def main(): if connectDB == True: SQL.connMySQL() # Connect to MySQL # Load MySQL resultset into Pandas dataframe if load2Pandas == True: sql = 'select * from tmp' df = SQL.MySQL2Pandas(sql) # Report: decisions por year if decsPerYear == True: grouped = df.groupby( df['dat_criacao'].map(lambda x: x.year)).id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped # Report: decisions por class if decsPerClass == True: grouped = df.groupby('sig_classe_proces').id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped # Report: decisions por year per class if decsPerYearClass == True: grouped = df.groupby( [df['dat_criacao'].map(lambda x: x.year), 'sig_classe_proces']).id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped # Report: decisions por justice if decsPerJustice == True: grouped = df.groupby('nom_ministro').id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped if decsPerJusticeClass == True: grouped = df.groupby(['nom_ministro', 'sig_classe_proces']).id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped if decsPerJusticeYear == True: grouped = df.groupby( ['nom_ministro', df['dat_criacao'].map(lambda x: x.year)]).id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped if decsPerYearJustice == True: grouped = df.groupby( [df['dat_criacao'].map(lambda x: x.year), 'nom_ministro']).id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped if topWords == True: grouped = df.groupby(['word']).id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped.order()
def main(): if connectDB == True: SQL.connMySQL() # Connect to MySQL # Load MySQL resultset into Pandas dataframe if load2Pandas == True: sql = 'select * from tmp' df = SQL.MySQL2Pandas(sql) # Report: decisions por year if decsPerYear == True: grouped = df.groupby(df['dat_criacao'].map(lambda x: x.year)).id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped # Report: decisions por class if decsPerClass == True: grouped = df.groupby('sig_classe_proces').id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped # Report: decisions por year per class if decsPerYearClass == True: grouped = df.groupby([df['dat_criacao'].map(lambda x: x.year),'sig_classe_proces']).id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped # Report: decisions por justice if decsPerJustice == True: grouped = df.groupby('nom_ministro').id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped if decsPerJusticeClass == True: grouped = df.groupby(['nom_ministro','sig_classe_proces']).id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped if decsPerJusticeYear == True: grouped = df.groupby(['nom_ministro',df['dat_criacao'].map(lambda x: x.year)]).id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped if decsPerYearJustice == True: grouped = df.groupby([df['dat_criacao'].map(lambda x: x.year),'nom_ministro']).id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped if topWords == True: grouped = df.groupby(['word']).id_ta_main.nunique() print grouped.order()
def main(): if connectDB == True: SQL.connMySQL() # Connect to MySQL # Report: Total decisions decisions if totalDecs == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs select count(*) total_decs from {0} '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print 'Total decs: {0}'.format(row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs') print 'Table rep_total_decs exported to disk' ############################# ### Simple specs reports ### ############################# # Report: Total decisions per Justice if totalDecsPerJustice == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_justice') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_justice' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_justice select nom_ministro, count(nom_ministro) total_decs from {0} group by nom_ministro order by count(nom_ministro) desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_justice created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_justice') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}'.format(row['nom_ministro'], row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_justice') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_justice') print 'Table rep_total_decs_justice exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per Class if totalDecsPerClass == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_class') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_class' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_class select sig_classe_proces, count(sig_classe_proces) total_decs from {0} group by sig_classe_proces order by count(sig_classe_proces) desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_class created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_class') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}'.format(row['sig_classe_proces'], row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_class') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_class') print 'Table rep_total_decs_class exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per judgement type if totalDecsPerJudType == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_judtype') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_judtype' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_judtype select tip_julgamento, count(tip_julgamento) total_decs from {0} group by tip_julgamento order by count(tip_julgamento) desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_judtype created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_judtype') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}'.format(row['tip_julgamento'], row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_judtype') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_judtype') print 