Beispiel #1
    def copyToZ(self, z, layerNo):
        "makes a copy of this slice, transformed to the specified z height"

        theCopy = Slice()
        theCopy.zLevel = z
        theCopy.fillAngle = self.fillAngle
        theCopy.layerNo = layerNo
        theCopy.thickness = self.thickness

        # make transformation
        p1 = gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0)
        p2 = gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, z)
        xform = gp.gp_Trsf()
        xform.SetTranslation(p1, p2)
        bt = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(xform)

        # copy all of the faces
        for f in self.faces:

            bt.Perform(f.face, True)
            newFace = Face(OCCUtil.cast(bt.Shape()))

            # copy shells
            for shell in f.shellWires:
                # print shell
                bt.Perform(shell, True)

            # copy fillWires
            for fill in f.fillWires:
                bt.Perform(fill, True)

        return theCopy
Beispiel #2
def testOffsetReferences():

    #f = TestObjects.makeHeartFace();
    #f must be a face with one outer and one inner wire
    f = TestObjects.makeSquareWithRoundHole()

    wires = OCCUtil.wireListFromFace(f)
    outer = wires[0]
    inner = wires[1]
    display.DisplayColoredShape(outer, 'GREEN')
    display.DisplayColoredShape(inner, 'WHITE')

    #add wires to offset.
    bo = BRepOffsetAPI.BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset()

    bo.Perform(-0.2, 0.0)
    #do an offset

    shape = bo.Shape()
    for w in Topo(shape).wires():
        display.DisplayColoredShape(OCCUtil.cast(shape), 'YELLOW')

    for e in Topo(outer).edges():
        print "Outer Edge %d has %d generated shapes" % (

    for e in Topo(inner).edges():
        print "Inner Edge %d has %d generated shapes" % (

Beispiel #3
    def offsetOnce(self,distance):
        bo = BRepOffsetAPI.BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset();           
        map(bo.AddWire, self.lastWires);
        print "%d wires to offset at step 1, distance = %0.3f" % ( len(self.lastWires),distance);
        result1 = Topo(bo.Shape());

        #now offset back outwards
        bo2 = BRepOffsetAPI.BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset();
        for w in result1.wires():
        print "Offsetting %0.3f" % ( (-0.5)*distance);
        bo2.Perform((-0.5)*distance, 0.0);
        result2 = Topo(bo2.Shape());

        returnList= [];
        #compound result can be a compound of edges and/or wires. weird weird
        for c in OCCUtil.childShapes(bo2.Shape() ):
            if c.ShapeType() == TopAbs.TopAbs_WIRE:
                returnList.append(c);  #these are actually the wires we want to keep
            elif c.ShapeType() == TopAbs.TopAbs_EDGE:
                w = OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([c])
                print "Warning: compound resulting from offset i am confused about-- not an edge or a wire."

        if len(returnList) == 0:   
            return returnList; #do nothing further if the offset computed no curves
            print "2nd step yielded %d wires" % len(returnList)
        #for each original edge, compute its descendant edges
        #self.edgeMap will contain entries with the original edges, pointing to the generated
        #edges and the corresponding wire:
        #      e1 --> [ (e2, w2 ), (e3 , w3 ) ];
        for w in self.lastWires:
            originalWire = Topo(w);
            for oe in originalWire.edges():
                self.edgeMap[oe.__hash__()] = [];
                #find generated values from first transformation
                generatedStep1 = OCCUtil.listFromTopToolsListOfShape(bo.Generated(oe));
                for ne in generatedStep1:
                    #find edges generated from that original edge
                    generatedStep2 = OCCUtil.listFromTopToolsListOfShape(bo2.Generated(ne));
                    for ge in generatedStep2:
                        #get wire this belongs to this returns a list but how could there ever be more than one?
                        gwires = []
                        for g in result2.wires_from_edge(ge):
                        self.edgeMap[oe.__hash__()].append ( (ge,gwires[0]   ));
        self.lastWires = returnList;
        return returnList;
Beispiel #4
def makeOffsets(wire, d=True):

    numOffsets = 0

    if d: display.DisplayColoredShape(startWire, 'YELLOW')
    STEP = 0.5
    for offset in Util.frange6(0.5, 4.0, STEP):
        #print "offsetting by %0.3f" % offset
        o = OCCUtil.offsetWire(startWire, offset * (-1.0))
        numOffsets += 1
        if d: display.DisplayColoredShape(o, 'RED')

        o2 = OCCUtil.offsetWire(startWire,
                                offset * (-1.0) + (STEP / 2.0))
        numOffsets += 1
        #create a naive centerline  by setting in( which could conflict with others )
        #if d: display.DisplayColoredShape(o2,'GREEN');

        #now offset back out to create centerline. if the result is a compound, then we must offset each member wire
        if o.ShapeType() == TopAbs.TopAbs_COMPOUND:
            t = Topo(o)
            for w in t.wires():
                w2 = OCCUtil.offsetWire(w, STEP * (0.5))
                numOffsets += 1
                if d: display.DisplayColoredShape(w2, 'BLUE')
        else:  #wire
            o2 = OCCUtil.offsetWire(OCCUtil.cast(o), STEP * (0.5))
            numOffsets += 1
            if d: display.DisplayColoredShape(o2, 'WHITE')

    return numOffsets
Beispiel #5
def testSplitWire2():
	"intersections on different edges. one edge completely inside"
	e1 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(2,0,0));
	e2 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(2,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0));
	e3 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(6,0,0));
	#trick here. after building a wire, the edges change identity.
	#evidently, BRepBuilder_MakeWire makes copies of the underliying edges.
	w = OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([e1,e2,e3]);
	ee = Wrappers.Wire(w).edgesAsList();
	#print "Original Edges: %d %d %d " % ( ee[0].__hash__(),ee[1].__hash__(),ee[2].__hash__());
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(ee[0],1.0,gp.gp_Pnt(1.0,0,0));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(ee[2],0.5,gp.gp_Pnt(5.0,0,0));
	ee = splitWire(w,[p2,p1]);
	assert len(ee) == 1;
	length = 0;
	for e in ee[0]:
		ew = Wrappers.Edge(e);
		length += ew.distanceBetweenEnds();
	#print "length=%0.3f" % length;
	assert length == 4.5;
Beispiel #6
    def copyToZ(self, z, layerNo):
        "makes a copy of this slice, transformed to the specified z height"

        theCopy = Slice()
        theCopy.zLevel = z
        theCopy.fillAngle = self.fillAngle
        theCopy.layerNo = layerNo
        theCopy.thickness = self.thickness

