Beispiel #1
 def testMaskingFunctions(self):
     xouter = MV2.outerproduct(MV2.arange(5.), [1] * 10)
     masked = MV2.masked_greater(xouter, 1)
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[2:], True))
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[:2], False))
     masked = MV2.masked_greater_equal(xouter, 1)
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[1:], True))
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[:1], False))
     masked = MV2.masked_less(xouter, 1)
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[:1], True))
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[1:], False))
     masked = MV2.masked_less_equal(xouter, 1)
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[:2], True))
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[2:], False))
     masked = MV2.masked_not_equal(xouter, 1)
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[1], False))
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[0], True))
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[2:], True))
     masked = MV2.masked_equal(xouter, 1)
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[1], True))
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[0], False))
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[2:], False))
     masked = MV2.masked_outside(xouter, 1, 3)
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[0:1], True))
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[1:4], False))
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[4:], True))
     masked = MV2.masked_where(
         MV2.logical_or(MV2.greater(xouter, 3), MV2.less(xouter, 2)),
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[0:2], True))
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[2:4], False))
     self.assertTrue(MV2.allequal(masked.mask[4:], True))
Beispiel #2
def bony_sorting_part1(w500, binedges):

    A, B, C = w500.shape
    dx = np.diff(binedges)[0]
    # Compute composite:
    OKwaps = nanarray(
        (A, B, C, 2 + len(binedges)))  # add 2 for the exceedances
    xx = 0
    for x in binedges:
        xx += 1
        w500_bin = MV.masked_less(w500, x)
        OKwaps[..., xx] = MV.masked_greater_equal(w500_bin, x + dx)

    # do the first wap bin:
    OKwaps[..., 0] = MV.masked_greater_equal(w500, binedges[0])
    # do the last wap bin:
    OKwaps[..., -1] = MV.masked_less(w500, binedges[-1] + dx)

    return OKwaps  # [month,lat,lon,wapbin]
Beispiel #3
lat = uf.getLatitude()
lon = uf.getLongitude()
xouter.setAxis(0, lat)
xouter.setAxis(1, lon)
xouter.setAxisList([lat, lon])  # Equivalent

## masked_equal(x, value)
##   masked_equal(x, value) = x masked where x == value
##   For floating point consider masked_values(x, value) instead.

## masked_greater(x, value)
##   masked_greater(x, value) = x masked where x > value

## masked_greater_equal(x, value)
##   masked_greater_equal(x, value) = x masked where x >= value
xge = MV2.masked_greater_equal(xouter, 120)

## masked_less(x, value)
##   masked_less(x, value) = x masked where x < value
xl = MV2.masked_less(xouter, 160)

## masked_less_equal(x, value)
##   masked_less_equal(x, value) = x masked where x <= value

## masked_not_equal(x, value)
##   masked_not_equal(x, value) = x masked where x != value

## masked_outside(x, v1, v2)
##   x with mask of all values of x that are outside [v1,v2]
xmo = MV2.masked_outside(xouter, 120, 160)
def createVarSubdivisionShpNCfile(varid, cfile, shpfile, outpath, **kwarg):
    createVarSubdivisionShpNCfile : create variable of subdivison shaped using 
          shp file as one of the input and store into nc file.
        varid : variable name of input file 
        cfile : input climate netcdf file path
        shpfile : shpfile path which has proper subdivison level map
        outpath : output directory
        preserve_original_data_shape_in_all_subregions : True | False (default).
           If it is True, then all subdivison regions of input variable will 
           have same shape of full region but masked fully (lat, lon) other
           than subdivison / state boundary region. Useful to retain the full 
           data shape but keep only subdivison region data alone.
           If it is False, then all subdivison regions of input variable will
           be store with its corresponding lat, lon shape.
         latitude : range of latitude to be retain in the output in case of 
                    preserve_original_data_shape_in_all_subregions is True.
         longitude : range of longitude to be retain in the output in case of 
                    preserve_original_data_shape_in_all_subregions is True. 
    output : It create nc file named as varid + ''.
             This function works well for the input shape of (time, latitude, longitude).
    Author :  Arulalan.T ([email protected]), Research Scholar, CAS, IITD
    Date :  21-Apr-2017

