Beispiel #1
def processfile(inputfile):
    report = []
    report_new = []
    report_error = []
    report_closed = []
    ssnIdx = midIdx = -1

    sheet = 0
    print "\n\nWorking on " + inputfile
    wb = xlrd.open_workbook(inputfile)
    sh = SelectSheet(wb)

    # initilize

    # get company
    company = IdentifyCompany(inputfile)
    print "\nUsing company: " + company.getname()

    # get operational mode (deal or settlement)
    mode = getmode()

    # get deal date
    date = getdate()

    # get running level
    level = getlevel()

    # load data based on company
    print "\nLoading employees, schemes and fund owners (as needed)..."
    schemes, internal, holdercomp, shareclass = po.Load(company, level, date)

    # label columns
    startrow, endrow, colnames = IdentifyColumns(sh)

    # process contributions
    print "\n\nProcessing Contributions"
    print "------------------------"

    names = getEmployeeNames(sh, startrow, endrow, colnames)

    if "Social Security Number" in colnames:
        ssnIdx = colnames.index("Social Security Number")

    if "Staff id" in colnames:
        midIdx = colnames.index("Staff id")

    if ssnIdx < 0 and midIdx < 0:
        print "\n\nCannot process file: please make sure Social Security Information or Member Ids are included in the contributions report"

    uniq, duplicates = IsUniqueId(sh, startrow, endrow, ssnIdx, midIdx,

    if not uniq:
        err = "\n\nCannot process file: duplicates exist. Please make sure Social Security Information is unique for all employees: %s" % duplicates
        print err

    # get contributions
    for rownum in range(startrow, endrow):
        # if no name, skip - line is probably blank
        if names[rownum] == '':
            #print "Skipping line "+str(rownum+1)

        # if no numbers provided for any of the contribution columns, skip
        ml = [
            'Tier 2 (5%)', 'Pre-Employer Contributions',
            'Pre-Employee Contributions', 'Post-Employer Contributions',
            'Post-Employee Contributions'

        validline = True
        for c in ml:
            if c in colnames:
                cIdx = colnames.index(c)
                check = isinstance(sh.cell_value(rownum, cIdx),
                                   int) or isinstance(
                                       sh.cell_value(rownum, cIdx), float)
                if not check:
                    validline = False

        if not validline:
            print "Skipping line " + str(rownum + 1)

        ssn = sh.cell_value(rownum, ssnIdx) if ssnIdx > -1 else ''
        mid = sh.cell_value(rownum, midIdx) if midIdx > -1 else ''
        mainid = ssn if ssn != '' else mid
        mainid = cleanid(mainid)
        employee = GetEmployee(ssn, mid)

        new = 0
        n = names[rownum] if employee is None else employee.getkey()
        new = 1 if employee is None else 0

        if employee is None:
            x = None
            for mye in po.employees:
                syname = fixname(mye.getname())
                dbname = set(syname.split())
                match = dbname.intersection((names[rownum]).split())
                ngd = True if len(match) >= 2 else False
                if ngd is True:
                        eid = mye.getssid() if ssnIdx > -1 else mye.geteid()
                        eid = fixerrors(eid)
                        mainid = fixerrors(mainid)
                        eid = 'No ID in system' if eid is None else str(eid)
                        x = mye.getkey() + ' ' + eid + ' ' + str(
                            syname) + ' ' + str(mainid)
                        print 'Error processing string:', repr(eid)
            mainid = fixerrors(mainid)
            n = x if x is not None else names[rownum] + ' ' + str(mainid)

        # name match - if mismatch - store in error file
        namegood = True
        if employee is not None:
            syname = fixname(employee.getname())
            dbname = set(syname.split())
            match = dbname.intersection((names[rownum]).split())
            namegood = True if len(match) >= 2 else False
            if namegood is False:
                q = "File name: %s\nMicrogen name: %s\n\nIs this the same person?\n\n\t1 - Yes, this is the same person\n\t2 - No, this is NOT the same person\n\nResponse: " % (
                    str(names[rownum]), syname)
                regex = "^1|2$"
                error = "Invalid entry. Expecting a numeric value 1 or 2."
                resp = getresponse(q, regex, error)
                if int(resp) == 1:
                    namegood = True
            n = employee.getkey() + ' ' + str(names[rownum]) + ' ' + str(
                mainid) + ' ' + syname if not namegood else n

        rep = {
            'name': n,
            'Tier 2 (5%)': 0,
            'Pre-Employer Contributions': 0,
            'Pre-Employee Contributions': 0,
            'Post-Employer Contributions': 0,
            'Post-Employee Contributions': 0,
            'total': 0
        for colnum in range(0, len(colnames)):
            if colnames[colnum] in ml:
                    rep[colnames[colnum]] += sh.cell_value(rownum, colnum)
                    rep['total'] += sh.cell_value(rownum, colnum)
                    print "\nFailed processing data in cell " + str(
                        rownum) + ", " + str(colnum) + ": " + str(
                            getCell(sh, rownum, colnum))

        if not namegood:
            if new == 1:
                if employee.getregstatus() == 'Closed':

    # generate reports: first for existing clients and then for new ones
    tr = GetLastTR()
    cid = company.getid()

    if len(report) > 0:
        tr = GenerateReports(report, schemes, mode, date, colnames, tr, 0, cid)

    if len(report_new) > 0:
        rn = report_new
        tr = GenerateReports(rn, schemes, mode, date, colnames, tr, 1, cid)

    if len(report_closed) > 0:
        rc = report_closed
        tr = GenerateReports(rc, schemes, mode, date, colnames, tr, 2, cid)

    if len(report_error) > 0:
        re = report_error
        tr = GenerateReports(re, schemes, mode, date, colnames, tr, 3, cid)

    if level > 1:
        nr = report + report_new + report_closed + report_error
        tr = GenerateOwnerReport(nr, schemes, internal, holdercomp, shareclass,
                                 mode, date, colnames, tr, level, cid)