        #make transformation
        p1 = gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0)
        p2 = gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, z)
        xform = gp.gp_Trsf()
        xform.SetTranslation(p1, p2)
        bt = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(xform)

        #copy all of the faces
        for f in self.faces:

            bt.Perform(f.face, True)
            newFace = Face(OCCUtil.cast(bt.Shape()))

            #copy shells
            for shell in f.shellWires:
                #print shell
                bt.Perform(shell, True)

            #copy fillWires
            for fill in f.fillWires:
                bt.Perform(fill, True)

        return theCopy
Beispiel #7
	def trimmedEdgeFromPoints(self,point1, point2,tolerance):
		print "I am %s" % self
		print "Creating new edge from points: ",Point(point1),Point(point2)
		#(param1,newPoint1) = OCCUtil.findPointOnCurve(point1,self.handleCurve,tolerance);
		#(param2,newPoint2) = OCCUtil.findPointOnCurve(point2,self.handleCurve,tolerance);
		#well this is annoying-- the parameter range appears to be preventing projection, so we need to pad them
		fp = self.firstParameter;
		fpnt = self.firstPoint;
		lp = self.lastParameter;
		lpnt = self.lastPoint;
		if fp > lp:
		print "Params: fp=%0.3f, lp=%0.3f,tolerance=%0.3f" % ( fp, lp,tolerance);

		(param1,newPoint1) = OCCUtil.findPointOnCurve(point1,self.handleCurve,tolerance);
		#check bounds by hand
		if param1 < fp: 
			param1 = fp;
			newPoint1 = fpnt;
		if param1 > lp: 
			parm1 = fp;
			newPoint1 = lpnt;
		print "point 1!"
		(param2,newPoint2) = OCCUtil.findPointOnCurve(point2,self.handleCurve,tolerance);
		if param2 < fp: 
			param2 = fp;
			newPoint2 = fpnt;
		if param2 > lp: 
			parm2 = fp;
			newPoint2 = lpnt;

		return self.trimmedEdge(param1,param2);
Beispiel #8
def testSplitWire1():
		Test split wire function. there are two main cases:
		wires with intersection on different edges,
		and a wire with a single edge split in many places
	#case 1: a single edge with lots of intersections along its length
	e  = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints( gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0),gp.gp_Pnt(5,0,0));
	w = OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([e]);
	#out of order on purpose
	p1 = PointOnAnEdge(e,1.0,gp.gp_Pnt(1.0,0,0));
	p3 = PointOnAnEdge(e,3.0,gp.gp_Pnt(3.0,0,0));
	p2 = PointOnAnEdge(e,2.0,gp.gp_Pnt(2.0,0,0));	
	p4 = PointOnAnEdge(e,4.0,gp.gp_Pnt(4.0,0,0));
	ee = splitWire(w,[p1,p3,p2,p4] );

	assert len(ee) ==  2;
	length = 0;
	for e in ee:
		ew = Wrappers.Edge(e[0]);
		length += ew.distanceBetweenEnds();

	assert length == 2.0;
Beispiel #9
def makeOffsets(wire,d=True):

    numOffsets = 0;

    if d: display.DisplayColoredShape(startWire,'YELLOW');
    STEP = 0.5;
    for offset in Util.frange6(0.5,4.0,STEP):
        #print "offsetting by %0.3f" % offset
        o = OCCUtil.offsetWire(startWire,offset*(-1.0));
        if d: display.DisplayColoredShape(o, 'RED');
        o2 = OCCUtil.offsetWire(startWire,offset*(-1.0) + (STEP/2.0) );
        #create a naive centerline  by setting in( which could conflict with others )
        #if d: display.DisplayColoredShape(o2,'GREEN');
        #now offset back out to create centerline. if the result is a compound, then we must offset each member wire
        if o.ShapeType() == TopAbs.TopAbs_COMPOUND:
            t = Topo(o);
            for w in t.wires():
                w2 = OCCUtil.offsetWire(w,STEP*(0.5));
                if d: display.DisplayColoredShape(w2, 'BLUE');
        else: #wire
            o2 = OCCUtil.offsetWire(OCCUtil.cast(o),STEP*(0.5));
            if d: display.DisplayColoredShape(o2, 'WHITE');

    return numOffsets;
Beispiel #10
def testOffsetReferences():

    #f = TestObjects.makeHeartFace();
    #f must be a face with one outer and one inner wire
    f = TestObjects.makeSquareWithRoundHole();
    wires = OCCUtil.wireListFromFace(f);
    outer = wires[0];
    inner = wires[1];    

    #add wires to offset.
    bo = BRepOffsetAPI.BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset();
    bo.Perform(-0.2,0.0);  #do an offset

    shape = bo.Shape();
    for w in Topo(shape).wires():

    for e in Topo(outer).edges():
        print "Outer Edge %d has %d generated shapes" % ( e.__hash__(), len(OCCUtil.listFromTopToolsListOfShape(bo.Generated(e) ))  );   

    for e in Topo(inner).edges():
        print "Inner Edge %d has %d generated shapes" % ( e.__hash__(), len(OCCUtil.listFromTopToolsListOfShape(bo.Generated(e) ))  );   
Beispiel #11
def makeWireFromPointList(points):
    edges = [];
    for (p,q) in Util.ntuples(points,2,True):
        print p,q
    return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges(edges);
Beispiel #12
def makeFaceWithHold():
    "creates a face with a thin feature due to a hole"
    ow = makeSquareWire(); #box 0,0 --> 5,5
    p1 = OCCUtil.pnt(0.4,0.4);
    p2 = OCCUtil.pnt(2.0,0.4);
    p3 = OCCUtil.pnt(2.0,2.0);
    p4 = OCCUtil.pnt(2.0,0.4);
Beispiel #13
def makeFaceWithHold():
    "creates a face with a thin feature due to a hole"
    ow = makeSquareWire()
    #box 0,0 --> 5,5

