def Power(self): print "leave standby" if (getBrandOEM() in ('fulan')): open("/proc/stb/hdmi/output", "w").write("on") #set input to encoder self.avswitch.setInput("ENCODER") #restart last played service #unmute adc self.leaveMute() # set LCDminiTV if SystemInfo["Display"] and SystemInfo["LCDMiniTV"]: setLCDModeMinitTV(config.lcd.modeminitv.value) #remove wakup files and reset wakup state PowerTimer.resetTimerWakeup() RecordTimer.resetTimerWakeup() #kill me self.close(True)
def Power(self): print 'leave standby' self.avswitch.setInput('ENCODER') self.leaveMute() if SystemInfo['Display'] and SystemInfo['LCDMiniTV']: setLCDModeMinitTV(config.lcd.modeminitv.getValue()) PowerTimer.resetTimerWakeup() RecordTimer.resetTimerWakeup() self.close(True)
def Power(self): print "leave standby" #set input to encoder self.avswitch.setInput("ENCODER") #restart last played service #unmute adc self.leaveMute() # set LCDminiTV if SystemInfo["Display"] and SystemInfo["LCDMiniTV"]: setLCDModeMinitTV(config.lcd.modeminitv.value) #remove wakup files and reset wakup state PowerTimer.resetTimerWakeup() RecordTimer.resetTimerWakeup() #kill me self.close(True)
def Power(self): print "[Standby] leave standby" if (getBrandOEM() in ('fulan')): open("/proc/stb/hdmi/output", "w").write("on") #set input to encoder self.avswitch.setInput("ENCODER") #restart last played service #unmute adc self.leaveMute() # set LCDminiTV if SystemInfo["Display"] and SystemInfo["LCDMiniTV"]: setLCDModeMinitTV(config.lcd.modeminitv.value) #remove wakup files and reset wakup state PowerTimer.resetTimerWakeup() RecordTimer.resetTimerWakeup() #kill me self.close(True)
def Power(self): print "leave standby" #set input to encoder self.avswitch.setInput("ENCODER") #restart last played service #unmute adc self.leaveMute() # set LCDminiTV if SystemInfo["Display"] and SystemInfo["LCDMiniTV"]: setLCDModeMinitTV(config.lcd.modeminitv.value) #remove wakup files and reset wakup state PowerTimer.resetTimerWakeup() RecordTimer.resetTimerWakeup() #kill me if os.path.exists("/usr/scripts/") is True: os.system("chmod 755 /usr/scripts/") os.system("/usr/scripts/") else: print "/usr/scripts/ not found" self.close(True)
def __init__(self, nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto=False, nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto=False): if NavigationInstance.instance is not None: raise NavigationInstance.instance NavigationInstance.instance = self self.ServiceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() import Navigation as Nav Nav.navcore = self self.pnav = pNavigation() self.pnav.m_event.get().append(self.dispatchEvent) self.pnav.m_record_event.get().append(self.dispatchRecordEvent) self.event = [] self.record_event = [] self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = None self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = None self.currentlyPlayingService = None self.RecordTimer = RecordTimer.RecordTimer() self.PowerTimer = PowerTimer.PowerTimer() self.__wasTimerWakeup = False self.__nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto = nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto self.__nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto = nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto if getFPWasTimerWakeup(): self.__wasTimerWakeup = True self._processTimerWakeup()
def __init__(self, nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto=False, nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto=False): if NavigationInstance.instance is not None: raise NavigationInstance.instance NavigationInstance.instance = self self.ServiceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() import Navigation as Nav Nav.navcore = self self.pnav = pNavigation() self.pnav.m_event.get().append(self.dispatchEvent) self.pnav.m_record_event.get().append(self.dispatchRecordEvent) self.event = [] self.record_event = [] self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = None self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = None self.currentlyPlayingService = None self.RecordTimer = RecordTimer.RecordTimer() self.PowerTimer = PowerTimer.PowerTimer() self.__wasTimerWakeup = False self.__nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto = nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto self.__nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto = nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto if getFPWasTimerWakeup(): self.__wasTimerWakeup = True self._processTimerWakeup() self.__isRestartUI = config.misc.RestartUI.value startup_to_standby = config.usage.startup_to_standby.value wakeup_time_type = config.misc.prev_wakeup_time_type.value wakeup_timer_enabled = False if config.usage.remote_fallback_import_restart.value: ImportChannels() if self.__wasTimerWakeup: wakeup_timer_enabled = wakeup_time_type == 3 and config.misc.prev_wakeup_time.value if not wakeup_timer_enabled: RecordTimer.RecordTimerEntry.setWasInDeepStandby() if config.misc.RestartUI.value: config.misc.RestartUI.value = False else: if config.usage.remote_fallback_import.value and not config.usage.remote_fallback_import_restart.value: ImportChannels() if startup_to_standby == "yes" or self.__wasTimerWakeup and config.misc.prev_wakeup_time.value and ( wakeup_time_type == 0 or wakeup_time_type == 1 or (wakeup_time_type == 3 and startup_to_standby == "except")): if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: Notifications.AddNotification( Screens.Standby.Standby, wakeup_timer_enabled and 1 or True) if config.misc.prev_wakeup_time.value: config.misc.prev_wakeup_time.value = 0
def Power(self): print "leave standby" #set input to encoder self.avswitch.setInput("ENCODER") #restart last played service #unmute adc self.leaveMute() # set LCDminiTV if SystemInfo["Display"] and SystemInfo["LCDMiniTV"]: setLCDModeMinitTV(config.lcd.modeminitv.value) if (getBrandOEM() in ('fulan','clap') or getBoxType() in ('sf8008')): open("/proc/stb/hdmi/output", "w").write("on") #remove wakup files and reset wakup state PowerTimer.resetTimerWakeup() RecordTimer.resetTimerWakeup() #kill me if os.path.exists("/usr/scripts/") is True: os.system("chmod 755 /usr/scripts/") os.system("/usr/scripts/") else: print "/usr/scripts/ not found" self.close(True)
def __init__(self, nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto=False, nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto=False): if NavigationInstance.instance is not None: raise NavigationInstance.instance NavigationInstance.instance = self self.ServiceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() import Navigation as Nav Nav.navcore = self self.pnav = pNavigation() self.pnav.m_event.get().append(self.dispatchEvent) self.pnav.m_record_event.get().append(self.dispatchRecordEvent) self.event = [] self.record_event = [] self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = None self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = None self.currentlyPlayingService = None self.RecordTimer = RecordTimer.RecordTimer() self.PowerTimer = PowerTimer.PowerTimer() self.__wasTimerWakeup = False self.__wasRecTimerWakeup = False self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = False if getFPWasTimerWakeup(): self.__wasTimerWakeup = True if nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto and abs( self.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 360: self.__wasRecTimerWakeup = True print 'RECTIMER: wakeup to standby detected.' f = open("/tmp/was_rectimer_wakeup", "w") f.write('1') f.close() # as we woke the box to record, place the box in standby. self.standbytimer = eTimer() self.standbytimer.callback.append(self.gotostandby) self.standbytimer.start(15000, True) elif nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto: self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = True print 'POWERTIMER: wakeup to standby detected.' f = open("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup", "w") f.write('1') f.close() # as a PowerTimer WakeToStandby was actiond to it. self.standbytimer = eTimer() self.standbytimer.callback.append(self.gotostandby) self.standbytimer.start(15000, True)
