def CreateSpiral(self, fp, a):
        m = fp.Profile.Shape.BoundBox.Center  # Center of the profile
        myNumRot = fp.Rotations
        myRadius = m.distanceToLine(fp.Center, fp.Center + fp.Axis)
        myGrowth = Growth
        myPitch = 1.0
        myHeight = myNumRot * myPitch
        myAngle = atan(myGrowth / myPitch)

        assert myGrowth > 0, u"Growth too small"
        assert myNumRot > 0, u"Number of rotations too small"

        aPnt = VEC(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        aDir = VEC(2.0 * pi, myPitch, 0.0)
        surf = Part.Cone(aPnt, DIR_Z, 1.0, 0.0)

        line = Part.LineSegment(aPnt, aDir)
        beg = line.value(0)
        end = line.value(aDir.Length * myNumRot)

        # calculate end point for conical helix
        v = myHeight / cos(myAngle)
        u = myNumRot * 2.0 * pi
        segm = Part.LineSegment(beg, VEC(u, v, 0))

        edgeOnSurf = surf.project(segm)
        wire = edgeOnSurf.toShape()

        aPlane = Part.Plane(aPnt, DIR_Z)
        range = (myNumRot + 1) * myGrowth + 1 + myRadius
        return spiral
Beispiel #2
    def testderivatives(self):
        def get_dn(surface, u, v):
            pos = surface.value(u, v)
            v10 = surface.getDN(u, v, 1, 0)
            v01 = surface.getDN(u, v, 0, 1)
            v11 = surface.getDN(u, v, 1, 1)
            return (pos, v10, v01, v11)

        cone = Part.Cone()
        cone.SemiAngle = 0.2
        cone.Radius = 2.0

        u, v = (5.0, 5.0)
        vp, v1, v2, v3 = get_dn(cone, u, v)

        shape = cone.toShape(0, 2*math.pi, 0, 10)
        shape = shape.toNurbs()
        spline = shape.Face1.Surface

        u, v = spline.parameter(vp)
        wp, w1, w2, w3 = get_dn(spline, u, v)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(vp.distanceToPoint(wp), 0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(v1.getAngle(w1), 0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(v2.getAngle(w2), 0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(v3.getAngle(w3), 0)