'Table rep_total_decs_judtype exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per decision type if totalDecsPerDecType == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_dectype') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_dectype' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_dectype select dsc_tipo, count(dsc_tipo) total_decs from {0} group by dsc_tipo order by count(dsc_tipo) desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_dectype created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_dectype') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}'.format(row['dsc_tipo'], row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_dectype') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_dectype') print 'Table rep_total_decs_dectype exported to disk' ############################# ### Complex specs reports ### ############################# # Report: Total decisions per Justice and Class if totalDecsPerJustClass == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_justice_class') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_justice_class' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_justice_class select nom_ministro, sig_classe_proces, count(sig_classe_proces) total_decs from {0} group by nom_ministro, sig_classe_proces order by nom_ministro, sig_classe_proces desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_justice_class created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_justice_class') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}'.format(row['nom_ministro'], row['sig_classe_proces'], row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_justice_class') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_justice_class') print 'Table rep_total_decs_justice_class exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per Class and Justice if totalDecsPerJustClass == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_class_justice') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_class_justice' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_class_justice select sig_classe_proces, nom_ministro, count(nom_ministro) total_decs from {0} group by sig_classe_proces, nom_ministro order by sig_classe_proces, nom_ministro desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_class_justice created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_class_justice') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}'.format(row['sig_classe_proces'], row['nom_ministro'], row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_class_justice') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_class_justice') print 'Table rep_total_decs_class_justice exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per Justice and Decision Type if totalDecsPerJustDecType == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_justice_dectype') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_justice_dectype' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_justice_dectype select nom_ministro, dsc_tipo, count(dsc_tipo) total_decs from {0} group by nom_ministro, dsc_tipo order by nom_ministro, dsc_tipo desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_justice_dectype created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_justice_dectype') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}'.format(row['nom_ministro'], row['dsc_tipo'], row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_justice_dectype') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_justice_dectype') print 'Table rep_total_decs_justice_dectype exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per Decision Type and Justice if totalDecsPerDecTypeJust == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_dectype_justice') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_dectype_justice' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_dectype_justice select dsc_tipo, nom_ministro, count(nom_ministro) total_decs from {0} group by dsc_tipo, nom_ministro order by dsc_tipo, nom_ministro desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_dectype_justice created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_dectype_justice') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}'.format(row['dsc_tipo'], row['nom_ministro'], row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_dectype_justice') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_dectype_justice') print 'Table rep_total_decs_dectype_justice exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per Class and Decision Type if totalDecsPerClassDecT == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_class_dectype') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_class_dectype' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_class_dectype select sig_classe_proces, dsc_tipo, count(dsc_tipo) total_decs from {0} group by sig_classe_proces, dsc_tipo order by sig_classe_proces, dsc_tipo desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_class_dectype created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_class_dectype') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}'.format(row['sig_classe_proces'], row['dsc_tipo'], row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_class_dectype') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_class_dectype') print 'Table rep_total_decs_class_dectype exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per Decision Type and Class if totalDecsPerDecTClass == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_dectype_class') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_dectype_class' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_dectype_class