Beispiel #1
#                       MAIN
wks = Ngl.open_wks("png","plot_mptick_10")              #-- open workstation

#-- first plot: Lambert Conformal
#-- northern hemisphere
minlon = -90.                                           #-- min lon to mask
maxlon =  40.                                           #-- max lon to mask
minlat =  20.                                           #-- min lat to mask
maxlat =  80.                                           #-- max lat to mask

mpres                        =  Ngl.Resources()         #-- resource object
mpres.nglMaximize            =  True
mpres.nglDraw                =  False                   #-- turn off plot draw and frame advance. We will
mpres.nglFrame               =  False                   #-- do it later after adding subtitles.

mpres.mpFillOn               =  True                    #-- turn map fill on
mpres.mpOutlineOn            =  False                   #-- outline map
mpres.mpOceanFillColor       = "Transparent"            #-- set ocean fill color to transparent
mpres.mpLandFillColor        = "Gray90"                 #-- set land fill color to gray
mpres.mpInlandWaterFillColor = "Gray90"                 #-- set inland water fill color to gray

mpres.tiMainString           = "Adding lat/lon labels to a masked LC map~C~(northern hemisphere)"
mpres.tiMainOffsetYF         =  0.05
mpres.tiMainFontHeightF      =  0.016                   #-- decrease font size

mpres.mpProjection           = "LambertConformal"
Beispiel #2
def plot_oope_map(data, figname, size_class=None, percentage=1):

    ''' Draws 2D OOPE maps.

    :param xarray.Dataset data: 2D OOPE array. Dims must be (y, x, comm, size)
    :param str figname: Name of the figure file (must end by .png or .pdf)
    :param list size_class: Size classes to output (in m)
    :param float percentage: percentage used to saturate colorbar from percentile.
     Colorbar is saturated from values of the (X) and (100 - X) percentile.

    :return: None

    if size_class is None:
        size_class = [1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, 1]

    # sort size class in ascending order, and add 0 and infinity as size bounds
    size_class = np.sort(size_class)

    if size_class[0] != 0:
        size_class = np.concatenate(([0], size_class), axis=0)
    if size_class[-1] != np.Inf:
        size_class = np.concatenate((size_class, [np.Inf]), axis=0)

    # Check that the OOPE dataset has 4 dimensions (i.e. no time dimension)
    ndims = len(data['OOPE'].dims)

    if ndims != 4:
        message = 'Data must have dimensions of size (lat, lon, comm, wei)'

    # Recover data variables
    length = data['length'].values
    oope = data['OOPE'].values
    lon = data['longitude'][:].values
    lat = data['latitude'][:].values
    comm = data['community'][:].values.astype(

    # mask oope where land
    oope =, oope)

    comm_string = misc.extract_community_names(data)

    if figname.endswith('png'):
        form = 'png'
    elif figname.endswith('pdf'):
        form = 'pdf'
        message = 'Figure name should end with png or pdf'

    # opens the document
    wks = Ngl.open_wks(form, figname)

    # set the document colormap
    # resngl = Ngl.Resources()
    # resngl.wkColorMap = 'precip2_15lev'
    # Ngl.set_values(wks, resngl)

    # Add gray to the workspace
    Ngl.new_color(wks, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7)

    # init the plot resources
    # For a detailed description, see
    res = Ngl.Resources()

    # not necessary, just a good habit
    res.nglDraw = False
    res.nglFrame = False

    # Set map resources.
    res.mpLimitMode = "LatLon"     # limit map via lat/lon
    res.mpMinLatF = lat.min()         # map area
    res.mpMaxLatF = lat.max()         # latitudes
    res.mpMinLonF = lon.min()         # and
    res.mpMaxLonF = lon.max()         # longitudes
    res.mpFillOn = True
    res.mpLandFillColor = "LightGray"
    res.mpOceanFillColor = -1
    res.mpInlandWaterFillColor = "LightBlue"
    res.mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 1  # thickness of coastlines

    # coordinates for contour plots
    res.sfXArray = lon
    res.sfYArray = lat

    res.cnFillOn = True  # filled contour
    res.cnLinesOn = False  # no lines
    res.cnLineLabelsOn = False  # no labels
    res.cnInfoLabelOn = False  # no info about contours

    res.cnFillMode = 'CellFill'  # contourf=AreaFill, pcolor="CellFill" or "RasterFill"
    res.lbOrientation = "Horizontal"  # colorbar orientation
    res.lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.012  # colorbar label fontsize
    res.lbTitlePosition = "Bottom"  # position of colorbar title
    res.lbTitleFontHeightF = 0.012  # title font height

    # res.cnFillPalette = "wgne15"
    res.cnFillPalette = "WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed"

    txres = Ngl.Resources()
    txres.txJust = "BottomCenter"
    txres.txFontHeightF = 0.02

    res.cnLevelSelectionMode = 'ExplicitLevels'
    res.cnMaxLevelCount = 41
    res.mpGridAndLimbOn = True

    # Equations are complicated with NCARG
    # see
    res.lbTitleString = "OOPE ("  # title of colorbar

    # Loop over communities
    for icom in comm:
        # Loop over size classes
        for isize in xrange(0, len(size_class) - 1):

            # Extract sizes comprised between the size class bound
            iw = np.nonzero((length >= size_class[isize]) & (length < size_class[isize+1]))[0]
            if iw.size == 0:

            # Integrate OOPE for the given community and given size class
            temp = oope[:, :, icom, iw]
            temp = np.sum(temp, axis=-1)

            # Finds the colorbar limits
            cmin, cmax = misc.find_percentile(temp, percentage=1)

            # draw the contour maps
            # defines the contour
            res.cnLevels = np.linspace(cmin, cmax, res.cnMaxLevelCount)
            mapplot = Ngl.contour_map(wks, temp, res)

            # add title
            title = 'Community=%s, %.2E m <= L < %.2E m' % (comm_string[icom], size_class[isize], size_class[isize + 1])
            Ngl.text_ndc(wks, title, 0.5, 0.85, txres)

            # draws the map

            # add a page to the pdf output
Beispiel #3
def plot_rain_around_point(path, data_rain_tot_sum, hour_start, hour_end, point, stat_processing, member):

    if stat_processing == 'max':
        data_processed = (data_rain_tot_sum[hour_end, :, :] - data_rain_tot_sum[hour_start, :, :]).max(axis=0)
    elif stat_processing == 'member_extract':
        data_processed = data_rain_tot_sum[hour_end, member-1, :] - data_rain_tot_sum[hour_start, member-1, :]


    if stat_processing == 'max':
        member_text_filename = 'max'
    elif stat_processing == 'member_extract':
        member_text_filename = 'm{:02d}'.format(member)
    plot_name = 'iconeueps_rain_{}_{:02d}Z-{:02d}Z_{}'.format(\
                    point['name'], hour_start+12, hour_end+12, member_text_filename)

    mpi_file = nc.Dataset(path['base'] + path['grid'] + '', 'r')
    vlat = mpi_file.variables['clat_vertices'][:].data * 180./np.pi
    vlon = mpi_file.variables['clon_vertices'][:].data * 180./np.pi
    clat = mpi_file.variables['clat'][:].data * 180./np.pi
    clon = mpi_file.variables['clon'][:].data * 180./np.pi


    x_resolution        = 800
    y_resolution        = 800
    wks_res             = Ngl.Resources()
    wks_res.wkWidth     = x_resolution
    wks_res.wkHeight    = y_resolution

    wks_type    = 'png'
    wks         = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, path['base'] + path['plots'] + plot_name, wks_res)
    resources   = Ngl.Resources()

    resources.mpProjection = 'Hammer'
    resources.mpCenterLonF = point['lon']
    resources.mpCenterLatF = point['lat']

    radius = 500    # image radius in km around centered point
    cutout_plot = dict(
                        lat_min = point['lat'] - radius / 111.2,
                        lat_max = point['lat'] + radius / 111.2,
                        lon_min = point['lon'] - radius / (111.2 * np.cos(point['lat']*np.pi/180)),
                        lon_max = point['lon'] + radius / (111.2 * np.cos(point['lat']*np.pi/180)),

    resources.mpLimitMode   = 'latlon'
    resources.mpMinLonF     = cutout_plot['lon_min']
    resources.mpMaxLonF     = cutout_plot['lon_max']
    resources.mpMinLatF     = cutout_plot['lat_min']
    resources.mpMaxLatF     = cutout_plot['lat_max']

    resources.nglMaximize   = False
    resources.vpXF          = 0.05
    resources.vpYF          = 0.95
    resources.vpWidthF      = 0.7
    resources.vpHeightF     = 0.7


