def DoNew(self, event): # Respond to the "New" menu command. import NewRecord as nr rec = nr.newRecord(self, 'Options Menu', -1) rec.DisplayPrompt() rec.ShowModal() rec.Destroy()
#Processing while command == "HELP": print helpMenu command = raw_input(">>").upper() while command != "HELP" and command != "NEW" and command != "UPDATE" and command != "REPORT" and command != "X": print "That is not a valid command. Please try again." command = raw_input(">>").upper() while command != "X": if command == "NEW": print "Enter a show number: " showNumber = raw_input(">>") if len(showNumber) == 6: NewRecord.new_record(showNumber) command = raw_input(">>").upper() else: print "That is an invalid show number. Please try again." command = raw_input(">>").upper() elif command == "UPDATE": print "Which show would you like to update? " showNumber = raw_input(">>") UpdateRecordV2.update_record(showNumber) command = raw_input("Which show would you like to update?\n>>").upper() elif command == "REPORT": print "Enter a show number: " showNumber = raw_input(">>") PrintReport.print_report(showNumber)