select dsc_tipo, sig_classe_proces, count(sig_classe_proces) total_decs from {0} group by dsc_tipo, sig_classe_proces order by dsc_tipo, sig_classe_proces desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_dectype_class created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_dectype_class') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}'.format(row['dsc_tipo'], row['sig_classe_proces'], row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_dectype_class') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_dectype_class') print 'Table rep_total_decs_dectype_class exported to disk' ############################# ### Time reports ### ############################# # Report: Total decisions per case year if totalDecsPerCaseYear == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_case_year') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_case_year' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_case_year select year(dat_autuacao) case_year, count(id) total_decs from {0} group by year(dat_autuacao) order by year(dat_autuacao) '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_case_year created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_case_year') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}'.format(row['case_year'], row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_case_year') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_case_year') print 'Table rep_total_decs_case_year exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per year if totalDecsPerYear == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_year') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_year' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_year select year(dat_criacao) dec_year, count(id) total_decs from {0} group by year(dat_criacao) order by year(dat_criacao) '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_year created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_year') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}'.format(row['dec_year'], row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_year') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_year') print 'Table rep_total_decs_year exported to disk'
def main(): if connectDB == True: SQL.connMySQL() # Connect to MySQL if dropTables == True: SQL.dropTable(st.ta_main) # Drop table ta_main SQL.dropTable(st.ta_words_all) # Drop table ta_words_all if createTables == True: # Create ta_main table SQL.createTableFrom(st.ta_main,st.ta_main_source) # Create table ta_main based on monocraticas SQL.addPK(st.ta_main) # Add primary key to ta_main # Create ta_word_all SQL.createTable(st.ta_words_all,st.ta_words_all_columns) if createIndex == True: # Index ta_main for column in st.ta_main_idx: SQL.addIndex(st.ta_main,column) # Indexing columns on ta_main # Index ta_word_all for column in st.ta_words_all_idx: SQL.addIndex(st.ta_words_all,column) # Indexing columns on ta_word_all if populateTable == True: # Populate ta_main SQL.populateTableFrom(st.ta_main,st.ta_main_source) # Add hashes to ta_main if addHash == True: # Get data from ta_main and save it to rows # Used to create hashes and to convert RTF to txt SQL.getAll(st.ta_main,'where txt_conteudo is not null') SQL.addHashes(st.ta_main,'txt_conteudo') SQL.addIndex(st.ta_main,'hash_txt_conteudo') if convertRTF2text == True: if st.totalRows < 1: SQL.getAll(st.ta_main,'where txt_conteudo is not null') SQL.addPlain(st.ta_main,'txt_conteudo','txt_text') if createWordFreq == True: # Get data from ta_main and save it to rows # Used to create word frequencies SQL.getAll(st.ta_main,'where txt_text is not null') for row in st.rows: word_frequencies = ut.wordFrequence(row['txt_text']) for word in word_frequencies: if st.debug >= 2: print row['id'], word, word_frequencies[word] sql = "insert into %s (id_monocratica,word,word_count) values (%s,'%s',%s)" % (st.ta_words_all, row['id'], word, word_frequencies[word]) try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: print sql st.conn.commit() if createViews == True: #Create main view sql = 'drop view vw_words_freq_main' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_words_freq_main' sql = ''' create view vw_words_freq_main as select id_ta_main, m.hash_txt_conteudo, m.seq_objeto_incidente_principal, m.sig_classe_proces, m.num_processo, m.dat_autuacao, m.cod_recurso, m.tip_julgamento, m.seq_objeto_incidente, m.cod_ministro, m.nom_ministro, m.dat_sessao, m.dat_criacao, m.cod_tipo_texto, m.dsc_tipo, id_wf, wf.word, wf.word_count from {0} m, {1} wf where = wf.id_monocratica '''.format(st.ta_main,st.ta_words_all) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_words_freq_main' #Create vw_words_freq_total_lines view sql = 'drop view vw_words_freq_total_lines' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_words_freq_total_lines' sql = ''' create view vw_words_freq_total_lines as select max(id) total_lines from {0}; '''.format(st.ta_words_all) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_words_freq_total_lines' #Create vw_total_words view sql = 'drop view vw_total_words' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_total_words' sql = ''' create view vw_total_words as select sum(word_count) total_words from {0}; '''.format(st.ta_words_all) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_total_words' #Create vw_total_distinct_words view sql = 'drop view vw_total_distinct_words' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_total_distinct_words' sql = ''' create view vw_total_distinct_words as select count(distinct word) total_distinct_words from {0}; '''.format(st.ta_words_all) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_total_distinct_words' #Create