Beispiel #1
    newdes = des
    if NANs.any() > 0:
        print 'There is NAN case', np.shape(des)
        newdes = des[not NANs]
        print 'sahpe after', np.shape(newdes)
    return newdes

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #    main()
    # Path which contains sample files in .zip format

    datapaths = ['../TestData/']
    # Keep an copy the the sample files We delete what is not required
    # _depth.mp4 _video.mp4 _user.mp4  and files will be deteted
    kk = 0
    isAll = False
    Single = True
    for datapath in datapaths:
        # Get the list of training samples
        fileList = os.listdir(datapath)
        print datapath
        #     Filter input files (only ZIP files)

        samplelist = [
            files for files in fileList if files.startswith("Sample")

        for sample in samplelist:
            #print("\t Processing file " + sample)