Beispiel #1
# Set data
inData = OTF.newPOTF("Input data", inFile, disk, 1, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing")

# Set scans
scan = [126, 128]  # Part 2
#scan = [40,42] # Part 1, first
#scan = [77,75] # Part 1, second

dim = OTF.dim
dim[0] = 1
dim[1] = 1
inInfo = OTF.PGetList(inData)
dim[0] = 2
InfoList.PAlwaysPutInt(inInfo, "Scan", dim, scan)
# Do fitting
OTFUtil.PFitOnOff(inData, -1, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error fitting cal scan")

# Give results
print "Fitting scans", scan, "in", inFile
stuff = InfoList.PGet(inInfo, "TRX")
print "Average TRx = ", stuff[4]
stuff = InfoList.PGet(inInfo, "CALJY")
print "Average CalJy = ", stuff[4]

# Shutdown Obit
Beispiel #2
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Obit startup")

# Files
disk = 1
inFile = "GBTDaisyX2OTF.fits"  # input OTF data
imageFile = "PythonDaisyXClean.fits"  # Input image to subtract (clean)
#imageFile= "PythonTDaisyX.fits"         # Input image to subtract (dirty)
outFile = "!GBTDaisyXSubOTF.fits"  # output OTF data

# Set data
inData = OTF.newPOTF("Input data", inFile, disk, 1, err)
outData = OTF.newPOTF("Output data", outFile, disk, 0, err)
OTF.POTFClone(inData, outData, err)  # Same structure etc
modImage = Image.newPImage("Model Image", imageFile, disk, 1, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing")

# Read image
imageData = Image.PImageReadPlane(modImage, err)
imageDesc = Image.PImageGetDesc(modImage)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error reading image")

# Subtract image from scratch
OTFUtil.POTFUtilSubImage(inData, outData, imageData, imageDesc, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error subtracting image")

# Say something
print "Subtracted", imageFile, "from", inFile, " and wrote to", outFile

# Shutdown Obit
Beispiel #3
scan = [15]
tsky = [300.0]
minEl = [10.0]
tcal = [9.6, 9.8, 5.65, 5.55, 9.6, 9.8, 5.65, 5.55]  # Qband
dim = OTF.dim
dim[0] = 1
dim[1] = 1
inInfo = OTF.PGetList(inData)
InfoList.PAlwaysPutInt(inInfo, "Scan", dim, scan)
InfoList.PAlwaysPutFloat(inInfo, "TSKY", dim, tsky)
InfoList.PAlwaysPutFloat(inInfo, "MINEL", dim, minEl)
dim[0] = len(tcal)
InfoList.PAlwaysPutFloat(inInfo, "TCAL", dim, tcal)

# Do fitting
OTFUtil.PFitTip(inData, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error fitting tipping scan")

# Give results
print "Fitting scan", scan[0], "in", inFile, "above elev", minEl[0]
stuff = InfoList.PGet(inInfo, "TAU0")
print "tau0 = ", stuff[4]
stuff = InfoList.PGet(inInfo, "TRX")
print "TRx = ", stuff[4], "cal units"
print "TRx = ", stuff[4][0] * tcal[0], stuff[4][1] * tcal[1], "K"
stuff = InfoList.PGet(inInfo, "ATEMP")
print "ATemp = ", stuff[4], "cal units per airmass"
print "ATemp = ", stuff[4][0] * tcal[0], stuff[4][1] * tcal[1], "K"
stuff = InfoList.PGet(inInfo, "TIPRMS")
print "RMS residuals (K) = ", stuff[4]
Beispiel #4
# Files
disk = 1
inFile = "QbandOTF.fits"  # input OTF data

# Editing
timerange = [0.0, 1.0e20]  # all times
chans = [1, 0]  # all channels
flagVer = 1  # Flagging table 1
target = "Any"  # all targets
feed = 2  # Flag microphonic data
stokes = "100"  # Stokes flag
reason = "Microphonic"  # reason string

# Set data
inData = OTF.newPOTF("Input data", inFile, disk, 1, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error creating input data object")