vw_top_words view sql = 'drop view vw_top_words' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_top_words' sql = ''' create view vw_top_words as select word, sum(word_count) word_count from vw_words_freq_main group by word order by sum(word_count) desc; ''' st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_top_words' #Create vw_words_per_decision view sql = 'drop view vw_words_per_decision' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_words_per_decision' sql = ''' create view vw_words_per_decision as select id_ta_main, hash_txt_conteudo, sig_classe_proces, num_processo, dat_autuacao, tip_julgamento, nom_ministro, dat_criacao, dsc_tipo, sum(word_count) total_words from vw_words_freq_main group by id_ta_main order by sum(word_count) desc; ''' st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_words_per_decision' #Create vw_distinct_words_per_decision view sql = 'drop view vw_distinct_words_per_decision' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_distinct_words_per_decision' sql = ''' create view vw_distinct_words_per_decision as select id_ta_main, hash_txt_conteudo, sig_classe_proces, num_processo, dat_autuacao, tip_julgamento, nom_ministro, dat_criacao, dsc_tipo, count(distinct word) total_distinct_words from vw_words_freq_main group by id_ta_main order by count(distinct word) desc; ''' st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_distinct_words_per_decision'
def main(): if connectDB == True: SQL.connMySQL() # Connect to MySQL if dropTables == True: SQL.dropTable(st.ta_main) # Drop table ta_main SQL.dropTable(st.ta_words_all) # Drop table ta_words_all if createTables == True: # Create ta_main table SQL.createTableFrom( st.ta_main, st.ta_main_source) # Create table ta_main based on monocraticas SQL.addPK(st.ta_main) # Add primary key to ta_main # Create ta_word_all SQL.createTable(st.ta_words_all, st.ta_words_all_columns) if createIndex == True: # Index ta_main for column in st.ta_main_idx: SQL.addIndex(st.ta_main, column) # Indexing columns on ta_main # Index ta_word_all for column in st.ta_words_all_idx: SQL.addIndex(st.ta_words_all, column) # Indexing columns on ta_word_all if populateTable == True: # Populate ta_main SQL.populateTableFrom(st.ta_main, st.ta_main_source) # Add hashes to ta_main if addHash == True: # Get data from ta_main and save it to rows # Used to create hashes and to convert RTF to txt SQL.getAll(st.ta_main, 'where txt_conteudo is not null') SQL.addHashes(st.ta_main, 'txt_conteudo') SQL.addIndex(st.ta_main, 'hash_txt_conteudo') if convertRTF2text == True: if st.totalRows < 1: SQL.getAll(st.ta_main, 'where txt_conteudo is not null') SQL.addPlain(st.ta_main, 'txt_conteudo', 'txt_text') if createWordFreq == True: # Get data from ta_main and save it to rows # Used to create word frequencies SQL.getAll(st.ta_main, 'where txt_text is not null') for row in st.rows: word_frequencies = ut.wordFrequence(row['txt_text']) for word in word_frequencies: if st.debug >= 2: print row['id'], word, word_frequencies[word] sql = "insert into %s (id_monocratica,word,word_count) values (%s,'%s',%s)" % ( st.ta_words_all, row['id'], word, word_frequencies[word]) try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: print sql st.conn.commit() if createViews == True: #Create main view sql = 'drop view vw_words_freq_main' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_words_freq_main' sql = ''' create view vw_words_freq_main as select id_ta_main, m.hash_txt_conteudo, m.seq_objeto_incidente_principal, m.sig_classe_proces, m.num_processo, m.dat_autuacao, m.cod_recurso, m.tip_julgamento, m.seq_objeto_incidente, m.cod_ministro, m.nom_ministro, m.dat_sessao, m.dat_criacao, m.cod_tipo_texto, m.dsc_tipo, id_wf, wf.word, wf.word_count from {0} m, {1} wf where = wf.id_monocratica '''.format(st.ta_main, st.ta_words_all) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_words_freq_main' #Create vw_words_freq_total_lines view sql = 'drop view vw_words_freq_total_lines' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_words_freq_total_lines' sql = ''' create view vw_words_freq_total_lines as select max(id) total_lines from {0}; '''.format(st.ta_words_all) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_words_freq_total_lines' #Create vw_total_words view sql = 'drop view vw_total_words' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_total_words' sql = ''' create view vw_total_words as select sum(word_count) total_words from {0}; '''.format(st.ta_words_all) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_total_words' #Create vw_total_distinct_words view sql = 'drop view vw_total_distinct_words' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_total_distinct_words' sql = ''' create view vw_total_distinct_words as select count(distinct word) total_distinct_words from {0}; '''.format(st.ta_words_all) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_total_distinct_words' #Create vw_top_words view sql = 'drop view vw_top_words' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_top_words' sql = ''' create view vw_top_words as select word, sum(word_count) word_count from vw_words_freq_main group by word order by sum(word_count) desc; ''' st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_top_words' #Create vw_words_per_decision view sql = 'drop view vw_words_per_decision' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_words_per_decision' sql = ''' create view vw_words_per_decision as select id_ta_main, hash_txt_conteudo, sig_classe_proces, num_processo, dat_autuacao, tip_julgamento, nom_ministro, dat_criacao, dsc_tipo, sum(word_count) total_words from vw_words_freq_main group by id_ta_main order by sum(word_count) desc; ''' st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_words_per_decision' #Create vw_distinct_words_per_decision view sql = 'drop view vw_distinct_words_per_decision' try: st.cur.execute(sql) except Exception: pass if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating view vw_distinct_words_per_decision' sql = ''' create view vw_distinct_words_per_decision as select id_ta_main, hash_txt_conteudo, sig_classe_proces, num_processo, dat_autuacao, tip_julgamento, nom_ministro, dat_criacao, dsc_tipo, count(distinct word) total_distinct_words from vw_words_freq_main group by id_ta_main order by count(distinct word) desc; ''' st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Done: view vw_distinct_words_per_decision'