def __init__(self, nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto=False, nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto=False): if NavigationInstance.instance is not None: raise NavigationInstance.instance NavigationInstance.instance = self self.ServiceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() import Navigation as Nav Nav.navcore = self self.pnav = pNavigation() self.pnav.m_event.get().append(self.dispatchEvent) self.pnav.m_record_event.get().append(self.dispatchRecordEvent) self.event = [ ] self.record_event = [ ] self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = None self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = None self.currentlyPlayingService = None self.RecordTimer = RecordTimer.RecordTimer() self.PowerTimer = PowerTimer.PowerTimer() self.nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto = nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto self.nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto = nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto self.__wasTimerWakeup = False self.__wasRecTimerWakeup = False self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = False self.syncCount = 0 wasTimerWakeup = getFPWasTimerWakeup() thisBox = getBoxType() if thisBox in ('ixussone', 'uniboxhd1', 'uniboxhd2', 'uniboxhd3', 'sezam5000hd', 'mbtwin', 'beyonwizt3') or getBrandOEM() in ('ebox', 'azbox', 'xp', 'ini', 'dags', 'fulan'): config.workaround.deeprecord.setValue(True) print"[NAVIGATION] USE DEEPSTAND-WORKAROUND FOR THIS BOXTYPE (%s) !!" %thisBox if not wasTimerWakeup and config.workaround.deeprecord.value: #work-around for boxes where driver not sent was_timer_wakeup signal to e2 print"==================================================================================" print"[NAVIGATION] getNextRecordingTime= %s" % self.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() print"[NAVIGATION] nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto= %s" % nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto print"[NAVIGATION] current Time=%s" % time() print"[NAVIGATION] timediff=%s" % abs(self.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) print"==================================================================================" print"[NAVIGATION] getNextPowerManagerTime= %s" % self.PowerTimer.getNextPowerManagerTime() print"[NAVIGATION] nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto= %s" % nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto print"[NAVIGATION] current Time=%s" % time() print"[NAVIGATION] timediff=%s" % abs(self.PowerTimer.getNextPowerManagerTime() - time()) print"==================================================================================" if time() <= 31536000: # check for NTP-time sync, if no sync, wait for transponder time self.timesynctimer = eTimer() self.timesynctimer.callback.append(self.TimeSynctimer) self.timesynctimer.start(5000, True) print"[NAVIGATION] [work-around] wait for time sync" elif abs(self.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 360: # if there is a recording sheduled in the next 5 mins, set the wasTimerWakeup flag wasTimerWakeup = True f = open("/tmp/was_timer_wakeup_workaround.txt", "w") file = f.write(str(wasTimerWakeup)) f.close() elif abs(self.PowerTimer.getNextPowerManagerTime() - time()) <= 360: # if there is a power timer in the next 5 mins, set the wasTimerWakeup flag wasTimerWakeup = True f = open("/tmp/was_timer_wakeup_workaround.txt", "w") file = f.write(str(wasTimerWakeup)) f.close() print"[NAVIGATION] wasTimerWakeup = %s" % wasTimerWakeup if wasTimerWakeup: self.__wasTimerWakeup = True if time() <= 31536000: self.timesynctimer = eTimer() self.timesynctimer.callback.append(self.TimeSynctimer) self.timesynctimer.start(5000, True) print"[NAVIGATION] wait for time sync" elif nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto and abs(self.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 360: self.__wasRecTimerWakeup = True print 'RECTIMER: wakeup to standby detected.' f = open("/tmp/was_rectimer_wakeup", "w") f.write('1') f.close() # as we woke the box to record, place the box in standby. self.standbytimer = eTimer() self.standbytimer.callback.append(self.gotostandby) self.standbytimer.start(15000, True) elif nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto: self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = True print 'POWERTIMER: wakeup to standby detected.' f = open("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup", "w") f.write('1') f.close() # as a PowerTimer WakeToStandby was actiond to it. self.standbytimer = eTimer() self.standbytimer.callback.append(self.gotostandby) self.standbytimer.start(15000, True)