    p1 = OCCUtil.pnt(0.4, 0.4)
    p2 = OCCUtil.pnt(2.0, 0.4)
    p3 = OCCUtil.pnt(2.0, 2.0)
    p4 = OCCUtil.pnt(2.0, 0.4)
Beispiel #14
def testBasicFaceOffset():
    f = TestObjects.makeHeartFaceNoHole();
    startWires = OCCUtil.wireListFromFace(f);
    cw = startWires;
    for i in range(3):
        w = OCCUtil.offsetWireList(cw,-0.2);
        cw = w;
Beispiel #15
def makeHeartWire():
    "make a heart wire"
    e1 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0), gp.gp_Pnt(4.0,4.0,0));
    circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(2,4,0),,2);
    e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(4,4,0),gp.gp_Pnt(0,4,0)).Edge();
    circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(-2,4,0),,2);
    e3 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(0,4,0),gp.gp_Pnt(-4,4,0)).Edge();
    e4 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(-4,4,0), gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0));
    return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([e1,e2,e3,e4]);
Beispiel #16
def testBasicFaceOffset():
    f = TestObjects.makeHeartFaceNoHole()
    startWires = OCCUtil.wireListFromFace(f)
    display.DisplayColoredShape(startWires, 'GREEN')
    cw = startWires
    for i in range(3):
        w = OCCUtil.offsetWireList(cw, -0.2)
        display.DisplayColoredShape(w, 'RED')
        cw = w
Beispiel #17
def makeWireFromPointList(points):

    edges = []
    for (p, q) in Util.ntuples(points, 2, True):
        print p, q
            OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(OCCUtil.pnt(p[0], p[1]),
                                      OCCUtil.pnt(q[0], q[1])))
    return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges(edges)
Beispiel #18
def makeHeartWire():
    "make a heart wire"
    e1 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(4.0, 4.0, 0))
    circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(2, 4, 0),
                        , 2)
    e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(4, 4, 0),
                                                gp.gp_Pnt(0, 4, 0)).Edge()
    circle = gp.gp_Circ(gp.gp_Ax2(gp.gp_Pnt(-2, 4, 0),
                        , 2)
    e3 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle, gp.gp_Pnt(0, 4, 0),
                                                gp.gp_Pnt(-4, 4, 0)).Edge()
    e4 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(-4, 4, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0))
    return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([e1, e2, e3, e4])
Beispiel #19
    def makeHexArray(self, bottomLeftCenter, countX, countY):
			makes an array of hexagons
			bottomLeftCenter is the center of the top left hex, as a three-element tuple
			countX is the number of hexes in the x direction
			countY is the number of hexes in the y direction
			returns a list of wires representing a hexagon fill pattern
        pattern = self.makePeriodic(bottomLeftCenter)
        wireBuilder = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire(pattern)

        #make horizontal array
        tsf = gp.gp_Trsf()
        pDist = 2.0 * self.cartesianSpacing()[0]
        tsf.SetTranslation(gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(pDist, 0, 0))
        tx = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(tsf)
        currentShape = pattern
        for i in range(1, int((countX / 2) + 1)):
            tx.Perform(currentShape, False)
            currentShape = tx.Shape()

        #create an array by alternately offsetting one cell right and
        #moving down
        topHalf = wireBuilder.Wire()
        #topHalf= approximatedWire(topHalf);

        wires = []
        dY = self.cartesianSpacing()[1] / 2.0
        dX = self.cartesianSpacing()[0]

        ####TODO// performance note.  This method takes about 31ms to compute 1000x1000 hex.
        # pretty good, except that nearly 50% of the time is spent in makeTransform!!!
        # a much better method would be to use the same transform object somehow
        for i in range(1, int(countY * 2)):
            if i % 2 == 0:
                t = makeTransform(0, dY * i, 0)
                t = makeTransform(dX, dY * i, 0)
            t.Perform(topHalf, False)
            w = OCCUtil.cast(t.Shape())

            #approximate the wire
            #wires.append ( approximatedWire(w));

        return wires
Beispiel #20
	def _makeHatchLines(self):
			make straight hatch lines.
			TODO: need to use fillAngle to rotate the lines as well. Trsf object 
		xMin = self.bounds[0] - ( self.HATCH_PADDING);
		yMin = self.bounds[1] - ( self.HATCH_PADDING);		 
		xMax = self.bounds[2] + (self.HATCH_PADDING);
		yMax = self.bounds[3] + (self.HATCH_PADDING) ;
		wires = [];
		for y in Util.frange6(yMin,yMax,self.spacing):
			e = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(xMin,y,self.zLevel),gp.gp_Pnt(xMax,y,self.zLevel));
		return wires;
Beispiel #21
    def getWires(self):
        q = time.clock()
        en = self.graphBuilder.walkEdges()

        #print "Walked Edges-- %d total paths, %0.3f sec" % (len(en), ( time.clock() - q ) );
        wires = []
        for path in en:
            wb = OCCUtil.WireBuilder()
            for edge in Util.pairwise(path):
                #each pair is a set of nodes that form an edge in the graph. We need to ge the OCC edges from each
                for occEdge in self.graphBuilder.getEdges(edge[0], edge[1]):
        return wires
Beispiel #22
    def _makeHatchLines(self):
			make straight hatch lines.
			TODO: need to use fillAngle to rotate the lines as well. Trsf object 
        xMin = self.bounds[0] - (self.HATCH_PADDING)
        yMin = self.bounds[1] - (self.HATCH_PADDING)
        xMax = self.bounds[2] + (self.HATCH_PADDING)
        yMax = self.bounds[3] + (self.HATCH_PADDING)
        wires = []
        for y in Util.frange6(yMin, yMax, self.spacing):
            e = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(gp.gp_Pnt(xMin, y, self.zLevel),
                                          gp.gp_Pnt(xMax, y, self.zLevel))
        return wires
Beispiel #23
    def build(self):

        wire = self.request.wire
        topoWire = Topo(wire)
        #get all the vertices for the wire
        #these are sorted by ascending distance
        choices = OCCUtil.nearestVertices([wire], self.request.startPoint,
        #print "There are %d choices" % len(choices);
        bestSolution = None
        for (wire, vertex, point, distance) in choices:
            #print "vertex: distance %0.3f" % distance;
            sol = JoinAtVertex(self.request, vertex).compute()
            if distance < self.tolerance:
                #compute a joint solution based on this vertex
                if bestSolution is None:
                    bestSolution = sol
                elif sol.isBetterThan(bestSolution):
                    #print "switching solution to another vertex!"
                    bestSolution = sol
                #all of the points below this one will be even less attractive, and
                #entry angle doesnt matter because we'll probably rapid there. Thus,
                #simply choose the next one
                if bestSolution:
                    sol.isJoint = False
                    bestSolution = sol

