Beispiel #1
def sharpness_focus(sf_state, af_pub, focus_state_sub, video_socket,

    if sf_state.MODE == 'COARSE':  # -> Focus Control
        print('MODE is COARSE')
        dist_to_tank = (300 - sf_state.stage_z) + p.STAGE_TANK_OFFSET
        ll_max = 2953.5 * dist_to_tank**-0.729
        ll_min = 2953.5 * (dist_to_tank + p.TANK_DEPTH_MM)**-0.729
        print('llmin, llmax: (%f, %f)' % (ll_min, ll_max))
        af_pub.send_pyobj(m.AutofocusMessage(ll_min, ll_max, 1))
        state = ''  # The liquid lens will broadcast whether it is FOCUSING or FIXED

        # We told the liquid lens to autofocus. Now we just need to wait for it to finish.
        for ix in range(5):
                state = focus_state_sub.recv_string()
            except zmq.Again:
            if state == 'FOCUSING':
            if ix == 4:
                # TODO: Should probably handle this more gracefully, but for now if it doesn't go into focusing mode something is broken and should be addressed
                print('Camera not entering focus mode!')
        while state == 'FOCUSING':
            frame = recv_img(video_socket)
            cv2.imshow(p.VIDEO_WINDOW_NAME, frame)
            state = focus_state_sub.recv_string()

            current_ll_focus = float(focus_sub.recv_string())
            print('Received focus %d' % current_ll_focus)
        except zmq.Again:
            current_ll_focus = None

        if current_ll_focus is not None:
            object_distance_ll = (current_ll_focus / 2953.5)**(
                1.0 / -0.729)  # (0-255) -> mm
            dz = object_distance_ll - p.FOCUS_DISTANCE_ZOOM
            print('Object distance_ll: %f' % object_distance_ll)
            dz = 0
        sf_state.mode = 'FINE_UNINITIALIZED'
        sf_state.stage_z_dir = 1

    # UNINITIALIZED - We tell the stage to move to the pre-sweep position
    elif sf_state.mode == 'FINE_UNINITIALIZED':
        print('MODE is FINE_UNINITIALIZED')
        if p.BYPASS_LL_ESTIMATE:
            dist_to_tank = (300 - sf_state.stage_z) + p.STAGE_TANK_OFFSET
            dz = dist_to_tank - p.FOCUS_DISTANCE_ZOOM  # This should place macro focus at near edge of tank
            dz = sf_state.object_distance_ll - p.FOCUS_DISTANCE_ZOOM - 15
        sf_state.sweep_lowerbound_abs = sf_state.stage_z + dz
        sf_state.mode = 'MOVING_LOWER_BOUND'

    # MOVING_LOWER_BOUND - We wait until the stage has reached pre-sweep position
    elif sf_state.mode == 'MOVING_LOWER_BOUND':
        print('MODE is FINE -> MOVING_LOWER_BOUND')
        dz = 0
        if abs(sf_state.stage_z -
               sf_state.sweep_lowerbound_abs) < 0.1 and not sf_state.z_moving:
            if p.BYPASS_LL_ESTIMATE:
                dz = p.TANK_DEPTH_MM
                dz = 30.0
            sf_state.stage_sweep_end = sf_state.stage_z + dz
            sf_state.best_sharpness = 0
            sf_state.best_sharpness_location = 0
            sf_state.mode = 'SWEEPING_ROI'

        # SWEEPING_ROI - We wait while the stage sweeps focus through the ROI, tracking best sharpness
    elif sf_state.mode == 'SWEEPING_ROI':
        print('MODE is FINE -> SWEEPING_ROI')
        # don't order any z motion, but check if z stopped
        if abs(sf_state.stage_z -
               sf_state.sweep_lowerbound_abs) > 1 and sf_state.z_moving:
            dz = 0
        print('%.3f / %.3f' %
              (sf_state.macro_sharpness, sf_state.best_sharpness))
        if sf_state.macro_sharpness > sf_state.best_sharpness:
            sf_state.best_sharpness = sf_state.macro_sharpness
            sf_state.best_sharpness_location = sf_state.stage_z
        if abs(sf_state.stage_z -
               sf_state.stage_sweep_end) < 0.1 and not sf_state.z_moving:
            dz = sf_state.best_sharpness_location - sf_state.stage_z
            sf_state.mode = 'MOVING_TO_PEAK'