def __init__(self, wakeupData=None): if NavigationInstance.instance is not None: raise NavigationInstance.instance NavigationInstance.instance = self self.ServiceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() import Navigation as Nav Nav.navcore = self self.pnav = pNavigation() self.pnav.m_event.get().append(self.dispatchEvent) self.pnav.m_record_event.get().append(self.dispatchRecordEvent) self.event = [ ] self.record_event = [ ] self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = None self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = None self.currentlyPlayingService = None self.RecordTimer = None self.isRecordTimerImageStandard = False for p in plugins.getPlugins(PluginDescriptor.WHERE_RECORDTIMER): self.RecordTimer = p() if self.RecordTimer: break if not self.RecordTimer: self.RecordTimer = RecordTimer.RecordTimer() self.isRecordTimerImageStandard = True self.PowerTimer = None self.PowerTimer = PowerTimer.PowerTimer() self.__wasTimerWakeup = False self.__wasRecTimerWakeup = False self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = False #wakeup data try: self.wakeuptime, self.timertime, self.wakeuptyp, self.getstandby, self.recordtime, self.forcerecord = [int(n) for n in wakeupData.split(',')] except: print "="*100 print "[NAVIGATION] ERROR: can't read wakeup data" self.wakeuptime, self.timertime, self.wakeuptyp, self.getstandby, self.recordtime, self.forcerecord = -1,-1,0,0,-1,0 #print ctime(self.wakeuptime), ctime(self.timertime), self.wakeuptyp, self.getstandby, ctime(self.recordtime), self.forcerecord now = time() self.wakeupwindow_plus = self.timertime + 300 self.wakeupwindow_minus = self.wakeuptime - (config.workaround.wakeupwindow.value * 60) self.syncCount = 0 wasTimerWakeup, wasTimerWakeup_failure = getFPWasTimerWakeup(True) #TODO: verify wakeup-state for boxes where only after shutdown removed the wakeup-state (for boxes where "/proc/stb/fp/was_timer_wakeup" is not writable (clearFPWasTimerWakeup() in has no effect -> after x hours and restart/reboot is wasTimerWakeup = True) print "="*100 if self.wakeuptime > 0: print "[NAVIGATION] wakeup time from deep-standby expected: *** %s ***" %(ctime(self.wakeuptime)) print "[NAVIGATION] timer wakeup detection window: %s - %s" %(ctime(self.wakeupwindow_minus),ctime(self.wakeupwindow_plus)) print "-"*100 thisBox = getBoxType() if not config.workaround.deeprecord.value and (wasTimerWakeup_failure or thisBox in ('ixussone', 'uniboxhd1', 'uniboxhd2', 'uniboxhd3', 'sezam5000hd', 'mbtwin', 'beyonwizt3', 'et8000') or getBrandOEM() in ('ebox', 'azbox', 'xp', 'ini', 'fulan', 'entwopia') or getMachineBuild() in ('dags7335' , 'dags7356', 'dags7362')): print"[NAVIGATION] FORCED DEEPSTANDBY-WORKAROUND FOR THIS BOXTYPE (%s)" %thisBox config.workaround.deeprecord.setValue(True) if config.workaround.deeprecord.value: #work-around for boxes where driver not sent was_timer_wakeup signal to e2 wasTimerWakeup = False print "[NAVIGATION] starting deepstandby-workaround" if now <= 31536000: # check for NTP-time sync, if no sync, wait for transponder time self.timesynctimer = eTimer() self.timesynctimer.callback.append(self.TimeSynctimer) self.timesynctimer.start(5000, True) print"[NAVIGATION] wait for time sync" print "~"*100 elif now >= self.wakeupwindow_minus and now <= self.wakeupwindow_plus: # if there is a recording sheduled, set the wasTimerWakeup flag wasTimerWakeup = True f = open("/tmp/was_timer_wakeup_workaround.txt", "w") file = f.write(str(wasTimerWakeup)) f.close() print "[NAVIGATION] was timer wakeup = %s" % wasTimerWakeup print "[NAVIGATION] current time is %s" % ctime(now) if wasTimerWakeup: self.__wasTimerWakeup = True print "-"*100 if self.wakeuptime > 0: print "[NAVIGATION] wakeup time was %s" % ctime(self.wakeuptime) else: print "[NAVIGATION] wakeup time was not set" if now <= 31536000: self.timesynctimer = eTimer() self.timesynctimer.callback.append(self.TimeSynctimer) self.timesynctimer.start(5000, True) print"[NAVIGATION] wait for time sync" print "~"*100 else: self.wakeupCheck() else: if now > 31536000: if self.timertime > 0: print "[NAVIGATION] next '%s' starts at %s" % ({0:"record-timer",1:"zap-timer",2:"power-timer",3:"plugin-timer"}[self.wakeuptyp], ctime(self.timertime)) else: print "[NAVIGATION] no next timers" print "="*100