    # Turn on filled map areas:
    resources.mpFillOn = True

    # Set colors for [FillValue, Ocean, Land , InlandWater]:
    resources.mpFillColors = ['pink','blue','white','blue']

    resources.mpDataBaseVersion         = 'MediumRes'
    resources.mpDataSetName             = 'Earth..4'
    resources.mpOutlineBoundarySets     = 'national'

    resources.mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF   = 7.0 * x_resolution / 1000
    resources.mpNationalLineThicknessF      = 7.0 * x_resolution / 1000
    #resources.mpGridAndLimbDrawOrder        = 'postdraw'

    resources.mpGridAndLimbOn               = False
    #resources.mpLimbLineColor               = 'black'
    #resources.mpLimbLineThicknessF          = 10
    #resources.mpGridLineColor               = 'black'
    #resources.mpGridLineThicknessF          = 1.0
    #resources.mpGridSpacingF                = 1

    resources.mpPerimOn                     = True
    resources.mpPerimLineColor              = 'black'
    resources.mpPerimLineThicknessF         = 8.0 * x_resolution / 1000

    resources.tmXBOn = False
    resources.tmXTOn = False
    resources.tmYLOn = False
    resources.tmYROn = False

    resources.sfDataArray       = data_processed
    resources.sfXArray          = clon
    resources.sfYArray          = clat
    resources.sfXCellBounds     = vlon
    resources.sfYCellBounds     = vlat
    resources.sfMissingValueV   = 9999

    resources.cnFillOn              = True
    resources.cnFillMode            = 'CellFill'
    resources.cnCellFillEdgeColor   = 'black'

    resources.cnMissingValFillColor = 'black'
    resources.cnFillPalette         = 'WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed'
    resources.cnLevelSelectionMode  = 'ManualLevels'

    minlevel                        = 0.0
    maxlevel                        = 50.0
    numberoflevels                  = 250
    resources.cnMinLevelValF        = minlevel
    resources.cnMaxLevelValF        = maxlevel
    resources.cnLevelSpacingF       = (maxlevel - minlevel) / numberoflevels

    # Turn off contour lines and labels:
    resources.cnLinesOn         = False
    resources.cnLineLabelsOn    = False

    # Set resources for a nice label bar
    resources.lbLabelBarOn          = True
    resources.lbAutoManage          = False
    resources.lbOrientation         = 'vertical'
    resources.lbLabelOffsetF        = 0.05
    #resources.lbBoxMinorExtentF     = 0.2

    resources.lbLabelStride         = 25
    resources.lbLabelFontHeightF    = 0.02
    resources.lbBoxSeparatorLinesOn = False
    resources.lbBoxLineThicknessF   = 4.0
    #resources.lbBoxEndCapStyle     = 'TriangleBothEnds'
    resources.lbLabelAlignment      = 'BoxCenters'

    resources.lbTitleString         = 'mm'
    resources.lbTitleFontHeightF    = 0.02
    resources.lbTitlePosition       = 'Right'
    resources.lbTitleDirection      = 'Across'
    resources.lbTitleAngleF         = 90.0
    resources.lbTitleExtentF        = 0.1
    resources.lbTitleOffsetF        = 0.0

    resources.nglFrame = False
    plot = Ngl.contour_map(wks, data_processed, resources)


    polymarker_res_1 = Ngl.Resources()
    polymarker_res_1.gsMarkerColor = 'black'
    polymarker_res_1.gsMarkerIndex = 16
    polymarker_res_1.gsMarkerSizeF = 0.012
    polymarker_res_1.gsMarkerThicknessF = 1
    Ngl.polymarker(wks, plot, point['lon'], point['lat'], polymarker_res_1)


    polymarker_res_2 = Ngl.Resources()
    polymarker_res_2.gsMarkerColor = 'white'
    polymarker_res_2.gsMarkerIndex = 16
    polymarker_res_2.gsMarkerSizeF = 0.008
    polymarker_res_2.gsMarkerThicknessF = 1
    Ngl.polymarker(wks, plot, point['lon'], point['lat'], polymarker_res_2)


    if stat_processing == 'max':
        member_text = 'max member of each cell'
    elif stat_processing == 'member_extract':
        member_text = 'member {:d}'.format(member)
    text = 'rain_gsp + rain_con,  07.08.19  {}Z-{}Z, {}'.format(hour_start+12, hour_end+12, member_text)
    x = 0.1
    y = 0.95

    text_res_1 = Ngl.Resources()
    text_res_1.txFontHeightF    = 0.02
    text_res_1.txJust           = 'BottomLeft'

    Ngl.text_ndc(wks, text, x, y, text_res_1)


Beispiel #4
  Transition Guide Python Example:

  -  Drawing a xy plot

  2018-08-21  kmf
import numpy
import Ngl
import os

#--  define x and y variables
x = [10., 20., 30., 40., 50., 60., 70., 80., 90.]
y = numpy.array([0., 0.7, 1., 0.7, 0., -0.7, -1., -0.7, 0.], numpy.float32)

#-- open a workstation
wkres = Ngl.Resources()
wks_type = "png"  #-- output type of workstation
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0])

#-- set resources
res = Ngl.Resources()  #-- generate an res object for plot

#-- draw the plot
plot = Ngl.xy(wks, x, y, res)

#-- done
Beispiel #5
def rain_prf (ptype,cseason, ncases, cases, casenames, nsite, lats, lons, filepath, filepathobs,casedir,varis,cscale,chscale,pname):

# ncases, the number of models
# cases, the name of models
# casename, the name of cases
# filepath, model output filepath
# filepathobs, filepath for observational data
# inptrs = [ncases]
 if not os.path.exists(casedir):

 _Font   = 25
 interp = 2
 extrap = False
 mkres = Ngl.Resources()
 mkres.gsMarkerIndex = 2
 mkres.gsMarkerColor = 'Red'
 mkres.gsMarkerSizeF = 15.
 infiles  = ['' for x in range(ncases)]
 ncdfs    = ['' for x in range(ncases)]
 nregions = nsite

 varisobs = ['CC_ISBL', 'OMEGA','SHUM','CLWC_ISBL', 'THETA','RELHUM','U','CIWC_ISBL','T' ]
 nvaris = len(varis)
 cunits = ['%','mba/day','g/kg','g/kg','K', '%', 'm/s', 'g/kg', 'm/s', 'm/s','K','m' ]
 cscaleobs = [100,        1,     1, 1000 , 1.,   1,     1,   1000,     1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
 obsdataset =['ERAI', 'ERAI', 'ERAI', 'ERAI', 'ERAI', 'ERAI', 'ERAI', 'ERAI','ERAI','ERAI']
 plotrain=['' for x in range(nsite)]

 for ire in range (0, nsite):
     if not os.path.exists(casedir+'/'+str(lons[ire])+'E_'+str(lats[ire])+'N'):

     plotname = casedir+'/'+str(lons[ire])+'E_'+str(lats[ire])+'N/'+pname+'_'+str(lons[ire])+'E_'+str(lats[ire])+'N_'+cseason
     plotrain[ire] = pname+'_'+str(lons[ire])+'E_'+str(lats[ire])+'N_'+cseason
     wks= Ngl.open_wks(ptype,plotname)