    # MOVING_TO_PEAK - We wait until the stage is close to the best sharpness location
    elif sf_state.mode == 'MOVING_TO_PEAK':
        print('MODE is FINE -> MOVING_TO_PEAK')
        if abs(sf_state.stage_z - sf_state.best_sharpness_location) < 0.1:
            sf_state.mode = 'INITIALIZED'
            if p.BYPASS_LL_ESTIMATE:
                p.BYPASS_LL_ESTIMATE = False or p.BYPASS_LL_ESTIMATE
        dz = 0

    # INITIALIZED - Our stage sweep gave us an estimate of where the best focus for the object is. Once
    # we get to that point, hopefully we can keep it in focus by moving the stage to maintain focus
    # based on the sharpness gradient.
    elif sf_state.mode == 'INITIALIZED':
        print('MODE is FINE -> INITIALIZED')
        if sf_state.macro_sharpness < sf_state.macro_sharpness_last:
            sf_state.stage_z_dir = -1 * sf_state.stage_z_dir
        dz = 3 * sf_state.stage_z_dir

        # We have an invalid mode, which should never happen and it means there's an issue with the code
        print('fine_submode in illegal state %s!' % sf_state.mode)

    return dz, sf_state
Beispiel #2
def main():

    global keep_running

    # This is for saving video *with* detection boxes on it
    # To save raw video, use the script
    save_video = True
    if save_video:
        fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
        vout = cv2.VideoWriter()'track_output.mp4', fourcc, p.FPS_SPOTTER, sz, False)

    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)

    control_panes = ControlPanes()
    control_panes.stage_control_pane = EnhancedWindow(0, 0, 300, 500,
                                                      'Stage Control')
    control_panes.focus_control_pane = EnhancedWindow(0, 20, 300, 500,
                                                      'Focus Control')
    control_panes.tracker_select_pane = EnhancedWindow(0, 40, 300, 500,
                                                       'Tracker Select')
    control_panes.canny_settings_pane = EnhancedWindow(0, 60, 300, 500,
                                                       'Canny Tuning')
    control_panes.threshold_setting_pane = EnhancedWindow(
        0, 80, 300, 500, 'Threshold Tuning')


    context = zmq.Context()
    (video_socket, focus_sub, stage_sub, focus_state_sub, macro_sharpness_sub,
     track_socket, roi_socket, af_pub) = setup_zmq(context)

    stage_zero_offset = np.load('tank_corners_offset.npy')
    world_points = np.load('tank_corners.npy')
    intrinsic = np.load('intrinsic_calibration/ll_65/intrinsic.npy')

    stage_x = None
    stage_y = None
    stage_z = None
    z_moving = True
    current_ll_focus = None
    object_distance_ll = 0

    target_pos_obs = None
    target_pos = np.array([1, 1])
    target_pos_slow = target_pos.copy()
    feature_delta = np.array([0, 0])
    target_track_init = False
    tracker_type = 'KCF'  # options are KCF or CANNY

    # These three structs store the state information necessary for the trackers
    canny_tracker_state = CannyTracker()
    canny_tracker_state.canny_low = [50]
    canny_tracker_state.canny_high = [150]

    kcf_tracker_state = KCFTracker()
    kcf_tracker_state.kcf_box_anchor = cvui.Point()
    kcf_tracker_state.kcf_roi = cvui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
    kcf_tracker_state.kcf_tracker_init = False

    threshold_tracker_state = ThresholdTracker()
    threshold_tracker_state.threshold = [30]
    threshold_tracker_state.roi = cvui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
    threshold_tracker_state.box_anchor = cvui.Point
    threshold_tracker_state.show_binary = [False]

    sharpness_focus_state = SharpnessFocusState()
    sharpness_focus_state.mode = 'COARSE'
    macro_sharpness = 0

    while keep_running:
        ctrl_frame = np.zeros((700, 300, 3), np.uint8)