        #at this point we have the best solution, which is either a joint to a vertex
        #with the best combination of angles, or we have a move to then nearest vertex
        return bestSolution
Beispiel #24
    def build(self):

        wire = self.request.wire
        topoWire = Topo(wire)
        # get all the vertices for the wire
        # these are sorted by ascending distance
        choices = OCCUtil.nearestVertices([wire], self.request.startPoint, MAX_DISTANCE)
        # print "There are %d choices" % len(choices);
        bestSolution = None
        for (wire, vertex, point, distance) in choices:
            # print "vertex: distance %0.3f" % distance;
            sol = JoinAtVertex(self.request, vertex).compute()
            if distance < self.tolerance:
                # compute a joint solution based on this vertex
                if bestSolution is None:
                    bestSolution = sol
                elif sol.isBetterThan(bestSolution):
                    # print "switching solution to another vertex!"
                    bestSolution = sol
                # all of the points below this one will be even less attractive, and
                # entry angle doesnt matter because we'll probably rapid there. Thus,
                # simply choose the next one
                if bestSolution:
                    sol.isJoint = False
                    bestSolution = sol

                    # at this point we have the best solution, which is either a joint to a vertex
                    # with the best combination of angles, or we have a move to then nearest vertex
        return bestSolution
Beispiel #25
    def makeSection2(self, cuttingPlane, shapeToSection, zLevel):
            Uses BrepSection Algo. this generally returns a list of wires, not a face      
        #section is certainly faster, but produces only edges.
        #those have to be re-organized into wires, probably
        #using ShapeAnalysis_WireOrder

        face = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(cuttingPlane).Shape()
        # Computes Shape/Plane intersection
        section = BRepAlgoAPI.BRepAlgoAPI_Section(self.solid.shape, face)
        #section = BRepAlgo.BRepAlgo_Section(self.solid.shape,face);
        if section.IsDone():

            #what we got back was a compound of edges
            t = Topo(section.Shape())
            wb = OCCUtil.MultiWireBuilder()
            for e in t.edges():
            wires = wb.getWires()
            print wires
            for w in wires:
            return wires
            raise Exception("Could not compute Section!")
Beispiel #26
 def __init__(self, face):
     self.face = face
     self.originalWires = OCCUtil.wireListFromFace(face)
     self.edgeMap = {}
     self.otherWires = []
     self.lastWires = self.originalWires
     self.display = None
     self.outputWires = []
Beispiel #27
	def addBoundaryWire(self,wire):
		#for finding an edge node
		wr = Wrappers.Wire(wire);
		eS = wr.edgesAsSequence();

		for i in range(1,eS.Length()+1):
			e = OCCUtil.cast(eS.Value(i));
Beispiel #28
 def __init__(self,face):
     self.face= face;
     self.originalWires = OCCUtil.wireListFromFace(face);
     self.edgeMap = {};
     self.otherWires = [];
     self.lastWires = self.originalWires;
     self.display = None;
     self.outputWires = [];
Beispiel #29
    def _fillSlice(self, slice):
        #how many shells do we need?
        #attempt to create the number of shells requested by the user, plus one additional for infill
        for f in slice.faces:
            numShells = (int)(self.options.fillingWallThickness /
                              self.extruder.trackWidth()) + 1
            numShells = max(2, numShells)
            faceWires = OCCUtil.wireListFromFace(f.face)

            #regardless, the last successfully created offset is used for hatch infill
            shells = []
            for i in range(1, numShells):
                #compute offset inwards by one track width
                offset = (-1) * i * self.extruder.trackWidth()
                innerEdge = OCCUtil.offsetWireList(faceWires, offset)

                if len(innerEdge) == 0:
                    #performance: dont offset if there were already no wires

                pathCenter = OCCUtil.offsetWireList(
                    self.extruder.trackWidth() / 2)
                if len(pathCenter) > 0:

            if len(shells) > 1:
                #use last one for filling.
                print "%d shells were available for Hatching" % len(shells)
                lastShell = shells.pop()
                s = self.solid
                h = hatchlib.Hatcher(lastShell, zLevel,
                                     (s.xMin, s.yMin, s.xMax, s.yMax),
                ww = h.getWires()
                print "Hatching complete: %d fillWires created" % len(ww)
                f.fillWires = ww
                print "WARNING: not filling this layer, too few shells were computable"
            #add shells
            for s in shells:
                for ss in s:
Beispiel #30
	def trimmedEdge(self,parameter1, parameter2):
		"make a trimmed edge based on a start and end parameter on the same curve"
		"p1 and p2 are either points or parameters"
		print "Computing new edge: p1=%0.3f, p2=%0.3f, fp=%0.3f, lp=%0.3f" % (parameter1,parameter2,self.firstParameter,self.lastParameter);
		if abs(parameter1 - parameter2) < 0.0001:
			print "WARNING: removing degenerate edge";
			return None;
		e = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPointsOnCurve(self.handleCurve, parameter1, parameter2 );		
		return e;
Beispiel #31
    def offsetOnceSimple(self, distance):

        bo = BRepOffsetAPI.BRepOffsetAPI_MakeOffset()
        map(bo.AddWire, self.lastWires)
        print "%d wires to offset at step 1, distance = %0.3f" % (len(
            self.lastWires), distance)
        bo.Perform(distance * (0.5), 0.0)
        result1 = Topo(bo.Shape())

        returnList = []
        #compound result can be a compound of edges and/or wires. weird weird
        for c in OCCUtil.childShapes(bo.Shape()):
            display.DisplayColoredShape(c, 'BLUE')
            if c.ShapeType() == TopAbs.TopAbs_WIRE:
                #these are actually the wires we want to keep
            elif c.ShapeType() == TopAbs.TopAbs_EDGE:
                w = OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([c])
                print "Warning: compound resulting from offset i am confused about-- not an edge or a wire."