     plot = []
     res     = Ngl.Resources()
     res.nglDraw              = False
     res.nglFrame             = False
     res.lgLabelFontHeightF     = .02                   # change font height
     res.lgPerimOn              = False                 # no box around
     res.vpWidthF         = 0.30                      # set width and height
     res.vpHeightF        = 0.30
     #res.vpXF             = 0.04
     # res.vpYF             = 0.30
     res.tmYLLabelFont  = _Font
     res.tmXBLabelFont  = _Font
     res.tiMainFont     = _Font
     res.tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.015
     res.tmXBLabelFontThicknessF = 1.0
#     res.tmXBLabelAngleF = 45
     res.xyMarkLineMode      = 'Lines'
     res.xyLineThicknesses = [3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0,3.,3.,3.,3.,3,3,3,3,3,3,3]

     res.xyDashPatterns    = np.arange(0,24,1)
#     res.xyMarkers         = np.arange(16,40,1)
#     res.xyMarkerSizeF       = 0.005

     pres            = Ngl.Resources()
#     pres.nglMaximize = True
     pres.nglFrame = False
     pres.txFont = _Font
     pres.nglPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 5
     pres.nglPanelXWhiteSpacePercent = 5
     pres.nglPanelTop = 0.88
     pres.wkWidth = 2500
     pres.wkHeight = 2500

     for iv in range (0, nvaris):   
         if(iv == nvaris-1):
             res.pmLegendDisplayMode    = 'Never'
             res.xyExplicitLegendLabels = casenames[:]
             res.pmLegendSide           = 'top'             
             res.pmLegendParallelPosF   = 0.6               
             res.pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -0.5                  
             res.pmLegendWidthF         = 0.10              
             res.pmLegendHeightF        = 0.10          
             res.lgLabelFontHeightF     = .02               
             res.lgLabelFontThicknessF  = 1.5
             res.lgPerimOn              = False
             res.pmLegendDisplayMode    = 'NEVER'

         for im in range (0,ncases):
             ncdfs[im]  = './data/'+cases[im]+''
             infiles[im]= filepath[im]+cases[im]+'/'+cases[im]+'_'+cseason+''
             inptrs = Dataset(infiles[im],'r')       # pointer to file1
             ncdf= Dataset(ncdfs[im],'r')
             n   =ncdf.variables['n'][:]
             if (im ==0):
                 A_field = np.zeros((ncases,nlev),np.float32)

             for subc in range( 0, n[ire]):
                 A_field[im,:] = (A_field[im,:]+tmp[:]/n[ire]).astype(np.float32 )
             A_field[im,:] = A_field[im,:] *cscale[iv]

         res.tiMainString    =  varis[iv]+'  '+theunits
#         res.trXMinF = min(np.min(A_field[0, :]))
#         res.trXMaxF = max(np.max(A_field[0, :]))
         res.trYReverse        = True
         res.xyLineColors      = np.arange(3,20,2)
         res.xyMarkerColors    = np.arange(2,20,2)
         p = Ngl.xy(wks,A_field,lev,res)
#         res.trYReverse        = False
#         res.xyLineColors      = ['black']
#         pt = Ngl.xy(wks,B,pre1,res)
#         Ngl.overlay(p,pt)


     pres.txString   = pname+' at'+ str(lons[ire])+'E,'+str(lats[ire])+'N'
     txres = Ngl.Resources()
     txres.txFontHeightF = 0.020
     txres.txFont = _Font
     Ngl.text_ndc(wks,pname+' at'+ str(lons[ire])+'E,'+str(lats[ire])+'N',0.5,0.92+ncases*0.01,txres)


 return plotrain
Beispiel #6
def draw_e3sm_bgt (ptype,cseason, ncases, cases, casenames, nsite, lats, lons, filepath, filepathobs,casedir,dpsc):

# ncases, the number of models
# cases, the name of models
# casename, the name of cases
# filepath, model output filepath
# filepathobs, filepath for observational data
# inptrs = [ncases]
 if not os.path.exists(casedir):

 _Font   = 25
 interp = 2
 extrap = False
 mkres = Ngl.Resources()
 mkres.gsMarkerIndex = 2
 mkres.gsMarkerColor = "Red"
 mkres.gsMarkerSizeF = 15.   
 infiles  = ["" for x in range(ncases)]
 ncdfs    = ["" for x in range(ncases)]
 nregions = nsite

 nvaris = len(varis)
 cscale = [1E8, 1E8, 1E8, 1E8, 1E4, 1E4]
 chscale = ['1E-8', '1E-8', '1E-8', '1E-8', '1E-4', '1E-4']

 plote3smbgt=["" for x in range(nsite*ncases)] 

 for ire in range (0, nsite):
     for im in range (0,ncases):
         if not os.path.exists(casedir+'/'+str(lons[ire])+'E_'+str(lats[ire])+'N'):

         plotname = casedir+'/'+str(lons[ire])+'E_'+str(lats[ire])+'N/E3SM_Budgets_'+casenames[im]+"_"+str(lons[ire])+"E_"+str(lats[ire])+"N_"+cseason
         plote3smbgt[im+ncases*ire] = 'E3SM_Budgets_'+casenames[im]+"_"+str(lons[ire])+"E_"+str(lats[ire])+"N_"+cseason

         wks= Ngl.open_wks(ptype,plotname)

         plot = []
         res     = Ngl.Resources()  
         res.nglDraw              = False
         res.nglFrame             = False
         res.lgLabelFontHeightF     = .012                   # change font height
         res.lgPerimOn              = False                 # no box around
         res.vpWidthF         = 0.30                      # set width and height
         res.vpHeightF        = 0.30

#         res.txFontHeightF   = .01
         #  res.vpXF             = 0.04
         # res.vpYF             = 0.30
         res.tmYLLabelFont  = 12
         res.tmXBLabelFont  = 12
         res.tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.01
         res.tmXBLabelFontThicknessF = 1.0
         res.xyMarkLineMode      = "MarkLines"
         res.xyLineThicknesses = [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0,2.,2.,2.,2.,2,2,2,2,2,2,2]
         res.xyLineColors      = np.arange(2,16,2)
         res.xyDashPatterns    = np.arange(0,24,1)
         res.xyMarkers         = np.arange(16,40,1)
         res.xyMarkerSizeF       = 0.005
         res.xyMarkerColors      = np.arange(2,16,2)
         res.pmLegendDisplayMode    = "ALWAYS"
         res.pmLegendSide           = "top"                 # Change location of
         res.pmLegendParallelPosF   = 0.6                  # move units right
         res.pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -0.55                  # more neg = down
         res.pmLegendWidthF         = 0.2       # Decrease width
         res.pmLegendHeightF        = 0.1       # Decrease height
         res.lgBoxMinorExtentF      = 0.1       # Shorten the legend lines
         res.lgLabelFontHeightF     = 0.015     # Change the font size
         res.lgPerimOn              = True
         res.tiYAxisString   = "PRESSURE"
         res.trYReverse        = True

         pres            = Ngl.Resources() 
         pres.nglMaximize = True
         pres.wkWidth              = 2000
         pres.wkHeight             = 2000

         pres.nglFrame = False
         pres.txFont = 12
         pres.nglPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 5
         pres.nglPanelXWhiteSpacePercent = 5
         pres.nglPanelTop = 0.93

         for iv in range (0, nvaris):