def main(): if connectDB == True: SQL.connMySQL() # Connect to MySQL # Report: Total decisions decisions if totalDecs == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs select count(*) total_decs from {0} '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print 'Total decs: {0}'.format(row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs') print 'Table rep_total_decs exported to disk' ############################# ### Simple specs reports ### ############################# # Report: Total decisions per Justice if totalDecsPerJustice == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_justice') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_justice' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_justice select nom_ministro, count(nom_ministro) total_decs from {0} group by nom_ministro order by count(nom_ministro) desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_justice created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_justice') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}'.format(row['nom_ministro'],row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_justice') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_justice') print 'Table rep_total_decs_justice exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per Class if totalDecsPerClass == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_class') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_class' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_class select sig_classe_proces, count(sig_classe_proces) total_decs from {0} group by sig_classe_proces order by count(sig_classe_proces) desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_class created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_class') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}'.format(row['sig_classe_proces'],row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_class') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_class') print 'Table rep_total_decs_class exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per judgement type if totalDecsPerJudType == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_judtype') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_judtype' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_judtype select tip_julgamento, count(tip_julgamento) total_decs from {0} group by tip_julgamento order by count(tip_julgamento) desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_judtype created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_judtype') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}'.format(row['tip_julgamento'],row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_judtype') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_judtype') print 'Table rep_total_decs_judtype exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per decision type if totalDecsPerDecType == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_dectype') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_dectype' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_dectype select dsc_tipo, count(dsc_tipo) total_decs from {0} group by dsc_tipo order by count(dsc_tipo) desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_dectype created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_dectype') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}'.format(row['dsc_tipo'],row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_dectype') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_dectype') print 'Table rep_total_decs_dectype exported to disk' ############################# ### Complex specs reports ### ############################# # Report: Total decisions per Justice and Class if totalDecsPerJustClass == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_justice_class') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_justice_class' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_justice_class select nom_ministro, sig_classe_proces, count(sig_classe_proces) total_decs from {0} group by nom_ministro, sig_classe_proces order by nom_ministro, sig_classe_proces desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_justice_class created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_justice_class') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}'.format(row['nom_ministro'],row['sig_classe_proces'],row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_justice_class') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_justice_class') print 'Table rep_total_decs_justice_class exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per Class and Justice if totalDecsPerJustClass == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_class_justice') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_class_justice' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_class_justice select sig_classe_proces, nom_ministro, count(nom_ministro) total_decs from {0} group by sig_classe_proces, nom_ministro order by