Beispiel #1
def kapRos(numDeps, numLams, lambdas, logKappa, temp):

    kappaRos = [ [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)] for j in range(2) ]

    #double numerator, denominator, deltaLam, logdBdTau, logNumerator, logDenominator;
    #double logTerm, logDeltaLam, logInvKap, logInvKapRos;

    for iTau in range(numDeps):

        numerator = 0.0 #//initialize accumulator
        denominator = 0.0

        for iLam in range(1, numLams):
            deltaLam = lambdas[iLam] - lambdas[iLam-1]  #//lambda in cm
            logDeltaLam = math.log(deltaLam)

            logInvKap = -1.0 * logKappa[iLam][iTau]
            logdBdTau = Planck.dBdT(temp[0][iTau], lambdas[iLam])
            logTerm = logdBdTau + logDeltaLam
            denominator = denominator + math.exp(logTerm) 
            logTerm = logTerm + logInvKap;
            numerator = numerator + math.exp(logTerm)
        logNumerator = math.log(numerator)
        logDenominator = math.log(denominator)
        logInvKapRos = logNumerator - logDenominator 
        kappaRos[1][iTau] = -1.0 * logInvKapRos #//logarithmic
        kappaRos[0][iTau] = math.exp(kappaRos[1][iTau])

    return kappaRos

    #} //end method kapRos
Beispiel #2
 def inv(self, rad, vec):
     rad = Planck.parse_channel(rad)'Rotating to detector %s' % rad)
     if self.deaberration:
         l.warning('Applying deaberration correction')
         vec -= correction.simple_deaberration(vec, self.obt, self.coord)
     vec_rad = qarray.rotate(qarray.inv(self.qsatgal_interp), vec)
     invsiam = np.linalg.inv(self.siam.get(rad))
     #invsiamquat = qarray.inv(qarray.norm(qarray.from_rotmat(self.siam.get(rad))))
     #qarray.rotate(invsiamquat, vec_rad)
     return np.array([ , row) for row in vec_rad])
Beispiel #3
 def get(self, rad):
     rad = Planck.parse_channel(rad)'Rotating to detector %s' % rad)
     x =,[1, 0, 0])
     vec = qarray.rotate(self.qsatgal_interp, x)
     if self.deaberration:
         l.warning('Applying deaberration correction')
         vec += correction.simple_deaberration(vec, self.obt, self.coord)
         qarray.norm_inplace(vec)'Rotated to detector %s' % rad)
     return vec
Beispiel #4
import TB_vs_vlsr
import Col_density_plot
import Multiphase_ISM
import Planck
import Solenoidal_fraction
import WISE

print("\nPlanck Survey\n")
print("\nWISE Survey\n")
print("\nLAB Survey\n")
print("\nLAB Survey-Column Density Plots\n")
print("\nLAB Survey-Multiphase ISM\n")
print("\nOrion B Survey-Solenoidal Fraction")
Beispiel #5
def formalSoln(numDeps, cosTheta, lambda2, tau, temp, lineMode):
 * Formal solution of the LTE radiative transfer for the monochromatic *surface*
 * intensity, I_lambda(Tau=0, theta) at wavelength lambda"""

    # *
    # * Calls Planck.planck(lambda, temp) to get the LTE source function Input lambda
    # * in nm for Planck
    # */

    logE = math.log10(math.e)  #// for debug output

    cutoff = 0.001  #// tolerance for stopping deeper contriibutions to I(Tau=0)

    #//  cosTheta is a 2xnumThetas array:
    #// row 0 is used for Gaussian quadrature weights
    #// row 1 is used for cos(theta) values
    #// Gaussian quadrature:
    #// Number of angles, numThetas, will have to be determined after the fact
    numThetas = len(cosTheta[0])
    #//System.out.println("FORMALSOLN: numThetas= " + numThetas);
    #//double[][] intens = new double[numLams][numThetas];
    intens = [0.0 for i in range(numThetas)]

    #// scratch variables:
    #double logSource, lnInteg, integrand, invCosTheta, delta, newInt, increment;
    lineSourceVec = [0.0 for i in range(numDeps)]

    #//Get line source function vector, of needed:
    if (lineMode):
        lineSourceVec = LineProf.lineSource(numDeps, tau, temp, lambda2)

    #//for (int il = 0; il < numLams; il++ ) {
    for it in range(numThetas):

        invCosTheta = 1.0 / cosTheta[1][it]

        newInt = 0

        #// Extended Simpson's Rule - Numerical Recipes in F77, 2nd Ed., p. 128
        #// First point in formula: - Extended Simpson's Rule
        #//  lnSource = Planck.planck(temp[0][0], lambda);
        #//  lnInteg = lnSource - (tau[0][0] * invCosTheta);
        #//  integrand = Math.exp(lnInteg) * invCosTheta;
        #//  delta = (tau[0][1] - tau[0][0]);
        #//  increment = (1.0 / 3.0) * integrand * delta;
        #//  newInt = newInt + increment;
        #//           for (int id = 1; id < numDeps-1; id++) {  //Extended Simpson's Rule
        for id in range(1, numDeps):  #//Extended rectangle rule

            if (lineMode == True):
                #//Line mode mode - ETLA + coherent scattering: S_lambda = (1-eps)*J_lambda + eps*B_lambda
                logSource = lineSourceVec[id]
                #//if (id == 5 && it == 0) {
                #//    System.out.println("logSource scat " + logE * logSource);
                #////logSource = Planck.planck(temp[0][id], lambda);
                #//if (id == 5 && it == 0) {
                #//    System.out.println("logSource therm " + logE * logSource);
                #//Continuum mode - S_lambda = B_lambda
                logSource = Planck.planck(temp[0][id], lambda2)

                #//        }
            lnInteg = logSource - (tau[0][id] * invCosTheta)
            integrand = math.exp(lnInteg) * invCosTheta
            delta = (tau[0][id] - tau[0][id - 1])

            #// Extended Simpson's rule:
            #// if ((id % 2) == 1) {
            #//     increment = (4.0 / 3.0) * integrand * delta;
            #//     newInt = newInt + increment;
            #// }
            #//              if ((id % 2) == 0) {
            #//                increment = (2.0 / 3.0) * integrand * delta;
            #//              newInt = newInt + increment;
            #//        }
            #// Extended rectangle rule:
            increment = integrand * delta
            newInt = newInt + increment

            #// the following break-out condition is not so simple if using a closed formula:
            #// //Only keep adding contributions from deper layers if the contribution
            #// // is significant
            if (tau[0][id] > 2.0 / 3.0):
                if (newInt > 0):
                    if (increment / newInt < cutoff):

        #} //id - depth loop

        #//   //Last point - Extended Simpson's Rule:
        #//   lnSource = Planck.planck(temp[0][numDeps - 1], lambda);
        #//   lnInteg = lnSource - (tau[0][numDeps - 1] * invCosTheta);
        #//   integrand = Math.exp(lnInteg) * invCosTheta;
        #//   delta = (tau[0][numDeps - 1] - tau[0][numDeps - 2]);
        #//   increment = (1.0 / 3.0) * integrand * delta;
        #//   newInt = newInt + increment;
        intens[it] = newInt

    #}   //it - theta loop

    ##//} // il - lambda loop
    return intens
