Beispiel #1
	def isKeyImported(self, id_):
		Checks if a public or private key is imported into the local keyring.
		@param id_	str:	An 8 or 16 character hex string
		return id_ + ":" in OS.runCMD("gpg --list-secret-keys --with-colons").stdout or \
			   id_ + ":" in OS.runCMD("gpg --list-public-keys --with-colons").stdout
 def hasRule(cls, port, policy, proto="tcp", source="0/0", dest="0/0", states=[]):
     if not isinstance(port, list):
         port = list(port)
     policy = policy.upper()
     assert policy in ["ACCEPT", "DROP"]
     proto = proto.lower()
     if not isinstance(proto, list):
         proto = list(proto)
     states = [state.upper() for state in states]
     if not isinstance(states, list):
         states = list(states)
     if source == ["anywhere"]:
         source = ["0/0"]
     if dest == ["anywhere"]:
         dest = ["0/0"]
     if proto != ["all"]:
         proto = [proto, "all"]
     for line in OS.runCMD("sudo iptables -L").stdout:
         line = line.split()
         if line[0] == policy and line[1] in proto and line[3] == 
     sshFinder = lambda x: x[0] == "ACCEPT" and x[1] in ["tcp", "all"] and x[3] == "anywhere" and x[4] == "anywhere" and "dpt:ssh" in x[5:]
Beispiel #3
	def encrypt(self, inputFilePath, keyID):
		Encrypts a file.
		Note that the necessary keys must already be imported, signed, and trusted in the local keyring
		in order for encryption to work.
		@param inputFilePath	str:	File to encrypt. Will not be modified.
		@param keyID			str:	An 8 or 16 character hex string
		@return					str:	Path of the encrypted file
		inputFilePath = str(inputFilePath)
		outputFilePath = inputFilePath + ".pgp"
		if os.path.exists(outputFilePath):
		OS.runCMD("gpg --batch -r %s --output %s --encrypt %s", (keyID, outputFilePath, inputFilePath))
		return outputFilePath
Beispiel #4
	def decrypt(self, inputFilePath, password=None):
		Decrypts a file.
		Note that the necessary keys must already be imported, signed, and trusted in the local keyring
		in order for decryption to work.
		@param inputFilePath	str:	File to decrypt. Must have .pgp extension. Will not be modified.
		@param password			str:	Password of private key in keyring, or None if no password.
		@return					str:	Path of the decrypted file
		inputFilePath = str(inputFilePath)
		assert inputFilePath.endswith(".pgp")
		outputFilePath = os.path.splitext(inputFilePath)[0]
		if os.path.exists(outputFilePath):
		if password != None:
			OS.runCMD("gpg --batch --passphrase %s --output %s --decrypt %s", (password, outputFilePath, inputFilePath))
			OS.runCMD("gpg --batch --output %s --decrypt %s", (outputFilePath, inputFilePath))
		return outputFilePath
Beispiel #5
	def getKeyID(self, filename):
		Gets first key ID of the key in filename.
		@return str:	8 character hex string
		filename = str(filename)
		id_ = None
		for line in OS.runCMD("gpg --with-colons %s", filename).stdout.split("\n"):
			line = line.split(":")
			if line[0] == "pub":
				if id_ != None:
					raise Exception("More than 1 key found in " + filename)
				id_ = line[4][8:]
		return id_
Beispiel #6
	def importPublicKey(self, keyFile):
		keyFile = str(keyFile)
		OS.runCMD("gpg --batch --import %s", keyFile)
Beispiel #7
	def markKeyTrusted(self, id_):
		LIMITATION: Owner trust of key can't be set non-interactively for it due to limitations in the gnupg interface
		OS.runCMD("gpg --edit-key %s trust quit", id_)
Beispiel #8
	def signKey(self, id_):
		LIMITATION: If key is already signed, gnupg prints out key information to terminal even if stdout is connected to pipe
		OS.runCMD("gpg --batch --lsign-key %s", id_)
Beispiel #9
	def importPrivateKey(self, keyFile):
		keyFile = str(keyFile)
		OS.runCMD("gpg --batch --allow-secret-key-import --import %s", keyFile)