sig_classe_proces, nom_ministro desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_class_justice created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_class_justice') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}'.format(row['sig_classe_proces'],row['nom_ministro'],row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_class_justice') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_class_justice') print 'Table rep_total_decs_class_justice exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per Justice and Decision Type if totalDecsPerJustDecType == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_justice_dectype') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_justice_dectype' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_justice_dectype select nom_ministro, dsc_tipo, count(dsc_tipo) total_decs from {0} group by nom_ministro, dsc_tipo order by nom_ministro, dsc_tipo desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_justice_dectype created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_justice_dectype') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}'.format(row['nom_ministro'],row['dsc_tipo'],row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_justice_dectype') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_justice_dectype') print 'Table rep_total_decs_justice_dectype exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per Decision Type and Justice if totalDecsPerDecTypeJust == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_dectype_justice') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_dectype_justice' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_dectype_justice select dsc_tipo, nom_ministro, count(nom_ministro) total_decs from {0} group by dsc_tipo, nom_ministro order by dsc_tipo, nom_ministro desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_dectype_justice created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_dectype_justice') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}'.format(row['dsc_tipo'],row['nom_ministro'],row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_dectype_justice') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_dectype_justice') print 'Table rep_total_decs_dectype_justice exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per Class and Decision Type if totalDecsPerClassDecT == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_class_dectype') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_class_dectype' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_class_dectype select sig_classe_proces, dsc_tipo, count(dsc_tipo) total_decs from {0} group by sig_classe_proces, dsc_tipo order by sig_classe_proces, dsc_tipo desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_class_dectype created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_class_dectype') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}'.format(row['sig_classe_proces'],row['dsc_tipo'],row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_class_dectype') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_class_dectype') print 'Table rep_total_decs_class_dectype exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per Decision Type and Class if totalDecsPerDecTClass == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_dectype_class') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_dectype_class' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_dectype_class select dsc_tipo, sig_classe_proces, count(sig_classe_proces) total_decs from {0} group by dsc_tipo, sig_classe_proces order by dsc_tipo, sig_classe_proces desc '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_dectype_class created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_dectype_class') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}\t{2}'.format(row['dsc_tipo'],row['sig_classe_proces'],row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_dectype_class') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_dectype_class') print 'Table rep_total_decs_dectype_class exported to disk' ############################# ### Time reports ### ############################# # Report: Total decisions per case year if totalDecsPerCaseYear == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_case_year') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_case_year' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_case_year select year(dat_autuacao) case_year, count(id) total_decs from {0} group by year(dat_autuacao) order by year(dat_autuacao) '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_case_year created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_case_year') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}'.format(row['case_year'],row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_case_year') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_case_year') print 'Table rep_total_decs_case_year exported to disk' # Report: Total decisions per year if totalDecsPerYear == True: SQL.dropTable('rep_total_decs_year') if st.debug >= 1: print 'Creating rep_total_decs_year' sql = ''' create table rep_total_decs_year select year(dat_criacao) dec_year, count(id) total_decs from {0} group by year(dat_criacao) order by year(dat_criacao) '''.format(st.ta_main) st.cur.execute(sql) if st.debug >= 1: print 'Table rep_total_decs_year created' if st.debug >= 2: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_year') print 'Rows: {0}'.format(st.totalRows) for row in st.rows: print '{0}\t{1}'.format(row['dec_year'],row['total_decs']) if st.exportMySQL == True: SQL.getAll('rep_total_decs_year') ut.exportTable('rep_total_decs_year') print 'Table rep_total_decs_year exported to disk'