        #for each original edge, compute its descendant edges
        #self.edgeMap will contain entries with the original edges, pointing to the generated
        #edges and the corresponding wire:
        #      e1 --> [ (e2, w2 ), (e3 , w3 ) ];
        for w in self.lastWires:
            originalWire = Topo(w)
            for oe in originalWire.edges():
                self.edgeMap[oe.__hash__()] = []

                #find generated values from first transformation
                generatedStep1 = OCCUtil.listFromTopToolsListOfShape(
                for ne in generatedStep1:
                    #get wire this belongs to this returns a list but how could there ever be more than one?
                    gwires = []
                    for g in result1.wires_from_edge(ne):
                    self.edgeMap[oe.__hash__()].append((ne, gwires[0]))

        self.lastWires = returnList
        return returnList
Beispiel #32
	def _compute(self):
		(p1,p,p2) = (self.p1,self.closestParam, self.p2); #p1 < p < p2
		#i think this works well for small distance. not as well if d is large.
		if (p - p1) < (2.0)*self.distanceFromStartPoint:
			#TODO: this code is nearly same as the branch below but with p1 and p2 swapped,
			#connect to start vertex
			self.connectingPoint = self.edgeStart;
			self.connectingParm = p1;
			#compute shortened edge
			e1 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPointsOnCurve(self.handleCurve,p1+self.trackWidth,p2);
			self.otherEdges = [e1];
			#enter the wire by connecting start to vertex directly			
			self.connectingEdges = [ OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(self.startPoint,self.connectingPoint) ];
		elif (p2 - p )< (2.0)*self.distanceFromStartPoint:
			#connect to end vertex
			self.connectingPoint = self.edgeEnd;
			self.connectingParm = p2;
			#compute shortened edge
			e1 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPointsOnCurve(self.handleCurve,p1,p2-self.trackWidth);
			self.otherEdges = [e1];
			#enter the wire by connecting start to vertex directly			
			self.connectingEdges = [ OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(self.startPoint,self.connectingPoint) ];			
			#connect to middle of the edge
			self.connectingEdges = [];
			firstEdge = None;
			#which end is closer?
			if (p - p1) > (p2 - p ): #p2 is closer 
				pTarget = p + (2.0)*self.distanceFromStartPoint;
				pEnd = pTarget - self.trackWidth;
				secondEdge = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPointsOnCurve(self.handleCurve,pTarget,p2);
				self.otherEdges = [OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPointsOnCurve(self.handleCurve,p1,pEnd) ];
			else: #p1 is closer
				pTarget = p - (2.0)*self.distanceFromStartPoint;
				pEnd = pTarget + self.trackWidth;
				secondEdge = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPointsOnCurve(self.handleCurve,p1,pTarget);
				self.otherEdges = [OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPointsOnCurve(self.handleCurve,pEnd,p2) ];
			self.connectingParam = pTarget;
			self.connectingPoint = self.curve.Value(pTarget);
			self.connectingEdges.append( OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(self.startPoint, self.connectingPoint));
Beispiel #33
    def build(self):
        topoWire = Topo(self.wire)

        #compute closest point on the wire
        brp = BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape()

        result = brp.Perform()
        p1 = brp.PointOnShape2(1)
        wb = OCCUtil.WireBuilder()
        closestParam = None
        if brp.SupportTypeShape2(1) == BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_IsOnEdge:
            #closest point is a point along an edge
            interSectingEdge = OCCUtil.cast(brp.SupportOnShape2(1))
            closestParam = brp.ParOnEdgeS2(1)
            #closest point is a point on a vertex, here we'll shorten one edge
            #in this case closest point is a vertex, so we dont have a param on an edge
            vertex = OCCUtil.cast(brp.SupportOnShape2(1))
            edges = []
            for e in topoWire.edges_from_vertex(vertex):

                interSectingEdge = edges[0]

        #compute parameter along one curve
        #break the edge into two new edges. account for a split distance between them.
        ej = EdgeJoin(interSectingEdge, self.startPoint, self.trackWidth,

        #add lead-in edges
        for e in ej.connectingEdges:

        #now add all of the other edges in the wire except the original one that we split
        for e in topoWire.edges():
            if not e.IsSame(interSectingEdge):

        for e in ej.otherEdges:

        return wb.wire()
Beispiel #34
	def build(self):
		topoWire = Topo(self.wire);
		#compute closest point on the wire
		brp = BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape();

		result = brp.Perform();    
		p1 = brp.PointOnShape2(1);
		wb = OCCUtil.WireBuilder();
		closestParam = None;
		if brp.SupportTypeShape2(1) == BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_IsOnEdge:
			#closest point is a point along an edge
			interSectingEdge = OCCUtil.cast(brp.SupportOnShape2(1));
			closestParam = brp.ParOnEdgeS2(1);
			#closest point is a point on a vertex, here we'll shorten one edge
			#in this case closest point is a vertex, so we dont have a param on an edge
			vertex = OCCUtil.cast(brp.SupportOnShape2(1));
			edges = [];     
			for e in  topoWire.edges_from_vertex(vertex):
			    interSectingEdge = edges[0];
		#compute parameter along one curve
		#break the edge into two new edges. account for a split distance between them.
		ej = EdgeJoin(interSectingEdge,self.startPoint,self.trackWidth ,closestParam); 
		#add lead-in edges
		for e in ej.connectingEdges:       
		#now add all of the other edges in the wire except the original one that we split
		for e in topoWire.edges():
		    if not e.IsSame(interSectingEdge):
		for e in ej.otherEdges:
		return wb.wire();
Beispiel #35
 def trimmedEdge(self, parameter1, parameter2):
     "make a trimmed edge based on a start and end parameter on the same curve"
     "p1 and p2 are either points or parameters"
     print "Computing new edge: p1=%0.3f, p2=%0.3f, fp=%0.3f, lp=%0.3f" % (
         parameter1, parameter2, self.firstParameter, self.lastParameter)
     if abs(parameter1 - parameter2) < 0.0001:
         print "WARNING: removing degenerate edge"
         return None
     e = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPointsOnCurve(self.handleCurve, parameter1,
     return e
Beispiel #36
    def _fillSlice(self, slice):
        # how many shells do we need?
        # attempt to create the number of shells requested by the user, plus one additional for infill
        for f in slice.faces:
            numShells = (int)(self.options.fillingWallThickness / self.extruder.trackWidth()) + 1
            numShells = max(2, numShells)
            faceWires = OCCUtil.wireListFromFace(f.face)