def __init__(self, wakeupData=None): if NavigationInstance.instance is not None: raise NavigationInstance.instance NavigationInstance.instance = self self.ServiceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() import Navigation as Nav Nav.navcore = self self.pnav = pNavigation() self.pnav.m_event.get().append(self.dispatchEvent) self.pnav.m_record_event.get().append(self.dispatchRecordEvent) self.event = [] self.record_event = [] self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = None self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = None self.currentlyPlayingService = None Screens.Standby.TVstate() self.skipWakeup = False self.RecordTimer = None self.isRecordTimerImageStandard = False for p in plugins.getPlugins(PluginDescriptor.WHERE_RECORDTIMER): self.RecordTimer = p() if self.RecordTimer: break if not self.RecordTimer: self.RecordTimer = RecordTimer.RecordTimer() self.isRecordTimerImageStandard = True self.PowerTimer = None self.PowerTimer = PowerTimer.PowerTimer() self.__wasTimerWakeup = False self.__wasRecTimerWakeup = False self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = False now = time() try: self.lastshutdowntime, self.wakeuptime, self.timertime, self.wakeuptyp, self.getstandby, self.recordtime, self.forcerecord = [ int(n) for n in wakeupData.split(',') ] except: print '=' * 100 print "[NAVIGATION] ERROR: can't read wakeup data" self.lastshutdowntime, self.wakeuptime, self.timertime, self.wakeuptyp, self.getstandby, self.recordtime, self.forcerecord = ( int(now), -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0) self.syncCount = 0 hasFakeTime = (now <= 31536000 or now - self.lastshutdowntime <= 120 ) and self.getstandby < 2 wasTimerWakeup, wasTimerWakeup_failure = getFPWasTimerWakeup(True) print '=' * 100 print '[NAVIGATION] was timer wakeup = %s' % wasTimerWakeup print "[NAVIGATION] current time is %s -> it's fake-time suspected: %s" % ( ctime(now), hasFakeTime) print '-' * 100 thisBox = getBoxType() if not config.workaround.deeprecord.value and ( wasTimerWakeup_failure or thisBox in ('ixussone', 'uniboxhd1', 'uniboxhd2', 'uniboxhd3', 'sezam5000hd', 'mbtwin', 'beyonwizt3', 'et8000') or getBrandOEM() in ('ebox', 'azbox', 'xp', 'ini', 'fulan', 'entwopia') or getMachineBuild() in ('dags7335', 'dags7356', 'dags7362')): print '[NAVIGATION] FORCED DEEPSTANDBY-WORKAROUND FOR THIS BOXTYPE (%s)' % thisBox print '-' * 100 config.workaround.deeprecord.setValue(True) if config.workaround.deeprecord.value: print '[NAVIGATION] starting deepstandby-workaround' self.wakeupwindow_plus = self.timertime + 300 self.wakeupwindow_minus = self.wakeuptime - config.workaround.wakeupwindow.value * 60 wasTimerWakeup = False if not hasFakeTime and now >= self.wakeupwindow_minus and now <= self.wakeupwindow_plus: wasTimerWakeup = True f = open('/tmp/was_timer_wakeup_workaround.txt', 'w') file = f.write(str(wasTimerWakeup)) f.close() else: self.wakeupwindow_plus = self.timertime + 900 self.wakeupwindow_minus = self.wakeuptime - 3600 if self.wakeuptime > 0: print '[NAVIGATION] wakeup time from deep-standby expected: *** %s ***' % ctime( self.wakeuptime) if config.workaround.deeprecord.value: print '[NAVIGATION] timer wakeup detection window: %s - %s' % ( ctime(self.wakeupwindow_minus), ctime(self.wakeupwindow_plus)) else: print '[NAVIGATION] wakeup time was not set' print '-' * 100 if wasTimerWakeup: self.__wasTimerWakeup = True if not hasFakeTime: self.wakeupCheck() return if hasFakeTime and self.wakeuptime > 0: if Screens.Standby.TVinStandby.getTVstandby( 'waitfortimesync') and not wasTimerWakeup: Screens.Standby.TVinStandby.setTVstate('power') self.savedOldTime = now self.timesynctimer = eTimer() self.timesynctimer.callback.append(self.TimeSynctimer) self.timesynctimer.start(5000, True) print '[NAVIGATION] wait for time sync' print '~' * 100 else: self.wakeupCheck(False) return
