import random import MakeSpaceTower # import hypar # Import the classes we'll need. from aecSpace.aecColor import aecColor from aecSpace.aecPoint import aecPoint from aecSpace.aecSpace import aecSpace from aecSpace.aecSpacer import aecSpacer from aecSpace.aecSpaceGroup import aecSpaceGroup from aecSpace.aecSpaceDrawOCC import aecSpaceDrawOCC import itertools spaces = MakeSpaceTower.makeSpaceTower() space_ceilings = [] #print(spaces) for space in spaces: space_ceilings.append(space.mesh_ceiling) print(space_ceilings[0])
from matplotlib import pyplot def containmentTest(spaces, xCoords, yCoords,sVal): obst = [] for i in range(len(xCoords)): for space in spaces: points = space.points_ceiling xs = [p.x for p in points] ys = [p.y for p in points] if xCoords[i] >= min(xs) and xCoords[i] <= max(xs) and yCoords[i] >= min(ys) and yCoords[i] <= max(ys): obst.append((xCoords[i]/sVal,yCoords[i]/sVal)) return obst sVal = 4000 allSpaces = tower.makeSpaceTower() levels = [] for key, g in groupby(allSpaces, key = lambda x: x.level): levels.append(list(g)) print(len(levels)) spaces = levels[8] floorX = 30000 floorY = 70000 u = int(floorX/sVal) v = int(floorY/sVal)
def makeTowerDucts(stories: int = 5, mostRooms: int = 4, routing = 0, useColor=0): model = glTF() spaces = MakeSpaceTower.makeSpaceTower(stories, mostRooms) alpha = 0.2 reflect = 0.1 colorAqua = model.add_material(0.302, 0.722, 0.392, alpha, reflect, "Aqua") colorBlue = model.add_material(0.0, 0.631, 0.945, alpha, reflect, "Blue") colorCyan = model.add_material(0.275, 0.941, 0.941, alpha, reflect, "Cyan") colorGranite = model.add_material(0.235, 0.235, 0.235, alpha, reflect, "Gray") colorGray = model.add_material(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.2, "Gray") colorGreen = model.add_material(0.486, 0.733, 0.0, alpha, reflect, "Green") colorOrange = model.add_material(0.964, 0.325, 0.078, alpha, reflect, "Orange") colorSand = model.add_material(1.0, 0.843, 0.376, alpha, reflect, "Sand") colorTeal = model.add_material(0.0, 0.502, 0.502, alpha, reflect, "Teal") colorYellow = model.add_material(1.0, 0.733, 0.0, alpha, reflect, "Yellow") loads = space_cfm_calc.Space_CFM_Calc(spaces) ductSpecs = pathing.minSpanningPath.GetDuctPathFromBldg(loads) mini = min([x["cfm"] for x in ductSpecs]) maxi = max([x["cfm"] for x in ductSpecs]) numcolors = 12 hmColors = [] xCoord = 13000 yCoord = 74000 point = aecPoint(xCoord, yCoord, 0) shaper = aecShaper() stack = aecSpace() stack.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, 4000, 3000) stack.color = aecColor.gray stack.level = 8500 stack.height = ((stories - 2) * 3500) + 8000 spaces += [stack] xCoord = 10000 yCoord = 65000 point = aecPoint(xCoord, yCoord, 0) mech = aecSpace() mech.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, 10000, 15000) mech.color = aecColor.gray mech.level = ((stories - 1) * 3500) + 11000 mech.height = 4000 spaces += [mech] for space in spaces: spaceMesh = space.mesh_graphic if space.color.color == aecColor.aqua: color = colorAqua if space.color.color == color = colorBlue if space.color.color == aecColor.cyan: color = colorCyan if space.color.color == aecColor.gray: color = colorGray if space.color.color == aecColor.granite: color = colorGranite if space.color.color == color = colorGreen if space.color.color == color = colorOrange if space.color.color == aecColor.sand: color = colorSand if space.color.color == aecColor.teal: color = colorTeal if space.color.color == aecColor.yellow: color = colorYellow model.add_triangle_mesh(spaceMesh.vertices, spaceMesh.normals, spaceMesh.indices, color) for i in range(numcolors): dI = i * (maxi-mini)/numcolors r,g,b = heatmap.convert_to_rgb(mini, maxi, dI) hmColors.append(model.add_material(r/255,g/255,b/255,1.0,1.0,"HM"+str(i))) for ductSpec in ductSpecs: start = aecPoint(ductSpec['start'][0], ductSpec['start'][1], ductSpec['start'][2]) end = aecPoint(ductSpec['end'][0], ductSpec['end'][1], ductSpec['end'][2]) chosenColor = math.floor(12-ductSpec['cfm'] / (maxi-mini) * 12 ) duct = MakeDuct.makeDuct(start, end, ductSpec['width'], ductSpec['height']) ductMesh = duct.mesh_graphic if useColor == 1: model.add_triangle_mesh(ductMesh.vertices, ductMesh.normals, ductMesh.indices, hmColors[ chosenColor-1]) else: model.add_triangle_mesh(ductMesh.vertices, ductMesh.normals, ductMesh.indices, colorGray) # return {"model": model.save_base64()} model.save_glb('model.glb')
a.train(env, 100000) qVals = a.qvalues path = a.get_path(env) ductspecs = [] for i in range(len(path) - 1): start = [path[i][0], path[i][1], Z] end = [path[i][0], path[i + 1][1], Z] ductspec = { 'start': start, 'end': end, 'width': 254, 'height': 254, 'cfm': 100, 'spaceName': name } ductspecs.append(ductspec) #pyplot.plot(qVals) #print(output) output.append(ductspecs) print([len(i) for i in output]) return output tower = tower.makeSpaceTower() GetDuctPathFromBldg(tower)