             if (varis[iv] == "DCQ" ):
                if (dpsc[im] == "zm" ):
                   budget_ends = ["MPDQ", "RVMTEND_CLUBB","ZMDQ", "EVAPQZM"]
                   budget_ends = ["MPDQ", "RVMTEND_CLUBB"]
                nterms = len (budget_ends)
             if (varis[iv] == "DTCOND" ):
                if (dpsc[im] == "zm" ):
                   budget_ends = ["STEND_CLUBB", "MPDT", "DPDLFT","ZMDT", "EVAPTZM", "ZMMTT"]
                   budget_ends = ["STEND_CLUBB", "MPDT", "DPDLFT"]
                nterms = len (budget_ends)
             if (varis[iv] == "PTTEND") :
                 budget_ends = ["DTCOND", "QRS", "QRL",  "TTGW"]
                 nterms = len (budget_ends)
             if (varis[iv] == "PTEQ") :
                 if (dpsc[im] == "zm" ):
                    budget_ends = ["MPDQ", "RVMTEND_CLUBB","ZMDQ", "EVAPQZM"]
                    budget_ends = ["MPDQ", "RVMTEND_CLUBB"]  
                 nterms = len (budget_ends)
             if (varis[iv] == "DCCLDLIQ") :
                 if (dpsc[im] == "zm" ):
                    budget_ends = ["MPDLIQ", "RCMTEND_CLUBB", "DPDLFLIQ","ZMDLIQ"]
                    budget_ends = ["MPDLIQ", "RCMTEND_CLUBB", "DPDLFLIQ"]
                 nterms = len (budget_ends)
             if (varis[iv] == "DCCLDICE") :
                 if (dpsc[im] == "zm" ):
                    budget_ends = ["MPDICE", "RIMTEND_CLUBB", "DPDLFICE","ZMDICE"]
                    budget_ends = ["MPDICE", "RIMTEND_CLUBB", "DPDLFICE"]
                 nterms = len (budget_ends)

             ncdfs[im]  = './data/'+cases[im]+''
             infiles[im]= filepath[im]+cases[im]+'/'+cases[im]+'_'+cseason+''
             inptrs = Dataset(infiles[im],'r')       # pointer to file1
             ncdf= Dataset(ncdfs[im],'r')
             n   =ncdf.variables['n'][:]
             A_field = np.zeros((nterms,nilev),np.float32)
             res.tiMainString    =  varis[iv]+"  "+theunits 

             for it in range(0, nterms):
                 for subc in range( 0, n[ire]):
                     varis_bgt= budget_ends[it]
                     tmp=inptrs.variables[varis_bgt][0,:,npoint] #/n[ire]
                     if (varis_bgt == "MPDT" or varis_bgt == "STEND_CLUBB" ):
                     A_field[it,:] = (A_field[it,:]+tmp[:]/n[ire]).astype(np.float32 )

             res.xyExplicitLegendLabels =  budget_ends[:]
             p = Ngl.xy(wks,A_field,ilev,res)



         txres = Ngl.Resources()
         txres.txFont = _Font
         txres.txFontHeightF = 0.020
         Ngl.text_ndc(wks,casenames[im]+"  BUDGET at" +str(lons[ire])+"E,"+str(lats[ire])+"N",0.5,0.95,txres)


 return (plote3smbgt)
Beispiel #7
#  Open a workstation.
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "color5")

#  Define our own color table going around
#  all the hues in the HLS color space, starting
#  with blue.
for k in range(0, niter):
    h = 360 * float(k) / float(niter)
    r, g, b = Ngl.hlsrgb(h, 50., 100.)
    Ngl.set_color(wks, k, r, g, b)

#  Create the set and draw the color cells.
poly_res = Ngl.Resources()
for j in range(ny):
    for i in range(nx):
        x, y = get_cell(i, j, xl, xr, yb, yt, nx, ny)
        iter = convg(complex(x[0], y[0]), niter, 0.001, 10000)
        poly_res.gsFillColor = iter - 1  #  iter will be at least one.
        for i in range(len(x)):
            x[i], y[i] = user2ndc(x[i], y[i])
        Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, x, y, poly_res)

Beispiel #8
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy,os

#  Import Ngl,Nio support functions.
import Ngl, Nio

wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks (wks_type,"shapefile1")

#  Map resources.
res = Ngl.Resources()

res.mpProjection        = "LambertConformal"

res.mpLambertParallel1F = 33         # two parallels
res.mpLambertParallel2F = 45
res.mpLambertMeridianF  = -98        # central meridian

res.mpLimitMode         = "Corners"   # limit map via two opposite corners
res.mpLeftCornerLatF    = 22          # left corner
res.mpLeftCornerLonF    = -125        # left corner
res.mpRightCornerLatF   = 50          # right corner
res.mpRightCornerLonF   = -64         # right corner

res.mpFillOn               = True            # Turn on fill for map areas.
res.mpLandFillColor        = "LightGray"
Beispiel #9
ncdf = Nio.open_file(os.path.join(dirc, "cdf", ""), "r")
x = ncdf.variables["x"][:]
y = ncdf.variables["y"][:]
colors = ncdf.variables["colors"][:]
color_index = colors.astype('i')

#  Open an output workstation.
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "scatter1")

#  Label the plot.
resources = Ngl.Resources()
resources.tiMainString = "2000 Mar 19 1040-1725Z"
resources.tiMainFont = "helvetica-bold"
resources.tiXAxisString = "Cloud Thickness (m)"
resources.tiXAxisFont = "helvetica-bold"
resources.tiYAxisString = "Liquid Water Path (mm)"
resources.tiYAxisFont = "helvetica-bold"
resources.tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.025  # Change the font size.
resources.tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.025

resources.xyLineColors = "black"  # Set the line colors.
resources.xyMonoLineThickness = True  # Set the line colors.
resources.xyLineThicknessF = 3.0  # Triple the width.

resources.tmXBMajorLengthF = 0.02  # Force tickmarks to point
resources.tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF = 0.02  # out by making the outward
Beispiel #10
       [  0, 255, 255],  "Cyan",        \
       [ 79, 148, 205],  "SteelBlue3",  \
       [  0,   0, 255],  "Blue",        \
       [148,   0, 211],  "DarkViolet",  \
       [255,   0, 255],  "Magneta",     \
       [255, 255, 255],  "White",       \
       [153, 153, 153],  "Gray60",      \
       [102, 102, 102],  "Gray40",      \
       [  0,   0,   0],  "Black"        \

#  Open a workstation with a default color table having
#  background color "black" and foreground color "white".
rlist = Ngl.Resources()
rlist.wkColorMap = "default"
rlist.wkForegroundColor = "White"
rlist.wkBackgroundColor = "Black"
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "color4", rlist)

#  Extract the colors and labels.
colors = colors_and_labels[0:len(colors_and_labels):2]
labels = colors_and_labels[1:len(colors_and_labels):2]

#  Set up arrays and resource lists for drawing the boxes.
#  Select "Helvetica-Bold" for all text.
Beispiel #11
for i in range(0, len(lon)):
    lat2d[:, i] = lat

for i in range(0, len(lat)):
    lon2d[i, :] = lon

# open workspace for forecast plots

wks_type = "png"
wks = ngl.open_wks(
    "GFSanalysis_%s_%s_dewpoint_%shPa" % (region, init_dt[0:10], lev_hPa))

# define resources for forecast plots

res = ngl.Resources()
res.nglDraw = False
res.nglFrame = False

res.vpWidthF = 0.9
res.vpHeightF = 0.6

cmap = ngl.read_colormap_file("WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed")

res.mpGridAndLimbOn = False
res.cnFillPalette = cmap[:30:-1]
res.pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Never"

res.cnInfoLabelOn = False
res.cnFillOn = True
res.cnLineLabelsOn = False
Beispiel #12
xo = numpy.arange(xl, xr + 0.0001, inc)  # Create output X coordinate array.
# Add a small amount to xr to make
# sure xr is the final value in the
# range.
period = 3.0
yo = Ngl.ftcurvp(xi, yi, period, xo)  # Interpolate.

yint = numpy.zeros(npts, 'f')
for i in xrange(npts):
    yint[i] = Ngl.ftcurvpi(0., xo[i], period, xi, yi)

# Send graphics to PNG file
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "ngl07p")

txres = Ngl.Resources()  # Set up variable for TextItem resources.
xyres = Ngl.Resources()  # Set up variable for XyPlot resources.
gsres = Ngl.Resources()  # Set up variable for GraphicStyle resources.