def __init__(self, wakeupData=None): if NavigationInstance.instance is not None: raise NavigationInstance.instance NavigationInstance.instance = self self.ServiceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() import Navigation as Nav Nav.navcore = self self.pnav = pNavigation() self.pnav.m_event.get().append(self.dispatchEvent) self.pnav.m_record_event.get().append(self.dispatchRecordEvent) self.event = [] self.record_event = [] self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = None self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = None self.currentlyPlayingService = None Screens.Standby.TVstate() self.skipWakeup = False self.RecordTimer = None self.isRecordTimerImageStandard = False if not self.RecordTimer: self.RecordTimer = RecordTimer.RecordTimer() self.isRecordTimerImageStandard = True self.PowerTimer = None self.PowerTimer = PowerTimer.PowerTimer() self.__wasTimerWakeup = False self.__wasRecTimerWakeup = False self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = False #wakeup data now = time() try: self.lastshutdowntime, self.wakeuptime, self.timertime, self.wakeuptyp, self.getstandby, self.recordtime, self.forcerecord = [ int(n) for n in wakeupData.split(',') ] except: print "=" * 100 print "[NAVIGATION] ERROR: can't read wakeup data" self.lastshutdowntime, self.wakeuptime, self.timertime, self.wakeuptyp, self.getstandby, self.recordtime, self.forcerecord = int( now), -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0 self.syncCount = 0 hasFakeTime = ( now <= 31536000 or now - self.lastshutdowntime <= 120 ) and self.getstandby < 2 #set hasFakeTime only if lower than values and was last shutdown to deep standby wasTimerWakeup, wasTimerWakeup_failure = getFPWasTimerWakeup(True) #TODO: verify wakeup-state for boxes where only after shutdown removed the wakeup-state (for boxes where "/proc/stb/fp/was_timer_wakeup" is not writable (clearFPWasTimerWakeup() in has no effect -> after x hours and restart/reboot is wasTimerWakeup = True) print "=" * 100 print "[NAVIGATION] was timer wakeup = %s" % wasTimerWakeup print "[NAVIGATION] current time is %s -> it's fake-time suspected: %s" % ( ctime(now), hasFakeTime) print "-" * 100 thisBox = getBoxType() if not config.workaround.deeprecord.value and ( wasTimerWakeup_failure or thisBox in ('ixussone', 'uniboxhd1', 'uniboxhd2', 'uniboxhd3', 'sezam5000hd', 'mbtwin', 'beyonwizt3', 'et8000') or getBrandOEM() in ('ebox', 'azbox', 'xp', 'ini', 'fulan', 'entwopia') or getMachineBuild() in ('dags7335', 'dags7356', 'dags7362')): print "[NAVIGATION] FORCED DEEPSTANDBY-WORKAROUND FOR THIS BOXTYPE (%s)" % thisBox print "-" * 100 config.workaround.deeprecord.setValue(True) if config.workaround.deeprecord.value: #work-around for boxes where driver not sent was_timer_wakeup signal to e2 print "[NAVIGATION] starting deepstandby-workaround" self.wakeupwindow_plus = self.timertime + 300 self.wakeupwindow_minus = self.wakeuptime - ( config.workaround.wakeupwindow.value * 60) wasTimerWakeup = False if not hasFakeTime and now >= self.wakeupwindow_minus and now <= self.wakeupwindow_plus: # if there is a recording sheduled, set the wasTimerWakeup flag wasTimerWakeup = True f = open("/tmp/was_timer_wakeup_workaround.txt", "w") file = f.write(str(wasTimerWakeup)) f.close() else: #secure wakeup window to prevent a wrong 'wasTimerWakeup' value as timer wakeup detection self.wakeupwindow_plus = self.timertime + 900 self.wakeupwindow_minus = self.wakeuptime - 3600 if self.wakeuptime > 0: print "[NAVIGATION] wakeup time from deep-standby expected: *** %s ***" % ( ctime(self.wakeuptime)) if config.workaround.deeprecord.value: print "[NAVIGATION] timer wakeup detection window: %s - %s" % ( ctime(self.wakeupwindow_minus), ctime(self.wakeupwindow_plus)) else: print "[NAVIGATION] wakeup time was not set" print "-" * 100 if wasTimerWakeup: self.__wasTimerWakeup = True if not hasFakeTime: self.wakeupCheck() return if hasFakeTime and self.wakeuptime > 0: # check for NTP-time sync, if no sync, wait for transponder time if Screens.Standby.TVinStandby.getTVstandby( 'waitfortimesync') and not wasTimerWakeup: Screens.Standby.TVinStandby.setTVstate('power') self.savedOldTime = now self.timesynctimer = eTimer() self.timesynctimer.callback.append(self.TimeSynctimer) self.timesynctimer.start(5000, True) print "[NAVIGATION] wait for time sync" print "~" * 100 else: self.wakeupCheck(False)