# Make edit
OTFUtil.PFlag(inData, err, timerange, target, flagVer, chans, stokes, feed,
feed = 4
OTFUtil.PFlag(inData, err, timerange, target, flagVer, chans, stokes, feed,
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error writing flag table")

# tell results
print "Flag", inFile, "timerange", timerange, "stokes", stokes, 'feed', feed

# Shutdown Obit
Beispiel #5
OTF.PClone(inData, outData, err)  # Same structure etc
#tttData = OTF.newPOTF("tmp data",    "!"+tmpFile, disk, 0, err)
#OTF.PClone(inData, tttData, err)     # Same structure etc
modImage = Image.newPImage("Model Image", imageFile, disk, 1, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error initializing")

# Read image
imageData = Image.PReadPlane(modImage, err)
imageDesc = Image.PGetDesc(modImage)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error reading image")

# Make scratch version
tmpData = OTF.PScratch(inData, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error making scratch file")

# zero scratch data
scale = 0.0
offset = 0.0
OTFUtil.PScale(inData, tmpData, scale, offset, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error scaling OTF")

# Subtract image from scratch
OTFUtil.PSubImage(tmpData, outData, imageData, imageDesc, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error subtracting image")

# Say something
print "Subtracted", imageFile, "from", inFile, " and wrote to", outFile

# Shutdown Obit
Beispiel #6
# Set scans
scan = [80, 81, 82, 83]  # 16Apr04 Q band test
tau0 = 0.03  #Qband - wild guess
ATemp = [0.735, 0.722, 0.722, 0.722, 0.722, 0.722, 0.722, 0.722]  # wild guess
dim = OTF.dim
dim[0] = 1
dim[1] = 1
inInfo = OTF.PGetList(inData)
InfoList.PAlwaysPutFloat(inInfo, "TAU0", dim, [tau0])
dim[0] = len(ATemp)
InfoList.PAlwaysPutFloat(inInfo, "ATEMP", dim, ATemp)
dim[0] = 4
InfoList.PAlwaysPutInt(inInfo, "Scan", dim, scan)

# Do fitting
OTFUtil.PFitCal(inData, -1, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error fitting cal scan")

# Give results
print "Fitting scans", scan, "in", inFile
stuff = InfoList.PGet(inInfo, "TRX")
print "Average TRx = ", stuff[4]
stuff = InfoList.PGet(inInfo, "CALJY")
print "Average CalJy = ", stuff[4]
stuff = InfoList.PGet(inInfo, "Timeoff")
print "Average Timeoff = ", stuff[4]
print "Use opposite sign of Timeoff in DCR2OTR input"

# Shutdown Obit
Beispiel #7
tsky = [300.0]
minEl = [10.0]
#XBand tcal = [3.24,3.35]
tcal = [3.93, 2.88]  # Cband
dim = OTF.dim
dim[0] = 1
dim[1] = 1
inInfo = OTF.PGetList(inData)
InfoList.PAlwaysPutInt(inInfo, "Scan", dim, scan)
InfoList.PAlwaysPutFloat(inInfo, "TSKY", dim, tsky)
InfoList.PAlwaysPutFloat(inInfo, "MINEL", dim, minEl)
dim[0] = 2
InfoList.PAlwaysPutFloat(inInfo, "TCAL", dim, tcal)

# Do fitting
OTFUtil.POTFUtilFitTip(inData, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error fitting tipping scan")

# Give results
print "Fitting scan", scan[0], "in", inFile, "above elev", minEl[0]
stuff = InfoList.PGet(inInfo, "TAU0")
print "tau0 = ", stuff[4]
stuff = InfoList.PGet(inInfo, "TRX")
print "TRx = ", stuff[4], "cal units"
print "TRx = ", stuff[4][0] * tcal[0], stuff[4][1] * tcal[1], "K"
stuff = InfoList.PGet(inInfo, "ATEMP")
print "ATemp = ", stuff[4], "cal units per airmass"
print "ATemp = ", stuff[4][0] * tcal[0], stuff[4][1] * tcal[1], "K"
stuff = InfoList.Pet(inInfo, "TIPRMS")
print "RMS residuals (K) = ", stuff[4]
Beispiel #8
inInfo.set("Targets", target)
inInfo.set("Scans", scans)
inInfo.set("timeRange", timerange)
inInfo.set("doCalSelect", True)
inInfo.set("flagVer", flagver)
gainuse = 0
inInfo.set("gainUse", gainuse)
inInfo.set("doCalib", 1)

# Copy/calibrate  Scan list or range?
if ScanList:
    inOTF.CopyList(outOTF, ScanList, err)
    inOTF.Copy(outOTF, err)
# Index
OTFUtil.PIndex(outOTF, err)
OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error selecting data")
# Create an initial dummy table with a interval 1/4 of the shortest
# Filter type solution interval.
inter = solInt / 4
OTFGetSoln.POTFGetDummyCal(outOTF, outOTF, inter, 1, 1, err)
inInfo = outOTF.List

############################ Initial Common Mode filter ########################
baseCal = 1
if (CommonInt):
    print "Common mode only calibration, si=", CommonInt
    ResidCalInput = OTF.ResidCalInput
    ResidCalInput["InData"] = outOTF
    ResidCalInput["solInt"] = CommonInt
    ResidCalInput["solType"] = "MultiBeam"  # Common mode
Beispiel #9
def InitCal (inData, targets, err, \
             flagver=1, CalJy=[38.5], BLInt=30., AtmInt=20.,tau0=0.1,
             PointTab=None, prior=None, priorModel = True, PSF=None, clip=0.0):
    """ Initial calibration of Mustang (PAR) data

    Any prior calibration tables are removed and then does the following:
      1) Generate an initial Cal table with a time increment of 1/4 of the
         lesser of BLInt and AtmInt
      2) Gain and Weight calibration, conversion to Jy uses CalJy
         CalJy can contain either a single value for all detectors or
         one value per detector.  This is the value of the cal in Jy.
      3) a "Baseline" per detector offsets on timescales longer than BLInt
         are determined and applied
      4) "Atmosphere" calibration determining one offset per detector per scan
         and a common mode offset on time scales longer than AtmInt.
         Opacity corrections are based on tau0 (zenith opacity in nepers)
      5) If PointTab is specified, pointing corrections are applied.
    When the procedure is finished, data cal be calibrated using the highest
    Cal table.
    If prior is given it is a Clean image if the target to be subtracted
    prior to the Baseline and Atmosphere calibration.
    Note: this only makes sense when all targets are covered by prior.
    If this option is used the instrumental PSF must also be provided in PSF.
    inData  = OTF data set to be calibrated
    targets = list of target names, empty list = all
    err     = Python Obit Error/message stack
    flagver =
    CalJy   = Array of the cal in Jy.  CalJy can contain either a single value
              for all detectors or one value per detector.  
    BLInt   = Baseline filter shortest timescale in sec
    AtmInt  = Atmospheric filter shortest timescale in sec
    tau0    = zenith opacity in nepers
              this can be either a scalar constant opacity, or a table in the form
              of a list of lists of time (days) and opacity, e.g.:
              # From Ron's weather server from CLEO
              tau0 = [[0.000, 0.102],        \
                      [0.042, 0.100],  \
                      [0.083, 0.100], \
                      [0.250, 0.154]] 
    PointTab= a table of pointing offsets in time order
            [time(day) d Xel (asec), d el (asec)]
            an example:
            PointTab=[[0.06189,-0.38, 0.38],  \
                      [0.09888,-2.77,-1.80],  \
                      [0.13052,-2.10,-0.92],  \
                      [0.16667,-1.86, 1.07],  \
                      [0.19509,-2.32, 1.29]]
           Such a table can be generated from a dataset by CalImage
    prior   = If given, a CLEAN image covering all targets given,
            This model will be subtracted from the data prior to
            "Baseline" and "Atmosphere" calibration
            If this option is used the instrumental PSF must also be provided
            in PSF.
    priorModel  = If prior defined then priorModel is true if the model (CC table)
            is to be used, if False then the image itself is used.
    PSF     = If prior is given, this is the instrumental PSF to use in the
    clip    = clip model below this value

    # Initial calibration
    # delete any prior calibration tables
    print "Remove previous calibration"
    OTF.ClearCal(inData, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error deleting prior cal tables")

    solInt = min(BLInt, AtmInt)

    # Create an initial dummy table with a interval 1/4 of the shortest
    # Filter type solution interval.
    inter = solInt / 4
    print "Create initial calibration table, interval", inter
    OTFGetSoln.POTFGetDummyCal(inData, inData, inter, 1, 1, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error creating initial cal table")

    # Gain/Weight calibration
    print "Gain/Weight  calibration"
    inInfo = inData.List
    inInfo.set("calJy", CalJy)
    inInfo.set("doWate", True)  # Do weight calibration
    OTFGetSoln.POTFGetSolnPARGain(inData, inData, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Gain/Weight calibration")

    # Update OTF Cal table
    OTF.Soln2CalInput["InData"] = inData  # Input data object
    OTF.Soln2CalInput["oldCal"] = 1  # Use initial cal
    OTF.Soln2CalInput["newCal"] = 2  # New cal table
    OTF.Soln2Cal(err, OTF.Soln2CalInput)  # Apply
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error updating Cal table with Soln")

    ################################## Target specification #################################
    inInfo.set("Targets", targets)  # select only target data
    inInfo.set("Stokes", "    ")  # Set Stokes
    inInfo.set("doCalSelect", True)
    inInfo.set("flagVer", flagver)
    inInfo.set("gainUse", 0)

    ########################### Residual data from prior model #############################
    # Get prior model, if any and compute residual OTF
    if prior != None:
        print "Using prior model, priorModel=", priorModel
        gainuse = 0
        inInfo.set("gainUse", gainuse)
        inInfo.set("doCalib", 1)
        inInfo.set("flagVer", flagver)
        if priorModel:
            # Use CC table
            prior.List.set("clip", clip)
            resid = OTFUtil.PSubModel(inData, None, prior, PSF, err)
            # Use Image
            prior.Open(Image.READONLY, err)
            resid = OTF.PScratch(inData, err)
            OTFUtil.PSubImage(inData, resid, prior.FArray, prior.Desc, err)
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with residial data")
        print "No prior model used"
        resid = inData

    ############################## "Baseline" filter  #############################
    print "Baseline Filter"
    solint = BLInt / 86400.0
    inInfo.set("solInt", solint)
    inInfo.set("doCalSelect", True)
    inInfo.set("flagVer", flagver)
    gainuse = 2
    inInfo.set("gainUse", gainuse)
    inInfo.set("doCalib", 1)
    OTFGetSoln.PFilter(resid, inData, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with Baseline calibration")

    # Soln2Cal parameters for filter cal (most defaulted)
    OTF.Soln2CalInput["InData"] = inData  # Input data object
    OTF.Soln2CalInput["oldCal"] = 2  # Use gain cal output
    OTF.Soln2CalInput["newCal"] = 3  # New cal table
    OTF.Soln2Cal(err, OTF.Soln2CalInput)  # Apply
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error updating Cal table with Soln")

    ########################### Residual data from prior model #############################
    # Get prior model, if any and compute residual OTF
    if prior != None:
        print "Using prior model, priorModel=", priorModel
        gainuse = 0
        inInfo.set("gainUse", gainuse)
        inInfo.set("doCalib", 1)
        inInfo.set("flagVer", flagver)
        if priorModel:
            # Use CC table
            resid = OTFUtil.PSubModel(inData, None, prior, PSF, err)
            # Use Image
            prior.Open(Image.READONLY, err)
            resid = OTF.PScratch(inData, err)
            OTFUtil.PSubImage(inData, resid, prior.FArray, prior.Desc, err)
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with residial data")
        print "No prior model used"
        resid = inData

    ############################## Common atmosphere + offset #############################
    print "Common atmosphere removal"
    inInfo.set("Tau0", tau0)  # Opacity table
    inInfo.set("doCalSelect", True)
    inInfo.set("flagVer", flagver)
    gainuse = 0
    inInfo.set("gainUse", gainuse)
    inInfo.set("doCalib", 1)
    solint = AtmInt / 86400.0
    inInfo.set("solInt", solint)
    clipsig = 5.0
    inInfo.set("ClipSig", clipsig)
    plotDet = -10
    inInfo.set("plotDet", plotDet)
    OTFGetSoln.PMBBase(resid, inData, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with atmosphere calibration")

    # Soln2Cal for Atm cal
    OTF.Soln2CalInput["InData"] = inData  # Input data object
    OTF.Soln2CalInput["oldCal"] = 3  # Use baseline cal output
    OTF.Soln2CalInput["newCal"] = 4  # New cal table
    OTF.Soln2Cal(err, OTF.Soln2CalInput)  # Apply
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error updating Cal table with Soln")

    ############################### Pointing correction ##################################
    if PointTab != None:
        print "Apply pointing corrections"
        inInfo.set("POffset", PointTab)
        OTFGetSoln.POTFGetSolnPointTab(inData, inData, err)
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error with pointing corrections")

        # Soln2Cal for Point cal
        OTF.Soln2CalInput["InData"] = inData  # Input data object
        OTF.Soln2CalInput["oldCal"] = 4  # Use baseline cal output
        OTF.Soln2CalInput["newCal"] = 5  # New cal table
        OTF.Soln2Cal(err, OTF.Soln2CalInput)  # Apply
        OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error updating Cal table with Soln")
Beispiel #10
def CleanSkyModel(err, input=CleanSkyModelInput):
    """ Create a CLEAN image sky model of an OTF data set

    Does imaging and cleaning of specified data.
    Returns an image model of the CLEAN components convolved with PSF
    err     = Python Obit Error/message stack
    input   = input parameter dictionary, for interactive use, the function input
              will display the contents in human readable format.

    Input dictionary entries:
    InData  = Python input OTF to calibrate
    DirtyName = Dirty image name, None = scratch
    CleanName = Clean image name, None = scratch
    outDisk = Disk number for output files
    PSF     = Image with telescope psf
    scans   = scan range to image
    target  = list of targets to include, center will be position of first
    nx      = number of pixels in 'X' = RA
    ny      = number of pixels in 'Y' = dec
    xCells  = Cell spacing in x (asec)
    yCells  = Cell spacing in y (asec)
    ConvType= Convolving function Type 0=pillbox,3=Gaussian,4=exp*sinc,5=Sph wave
    ConvParm= Convolving function parameters depends on ConvType
      Type 2 = Sinc, (poor function - don't use)
        Parm[0] = halfwidth in cells,
        Parm[1] = Expansion factor
      Type 3 = Gaussian,
        Parm[0] = halfwidth in cells,[def 3.0]
        Parm[1] = Gaussian with as fraction or raw beam [def 1.0]
      Type 4 = Exp*Sinc
        Parm[0] = halfwidth in cells, [def 2.0]
        Parm[1] = 1/sinc factor (cells) [def 1.55]
        Parm[2] = 1/exp factor (cells) [def 2.52]
        Parm[3] = exp power [def 2.0]
      Type 5 = Spherodial wave 
        Parm[0] = halfwidth in cells [def 3.0]
        Parm[1] = Alpha [def 5.0]
        Parm[2] = Expansion factor [not used]
    gainUse = version number of prior table (Soln or Cal) to apply, -1 is none
    flagVer = version number of flagging table to apply, -1 is none
    Niter       = Maximum number of CLEAN iterations
    Patch       = Beam patch in pixels [def 100]
    noResid     = If True do not include residuals in restored image
    BeamSize    = Restoring beam (deg)
    Gain        = CLEAN loop gain
    Window      = list of Clean windows
    autoWindow  = True if autoWindow feature wanted.
    # Get input parameters
    dim = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    inData = input["InData"]
    inInfo = inData.List
    # Checks
    if not OTF.PIsA(inData):
        raise TypeError, 'Image: Bad input OTF'
    if err.isErr:  # existing error?
        return None

    # Set calibration
    gainUse = input["gainUse"]
    flagVer = input["flagVer"]
    # Default table versions (the Obit routines will do this as well)
    if gainUse == 0:  # Get highest numbered OTFCal table
        gainUse = Obit.OTFGetHighVer(, "OTFCal")
    if gainUse == 0:  # Doesn't seem to be one, try OTFSoln
        gainUse = Obit.OTFGetHighVer(, "OTFSoln")
    if gainUse == 0:  # Must not be one
        gainUse = -1
    inInfo.set("doCalSelect", True)
    inInfo.set("flagVer", flagVer)
    if gainUse > 0:
        inInfo.set("doCalib", 1)
        inInfo.set("gainUse", gainUse)

    # Get position from OTF
    target = input["target"]
    pos = GBTUtil.GetTargetPos(inData, target[0], err)
    ra = pos[0]  # ra of center
    dec = pos[1]  # dec of center

    # Set imaging/calibration parameters
    outDisk = input["outDisk"]
    # Imaging parameters
    DirtyName = input["DirtyName"]
    if DirtyName == None:
        DirtyName = "tmp" + target[0] + "Dirty.fits"
    OTF.ImageInput["InData"] = inData
    OTF.ImageInput["OutName"] = DirtyName
    OTF.ImageInput["disk"] = outDisk
    OTF.ImageInput["Beam"] = input["PSF"]
    OTF.ImageInput["ra"] = ra
    OTF.ImageInput["dec"] = dec
    OTF.ImageInput["xCells"] = input["xCells"]
    OTF.ImageInput["yCells"] = input["yCells"]
    OTF.ImageInput["nx"] = input["nx"]
    OTF.ImageInput["ny"] = input["ny"]
    OTF.ImageInput["gainUse"] = 0
    OTF.ImageInput["flagVer"] = flagVer
    OTF.ImageInput["minWt"] = input["minWt"]
    OTF.ImageInput["ConvType"] = input["ConvType"]
    OTF.ImageInput["ConvParm"] = input["ConvParm"]

    #  Make image
    DirtyImg = OTF.makeImage(err, OTF.ImageInput)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error making initial image")

    # Clean to get sky model
    cleanFile = input["CleanName"]
    if cleanFile:
        CleanImg = Image.newPFImage("Clean Image", cleanFile, outDisk, False,
    else:  # scratch
        CleanImg = DirtyImg.Scratch(err)

    CleanObj = CleanOTF.PCreate("Clean", DirtyImg, input["PSF"], CleanImg, err)
    for win in input["Window"]:
        CleanOTF.PAddWindow(CleanObj, win, err)

    # CLEAN parameters
    CleanOTF.CleanInput["CleanOTF"] = CleanObj  # Clean object
    CleanOTF.CleanInput["autoWindow"] = input["autoWindow"]
    CleanOTF.CleanInput["Patch"] = input["Patch"]
    CleanOTF.CleanInput["Niter"] = input["Niter"]
    CleanOTF.CleanInput["Gain"] = input["Gain"]
    CleanOTF.CleanInput["BeamSize"] = input["BeamSize"]
    CleanOTF.CleanInput["noResid"] = input["noResid"]
    #DEBUG CleanOTF.CleanInput["disp"]     = input["disp"]
    CleanOTF.CleanInput["minFlux"] = 0.0

    resid = CleanObj.Clean  # Copy image just produced
    Image.PCopy(DirtyImg, resid, err)  # to clean(resid)
    CleanOTF.PClean(err, CleanOTF.CleanInput)  # Do Clean
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error Cleaning")

    # Replace with Clean model
    CCTab = CleanImg.NewTable(1, "AIPS CC", 0, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error getting CCTable")
    # Use all components
    dim = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    CCTab.List.set("BComp", 1)
    CCTab.List.set("EComp", 0)

    # Make model image, CC convolved with beam
    CleanImg.Open(Image.READONLY, err)
    model = CleanImg.ReadPlane(err)
    model = OTFUtil.PConvBeam(CCTab, CleanObj.Beam, model, err)
    OErr.printErrMsg(err, "Error making model")
    # Write model to clean image
    CleanImg.Open(Image.READWRITE, err)
    CleanImg.WriteFA(model, err)

    # Delete Dirty Image?
    if input["DirtyName"] == None:

    return CleanImg