xyres.nglFrame = False  # Don't advance the frame.
xyres.nglMaximize = False  # Don't advance the frame.

xyres.tmXTBorderOn = False  # Don't draw top axis.
xyres.tmXTOn = False  # Don't draw top axis tick marks.
xyres.tmBorderThicknessF = 1.0  # Default thickness is 2.0

xyres.tmXBLabelFont = 21  # Change font and size of
xyres.tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.025  # X axis labels.
xyres.tmXBMajorLengthF = 0.015  # Default is 0.02.
xyres.tmXBMajorThicknessF = 1.0  # Default is 2.
xyres.tmXBMinorLengthF = 0.0075  # Default is 0.01.
Beispiel #13
#    This example produces two visualizations:
#      1.) Cylindrical Equidistant projection
#      2.) Mollweide projection
#  Notes:

from __future__ import print_function
import Ngl

wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "map1")

projections = ["CylindricalEquidistant", "Mollweide"]

mpres = Ngl.Resources()  # Indicate you want to set some
# resources.
mpres.mpShapeMode = "FreeAspect"  # Allow the aspect ratio to be
# changed.

mpres.vpWidthF = 0.8  # Make the aspect ratio square.
mpres.vpHeightF = 0.8

mpres.pmTitleDisplayMode = "Always"  # Force the title to appear.

for i in range(len(projections)):
    mpres.mpProjection = projections[i]
    mpres.tiMainString = projections[i]
    map =, mpres)

Beispiel #14
def add_labels_lcm(wks,map,dlat,dlon):
  PI         = 3.14159
  RAD_TO_DEG = 180./PI

#-- determine whether we are in northern or southern hemisphere
  if (float(minlat) >= 0. and float(maxlat) > 0.):

#-- pick some "nice" values for the latitude labels.
  lat_values = np.arange(int(minlat),int(maxlat),10)
  lat_values = lat_values.astype(float)
  nlat       = len(lat_values)

#-- We need to get the slope of the left and right min/max longitude lines.
#-- Use NDC coordinates to do this.
  lat1_ndc = 0.
  lon1_ndc = 0.
  lat2_ndc = 0.
  lon2_ndc = 0.
  lon1_ndc,lat1_ndc = Ngl.datatondc(map,minlon,lat_values[0])
  lon2_ndc,lat2_ndc = Ngl.datatondc(map,minlon,lat_values[nlat-1])
  slope_lft         = (lat2_ndc-lat1_ndc)/(lon2_ndc-lon1_ndc)

  lon1_ndc,lat1_ndc = Ngl.datatondc(map,maxlon,lat_values[0])
  lon2_ndc,lat2_ndc = Ngl.datatondc(map,maxlon,lat_values[nlat-1])
  slope_rgt         = (lat2_ndc-lat1_ndc)/(lon2_ndc-lon1_ndc)
#-- set some text resources
  txres               = Ngl.Resources()
  txres.txFontHeightF = 0.01
  txres.txPosXF       = 0.1

#-- Loop through lat values, and attach labels to the left and right edges of
#-- the masked LC plot. The labels will be rotated to fit the line better.
  dum_lft       = []                            #-- assign arrays
  dum_rgt       = []                            #-- assign arrays
  lat_label_lft = []                            #-- assign arrays
  lat_label_rgt = []                            #-- assign arrays

  for n in range(0,nlat):
#-- left label
    if(HEMISPHERE == "NH"):
       rotate_val = -90.
       direction  = "N"
       rotate_val =  90.
       direction  = "S"

#-- add extra white space to labels
    lat_label_lft.append("{}~S~o~N~{}              ".format(str(np.abs(lat_values[n])),direction))
    lat_label_rgt.append("              {}~S~o~N~{}".format(str(np.abs(lat_values[n])),direction))
    txres.txAngleF = RAD_TO_DEG * np.arctan(slope_lft) + rotate_val

#-- right label
    if(HEMISPHERE == "NH"):
       rotate_val =  90
       rotate_val = -90

    txres.txAngleF = RAD_TO_DEG * np.arctan(slope_rgt) + rotate_val


# Now do longitude labels. These are harder because we're not adding
# them to a straight line.
# Loop through lon values, and attach labels to the bottom edge for
# northern hemisphere, or top edge for southern hemisphere.
  txres.txPosYF = -5.0

#-- pick some "nice" values for the longitude labels
  lon_values = np.arange(int(minlon+10),int(maxlon-10),10).astype(float)
  lon_values = np.where(lon_values > 180, 360-lon_values, lon_values)
  nlon       = lon_values.size

  dum_bot    = []                            #-- assign arrays
  lon_labels = []                            #-- assign arrays

  if(HEMISPHERE == "NH"):
     lat_val    = minlat
     lat_val    = maxlat

  ctrl = "~C~"

  for n in range(0,nlon):
    if(lon_values[n] < 0):
       if(HEMISPHERE == "NH"):
    elif(lon_values[n] > 0):
       if(HEMISPHERE == "NH"):
       if(HEMISPHERE == "NH"):

#-- For each longitude label, we need to figure out how much to rotate
#-- it, so get the approximate slope at that point.
    if(HEMISPHERE == "NH"):             #-- add labels to bottom of LC plot
       lon1_ndc,lat1_ndc = Ngl.datatondc(map, lon_values[n]-0.5, minlat)
       lon2_ndc,lat2_ndc = Ngl.datatondc(map, lon_values[n]+0.5, minlat)
       txres.txJust = "TopCenter"
    else:                               #-- add labels to top of LC plot
       lon1_ndc,lat1_ndc = Ngl.datatondc(map, lon_values[n]+0.5, maxlat)
       lon2_ndc,lat2_ndc = Ngl.datatondc(map, lon_values[n]-0.5, maxlat)
       txres.txJust = "BottomCenter"

    slope_bot = (lat1_ndc-lat2_ndc)/(lon1_ndc-lon2_ndc)
    txres.txAngleF  =  RAD_TO_DEG * np.arctan(slope_bot)
#-- attach to map
    dum_bot.append(Ngl.add_text(wks, map, str(lon_labels[n]), \
                                lon_values[n], lat_val, txres))
Beispiel #15
t = f.t[0, 0, :, :].values
rhum = f.rhumidity[0, 0, :, :].values
lat =
lon = f.lon.values

###f    = Nio.open_file("", "r")
###t    = f.variables["t"][0,0,:,:]
###rhum = f.variables["rhumidity"][0,0,:,:]
###lat  = f.variables["lat"][:]
###lon  = f.variables["lon"][:]

#-- define workstation
wks = Ngl.open_wks("png", os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0])

#-- plot resources for the map
mpres = Ngl.Resources()
mpres.nglDraw = False  #-- don't draw plot
mpres.nglFrame = False  #-- don't advance frame
mpres.mpOutlineOn = True  #-- turn on map outlines
mpres.mpGeophysicalLineColor = "gray50"  #-- map outline color
mpres.mpLimitMode = "LatLon"  #-- limit map via lat/lon
mpres.mpMinLatF = 20.0  #-- min lat
mpres.mpMaxLatF = 60.0  #-- max lat
mpres.mpMinLonF = -10.0  #-- min lon
mpres.mpMaxLonF = 40.0  #-- max lon

#-- plot resources for the temperature plot
tres = Ngl.Resources()
tres.nglDraw = False  #-- don't draw plot
tres.nglFrame = False  #-- don't advance frame
tres.cnFillOn = True  #-- turn on color fill
Beispiel #16
def plot_Robinson_pyngl(var,

    #  Select a colormap and open a workstation.
    rlist = Ngl.Resources()

    wks_type = "png"
    wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, wks_name, rlist)

    if cmap is None:
        mycmap = 'BlAqGrYeOrReVi200'
        Ngl.define_colormap(wks, mycmap)
            mycmap = '/Users/frederic/python/cmap/' + cmap
            mycmap = np.loadtxt(mycmap)
            mycmap = cmap
            Ngl.define_colormap(wks, mycmap)
            raise Warning, 'Unknown colormap'