        # Receive stage position updates
            stage_pos = stage_sub.recv_string()
            (stage_x, stage_y,
             stage_z_new) = [float(x) for x in stage_pos.split(' ')]
            if stage_z_new == stage_z:
                z_moving = False
                z_moving = True
            stage_z = stage_z_new
        except zmq.Again:
            # the stage publisher only publishes at ~10hz, so not having an update is common

        # Receive macro sharpness
            macro_sharpness_last = macro_sharpness
            macro_sharpness = float(macro_sharpness_sub.recv_string())
        except zmq.Again:
            # no sharpness value, which is unexpected
            print('No Macro Image Sharpness!')

        # receive next frame
            frame = recv_img(video_socket)
        except zmq.Again:
            print('Timed Out!')

        if cvui.mouse(cvui.IS_DOWN):
            (target_pos, feature_delta) = reset_target_selection()
            target_pos_slow = target_pos.copy()
            target_track_init = True
        feature_delta += get_feature_2delta()

        if stage_x is not None:
            stage_pos = np.array([stage_x, stage_y, -stage_z], ndmin=2).T
            frame = tank_corners_clip(frame, stage_pos, stage_zero_offset,
                                      world_points, intrinsic)

        # This is where the tracking happens. tracker_type is controlled by a button on the interface
        # Adding a new tracker is as simple as adding another case to this if/else and adding a button in
        # the UI to switch into the new tracking mode
        if tracker_type == 'CANNY':
            canny_tracker_state.target_pos = target_pos
            (target_pos_obs, roi, canny_tracker_state) = update_canny_tracker(
                frame, canny_tracker_state)

        elif tracker_type == 'KCF':
            (target_pos_obs, roi,
             kcf_tracker_state) = update_kcf_tracker(frame, kcf_tracker_state)

        elif tracker_type == 'THRESHOLD':
            threshold_tracker_state.target_pos = target_pos
            (target_pos_obs, roi,
             threshold_tracker_state) = update_threshold_tracker(
                 frame, threshold_tracker_state)

            print('Invalid tracker mode: %s' % tracker_type)
            roi = None
            keep_running = False

        # This roi_msg takes an roi that may have been identified around the animal and sends it over zmq
        # This enables any cameras trying to autofocus to know which roi to keep in focus
        # if no autofocusing is happening, then these messages don't do anything
        if roi is not None:
            roi_msg = m.SetFocusROI(roi[0], roi[1])
            roi_msg = m.SetFocusROI(None, None)
        )  # tell the LL camera (or anything else I guess) which ROI to focus

        (target_track_ok, target_pos,
         target_pos_slow) = filter_target_position(target_pos, target_pos_slow,

        # This is probably where we want to use the other camera to estimate depth

        # Now we have a giant state machine. We need to structure the code this way, because we want 2D tracking and
        # user interaction to update even when we are waiting on some slower action to occur related to object depth
        # and focusing. The state machine provides a mechanism to handle these slower processes while not impeding the
        # rest of the tracking process.

        #   -- In MANUAL mode, dx,dy,dz all set by keyboard input.
        #   -- In AUTO mode, dx and dy are set by tracker. dz is set by autofocus if FOCUS_MODE is set to AUTO
        #   -- In PAUSED mode, dx = dy = dz = 0. The tracker will keep tracking, but the stage won't move
        #   -- In MANUAL mode, dz is set by keyboard input
        #   -- In SHARPNESS mode, dz is set by trying to maximize sharpness, although the final position can be tweaked
        #      by user input. SHARPNESS mode does nothing if STAGE_MODE is MANUAL
        #   -- In DEPTH mode, dz is set by a target depth measurement that is estimated from a second camera
        #      (stereo or perpendicular)

