Beispiel #1
 def __str__(self):
     out = StringIO()
     alignment = self.alignment
     tree = self.tree
     # write the format identifier
     print >> out, '# STOCKHOLM 1.0'
     # write the comments
     for comment in self.comments:
         print >> out, '#=GF CC', comment
     # write the tree
     print >> out, '#=GF NH', tree.get_newick_string()
     # determine the max header length
     augmented_column_annotation_names = ['#=GC '+name for name, value in self.column_annotations]
     headers = alignment.headers + augmented_column_annotation_names
     max_header_length = max(len(header) for header in headers)
     # write the alignment
     for header, sequence in zip(alignment.headers, alignment.sequences):
         left_justified_header = Monospace.left_justify(header, max_header_length, ' ')
         print >> out, '%s %s' % (left_justified_header, sequence)
     # write the column annotations
     column_annotation_values = [value for name, value in self.column_annotations]
     for name, value in zip(augmented_column_annotation_names, column_annotation_values):
         justified_name = Monospace.left_justify(name, max_header_length, ' ')
         print >> out, justified_name, value
     # write the format terminator
     print >> out, '//'
     return out.getvalue()
Beispiel #2
 def __str__(self):
     out = StringIO()
     alignment = self.alignment
     tree = self.tree
     # write the taxa block
     print >> out, '#NEXUS'
     print >> out, ''
     for comment in self.comments:
         print >> out, '[%s]' % comment
     print >> out, ''
     print >> out, 'BEGIN TAXA;'
     print >> out, '  DIMENSIONS ntax = %d;' % len(alignment.headers)
     print >> out, '  TAXLABELS %s;' % ' '.join(alignment.headers)
     print >> out, 'END;'
     # write the tree block
     print >> out, ''
     print >> out, 'BEGIN TREES;'
     print >> out, '  TREE primates = %s' % tree.get_newick_string()
     print >> out, 'END;'
     # write the alignment block
     print >> out, ''
     print >> out, 'BEGIN CHARACTERS;'
     print >> out, '  DIMENSIONS nchar = %d;' % len(alignment.columns)
     print >> out, '  FORMAT datatype = DNA;'
     print >> out, '  MATRIX'
     max_header_length = max(len(header) for header in alignment.headers)
     for header, sequence in zip(alignment.headers, alignment.sequences):
         print >> out, '    %s %s' % (Monospace.left_justify(
             header, max_header_length, ' '), sequence)
     print >> out, '  ;'
     print >> out, 'END;'
     return out.getvalue()
Beispiel #3
 def __str__(self):
     out = StringIO()
     alignment = self.alignment
     tree = self.tree
     # write the taxa block
     print >> out, '#NEXUS'
     print >> out, ''
     for comment in self.comments:
         print >> out, '[%s]' % comment
     print >> out, ''
     print >> out, 'BEGIN TAXA;'
     print >> out, '  DIMENSIONS ntax = %d;' % len(alignment.headers)
     print >> out, '  TAXLABELS %s;' % ' '.join(alignment.headers)
     print >> out, 'END;'
     # write the tree block
     print >> out, ''
     print >> out, 'BEGIN TREES;'
     print >> out, '  TREE primates = %s' % tree.get_newick_string()
     print >> out, 'END;'
     # write the alignment block
     print >> out, ''
     print >> out, 'BEGIN CHARACTERS;'
     print >> out, '  DIMENSIONS nchar = %d;' % len(alignment.columns)
     print >> out, '  FORMAT datatype = DNA;'
     print >> out, '  MATRIX'
     max_header_length = max(len(header) for header in alignment.headers)
     for header, sequence in zip(alignment.headers, alignment.sequences):
         print >> out, '    %s %s' % (Monospace.left_justify(header, max_header_length, ' '), sequence)
     print >> out, '  ;'
     print >> out, 'END;'
     return out.getvalue()
Beispiel #4
 def _get_padded_column_labels(self):
     Return a list of padded column labels.
     The number of columns returned is the number of original column labels
     plus the maximum row label length.
     The column labels are padded to equal lengths.
     @return: column labels padded vertically and horizontally
     rmax = max(len(s) for s in self.row_labels)
     cmax = max(len(s) for s in self.column_labels)
     column_labels = [''] * rmax + self.column_labels
     return [Monospace.left_justify(x, cmax, '.') for x in column_labels]
Beispiel #5
 def _get_padded_column_labels(self):
     Return a list of padded column labels.
     The number of columns returned is the number of original column labels
     plus the maximum row label length.
     The column labels are padded to equal lengths.
     @return: column labels padded vertically and horizontally
     rmax = max(len(s) for s in self.row_labels)
     cmax = max(len(s) for s in self.column_labels)
     column_labels = [''] * rmax + self.column_labels
     return [Monospace.left_justify(x, cmax, '.') for x in column_labels]
Beispiel #6
 def _get_padded_row_labels(self):
     @return: row labels padded to the length of the longest row label
     rmax = max(len(s) for s in self.row_labels)
     return [Monospace.left_justify(x, rmax, '.') for x in self.row_labels]
Beispiel #7
 def _get_padded_row_labels(self):
     @return: row labels padded to the length of the longest row label
     rmax = max(len(s) for s in self.row_labels)
     return [Monospace.left_justify(x, rmax, '.') for x in self.row_labels]