename = 'int32'
                    elif fieldEnumType == 7:
                        pythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32
                        MARTe2Typename = 'uint32'
                        print('type '+str(fieldEnumType))
                        raise Exception('Unsupported Enum datatype.')
                elif retrievedSLIdType == 255:
                    raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.')
                if retrievedSLIdType != 255:  
                    # actual parameter value is retrieved
                    paramAddrIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterAddrIdx(
                        ParameterStruct, paramIdx)
                    paramDataAddr = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddress(
                        DataAddrMap, paramAddrIdx)
                    paramPointer = ctypes.cast(
                        paramDataAddr, ctypes.POINTER(pythonTypename))

                    # dimensions are retrieved
                    dimIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterDimensionIdx(
                        ParameterStruct, paramIdx)

                    dimArrayIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex(
                        DimensionMap, dimIdx)  # Starting position in the dimensionArray
                    # Number of elements in the dimensionArray referring to this signal
                    dimNum = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumDims(
                        DimensionMap,       dimIdx)

                    currDimension = []
                    for currIdx in range(dimNum):
                        currDimension.append(DimensionArray[dimArrayIdx + currIdx])

                    if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1:  # scalar
                        dimension = 0
                        mdsplusValue = paramPointer[0]
                    elif currDimension[0] == 1:  # vector
                        dimension = currDimension[0]*currDimension[1]
                        valueList = []
                        for idx in range(dimension):
                        # matrix or column vector (MARTe2 sees column vectors as matrices)
                        dimension = currDimension
                        idx = 0
                        valueList = []
                        valueRow = []
                        for nRow in range(currDimension[0]):
                            for nCol in range(currDimension[1]):
                                idx = idx + 1
                            valueRow = []

                    if currDimension[0] != 1 or currDimension[1] != 1:
                        if retrievedSLIdType == 0:
                            mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float32Array(valueList)
                        elif retrievedSLIdType == 1:
                            mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float64Array(valueList)
                        elif retrievedSLIdType == 2:
                            mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int8Array(valueList)
                        elif retrievedSLIdType == 3:
                            mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint8Array(valueList)
                        elif retrievedSLIdType == 4:
                            mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int16Array(valueList)
                        elif retrievedSLIdType == 5:
                            mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint16Array(valueList)
                        elif retrievedSLIdType == 6:
                            mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int32Array(valueList)
                        elif retrievedSLIdType == 7:
                            mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint32Array(valueList)
                            raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.')

                    # retrieved data is saved to a dictionary
                    paramDict = dict(name='Parameters.'+retrievedName,
                                    type=MARTe2Typename, dimensions=dimension, value=mdsplusValue)

                    # dictionary is appended to the MDSplus-style list
                else: #retrievedSLIdType == 255  SRUCTURED PARAMETERS
                    GetModelParameterFields(retrievedTypeIdx, ParameterStruct, paramIdx, 'Parameters.'+retrievedName, paramList, 1)  
                    #numFields = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeNumElements(
                        #DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx)
                    #elementMapIndex = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeElemMapIndex(
                        #DataTypeMap, retrievedTypeIdx)
                  ## actual parameter value is retrieved
                    #paramAddrIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetModelParameterAddrIdx(
                        #ParameterStruct, paramIdx)
                    #paramDataAddr = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataAddress(
                        #DataAddrMap, paramAddrIdx)
                    #print('NUM FIELDS: '+str(numFields))
                    #for fieldIdx in range(numFields):
                        #fieldName = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementName(
                            #ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx)
                        #fieldName = fieldName.decode("utf-8")
                        #print('FIELD: '+fieldName)
                        #fieldOffset = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementOffset(
                            #ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx)
                        #fieldTypeIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementDataTypeIdx(
                            #ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx)
                        #fieldSLIdType = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId(
                            #DataTypeMap, fieldTypeIdx)
                        #if fieldSLIdType == 0:
                            #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float64'
                            #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_double
                        #elif fieldSLIdType == 1:
                            #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float32'
                            #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_float
                        #elif fieldSLIdType == 2:
                            #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int8'
                            #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8
                        #elif fieldSLIdType == 3:
                            #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint8'
                            #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8
                        #elif fieldSLIdType == 4:
                            #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int16'
                            #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16
                        #elif fieldSLIdType == 5:
                            #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint16'
                            #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16
                        #elif fieldSLIdType == 6:
                            #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int32'
                            #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32
                        #elif fieldSLIdType == 7:
                            #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint32'
                            #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32
                        #elif fieldSLIdType == 8:
                            #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'bool'
                            #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8
                        #elif fieldSLIdType == 254:
                            #fieldEnumType =  WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDataEnumStorageType(DataTypeMap, fieldTypeIdx)
                            #if fieldEnumType == 0:
                                #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float64'
                                #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_double
                            #elif fieldEnumType == 1:
                                #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'float32'
                                #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_float
                            #elif fieldEnumType == 2:
                                #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int8'
                                #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int8
                            #elif fieldEnumType == 3:
                                #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint8'
                                #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint8
                            #elif fieldEnumType == 4:
                                #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int16'
                                #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int16
                            #elif fieldEnumType == 5:
                                #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint16'
                                #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint16
                            #elif fieldEnumType == 6:
                                #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'int32'
                                #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_int32
                            #elif fieldEnumType == 7:
                                #fieldMARTe2Typename = 'uint32'
                                #fieldPythonTypename = ctypes.c_uint32
                                #print('type '+str(fieldEnumType))
                                #raise Exception('Unsupported Enum datatype.')
                            #print('type '+str(fieldSLIdType))
                            #raise Exception('Unsupported nested structures.')
                ## field dimensions
                       ## dimensions are retrieved
                        #fieldDimIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetElementDimensionIdx(
                            #ElementMap, elementMapIndex + fieldIdx)

