Beispiel #1
def generate_board():
    board = np.zeros((8, 8), dtype=object)
    for y in range(8):
        for x in range(8):
            pos = (x, y)
            if y == 0:
                if x == 0 or x == 7:
                    board[pos] = Piece.Rook(np.array(pos), "white")
                elif x == 1 or x == 6:
                    board[pos] = Piece.Knight(np.array(pos), "white")
                elif x == 2 or x == 5:
                    board[pos] = Piece.Bishop(np.array(pos), "white")
                elif x == 3:
                    board[pos] = Piece.Queen(np.array(pos), "white")
                elif x == 4:
                    board[pos] = Piece.King(np.array(pos), "white")
            elif y == 1:
                board[pos] = Piece.Pawn(np.array(pos), "white")
            elif y == 6:
                board[pos] = Piece.Pawn(np.array(pos), n("white"))
            elif y == 7:
                if x == 0 or x == 7:
                    board[pos] = Piece.Rook(np.array(pos), n("white"))
                elif x == 1 or x == 6:
                    board[pos] = Piece.Knight(np.array(pos), n("white"))
                elif x == 2 or x == 5:
                    board[pos] = Piece.Bishop(np.array(pos), n("white"))
                elif x == 3:
                    board[pos] = Piece.Queen(np.array(pos), n("white"))
                elif x == 4:
                    board[pos] = Piece.King(np.array(pos), n("white"))
                board[pos] = None
    return board
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self):
        self.board = [[None] * 8 for i in range(8)]
        for i in range(8):
            self.board[i][1] = Piece.Pawn(True)
            self.board[i][6] = Piece.Pawn(False)
        self.board[4][0] = Piece.King(True)
        self.board[0][0] = Piece.Rook(True)
        self.board[7][0] = Piece.Rook(True)
        self.board[2][0] = Piece.Bishop(True)
        self.board[5][0] = Piece.Bishop(True)
        self.board[1][0] = Piece.Knight(True)
        self.board[6][0] = Piece.Knight(True)
        self.board[3][0] = Piece.Queen(True)
        self.board[4][7] = Piece.King(False)
        self.board[0][7] = Piece.Rook(False)
        self.board[7][7] = Piece.Rook(False)
        self.board[2][7] = Piece.Bishop(False)
        self.board[5][7] = Piece.Bishop(False)
        self.board[1][7] = Piece.Knight(False)
        self.board[6][7] = Piece.Knight(False)
        self.board[3][7] = Piece.Queen(False)

        self.king_pos = {}
        self.king_pos[True] = (4, 0)
        self.king_pos[False] = (4, 7)

        self.checkmate = False
Beispiel #3
 def promotions(self, color, pos, to_pos):
     promos = []
     promos.append(self.create_move(pos, to_pos, Piece.Knight(color)))
     promos.append(self.create_move(pos, to_pos, Piece.Rook(color)))
     promos.append(self.create_move(pos, to_pos, Piece.Queen(color)))
     promos.append(self.create_move(pos, to_pos, Piece.Bishop(color)))
     return promos
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, srcFile=None):
     """Initializes the game board according to standard chess rules"""
     if srcFile:
     for rank in range(Board.width):  #populate board
         if rank < 4:
             clr = "w"
             clr = "b"
         for file in range(Board.width):
             if rank in [1, 6]:  #pawns
                 piece = Piece.Pawn(rank, file, clr)
             elif rank in [0, 7]:
                 if file == 0 or file == 7:
                     piece = Piece.Rook(rank, file, clr)
                 elif file == 1 or file == 6:
                     piece = Piece.Knight(rank, file, clr)
                 elif file == 2 or file == 5:
                     piece = Piece.Bishop(rank, file, clr)
                 elif file == 3:
                     piece = Piece.Queen(rank, file, clr)
                 elif file == 4:
                     piece = Piece.King(rank, file, clr)
                     Board.kings[clr] = piece
                 piece = 'XX'
Beispiel #5
    def readFile(srcFile):
        """ Read in a board state from a csv file and store it in a Board. """
        board = [[] for _ in range(8)]
        with open(srcFile) as f:
            rank = 7
            for line in f:
                # starts with black, which is 7th rank
                if rank < 0:
                    raise ValueError
                chars = line.split(",")
                this_line = []
                file = 0
                for val in chars:
                    print("   " + str(val))
                    if file > 7:
                        raise ValueError
                    if val == "XX":
                    elif len(val.strip()) == 2:  # name in format bP, wQ, etc
                        pieceType = val[1]
                        clr = val[0]
                        if pieceType == "Q":
                            print("adding" + pieceType + " " + clr)
                            piece = Piece.Queen(rank, file, clr)
                        elif pieceType == "K":
                            piece = Piece.King(rank, file, clr)
                            print("adding" + pieceType + " " + clr)
                        elif pieceType == "R":
                            print("adding" + pieceType + " " + clr)
                            piece = Piece.Rook(rank, file, clr)
                        elif pieceType == "N":
                            print("adding" + pieceType + " " + clr)
                            piece = Piece.Knight(rank, file, clr)
                        elif pieceType == "B":
                            print("adding" + pieceType + " " + clr)
                            piece = Piece.Bishop(rank, file, clr)
                        elif pieceType == "p":
                            print("adding" + pieceType + " " + clr)
                            piece = Piece.Pawn(rank, file, clr)
                        raise ValueError("unexpected input format! >:( " +
                    file += 1