    # export the environment variable path of shape file
    shpfname = shpfile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0 ]
    shppath = shpfile.split(shpfname)[0]
    ocgis.env.DIR_GEOMCABINET = shppath
    preserve_original_data_shape_in_all_subregions = kwarg.get('preserve_original_data_shape_in_all_subregions', False)
    lat = kwarg.get('latitude', None)
    lon = kwarg.get('longitude', None)
    outpath = '.' if outpath is None else outpath
    outfile_sequentialnumbers = varid + ''
    shpdata_outfile = os.path.join(outpath, varid + '')
    # open the nc file via uvcdat
    inf =
    sdata = inf(varid, time=slice(1))
    tottimeax = inf[varid].getTime()
    # get the shape of one time step, lat, lon for dummy sequential numbers
    dshape = sdata.shape[-2:]
    dlen = dshape[0] * dshape[1]
    oshape = (len(tottimeax), dshape[0], dshape[1])
    dshape = (1, dshape[0], dshape[1])
    # create dummy sequential numbers
    numbers = numpy.arange(1, dlen+1, 1).reshape(dshape)
    numbers = cdms2.createVariable(numbers, id=varid)
    timeax = sdata.getTime()
    taxis = cdms2.createAxis(numpy.array([0]), id='time')
    taxis.units = timeax.units
    # set all axis 
    numbers.setAxisList([taxis, sdata.getLatitude(), sdata.getLongitude()])
    # store into temporary nc file of sequential numbers.
    outf =, 'w')
    # repeat nos for time dimension
    tnumbers =, 0)
    # get sequential numbers via ocgis 
    rd_sequentialnumbers = ocgis.RequestDataset(outfile_sequentialnumbers, variable=varid)
    # get actual data via ocgis 
    rd_data = ocgis.RequestDataset(cfile, variable=varid)
    print "Hold on ... it may take some time ..."
    # get list of state bounded numpy arrays of sequential numbers
    state_sequentialnumbers = ocgis.OcgOperations(dataset=rd_sequentialnumbers, 
                                spatial_operation='intersects', #'clip', 
                                aggregate=False, agg_selection=False, 
                                allow_empty=True, snippet=True, 
                                geom=shpfname, output_format='numpy').execute()

    # get list of state bounded numpy arrays of actual climate data 
    state_data = ocgis.OcgOperations(dataset=rd_data, 
                                spatial_operation='intersects',# 'clip', 
                                aggregate=False, agg_selection=False, 
                                allow_empty=True, snippet=False, 
                                geom=shpfname, output_format='numpy').execute()

    # lets store the output here
    outf =, 'w')
    outf.write(sdata(latitude=lat, longitude=lon)) # store sample data full spatial 

    for idxx, state in enumerate(state_sequentialnumbers): 
        # lets loop through all the state boundaries
        idx = idxx + 1
        # get the sequential numbers of particular state boundary
        state_seq_val = state_sequentialnumbers[idx][varid].variables[varid].value
        # get the actual climate data of particular state boundary
        state_data_val = state_data[idx][varid].variables[varid].value.squeeze()    
        # find start and end row of particular state boundary
        start_row = numpy.where(numbers==state_seq_val.min())[1][0]
        end_row = numpy.where(numbers==state_seq_val.max())[1][0]
        # find start and end coloum of particular state boundary
        start_col = numpy.where(numbers==state_seq_val[0][0][0][:,0].min())[2][0]
        end_col = numpy.where(numbers==state_seq_val[0][0][0][:,-1].max())[2][0]
        if preserve_original_data_shape_in_all_subregions:
            # get the mask of particular state boundary from sequential numbers
            result = MV2.masked_greater_equal(tnumbers, 0)
            result[:, start_row: end_row+1, start_col:end_col+1] = state_data_val 
            result = result.reshape(oshape)
            # store the clipped actual data into original shapped data by masking other grid points 
            result = cdms2.createVariable(result, id=varid+'_'+str(idx))
            result.setAxisList([tottimeax, sdata.getLatitude(), sdata.getLongitude()])
            if lat and lon: result = result(latitude=lat, longitude=lon)
            # store the clipped shaped data as it is into nc file with its lat, lon 
            latax = sdata.getLatitude()[start_row: end_row+1]
            latax = cdms2.createAxis(latax, id='latitude'+str(idx))
            lonax = sdata.getLongitude()[start_col:end_col+1]
            lonax = cdms2.createAxis(lonax, id='longitude'+str(idx))
            stshp = state_data_val.shape
            state_data_val = state_data_val.reshape((len(tottimeax), stshp[-2], stshp[-1]))            
            result = cdms2.createVariable(state_data_val, id=varid+'_'+str(idx))
            result.setAxisList([tottimeax, latax, lonax]) 
        print "stored stateboundary data", idx, "shaped : ", result.shape 
    # end of for idx,state in enumerate(path): 

    print "Stored the input data with boundaries of shape file into : ", shpdata_outfile
            # daily and monthly-average global radiation, Solar Energy 28(4), pp 293-302, 1982. Eq. 1
            kt = np.zeros([24,lat_num,lon_num])
            kt[swtdn_tmp != 0.] = (swgdn_tmp[swtdn_tmp != 0.]/swtdn_tmp[swtdn_tmp != 0.])
            kt[kt<0.] = 0.
            df = np.zeros([24,lat_num,lon_num]) # error1
            df = np.where( kt<= 0.22, 1 - 0.09 * kt, df)
            df = np.where((kt > 0.22) & (kt <= 0.8), 0.9511 - 0.1604*kt + 4.388*kt**2 - 16.638*kt**3 + 12.336*kt**4, df)
            df = np.where( kt > 0.8, 0.165, df)  # 
            df = np.where( kt== 0.0, 1.0, df)    # where no TOA SW, all diffuse flux
            dhi = df * swgdn_tmp         # diffuse radiation
            dni = (swgdn_tmp - dhi)      # direct radiation            
            for hr_idx in range(24):
                zenith, solar_azi, ha = cal_solar_angles(lat, lon, days_ord, hr_idx)   # All in radius 
                mask1 = MV.filled(MV.masked_equal(swtdn_tmp[hr_idx],0)*0+1,0)
                mask2 = MV.filled(MV.masked_greater_equal(zenith,np.pi/2)*0+1,0)
                # Based on Braun and Mitchell, 1983
                # Solar geometry for fixed and tracking surface, Solar Energy, 1983
                incidence_rad, panel_tilt_rad = cal_incidence_angles(zenith, solar_azi, tilt_pv, azim_pv, 'h')
                cosine_zenith = np.cos(zenith)* mask1*mask2
                cosine_incide = np.cos(incidence_rad) * mask1*mask2
                adjust_factor_dni = replace_nan(cosine_incide / cosine_zenith) 

                # Adjust dni and dhi based on Pfenninger and Staffell, 2016[3]
                # Long-term patterns of European PV output using 30 years of validated hourly reanalysis and satellite data, Energy, 2016
                # The calculation of adjuated direct sunlight is corrected
                dni_adjust = dni[hr_idx] * adjust_factor_dni  
                dhi_adjust = dhi[hr_idx]*(1+np.cos(panel_tilt_rad))/2. + 0.3*(dni[hr_idx]+dhi[hr_idx])*(1-np.cos(panel_tilt_rad))/2. 
                rad_adjust = replace_nan(dni_adjust + dhi_adjust)
            print('lat/lon number error')

        kt = np.zeros([24, lat_num, lon_num])
        kt[swtdn_tmp != 0.] = (swgdn_tmp[swtdn_tmp != 0.] /
                               swtdn_tmp[swtdn_tmp != 0.])
        kt[kt < 0.] = 0.
        for hr_idx in range(24):
            zenith, solar_azi, ha = cal_solar_angles(lat, lon, int(year),
                                                     month, days, hr_idx,
            incidence_rad, panel_tilt_rad = cal_incidence_angles(
                zenith, solar_azi, tilt_pv, azim_pv, 'h')
            mask1 = MV.filled(MV.masked_equal(swtdn_tmp[hr_idx], 0) * 0 + 1, 0)
            mask2 = MV.filled(
                MV.masked_greater_equal(zenith, np.pi / 2) * 0 + 1, 0)
            cosine_zenith = np.cos(zenith) * mask1 * mask2
            #cosine_zenith[(cosine_zenith>0)&(cosine_zenith<0.087)] = 0.087 ### do we want it here?
            cosine_incide = np.cos(incidence_rad) * mask1 * mask2
            adjust_factor_dni = replace_inf(
                replace_nan(cosine_incide / cosine_zenith))
            adjust_factor_dni[(adjust_factor_dni < 1.)] = 1.

            maximum_index = np.argwhere(
                swgdn_tmp[hr_idx] == np.max(swgdn_tmp[hr_idx]))
            base = swgdn_tmp[hr_idx][maximum_index[0, 0]][maximum_index[
                0, 1]] / swtdn_tmp[hr_idx][maximum_index[0,
            cons = swtdn_tmp[hr_idx][maximum_index[0, 0]][maximum_index[0, 1]]
            potential_max_solar = np.zeros([lat_num, lon_num])
Beispiel #7
lat = uf.getLatitude()
lon = uf.getLongitude()
xouter.setAxisList([lat,lon])           # Equivalent

## masked_equal(x, value) 
##   masked_equal(x, value) = x masked where x == value
##   For floating point consider masked_values(x, value) instead.

## masked_greater(x, value) 
##   masked_greater(x, value) = x masked where x > value

## masked_greater_equal(x, value) 
##   masked_greater_equal(x, value) = x masked where x >= value
xge = MV2.masked_greater_equal(xouter, 120)

## masked_less(x, value) 
##   masked_less(x, value) = x masked where x < value
xl = MV2.masked_less(xouter, 160)

## masked_less_equal(x, value) 
##   masked_less_equal(x, value) = x masked where x <= value

## masked_not_equal(x, value) 
##   masked_not_equal(x, value) = x masked where x != value

## masked_outside(x, v1, v2) 
##   x with mask of all values of x that are outside [v1,v2]
xmo = MV2.masked_outside(xouter, 120, 160)