Beispiel #1
    Gets a connection from the Queue (or open a new one if none is available)
    Returns S_OK with connection in Value or S_ERROR
    the calling method is responsible for closing this connection once it is no
    longer needed.


__RCSID__ = "$Id$"

from DIRAC                                  import gLogger
from DIRAC                                  import S_OK, S_ERROR

import MySQLdb
# This is for proper initialization of embeded server, it should only be called once
MySQLdb.server_init( ['--defaults-file=/opt/dirac/etc/my.cnf', '--datadir=/opt/mysql/db'], ['mysqld'] )
gInstancesCount = 0

import Queue
import types
import time
import threading
from types import StringTypes, DictType

maxConnectRetry = 10

def _checkQueueSize( maxQueueSize ):

  if maxQueueSize <= 0:
    raise Exception( 'MySQL.__init__: maxQueueSize must positive' )