                board[rank] = this_line
                rank -= 1

        Board.board = board
Beispiel #6
    def loadBoard(filename):
        isFirstLine = True
        board = None
        file = open(filename, 'r')

        line = file.readline()
        while (line):
            # get the board dimensions
            if isFirstLine:
                assert (board is None)
                match =
                x = int(
                y = int(

                board = Board((x, y))
                isFirstLine = False
            else:  # add a piece to board
                assert (board is not None)
                match =
                pieceName =
                color = Piece.COLORS[int(]
                x = int( - 1
                y = int( - 1

                if (pieceName.lower() == "pawn"):
                    newPiece = Piece.Pawn(color, (x, y))
                elif (pieceName.lower() == "knight"):
                    newPiece = Piece.Knight(color, (x, y))
                elif (pieceName.lower() == "bishop"):
                    newPiece = Piece.Bishop(color, (x, y))
                elif (pieceName.lower() == "rook"):
                    newPiece = Piece.Rook(color, (x, y))
                elif (pieceName.lower() == "queen"):
                    newPiece = Piece.Queen(color, (x, y))
                elif (pieceName.lower() == "king"):
                    newPiece = Piece.King(color, (x, y))


            line = file.readline()
        return board
Beispiel #7
 def playOneTurn(self, move_string, turn):
     parsedString = self.parse(move_string)
     target = parsedString[0]
     pos = parsedString[1]
     if (pos == self.king_pos[turn] and self.board[pos[0]][pos[1]].first):
         if self.checkcastle(turn, target):
             self.king_pos[turn] = target
             return True
         print('invalid move!!!')
         return False
     for i in range(8):
         for j in range(8):
             if (self.board[i][j] != None and self.board[i][j].char == 'p'
                     and self.board[i][j].color == turn):
                 self.board[i][j].justDoublePushed = False
     if not self.validate(pos, target, turn):
         if (self.board[pos[0]][pos[1]] != None
                 and self.board[pos[0]][pos[1]].char == 'p'):
             if self.enPassant(pos, target, turn):
                 return True
         print('invalid move!!!')
         return False
     self.move(pos, target)
     if self.board[target[0]][target[1]].char == 'K':
         self.king_pos[turn] = target
     if self.threatened(self.king_pos[turn], turn):
         print("illegal move!!!")
         self.move(target, pos)
         return False
     if self.board[target[0]][target[1]].char == 'p' and (target[1] == 0 or
                                                          target[1] == 7):
         self.board[target[0]][target[1]] = Piece.Queen(turn)
     if self.board[target[0]][target[1]].first:
         self.board[target[0]][target[1]].first = False
     return True
for x in range(1):
    board = [[None for x in range(8)] for y in range(8)]

    play_by_play = False

    winner = None
    engine = Engine.Engine()