            # regardless, the last successfully created offset is used for hatch infill
            shells = []
            for i in range(1, numShells):
                # compute offset inwards by one track width
                offset = (-1) * i * self.extruder.trackWidth()
                innerEdge = OCCUtil.offsetWireList(faceWires, offset)

                if len(innerEdge) == 0:
                    # performance: dont offset if there were already no wires

                pathCenter = OCCUtil.offsetWireList(innerEdge, self.extruder.trackWidth() / 2)
                if len(pathCenter) > 0:

            if len(shells) > 1:
                # use last one for filling.
                print "%d shells were available for Hatching" % len(shells)
                lastShell = shells.pop()
                s = self.solid
                h = hatchlib.Hatcher(
                    lastShell, zLevel, (s.xMin, s.yMin, s.xMax, s.yMax), self.extruder.trackWidth(), cSlice.fillAngle
                ww = h.getWires()
                print "Hatching complete: %d fillWires created" % len(ww)
                f.fillWires = ww
                print "WARNING: not filling this layer, too few shells were computable"
            # add shells
            for s in shells:
                for ss in s:
Beispiel #37
def displayAllEdgesAndVertices(g):
    i = 0
    for en in g.edges_iter(data=True):
        i += 1
    print "%d edges total" % i
    i = 0
    for n in g.nodes_iter():
        i += 1
        p = gp.gp_Pnt(n[0], n[1], 0)
        display.DisplayShape(OCCUtil.make_vertex(p), update=False)
    print "%d nodes total" % i
Beispiel #38
def makeEdgeIndicator(edge):
    "makes an indicator showing which way the edge goes"
    ew = Wrappers.Edge(edge);
    fp = ew.firstParameter;
    lp = ew.lastParameter;
    if ew.reversed:
        p = fp + (( lp - fp ) * 1 / 5 );
        p = fp + ((lp - fp) * 4 /5 );
    midPnt = ew.curve.Value(p);
    return OCCUtil.make_vertex(midPnt);
Beispiel #39
def makeEdgeIndicator(edge):
    "makes an indicator showing which way the edge goes"
    ew = Wrappers.Edge(edge)
    fp = ew.firstParameter
    lp = ew.lastParameter

    if ew.reversed:
        p = fp + ((lp - fp) * 1 / 5)
        p = fp + ((lp - fp) * 4 / 5)
    midPnt = ew.curve.Value(p)
    return OCCUtil.make_vertex(midPnt)
Beispiel #40
    def buildWire(self):

        #simply do the work of the trimming and construction.
        wB = OCCUtil.WireBuilder()
        wire = self.jointRequest.wire
        tw = Topo(wire)
        edgeToTrim = self.pointOnEdge.edge

        #shorten the selected edge
        #TODO: maybe simplify this to return pointOnEdge?
        (self.trimmedEdge, self.trimmedPoint,
         self.trimmedVec) = OCCUtil.shortenEdge(edgeToTrim,

        #add the edges we didnt touch
        for e in tw.edges():
            if not e.IsSame(edgeToTrim):
        self.wire = wB.wire()
Beispiel #41
def displayAllEdgesAndVertices(g):
	for en in g.edges_iter(data=True):
	print "%d edges total" % i
	for n in g.nodes_iter():
		p = gp.gp_Pnt(n[0],n[1],0);
	print "%d nodes total" % i
Beispiel #42
    def trimmedEdgeFromPoints(self, point1, point2, tolerance):
        print "I am %s" % self
        print "Creating new edge from points: ", Point(point1), Point(point2)
        #(param1,newPoint1) = OCCUtil.findPointOnCurve(point1,self.handleCurve,tolerance);
        #(param2,newPoint2) = OCCUtil.findPointOnCurve(point2,self.handleCurve,tolerance);
        #well this is annoying-- the parameter range appears to be preventing projection, so we need to pad them
        fp = self.firstParameter
        fpnt = self.firstPoint
        lp = self.lastParameter
        lpnt = self.lastPoint
        if fp > lp:
            (lp, fp) = (fp, lp)
            (fpnt, lpnt) = (lpnt, fpnt)

        print "Params: fp=%0.3f, lp=%0.3f,tolerance=%0.3f" % (fp, lp,

        (param1, newPoint1) = OCCUtil.findPointOnCurve(point1,
        #check bounds by hand
        if param1 < fp:
            param1 = fp
            newPoint1 = fpnt
        if param1 > lp:
            parm1 = fp
            newPoint1 = lpnt
        print "point 1!"
        (param2, newPoint2) = OCCUtil.findPointOnCurve(point2,
        if param2 < fp:
            param2 = fp
            newPoint2 = fpnt
        if param2 > lp:
            parm2 = fp
            newPoint2 = lpnt

        return self.trimmedEdge(param1, param2)
Beispiel #43
def TestWireJoiner():
    wire = TestObjects.makeOffsetTestWire()
    conditions = []

    #each test condition is two points, representing an edge
    #that was drawn last.
    #in these tests, the red curve is the trimmed one, and the green is the original.
    #the yellow markers on the leadin edges and the joining segment is closer to the end

    #in each case, the solution found should minimize overlap and trim the other edge
    #as necessary.