        # Determine dx and dy
        if STAGE_MODE == 'PAUSED':  # -> Stage Control
            track_socket.send_string('0 0 0')
            dx = 0
            dy = 0
            dz = 0
        elif STAGE_MODE == 'MANUAL':  # TODO: Probably tune this better
            (dx, dy) = get_feature_2delta()
            dx = 10 * dx
            dy = 10 * dy
            print('FULL_MANUAL %f, %f' % (dx, dy))
            dz = manual_focus_update()
        elif STAGE_MODE == 'AUTO':
            # The tracker makes a determination in pixel space, then we may decide to filter it. We then determine the
            # dx and dy based on the distance between the feature of interest and the macro lens center
            # how much do we need to move in pixel-space?
            # Note dx and dy are 0 if there are no target tracks

            if stage_z is None:
                print('Waiting on stage node')
                dx = 0
                dy = 0
                dz = 0
                if target_pos_obs is not None:
                    if target_track_ok:
                        (dx, dy) = calculate_movement_offsets(
                            frame, target_pos, target_pos_slow, feature_delta)
                        dx = 0
                        dy = 0
                    dx = 0
                    dy = 0
                    target_track_ok = False

                # When STAGE_MODE == 'AUTO', we need to determine how to handle the focusing
                if FOCUS_MODE == 'MANUAL':
                    dz = manual_focus_update()
                elif FOCUS_MODE == 'SHARPNESS':

                    sharpness_focus_state.stage_z = stage_z
                    sharpness_focus_state.macro_sharpness = macro_sharpness
                    sharpness_focus_state.z_moving = z_moving
                    dz, sharpness_focus_state = sharpness_focus(
                        sharpness_focus_state, af_pub, focus_state_sub,
                        video_socket, focus_sub)
                elif FOCUS_MODE == 'DEPTH':
                    # this is the mode when we have a second camera to estimate depth
                    dz = 0
                    # invalid focus mode
                    print('Invalid focus mode %s' % FOCUS_MODE)
            print('Unknown stage mode: %s' % STAGE_MODE)
            dx = 0
            dy = 0
            dz = 0

        print(dx, dy, dz)
            '%f %f %f' %
            (dx, dy, dz))  # 'wasteful', but easier debugging for now

        frame = cv2.resize(

        # draw dots on frame centers, (int(
            p.IMG_DISP_WIDTH_SPOTTER / 2), int(p.IMG_DISP_HEIGHT_SPOTTER / 2)),
                   5, (0, 0, 255), -1)  # center of frame, (p.MACRO_LL_CENTER[0], p.MACRO_LL_CENTER[1]), 5,
                   (255, 0, 255), -1)  # center of macro frame frame

        cv2.imshow(p.VIDEO_WINDOW_NAME, frame)
        if save_video:

        STAGE_MODE, FOCUS_MODE, tracker_type, macro_resweep, ll_resweep = draw_settings(
            ctrl_frame, control_panes, canny_tracker_state,
            threshold_tracker_state, STAGE_MODE, FOCUS_MODE, tracker_type)

        if macro_resweep:
            p.BYPASS_LL_ESTIMATE = True
            sharpness_focus_state.mode = 'FINE_UNINITIALIZED'

        if ll_resweep:
            if stage_z is not None:
                print('Liquid Lens Refocus!')
                dist_to_tank = (300 - stage_z) + p.STAGE_TANK_OFFSET
                ll_max = 2953.5 * dist_to_tank**-0.729
                ll_min = 2953.5 * (dist_to_tank + p.TANK_DEPTH_MM)**-0.729
                print('llmin, llmax: (%f, %f)' % (ll_min, ll_max))
                af_pub.send_pyobj(m.AutofocusMessage(ll_min, ll_max, 1))
                print('Cannot refocus liquid lens until stage node is running')

        cv2.imshow(p.CTRL_WINDOW_NAME, ctrl_frame)

    if save_video: