Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, name):
     Initialize the super class with common parameters available to all classes.
     @param name The name of this particular data writer. Used to look
     up values on the parameter server.
     self._name = name
     # Look up where the data should go.
     output_param = '~' + self._name + '/output_folder'
     self._output_location = ParameterLookup.lookup(parameter=output_param)
     # This is used as a base path, so make sure it ends in a '/'
     if self._output_location[-1] != '/':
         self._output_location += '/'
     # Count how many images have been written for use in the names.
     self._count = 0
     # Create a TF listener to transform key points.
     self._tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
     self._tf_listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(buffer=self._tf_buffer)
     timeout_param = '~' + self._name + '/tf_timeout'
     self._tf_timeout = ParameterLookup.lookupWithDefault(
         parameter=timeout_param, default=2.0)
     # Look up the camera frame ID to project points.
     self._camera_frame_id = ParameterLookup.lookupWithDefault(
         parameter='~camera_frame_id', default='camera/base_link')
 def __init__(self, name):
     The init function instantiates the class and loads all of the relevant
     information from the parameter server.
     @param nameThe name of this robot. Also includes how to find information
     about it on the parameter server.
     # Set the name
     self._name = name
     # Look up the class number and associated ID
     self._class_id = ParameterLookup.lookup(
         '~' + self._resolveString('class'))
     self._id = ParameterLookup.lookup('~' + self._resolveString("id"))
     # Also look up the keypoints used for this robot
     self._keypoints = self._initializeKeypoints(
         '~' + self._resolveString("keypoints"))
     # Look up the bounding shape, which is treated mathematically
     # the same as keypoints.
     self._bounding_shape = self._initializeKeypoints(
         '~' + self._resolveString('bounding_shape'))
     # Determine what name to use to find the robot in the TF tree.
     self._frame_id = ParameterLookup.lookupWithDefault(
         '~' + self._resolveString("frame_id"), "base_link")
     # Set the pose to the origin.
     transform = Transform()
     transform.rotation.w = 1.0
def initializeBackgroundSubtractor(robot_list, gazebo_set_pose_client):
    Create the background subtractor. Then, manipulate the Gazebo environment to allow
    the capture of a background image. This uses the MOG2 algorithm.
    @param robot_list A list of the robots that shouldn't be part of the background.
    @param gazebo_set_pose_client A server client used to move every robot within Gazebo.
    @return The background subtractor used in the script.
    # Set a large history to maximize the detection of differences from background.
    background_history = ParameterLookup.lookupWithDefault(
        parameter='~background_subtractor/history_length', default=100)
    # Explore how shadow detection impacts the results.
    var_threshold = ParameterLookup.lookupWithDefault(
        parameter='~background_subtractor/var_threshold', default=500)
    detect_shadows = ParameterLookup.lookupWithDefault(
        parameter='~background_subtractor/detect_shadows', default=False)
    background_subtractor = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2(
        history=background_history, varThreshold=var_threshold, detectShadows=detect_shadows)
    # Create a client to determine where each robot is located within the Gazebo environment.
    # This is only done at initialization to move every robot out of the way. It is assumed the
    # robots start in a stable location. So the system is safe to just move them up in the air,
    # but leave their X/Y the same. Given Gazebo's propensity to send colliding objects flying,
    # this seems like the best course of action. The user is unlikely to start the node if
    # the simulation freaks out right away. Using the bag file first location is possible, but
    # would require passing the tf_buffer into this function. After initialization, the bag file
    # positions are used for the rest of the node.
    gazebo_get_pose_name = '/gazebo/get_model_state'
    rospy.loginfo('Waiting to find robot poses...')
    gazebo_get_pose_client = rospy.ServiceProxy(
        name=gazebo_get_pose_name, service_class=GetModelState)
    # Move all the robots way up in the sky, presumably outside of the view of the camera.
    rospy.loginfo('Moving robots and capturing background...')