    conditions.append((gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, 1.0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, 0.0, 0)))
    conditions.append((gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, -1.0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, 0.0, 0)))
    conditions.append((gp.gp_Pnt(15.2, 0.0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, 0.0, 0)))
    conditions.append((gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, -3.0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, -1.0, 0)))
    conditions.append((gp.gp_Pnt(20.2, 19.0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(20.2, 20.0, 0)))
    conditions.append((gp.gp_Pnt(30.2, 25.0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(20.2, 20.0, 0)))

    for (startPoint, endPoint) in conditions:
        display.DisplayColoredShape(wire, 'GREEN')
        initVector = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(startPoint, endPoint)
            OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(startPoint, endPoint), 'BLUE')
        vec = gp.gp_Vec(startPoint, endPoint)
        jrequest = JointRequest(endPoint, vec, 0.8, wire)
        wj = WireJoiner(jrequest, 4.0)
        #this is a huge tolerance, but helps for testing
        solution =
        display.DisplayColoredShape(solution.wire, 'RED')
        entryEdge = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(endPoint, solution.entryPoint)
        if solution.isJoint:
            display.DisplayColoredShape(entryEdge, 'WHITE')
            display.DisplayColoredShape(entryEdge, 'YELLOW')
Beispiel #44
def TestWireJoiner():
    wire = TestObjects.makeOffsetTestWire()
    conditions = []

    # each test condition is two points, representing an edge
    # that was drawn last.
    # in these tests, the red curve is the trimmed one, and the green is the original.
    # the yellow markers on the leadin edges and the joining segment is closer to the end

    # in each case, the solution found should minimize overlap and trim the other edge
    # as necessary.

    conditions.append((gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, 1.0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, 0.0, 0)))
    conditions.append((gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, -1.0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, 0.0, 0)))
    conditions.append((gp.gp_Pnt(15.2, 0.0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, 0.0, 0)))
    conditions.append((gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, -3.0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(11.2, -1.0, 0)))
    conditions.append((gp.gp_Pnt(20.2, 19.0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(20.2, 20.0, 0)))
    conditions.append((gp.gp_Pnt(30.2, 25.0, 0), gp.gp_Pnt(20.2, 20.0, 0)))

    for (startPoint, endPoint) in conditions:
        display.DisplayColoredShape(wire, "GREEN")
        initVector = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(startPoint, endPoint)
        display.DisplayColoredShape(OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(startPoint, endPoint), "BLUE")
        vec = gp.gp_Vec(startPoint, endPoint)
        jrequest = JointRequest(endPoint, vec, 0.8, wire)
        wj = WireJoiner(jrequest, 4.0)
        # this is a huge tolerance, but helps for testing
        solution =
        display.DisplayColoredShape(solution.wire, "RED")
        entryEdge = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(endPoint, solution.entryPoint)
        if solution.isJoint:
            display.DisplayColoredShape(entryEdge, "WHITE")
            display.DisplayColoredShape(entryEdge, "YELLOW")
Beispiel #45
def distToPoint( wire, vertex):
    brp = BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape();
    result = brp.Perform();
    if result:
        if brp.NbSolution() > 1:
            print "weird, more than one solution"
        point = brp.PointOnShape2(1);
        #otherwise, figure out what kind of location we have.
        if brp.SupportTypeShape2(1) == BRepExtrema.BRepExtrema_IsOnEdge:
            #closest point is a point along an edge
            edge = OCCUtil.cast(brp.SupportOnShape2(1));
            parameter = brp.ParOnEdgeS2(1);
            #print "Closest point is on an edge"
            #closest point is a point on a vertex
            vertex = OCCUtil.cast(brp.SupportOnShape2(1));
            #print "closest point is on vertex"
        return point;
Beispiel #46
	def getWires(self):
		q = time.clock();
		en = self.graphBuilder.walkEdges();
		#print "Walked Edges-- %d total paths, %0.3f sec" % (len(en), ( time.clock() - q ) );
		wires = [];
		for path in en:
			wb = OCCUtil.WireBuilder();
			for edge in Util.pairwise(path):
				#each pair is a set of nodes that form an edge in the graph. We need to ge the OCC edges from each
				for occEdge in self.graphBuilder.getEdges(edge[0],edge[1]):
					wb.add( OCCUtil.cast(occEdge) );
				wires.append(wb.wire() );
		return wires;
Beispiel #47
    def getPointAtVertex(self, vertex):
        p = brepTool.Parameter(vertex, self.edge)
        r = PointOnEdge()

        r.param = p
        r.vertex = vertex
        r.edge = self.edge

        (r.point, r.vector) = OCCUtil.D1AtPointOnCurve(self.curve, p)
        #tricky-- reverse the vector if the edge is reversed
        if self.reversed:
            r.vector = r.vector.Reversed()
        r.niceVec = Vec(r.vector)
        r.nicePoint = Pnt(r.point)
        return r
Beispiel #48
def testLineDirection():
    p1 = gp.gp_Pnt(0,0,0);
    p2 = gp.gp_Pnt(1,0,0);
    p3 = gp.gp_Pnt(-1,0,0);
    e1 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p1,p2);
    e2 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p1,p3);
    (hCurve1, startp1, endp1) = brepTool.Curve(e1);
    (hCurve2, startp2, endp2) = brepTool.Curve(e2);
    curve1 = hCurve1.GetObject();
    q1 = gp.gp_Pnt();
    v1 = gp.gp_Vec();
    q2 = gp.gp_Pnt();
    v2 = gp.gp_Vec();  
    curve1 = GeomAdaptor.GeomAdaptor_Curve(hCurve1);
    curve2 = GeomAdaptor.GeomAdaptor_Curve(hCurve2);
    print v2.Angle(v1);
    print v1.Magnitude(),v1.X(), v1.Y(), v1.Z();
    print v2.Magnitude(),v2.X(), v2.Y(), v2.Z();
Beispiel #49
def testLineDirection():
    p1 = gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0)
    p2 = gp.gp_Pnt(1, 0, 0)
    p3 = gp.gp_Pnt(-1, 0, 0)
    e1 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p1, p2)
    e2 = OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints(p1, p3)