def __init__(self, nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto=False, nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto=False): if NavigationInstance.instance is not None: raise NavigationInstance.instance NavigationInstance.instance = self self.ServiceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() import Navigation as Nav Nav.navcore = self self.pnav = pNavigation() self.pnav.m_event.get().append(self.dispatchEvent) self.pnav.m_record_event.get().append(self.dispatchRecordEvent) self.event = [ ] self.record_event = [ ] self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = None self.RecordTimer = None for p in plugins.getPlugins(PluginDescriptor.WHERE_RECORDTIMER): self.RecordTimer = p() if self.RecordTimer: break if not self.RecordTimer: self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = None self.currentlyPlayingService = None self.RecordTimer = RecordTimer.RecordTimer() self.PowerTimer = PowerTimer.PowerTimer() self.nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto = nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto self.nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto = nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto self.__wasTimerWakeup = False self.__wasRecTimerWakeup = False self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = False self.syncCount = 0 wasTimerWakeup = getFPWasTimerWakeup() thisBox = getBoxType() if thisBox in ('ixussone', 'uniboxhd1', 'uniboxhd2', 'uniboxhd3', 'sezam5000hd', 'mbtwin', 'beyonwizt3') or getBrandOEM() in ('ebox', 'azbox', 'xp', 'ini', 'dags', 'fulan'): config.workaround.deeprecord.setValue(True) print"[NAVIGATION] USE DEEPSTAND-WORKAROUND FOR THIS BOXTYPE (%s) !!" %thisBox if not wasTimerWakeup and config.workaround.deeprecord.value: #work-around for boxes where driver not sent was_timer_wakeup signal to e2 print"==================================================================================" print"[NAVIGATION] getNextRecordingTime= %s" % self.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() print"[NAVIGATION] nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto= %s" % nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto print"[NAVIGATION] current Time=%s" % time() print"[NAVIGATION] timediff=%s" % abs(self.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) print"==================================================================================" print"[NAVIGATION] getNextPowerManagerTime= %s" % self.PowerTimer.getNextPowerManagerTime() print"[NAVIGATION] nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto= %s" % nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto print"[NAVIGATION] current Time=%s" % time() print"[NAVIGATION] timediff=%s" % abs(self.PowerTimer.getNextPowerManagerTime() - time()) print"==================================================================================" if time() <= 31536000: # check for NTP-time sync, if no sync, wait for transponder time self.timesynctimer = eTimer() self.timesynctimer.callback.append(self.TimeSynctimer) self.timesynctimer.start(5000, True) print"[NAVIGATION] [work-around] wait for time sync" elif abs(self.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 360: # if there is a recording sheduled in the next 5 mins, set the wasTimerWakeup flag wasTimerWakeup = True f = open("/tmp/was_timer_wakeup_workaround.txt", "w") file = f.write(str(wasTimerWakeup)) f.close() elif abs(self.PowerTimer.getNextPowerManagerTime() - time()) <= 360: # if there is a power timer in the next 5 mins, set the wasTimerWakeup flag wasTimerWakeup = True f = open("/tmp/was_timer_wakeup_workaround.txt", "w") file = f.write(str(wasTimerWakeup)) f.close() print"[NAVIGATION] wasTimerWakeup = %s" % wasTimerWakeup if wasTimerWakeup: self.__wasTimerWakeup = True if time() <= 31536000: self.timesynctimer = eTimer() self.timesynctimer.callback.append(self.TimeSynctimer) self.timesynctimer.start(5000, True) print"[NAVIGATION] wait for time sync" elif nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto and abs(self.