    #  The next set of resources will apply to the contour plot and the labelbar.
    resources = Ngl.Resources()

    resources.sfXArray = lon
    resources.sfYArray = lat

    resources.gsnMaximize = True  # use full page

    resources.cnFillOn = True
    resources.cnFillMode = "RasterFill"
    resources.cnMaxLevelCount = 255
    resources.cnLinesOn = False
    resources.cnLineLabelsOn = False
    if clim is not None:
        resources.cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"  # set manual contour levels
        resources.cnMinLevelValF = clim[0]  # set min contour level
        resources.cnMaxLevelValF = clim[1]  # set max contour level
        if cspace is None:
            LevelSpacing = (clim[1] - clim[0]) / 100.
            resources.cnLevelSpacingF = LevelSpacing  # set contour spacing
            resources.cnLevelSpacingF = cspace  # set contour spacing

    resources.lbOrientation = "Horizontal"  # Default is vertical.
    resources.lbBoxLinesOn = False
    resources.lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.01  # label font height
    resources.lbBoxMinorExtentF = 0.15

    # The contour plot is not very interesting, so don't draw it.
    resources.nglDraw = False
    resources.nglFrame = False

    contour = Ngl.contour(wks, var, resources)

    # Retrieve the actual lat/lon end points of the scalar array so
    # we know where to overlay on map.
    xs = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield, "sfXCActualStartF")
    xe = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield, "sfXCActualEndF")
    ys = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield, "sfYCActualStartF")
    ye = Ngl.get_float(contour.sffield, "sfYCActualEndF")

    resources.nglDraw = True  # Turn these resources back on.
    resources.nglFrame = True

    resources.mpProjection = "Robinson"
    resources.mpCenterLonF = 270
    resources.mpCenterLatF = 0

    resources.mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 2

    map = Ngl.contour_map(wks, var, resources)

Beispiel #17
import numpy

wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "format")

# Create some dummy data for an XY plot. We are only doing this
# to create an object that has tickmarks.
x = Ngl.fspan(0, 1, 20)
y = x

# Set some resouces for a dummy XY plot.
res = Ngl.Resources()
res.nglMaximize = False
res.nglDraw = False
res.nglFrame = False

res.xyLineColor = -1  # Transparent line

# Resources for main title and Y axis title.
res.tiMainFont = "Helvetica-Bold"
res.tiMainFontHeightF = 0.015
res.tiMainJust = "CenterLeft"
res.tiMainPosition = "Left"
res.tiYAxisAngleF = 0.0
res.tiYAxisFont = "Courier-Bold"
Beispiel #18
lat2d = np.zeros((len(lat),len(lon)))
lon2d = np.zeros((len(lat),len(lon)))

for i in range(0, len(lon)):
   lat2d[:,i] = lat

for i in range(0, len(lat)):
   lon2d[i,:] = lon
# open workspace for analysis plot

imagename = "GFSanalysis_%s_%s_CAPECIN_SNGL" % (region, init_dt[0:10])

wks_type = "png"
wks_res = ngl.Resources()
wks_res.wkBackgroundOpacityF = 0.0
wks = ngl.open_wks(wks_type, imagename, wks_res)

# define resources for analysis plot

res = ngl.Resources()
res.nglDraw  = False
res.nglFrame = False

#res.tmXBOn             = False
#res.tmXTOn             = False
#res.tmYLOn             = False
#res.tmYROn             = False

res.vpWidthF  = 0.9
Beispiel #19
N = 25

T = numpy.zeros((N, N), 'f')

jspn = numpy.power(numpy.arange(-12, 13), 2)
ispn = numpy.power(numpy.arange(-12, 13), 2)

for i in range(0, len(ispn)):
    T[i, :] = (jspn + ispn[i]).astype('f')

T = 100.0 - numpy.sqrt(64 * T)

# Open the workstation and change the color map.
rlist = Ngl.Resources()
rlist.wkColorMap = "default"
wks_type = "png"

wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "contour2", rlist)

cnres = Ngl.Resources()
cnres.cnFillOn = True  # Turn on contour level fill.
cnres.cnMonoFillPattern = False  # Indicate you want multiple fill patterns.

# Set cnFillPatterns and cnFillColors to various indexes representing
# fill patterns and colors.  A fill pattern index of "0" is solid fill.
# If you don't want any fill for a particular contour level, set it
# to "-1," which means "transparent."
Beispiel #20
del latVertex, lonVertex, verticesOnCell

#---Debug prints
print("This MPAS file has {} cells.".format(nCells))

print_min_max(t2m, "t2m")
print_min_max(latCell, "latCell")
print_min_max(lonCell, "lonCell")
print_min_max(latvoc, "latvoc")
print_min_max(lonvoc, "lonvoc")

#---Start the graphics
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "mpas2")

res = Ngl.Resources()  # Plot mods desired.

res.nglDraw = False  # Turn off plot draw and frame advance. We will
res.nglFrame = False  # do it later after adding subtitles.

res.cnFillOn = True  # color plot desired
res.cnFillPalette = "ncl_default"
res.cnLinesOn = False  # turn off contour lines
res.cnLineLabelsOn = False  # turn off contour labels

res.cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
res.cnLevels = Ngl.fspan(min(t2m), max(t2m),
                         253)  # 253 levels (hence 254 colors)

res.lbOrientation = "Horizontal"  # vertical by default
res.lbBoxLinesOn = False  # turn off labelbar boxes
Beispiel #21
    def __init__(self, grid, title):
        Initialize an instance of MapPlots.

        Plotting of maps is powered by PyNGL.

        :type grid: :class:`.Grid`
        :arg grid: The Grid object describing the map data to be plotted.
        :arg str title: The title describing the map data.
        self.grid = grid
        """(Grid) - The Grid object describing the map data to be plotted."""
        self.title = title
        """(string) - The title describing the map data."""

        #  Initialize list to store data sets and titles
        self.map_data = []
        """(list) - The list storing map data and titles."""
        #  Also for multiple maps
        self.map_mult_data = []
        """(list) - The list storing map data and titles for multiple maps."""

        #  Adjust PyNGL settings, fine tuning can be done externally

        #  Set PyNGL resources
        resources = Ngl.Resources()

        #  Define grid
        resources.sfXArray = self.grid.lon_sequence()
        resources.sfYArray = self.grid.lat_sequence()

        #  Change the map projection
        resources.mpProjection = "Robinson"

        #  Rotate the projection
        #  Center in the middle of lonMin and lonMax
        # resources.mpRelativeCenterLon = "true"

        #  Set plot limits
        resources.mpLimitMode = "LatLon"
        resources.mpMinLonF = self.grid.boundaries()["lon_min"]
        resources.mpMaxLonF = self.grid.boundaries()["lon_max"]
        resources.mpMinLatF = self.grid.boundaries()["lat_min"]
        resources.mpMaxLatF = self.grid.boundaries()["lat_max"]

        #  Change the color map
        resources.wkColorMap = "wh-bl-gr-ye-re"

        #  Change thickness of geophysical lines
        resources.mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 2.0

        #  Configure the legend
        resources.lbAutoManage = False
        resources.lbOrientation = "Horizontal"
        resources.lbLabelFont = "Helvetica"
        resources.lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.0075
        resources.lbTitleFontHeightF = 0.01

        #  Larger font for regional networks
        # resources.lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.014
        # resources.lbTitleFontHeightF = 0.02

        #  Configure the contour plots
        resources.cnFillOn = True
        resources.cnLinesOn = False
        resources.cnLineLabelsOn = False
        resources.cnInfoLabelOn = False
        resources.cnMaxLevelCount = 22

        resources.cnFillMode = "RasterFill"