    (hCurve1, startp1, endp1) = brepTool.Curve(e1)
    (hCurve2, startp2, endp2) = brepTool.Curve(e2)
    curve1 = hCurve1.GetObject()

    q1 = gp.gp_Pnt()
    v1 = gp.gp_Vec()
    q2 = gp.gp_Pnt()
    v2 = gp.gp_Vec()
    curve1 = GeomAdaptor.GeomAdaptor_Curve(hCurve1)
    curve2 = GeomAdaptor.GeomAdaptor_Curve(hCurve2)

    curve1.D1(endp1, q1, v1)
    curve2.D1(endp2, q2, v2)

    print v2.Angle(v1)
    print v1.Magnitude(), v1.X(), v1.Y(), v1.Z()
    print v2.Magnitude(), v2.X(), v2.Y(), v2.Z()
Beispiel #50
	def buildGraph(self):
		g = self.graph;
		#add fill edge nodes first
		for e in self.fillEdges:
			g.add_edge(e[0], e[1], {"type":'FILL', "edgeList":e[2]});
		#add boundary nodes. 
		for (edge, pointList ) in self.boundaryEdges.iteritems():
			#sort the points by parameter
			sortedPoints = sorted(pointList,key = lambda p: p.param );
			for (poe1,poe2) in Util.pairwise(sortedPoints):
				#dont add if there is already an edge
				if not g.has_edge(poe1.node,poe2.node):
					#here we need to trim each edge to limit it to the desired parameters
					g.add_edge(poe1.node,poe2.node,{"type":"BOUND", "edge": OCCUtil.trimmedEdge(edge,poe1.param,poe2.param)});
Beispiel #51
def approximatedWire(wire):
    "returns a bezier approximation of the specified wire as an edge"
    #make a parameterized approximation of the wire
    adaptor = BRepAdaptor.BRepAdaptor_CompCurve(wire)
    curve = BRepAdaptor.BRepAdaptor_HCompCurve(adaptor)
    curveHandle = curve.GetHandle()

    #approximate the curve using a tolerance
    approx = Approx.Approx_Curve3d(curveHandle, 0.01, GeomAbs.GeomAbs_C2, 1000,
    if approx.IsDone() and approx.HasResult():
        # have the result
        anApproximatedCurve = approx.Curve()

        builder = BRepLib.BRepLib_MakeEdge(anApproximatedCurve)
        e = builder.Edge()
        return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges([e])
Beispiel #52
    def computeBounds(self):
        "Get the bounds of all the faces"
        if self.bounds == None:
            box = Bnd.Bnd_Box()
            b = BRepBndLib.BRepBndLib()

            for f in OCCUtil.hSeqIterator(s.faces):
                b.Add(f, box)

            bounds = box.Get()
            xMin = bounds[0]
            xMax = bounds[3]
            yMin = bounds[1]
            yMax = bounds[4]
            zMin = bounds[2]
            zMax = bounds[5]
            self.bounds = [xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, zMin, zMax]
        return self.bounds
Beispiel #53
    def buildWire(self):

        # simply do the work of the trimming and construction.
        wB = OCCUtil.WireBuilder()
        wire = self.jointRequest.wire
        tw = Topo(wire)
        edgeToTrim = self.pointOnEdge.edge

        # shorten the selected edge
        # TODO: maybe simplify this to return pointOnEdge?
        (self.trimmedEdge, self.trimmedPoint, self.trimmedVec) = OCCUtil.shortenEdge(
            edgeToTrim, self.pointOnEdge.point, self.trimDistance

        # add the edges we didnt touch
        for e in tw.edges():
            if not e.IsSame(edgeToTrim):
        self.wire = wB.wire()
Beispiel #54
    def makeSection(self, cuttingPlane, shapeToSection, zLevel):
            Uses halfspaces to make a cut.
        bff = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(cuttingPlane)
        face = bff.Face()
        origin = gp.gp_Pnt(0, 0, zLevel - 1)

        # odd, a halfspace is faster than a box?
        hs = BRepPrimAPI.BRepPrimAPI_MakeHalfSpace(face, origin)
        halfspace = hs.Solid()

        # make the cut
        bc = BRepAlgoAPI.BRepAlgoAPI_Cut(self.solid.shape, halfspace)
        cutShape = bc.Shape()

        ff = []
        for face in Topo(cutShape).faces():
            if OCCUtil.isFaceAtZLevel(zLevel, face):
        return ff
Beispiel #55
	def addFillEdges(self,edgeList):

		if len(edgeList) == 1:
			(f,l) = brepTool.Range(edgeList[0]);
			p1 = tP( OCCUtil.pointAtParameter( edgeList[0],f));
			p2 = tP( OCCUtil.pointAtParameter( edgeList[0],l));
			firstEdge = edgeList[0];
			lastEdge = edgeList[-1];
			(f,l) = brepTool.Range(firstEdge);
			(n,m) = brepTool.Range(lastEdge);
			if firstEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs.TopAbs_FORWARD:
				p1 = tP( OCCUtil.pointAtParameter( firstEdge,f));
				p1 = tP( OCCUtil.pointAtParameter ( firstEdge,l));
			if lastEdge.Orientation() == TopAbs.TopAbs_FORWARD:	
				p2 = tP(OCCUtil.pointAtParameter(lastEdge,m ));
				p2 = tP(OCCUtil.pointAtParameter(lastEdge,n ));
		self.fillEdges.append( (p1,p2,edgeList )); #would be nice if edge lists and edges looked the same
Beispiel #56
def makeOffsetTestWire():
    "creates difficult test cases for offsetting"
    p1 = OCCUtil.pnt(11.0,0);
    p2 = OCCUtil.pnt(7.0,8.0);
    p3 = OCCUtil.pnt(7.0,12.0);
    p4 = OCCUtil.pnt(17.0,22.0);
    p5 = OCCUtil.pnt(0.0,22.0);
    p6 = OCCUtil.pnt(3.0,17.0);
    p7 = OCCUtil.pnt(4.0,8.0 );
    c1 = OCCUtil.pnt(10.0,18.5);
    c2 = OCCUtil.pnt(6.0,3.0);
    edges = [];
    edges.append( OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints( p1, p2 ));
    edges.append( OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints( p2, p3 ));
    circle = GC.GC_MakeArcOfCircle(p3, c1, p4); #circle through 3 points
    e2 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle.Value()).Edge();
    edges.append( OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints( p4, p5 ));
    edges.append( OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints( p5, p6 ));
    edges.append( OCCUtil.edgeFromTwoPoints( p6, p7 ));

    circle = GC.GC_MakeArcOfCircle(p1, c2, p7 ); #circle through 3 points
    e3 = BRepBuilderAPI.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(circle.Value() ).Edge();

    return OCCUtil.wireFromEdges(edges);