    for robot in robot_list:
        # Create each message via the robot object.
        robot_current_state = gazebo_get_pose_client(robot.getName(), '')
        robot_transform_msg = Transform()
        robot_transform_msg.translation.x = robot_current_state.pose.position.x
        robot_transform_msg.translation.y = robot_current_state.pose.position.y
        robot_transform_msg.translation.z = robot_current_state.pose.position.z
        robot_transform_msg.rotation = robot_current_state.pose.orientation
        robot_new_pose_request = robot.createSetModelStateRequest()
        robot_new_pose_request.pose.position.z = 1e6
        moveRobot(gazebo_set_pose_client, robot_new_pose_request)
    # Capture N images and apply to subtractor
    for _ in range(background_history):
        # Sleep long enough for any noise to update
        (image, _) = captureImage(sleep_duration=0.25)
    return background_subtractor
 def _initializeKeypoints(self, param_name):
     This is an internal function to look up and process the list of keypoints
     that is provided for the robot. It converts them to a list of
     geometry_msgs/Point. All parameters are assumed within the robot's namespace
     (which is also within the node's namespace)
     @param param_name The parameter to lookup, without the robot's name.
     @return The keypoints as a list of geometry_msgs/Point.
     @throw rospy.InitException Thrown if the keypoints parameter is not
     keypoint_param = ParameterLookup.lookup(param_name)
     # The specifications are imported as a list of lists, so iterate
     # through the outer one and convert the inner into the message
     # format.
     keypoints = []
     for keypoint_list in keypoint_param:
         # Verify that each point has three entitites for the 3 dimensions.
         if len(keypoint_list) != 3:
             error_string = 'Keypoints must have all three dimensions: [x, y, z]'
             raise rospy.ROSInitException(error_string)
         keypoint_message = Point()
         keypoint_message.x = keypoint_list[0]
         keypoint_message.y = keypoint_list[1]
         keypoint_message.z = keypoint_list[2]
     return keypoints
def initializeRobots():
    This function determines the names of each robot that should be controlled. It then creates
    a @ref Robot object for each robot. Those objects perform the correct initialization of needed
    @return A list of all created Robot objects
    @throw rospy.ROSInitException Thrown if no robot_list parameter is found or if no robots are
    # Determine the list of robots and error if not found.
    robot_names = ParameterLookup.lookup('/robot_list')
    # Throw an error if there are no robots specified.
    if len(robot_names) < 1:
        error_string = 'Must specify at least one robot in /robot_list'
        raise rospy.ROSInitException(error_string)
    # There is a chance the user specifies only a single robot without brackets, which would make
    # this parameter as a string. Check for that and convert it to a list for use later.
    if type(robot_names) is not list:
        single_robot_name = robot_names
        robot_names = [single_robot_name]
    # Create each robot object and add it to a list.
    robot_list = []
    for name in robot_names:
    return robot_list
def initializeReplay(global_frame_id, robot_list):
    @brief Load the TF tree from the provided bag file.

    This initialization takes a bag file, as provided by the user on the parameter
    server and reads the entire TF tree into a buffer for use in replaying.
    @param global_frame_id The global refernce frame used by Gazebo, often 'map'
    @param robot_list The list of robots in the simulation. Used to determine the start
    and end times that have valid TF transforms for all robots.
    @return A tuple containing:
        1. The tf buffer
        2. A rospy.Time of the start time of the bag file
        3. A rospy.Time of the end time of the bag file
        4. A rospy.Duration of the period used during processing
    @throw rospy.ROSInitException Thrown if the bag file can't be opened or found.
    rospy.loginfo('Loading bag file...')
    # Determine where the bag file is located via parameter server.
    bag_file = ParameterLookup.lookup(parameter='~bag_file')
    if 'example_replay.bag' in bag_file:
            msg='You might be using the example bag file. Did you mean to provide your own using the bag_file parameter?')