        #  Make resources object accessible from outside
        self.resources = resources
        """The PyNGL resources allow fine tuning of plotting options."""
Beispiel #22
cmap = numpy.array([[1.00,.000,.000],\

#--- Indicate where to send graphics
rlist = Ngl.Resources()
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "panel1", rlist)

# Turn off draw for the individual plots, since we are going to
# panel them later.
resources = Ngl.Resources()
resources.nglDraw = False
resources.nglFrame = False

# Loop through the timesteps and create each plot, titling each
# one according to which timestep it is.
Beispiel #23
#     A single visualization with two XY curves 
import numpy,os
import Ngl,Nio

dirc = Ngl.pynglpath("data")
f    = Nio.open_file(os.path.join(dirc,"cdf",""))
u    = f.variables["U"][0,:,8]
lat  = f.variables["lat"][:]

#---Start the graphics section
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks (wks_type,"newcolor2")     # Open "newcolor2.png" for graphics

#---Set some resources.
res          = Ngl.Resources()
res.nglDraw  = False
res.nglFrame = False

plot  = Ngl.xy (wks,lat,u,res)              # Create plot

txres                = Ngl.Resources()         # text mods desired
txres.txFont         = 30
txres.txFontHeightF  = 0.04                    # font smaller. default big
txres.txFontOpacityF = 0.10                    # highly transparent
txres.txAngleF       = 45.

txid = Ngl.add_text(wks,plot,"Preliminary Data",10,15,txres) 

Ngl.draw(plot)        # Drawing plot will draw attached text
Ngl.frame(wks)        # Advance frame
def grid_order_contourplot(model, grid, first_varying_var, cut_domain):

    # define paths #

    path = dict(base='/', plots='data/plots/experimental/gridpoint_order/')
    print('plotting model: {}'.format(model))

    # load icosahedral grid information #

    if grid == 'icosahedral':
        clat, clon, vlat, vlon = read_grid_coordinates(model, grid)
        data_array1 = np.arange(clat.shape[0], dtype='float32')
        clat, clon = read_grid_coordinates(model, grid)
        clon = clon - 180
        if first_varying_var == 'lon':
            data_array1 = np.arange(clat.shape[0] * clon.shape[0],
                                        (clat.shape[0], clon.shape[0]))
        elif first_varying_var == 'lat':
            data_array1 = np.arange(clat.shape[0] * clon.shape[0],
                                        (clon.shape[0], clat.shape[0])).T

    print('data_array1:', data_array1.shape, 'clat:', clat.shape, 'clon:',
    if grid == 'icosahedral':
        print('vlat:', vlat.shape, 'vlon:', vlon.shape)
    print('data_array1 min,max:', data_array1.min(), data_array1.max())
    print('clat min,max:', clat.min(), clat.max())
    print('clon min,max:', clon.min(), clon.max())
    if grid == 'icosahedral':
        print('vlat min,max:', vlat.min(), vlat.max())
        print('vlon min,max:', vlon.min(), vlon.max())

    if cut_domain['name'] == 'uncut':
        data_array1_cut = data_array1
        margin_deg = 0
        if grid == 'icosahedral':
            data_array1_cut, clat, clon, vlat, vlon \
              = cut_by_domain(cut_domain, grid, data_array1, clat, clon, vlat, vlon, margin_deg)
            data_array1_cut, clat, clon \
              = cut_by_domain(cut_domain, grid, data_array1, clat, clon, None, None, margin_deg)

    print('data_array1:', data_array1_cut.shape, 'clat:', clat.shape, 'clon:',
    if grid == 'icosahedral':
        print('vlat:', vlat.shape, 'vlon:', vlon.shape)
    print('data_array1_cut min,max:', data_array1_cut.min(),
    print('clat min,max:', clat.min(), clat.max())
    print('clon min,max:', clon.min(), clon.max())
    if grid == 'icosahedral':
        print('vlat min,max:', vlat.min(), vlat.max())
        print('vlon min,max:', vlon.min(), vlon.max())

    if grid == 'icosahedral':
        plot_name = 'gridpoint_order_{}_{}_global_{}'.format(
            model, grid, cut_domain['name'])
        plot_name = 'gridpoint_order_{}_{}_{}-varying-first_global_{}'.format(
            model, grid, first_varying_var, cut_domain['name'])

    # plot basic map with borders #

    wks_res = Ngl.Resources()
    x_resolution = 800
    y_resolution = 800
    wks_res.wkWidth = x_resolution
    wks_res.wkHeight = y_resolution

    wks_res.wkColorMap = 'BkBlAqGrYeOrReViWh200'
    levels1 = np.linspace(data_array1.min(), data_array1.max(), 200)

    wks_type = 'png'
    wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, path['base'] + path['plots'] + plot_name,

    mpres = Ngl.Resources()
    mpres.mpProjection = 'CylindricalEquidistant'
    mpres.mpLimitMode = 'LatLon'
    mpres.mpCenterLonF = 0.0
    mpres.mpCenterLatF = 0.0
    mpres.mpMinLonF = -180.
    mpres.mpMaxLonF = 180.
    mpres.mpMinLatF = -90.
    mpres.mpMaxLatF = 90.

    mpres.nglMaximize = False
    mpres.vpXF = 0.003
    mpres.vpYF = 1.00
    mpres.vpWidthF = 0.86
    mpres.vpHeightF = 1.00
    mpres.mpMonoFillColor = 'True'
    mpres.mpFillColor = -1

    mpres.mpFillOn = True
    #resources.cnFillDrawOrder   = 'Predraw'     # draw contours first
    mpres.mpGridAndLimbOn = False
    mpres.mpGreatCircleLinesOn = False

    #mpres.mpOutlineDrawOrder       = 'PreDraw'
    mpres.mpDataBaseVersion = 'LowRes'
    mpres.mpDataSetName = 'Earth..4'
    mpres.mpOutlineBoundarySets = 'national'
    mpres.mpGeophysicalLineColor = 'black'
    mpres.mpNationalLineColor = 'black'
    mpres.mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 2. * x_resolution / 1000
    mpres.mpNationalLineThicknessF = 2. * x_resolution / 1000

    mpres.mpPerimOn = True
    mpres.mpPerimLineColor = 'black'
    mpres.mpPerimLineThicknessF = 8.0 * x_resolution / 1000
    mpres.tmXBOn = False
    mpres.tmXTOn = False
    mpres.tmYLOn = False
    mpres.tmYROn = False

    mpres.nglDraw = False  #-- don't draw plot
    mpres.nglFrame = False  #-- don't advance frame

    basic_map =, mpres)

    # plot variable1 in shading/contours #

    v1res = Ngl.Resources()
    v1res.sfDataArray = data_array1_cut
    v1res.sfXArray = clon
    v1res.sfYArray = clat
    if grid == 'icosahedral':
        v1res.cnFillMode = 'CellFill'
        v1res.sfXCellBounds = vlon
        v1res.sfYCellBounds = vlat
        v1res.cnFillMode = 'RasterFill'
    v1res.sfMissingValueV = 9999

    v1res.cnLinesOn = False  # Turn off contour lines.
    v1res.cnFillOn = True
    #v1res.cnFillOpacityF        = 0.5
    #v1res.cnFillDrawOrder       = 'Predraw'
    v1res.cnLineLabelsOn = False
    v1res.cnLevelSelectionMode = 'ExplicitLevels'
    v1res.cnLevels = levels1