                        #fieldDimArrayIdx = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex(
                            #DimensionMap, fieldDimIdx)  # Starting position in the dimensionArray
                        ## Number of elements in the dimensionArray referring to this signal
                        #fieldDimNum = WrapperLib.WCAPI_GetNumDims(
                            #DimensionMap, fieldDimIdx)

                        #currDimension = []
                        #for currIdx in range(fieldDimNum):
                                #DimensionArray[fieldDimArrayIdx + currIdx])
                        #if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1:
                            #fieldDimension = 0
                        #elif currDimension[0] == 1 or currDimension[1] == 1:
                            #fieldDimension = [
                            #fieldDimension = currDimension

                        #currParAddress = paramDataAddr + fieldOffset
                        #paramPointer = ctypes.cast(
                          #currParAddress, ctypes.POINTER(fieldPythonTypename))

                        #if currDimension[0] == 1 and currDimension[1] == 1:  # scalar
                            #dimension = 0
                            #mdsplusValue = paramPointer[0]
                        #elif currDimension[0] == 1:  # vector
                            #dimension = currDimension[0]*currDimension[1]
                            #valueList = []
                            #for idx in range(dimension):
                            ## matrix or column vector (MARTe2 sees column vectors as matrices)
                            #dimension = currDimension
                            #idx = 0
                            #valueList = []
                            #valueRow = []
                            #for nRow in range(currDimension[0]):
                                #for nCol in range(currDimension[1]):
                                    #idx = idx + 1
                                #valueRow = []
                        #if currDimension[0] != 1 or currDimension[1] != 1:
                            #if fieldSLIdType == 0:
                                #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float32Array(valueList)
                            #elif fieldSLIdType == 1:
                                #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Float64Array(valueList)
                            #elif fieldSLIdType == 2:
                                #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int8Array(valueList)
                            #elif fieldSLIdType == 3:
                                #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint8Array(valueList)
                            #elif fieldSLIdType == 4:
                                #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int16Array(valueList)
                            #elif fieldSLIdType == 5:
                                #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint16Array(valueList)
                            #elif fieldSLIdType == 6:
                                #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Int32Array(valueList)
                            #elif fieldSLIdType == 7:
                                #mdsplusValue = MDSplus.Uint32Array(valueList)
                                #raise Exception('Unsupported parameter datatype.')
                        #paramDict = dict(name='Parameters.'+retrievedName+'-'+fieldName,
                                    #type=fieldMARTe2Typename, dimensions=fieldDimension, value=mdsplusValue)
                     ## dictionary is appended to the MDSplus-style list
                 #endif STRUCTURED PARAMETER
            #endfor parameters
            #print('PARAMETRI FATTI')
            return paramList
Beispiel #8
def getShotDB(expt,path=None,lower=None,upper=None):
    isTdi = isinstance(expt, MDSplus.mdsdata.Data)
    expt = str(expt).lower()

    def getTreePath():
        # split path variable into single paths and replaces the ~t treename
        expt_paths = os.getenv(expt+'_path')
        if expt_paths is None:
            raise MDSplus.mdsExceptions.TreeNOPATH
        return expt_paths.replace('~t',expt).split(';')

    def getshots(expt_path,lower,upper):
        if expt_path.find('::')>=0:
            # path is referring to remote tree
            server,path = expt_path.split('::',2)
            # check if thick or distributed
            path = "*"  if len(path)==0 else '"'+path+'"'
            # handle None for upper and lower
            if lower is None: lower = "*"
            if upper is None: upper = "*"
            # fetch data from server
            return MDSplus.Connection(server).get('getShotDb("%s",%s,%s,%s)'%(expt,path,str(lower),str(upper)),).data().tolist()
        start = expt+'_'
        files = [f[len(expt):-5].split('_') for f in os.listdir(expt_path) if f.endswith('.tree') and f.startswith(start)]
        return [int(f[1]) for f in files if len(f)==2 and f[1]!='model']
    """The path argument is interpreted"""
    # try to convert to native datatype
    try: path =
    except: pass
    if isinstance(path, (int,)):
        # path is int and refering to the index of the path list
        path = getTreePath()[path]
    if isinstance(path, MDSplus.version.basestring):
        # path is str and used as path
        shots = getshots(path,lower,upper)
        # path is undefined and the total list will be collected
        shots = []
        for expt_path in getTreePath():
                shots += getshots(expt_path,lower,upper)
                import traceback

    """filter result by upper and lower limits"""
    if lower is not None or upper is not None:
        if lower is None:
            shots = numpy.array(filter(lambda x: x <= int(upper), shots))
        elif upper is None:
            shots = numpy.array(filter(lambda x: x >= int(lower), shots))
            shots = numpy.array(filter(lambda x: x >= int(lower) and x <= int(upper), shots))

    # return as MDSplus type if input was MDSplus type
    return MDSplus.Int32Array(shots) if isTdi else shots