    # Open the bag file. This might throw an error, so catch it and send a warning
    # to the user.
        bag = rosbag.Bag(f=bag_file)
    except Exception as ex:
        error_string = 'Unable to open {bag}: {error}'.format(
            bag=bag_file, error=ex)
        raise rospy.ROSInitException(error_string)
    # If this point is reached, the bag file is loaded and ready.
    # Now look up the simulated rate with the same method as the bag parameter.
    rate = ParameterLookup.lookupWithDefault(
        parameter='~simulated_rate', default=30.0)
    period = rospy.Duration(secs=(1.0 / rate))
    # Now, parse the bag file into a tf buffer
    start_time = rospy.Time(bag.get_start_time())
    end_time = rospy.Time(bag.get_end_time())
    tf_buffer = tf2_py.BufferCore((end_time - start_time))
    for topic, msg, _ in bag.read_messages(topics=['/tf', '/tf_static']):
        for msg_tf in msg.transforms:
            if topic == '/tf_static':
                tf_buffer.set_transform_static(msg_tf, 'default_authority')
                tf_buffer.set_transform(msg_tf, 'default_authority')
    # Now that everything is loaded, we don't need the bag file.
    # Find the first start_time that has a valid transform for every single robot.
    good_start_time = False
    # This only finishes if every robot has a viable transform at this time step
    while not good_start_time and start_time < end_time:
        good_start_time = True
        for robot in robot_list:
            (is_good, _) = tf_buffer.can_transform_core(
                global_frame_id, robot.getFullFrame(), start_time)
            good_start_time = good_start_time and is_good
        if not good_start_time:
            start_time += period
    # If the start time is now greater than the end time, then there were no
    # time frames that had valid transforms for every robot. This is a problem.
    if not start_time < end_time:
        error_string = 'Unable to find valid transforms for all robots in bag file.'
        raise rospy.exceptions.ROSInitException(error_string)
    # Now do the same thing for the end time, but decrement instead. The end time
    # is only a gate on when the whole simulation should end, so it does not have to
    # be a whole number of increments from start time. Therefore, just start at the
    # end of the bag file.
    good_end_time = False
    # You technically need to watch for the end > start since there may be a specific
    # setup that only has frame interpolation in a very narrow time range and if period
    # is larger than that range, end_time is liable to never exist within that range.
    while not good_end_time and end_time > start_time:
        good_end_time = True
        for robot in robot_list:
            (is_good, _) = tf_buffer.can_transform_core(
                global_frame_id, robot.getFullFrame(), end_time)
            good_end_time = good_end_time and is_good
        if not good_end_time:
            end_time -= period
    if not end_time > start_time:
        error_string = 'Unable to find valid transforms for all robots in bag file.'
        raise rospy.exceptions.ROSInitException(error_string)
    return (tf_buffer, start_time, end_time, period)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Set up the different data writers.
    data_writers = [
    # Flag if an instance mask is needed for each robot.
    mask_required = False
    for writer in data_writers:
        mask_required = mask_required or writer.requireInstanceMask()
    # Setup camera
    camera_frame_id = ParameterLookup.lookupWithDefault(
        parameter='~camera_frame_id', default='camera/optical_link')
    # Look up what frame to use as the reference point for all placement.
    global_frame_id = ParameterLookup.lookupWithDefault(
        parameter='~global_frame', default='map')
    # Load each robot
    robot_list = initializeRobots()
    # Load the buffer containing the motion record from the bag file.
    (tf_buffer, start_time, end_time, period) = initializeReplay(
        global_frame_id, robot_list)
    current_time = start_time
    # Create the client to tell each robot to move in Gazebo.
    gazebo_client_name = '/gazebo/set_model_state'
    rospy.loginfo('Waiting for Gazebo to start...')
    gazebo_client = rospy.ServiceProxy(
        name=gazebo_client_name, service_class=SetModelState)
 def __init__(self, name):
     super(BoundingShape, self).__init__(name)
     self._output_frame = ParameterLookup.lookup(
         parameter='~' + self._name + '/output_frame')