    # set resources for a nice label bar #

    v1res.lbLabelBarOn = True
    v1res.lbAutoManage = False
    v1res.lbOrientation = 'vertical'
    v1res.lbLabelOffsetF = 0.04  # minor axis fraction: the distance between colorbar and numbers
    v1res.lbBoxMinorExtentF = 0.20  # minor axis fraction: width of the color boxes when labelbar down
    v1res.lbTopMarginF = 0.05  # make a little more space at top for the unit label
    v1res.lbRightMarginF = 0.0
    v1res.lbBottomMarginF = 0.0
    v1res.lbLeftMarginF = -0.35

    v1res.cnLabelBarEndStyle = 'ExcludeOuterBoxes'
    #v1res.cnLabelBarEndStyle    = 'IncludeOuterBoxes'
    #v1res.cnExplicitLabelBarLabelsOn = True
    #v1res.pmLabelBarDisplayMode =  'Always'
    v1res.pmLabelBarWidthF = 0.10
    #v1res.lbLabelStrings        = label_str_list
    v1res.lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.010
    #v1res.lbBoxCount            = 40
    v1res.lbBoxSeparatorLinesOn = False
    v1res.lbBoxLineThicknessF = 4
    #v1res.lbBoxEndCapStyle     = 'TriangleBothEnds'
    v1res.lbLabelAlignment = 'InteriorEdges'
    v1res.lbLabelStride = 1

    v1res.nglFrame = False
    v1res.nglDraw = False

    v1plot = Ngl.contour(wks, data_array1_cut, v1res)

    # plot label bar unit #

    text_str = 'Index'
    text_res_1 = Ngl.Resources()
    text_res_1.txFontColor = 'black'
    text_x = 0.975
    text_y = 0.72
    text_res_1.txFontHeightF = 0.012

    Ngl.overlay(basic_map, v1plot)

    Ngl.text_ndc(wks, text_str, text_x, text_y, text_res_1)

    # cut top and bottom whitespace of plot #

    im =['base'] + path['plots'] + plot_name + '.png')
    image_array = np.asarray(im.convert('L'))
    image_array = np.where(image_array < 255, 1, 0)
    image_filter = np.amax(image_array, axis=1)
    vmargins = [

    im_cropped =
        'RGB', (im.size[0], im.size[1] - vmargins[0] - vmargins[1]),
        (255, 255, 255))
        im.crop((0, vmargins[0], im.size[0], im.size[1] - vmargins[1])),
        (0, 0))
    im.close()['base'] + path['plots'] + plot_name + '.png', 'png')

    del data_array1, data_array1_cut, clat, clon
    if grid == 'icosahedral':
        del vlat, vlon

Beispiel #25
#  Import PyNGL support functions.
import Ngl
import os, string, types

# Read data off file.

filename = os.path.join(Ngl.pynglpath("data"), "asc", "fcover.dat")
data = Ngl.asciiread(filename, [3, 73, 73], "float")

# Send graphics to PNG file
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "streamline2")

stres = Ngl.Resources()
cnres = Ngl.Resources()
mpres = Ngl.Resources()

cnres.nglDraw = False
cnres.nglFrame = False
mpres.nglDraw = False
mpres.nglFrame = False
stres.nglDraw = False
stres.nglFrame = False

# Set sf/vf resources to indicate where on map to overlay.
cnres.sfXCStartV = -180.
cnres.sfXCEndV = 180.
cnres.sfYCStartV = -90.
cnres.sfYCEndV = 90.
Beispiel #26
#-- information
print("Cell points:           ", nv)
print("Cells:                 ", str(ncells))
print("Variable ta   min/max:  %.2f " % np.min(var) + "/" +
      " %.2f" % np.max(var))

#-- open a workstation
wks_type = "x11"  #-- graphics output type
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,
                   "plot_contour_unstructured_PyNGL")  #-- open a workstation

#-- set resources
res = Ngl.Resources()  #-- plot mods desired.
res.nglDraw = False  #-- turn off plot draw and frame advance. We will
res.nglFrame = False  #-- do it later after adding subtitles.

res.cnFillOn = True  #-- color plot desired
res.cnFillMode = "CellFill"  #-- set fill mode
res.cnFillPalette = "BlueWhiteOrangeRed"  #-- choose colormap
res.cnLinesOn = False  #-- turn off contour lines
res.cnLineLabelsOn = False  #-- turn off contour labels
res.cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"  #-- use explicit levels
res.cnLevels = levels  #-- set levels

res.lbOrientation = "Horizontal"  #-- vertical by default
res.lbBoxLinesOn = False  #-- turn off labelbar boxes
res.lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.01  #-- labelbar label font size
Beispiel #27
    # ---Values to use for contour labelbar
    if plotType == 4:
        varMin = -0.5  # Data mins
    elif plotType == 6:
        varMin = -1.5  # Data mins

    varMax = 4  # Data maxs
    varInt = 0.5  # Data spacing
    levels = np.arange(varMin, varMax + 0.0001, varInt)
    # list(np.arange(varMin,varMax,varInt))
    nlevs = len(levels)  # -- number of levels
    # -- convert list of floats to list of strings
    labels = ['{:.1f}'.format(x) for x in levels]
    labels = str(labels)
    # Create resource list for customizing contour over maps
    res = Ngl.Resources()

    res.nglMaximize = False
    res.nglFrame = False
    res.nglDraw = False

    res.sfXArray = lon
    res.sfYArray = lat
    res.sfMissingValueV = -99999

    # Title
    res.tiMainFont = "Helvetica-Bold"
    res.tiMainFontHeightF = 0.015
    # res.tiMainOffsetYF = 0.02

    # Map
  -  Drawing a map
  -  Drawing polylines
  -  Drawing polygons
  -  Drawing all available (16) polymarkers
  2018-09-11  kmf
import Ngl
import os

#-- open a workstation and define colormap

wks = Ngl.open_wks("png", os.path.basename(__file__).split('.')[0])

#-- set resources
res = Ngl.Resources()
res.nglDraw = False  #-- don't draw the plot yet
res.nglFrame = False  #-- don't advance the frame yet

res.mpFillOn = True
res.mpOutlineOn = False
res.mpOceanFillColor = "Transparent"
res.mpLandFillColor = "Gray80"
res.mpInlandWaterFillColor = "Gray80"
res.mpGridAndLimbOn = False  #-- don't draw grid lines

res.pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"  #-- turn on map tickmark

#-- create the map, but don't draw it yet
map =, res)
Beispiel #29
cdf_file = Nio.open_file(os.path.join(data_dir, "cdf", ""))
T = ma.masked_values(cdf_file.variables["T"][:, :],
lat_t = cdf_file.variables["lat_t"][:]
z_t = cdf_file.variables["z_t"][:] / 100.  # convert cm to m

#  Open a workstation.
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "irregular")

# Set up a resource list for plot options.
resources = Ngl.Resources()

resources.sfXArray = lat_t
resources.sfYArray = z_t

resources.cnFillOn = True
resources.cnFillPalette = "gui_default"
resources.cnLineLabelsOn = False

resources.tiMainString = "Default axes"  # main title

# Draw the plot as is, with no transformations in place.
plot = Ngl.contour(wks, T, resources)
Beispiel #30
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"ngl11p")

dirc     = Ngl.pynglpath("data")
data     = Ngl.asciiread(dirc+"/asc/u.cocos",(39,14),"float")

pressure  = data[:,0]    # First column of data is pressure (mb).
height    = data[:,1]    # Second column is height (km).
u         = data[:,2:14] # Rest of columns are climatological zonal winds
                           # (u: m/s)
unew = Ngl.add_cyclic(u)  # Add cyclic points to u.

#----------- Begin first plot -----------------------------------------

resources = Ngl.Resources()

resources.tiMainString   = "~F26~Cocos Island"   # Main title.
resources.tiYAxisString  = "~F25~Pressure (mb)"  # Y axes label.

resources.sfYCStartV = float(max(pressure))   # Indicate start and end of left
resources.sfYCEndV   = float(min(pressure))   # Y axes values.

resources.trYReverse  = True    # Reverse the Y values.
resources.trYLog      = True    # Use log scale.

resources.tmXBMode      = "Explicit"   # Define your own tick mark labels.
resources.tmXBLabelFont = "times-roman"  # Change font of labels.
resources.tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 # Change font height of labels.
resources.tmXBMinorOn   = False        # No minor tick marks.
resources.tmXBValues    = range(0,13,1) # Location to put tick mark labels