    engine.white_king = Piece.King(1)
    engine.white_king_pos = (4, 7)

    p1 = Piece.Pawn(1)
    p2 = Piece.Pawn(1)
    p3 = Piece.Pawn(-1)

    white_queen = Piece.Queen(1)
    board[7][4] = engine.white_king
    #board[6][4] = p1
    #board[6][5] = p2
    #board[7][3] = white_queen

    engine.black_king = Piece.King(-1)
    engine.black_king_pos = (4, 0)
    black_queen = Piece.Queen(-1)
    black_rook1 = Piece.Rook(-1)
    board[1][4] = p3
    board[0][4] = engine.black_king
    #board[4][0] = black_queen
    #board[0][7] = black_rook1

Beispiel #9
    def init_board(self, board=None):
        if board:
            self.board = board
            #Custom board state
            #Initialize basic chess board
            self.board[6][0] = Piece.Pawn(1)
            self.board[6][1] = Piece.Pawn(1)
            self.board[6][2] = Piece.Pawn(1)
            self.board[6][3] = Piece.Pawn(1)
            self.board[6][4] = Piece.Pawn(1)
            self.board[6][5] = Piece.Pawn(1)
            self.board[6][6] = Piece.Pawn(1)
            self.board[6][7] = Piece.Pawn(1)
            self.white_pawn_arr = []
            for i in self.board[6]:

            black_pawn_1 = Piece.Pawn(-1)
            black_pawn_2 = Piece.Pawn(-1)
            black_pawn_3 = Piece.Pawn(-1)
            black_pawn_4 = Piece.Pawn(-1)
            black_pawn_5 = Piece.Pawn(-1)
            black_pawn_6 = Piece.Pawn(-1)
            black_pawn_7 = Piece.Pawn(-1)
            black_pawn_8 = Piece.Pawn(-1)
            self.board[1][0] = black_pawn_1
            self.board[1][1] = black_pawn_2
            self.board[1][2] = black_pawn_3
            self.board[1][3] = black_pawn_4
            self.board[1][4] = black_pawn_5
            self.board[1][5] = black_pawn_6
            self.board[1][6] = black_pawn_7
            self.board[1][7] = black_pawn_8
            self.black_pawn_arr = []
            for i in self.board[1]:

            self.white_rook_1 = Piece.Rook(1, 0)
            self.white_rook_2 = Piece.Rook(1, 1)
            self.board[7][0] = self.white_rook_1
            self.board[7][7] = self.white_rook_2

            self.black_rook_1 = Piece.Rook(-1, 0)
            self.black_rook_2 = Piece.Rook(-1, 1)
            self.board[0][0] = self.black_rook_1
            self.board[0][7] = self.black_rook_2

            white_knight_1 = Piece.Knight(1)
            white_knight_2 = Piece.Knight(1)
            self.board[7][1] = white_knight_1
            self.board[7][6] = white_knight_2

            black_knight_1 = Piece.Knight(-1)
            black_knight_2 = Piece.Knight(-1)
            self.board[0][1] = black_knight_1
            self.board[0][6] = black_knight_2

            white_bishop_1 = Piece.Bishop(1)
            white_bishop_2 = Piece.Bishop(1)
            self.board[7][2] = white_bishop_1
            self.board[7][5] = white_bishop_2

            black_bishop_1 = Piece.Bishop(-1)
            black_bishop_2 = Piece.Bishop(-1)
            self.board[0][2] = black_bishop_1
            self.board[0][5] = black_bishop_2

            self.white_king = Piece.King(1)
            self.white_king_pos = (4, 7)
            white_queen = Piece.Queen(1)
            self.board[7][4] = self.white_king
            self.board[7][3] = white_queen

            self.black_king = Piece.King(-1)
            self.black_king_pos = (4, 0)
            black_queen = Piece.Queen(-1)
            self.board[0][4] = self.black_king
            self.board[0][3] = black_queen
Beispiel #10
def test_addpiece():
    board = Board.Board()
    pos = [3, 4]
    wq = Piece.Queen(pos, "w")
    assert board.get_square(pos) is wq