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 360: self.__wasRecTimerWakeup = True print 'RECTIMER: wakeup to standby detected.' f = open("/tmp/was_rectimer_wakeup", "w") f.write('1') f.close() # as we woke the box to record, place the box in standby. self.standbytimer = eTimer() self.standbytimer.callback.append(self.gotostandby) self.standbytimer.start(15000, True) elif nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto: self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = True print 'POWERTIMER: wakeup to standby detected.' f = open("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup", "w") f.write('1') f.close() # as a PowerTimer WakeToStandby was actiond to it. self.standbytimer = eTimer() self.standbytimer.callback.append(self.gotostandby) self.standbytimer.start(15000, True) def wasTimerWakeup(self): return self.__wasTimerWakeup def wasRecTimerWakeup(self): return self.__wasRecTimerWakeup def wasPowerTimerWakeup(self): return self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup def TimeSynctimer(self): self.syncCount += 1 if self.nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto and abs(self.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) <= 360: self.__wasRecTimerWakeup = True print 'RECTIMER: wakeup to standby detected.' print"[NAVIGATION] getNextRecordingTime= %s" % self.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() print"[NAVIGATION] current Time=%s" % time() print"[NAVIGATION] timediff=%s" % abs(self.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - time()) f = open("/tmp/was_rectimer_wakeup", "w") f.write('1') f.close() self.gotostandby() elif self.nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto and abs(self.PowerTimer.getNextPowerManagerTime() - time()) <= 360: self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = True print 'POWERTIMER: wakeup to standby detected.' print"[NAVIGATION] getNextPowerManagerTime= %s" % self.PowerTimer.getNextPowerManagerTime() print"[NAVIGATION] current Time=%s" % time() print"[NAVIGATION] timediff=%s" % abs(self.PowerTimer.getNextPowerManagerTime() - time()) f = open("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup", "w") f.write('1') f.close() self.gotostandby() else: if self.syncCount <= 24 and time() <= 31536000: # max 2 mins or when time is in sync self.timesynctimer.start(5000, True) else: print"[NAVIGATION] No Recordings/PowerTimers found, end work-around" if self.nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto: print"[NAVIGATION] wasTimerWakeup after time sync = %s, sync time = %s sec." % (self.__wasRecTimerWakeup, self.syncCount * 5) elif self.nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto: print"[NAVIGATION] wasPowerTimerWakeup after time sync = %s, sync time = %s sec." % (self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup, self.syncCount * 5) def gotostandby(self): print '[NAVIGATION] TIMER: now entering standby' from Tools import Notifications Notifications.AddNotification(Screens.Standby.Standby) def dispatchEvent(self, i): for x in self.event: x(i) if i == iPlayableService.evEnd: self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = None self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = None self.currentlyPlayingService = None def dispatchRecordEvent(self, rec_service, event): # print "record_event", rec_service, event for x in self.record_event: x(rec_service, event) def playService(self, ref, checkParentalControl=True, forceRestart=False, adjust=True): oldref = self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup if ref and oldref and ref == oldref and not forceRestart: print "ignore request to play already running service(1)" return 1 print "playing", ref and ref.toString() if path.exists("/proc/stb/lcd/symbol_signal") and config.lcd.mode.value == '1': try: if '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' not in ref.toString(): signal = 1 else: signal = 0 f = open("/proc/stb/lcd/symbol_signal", "w") f.write(str(signal)) f.close() except: f = open("/proc/stb/lcd/symbol_signal", "w") f.write("0") f.close() elif path.exists("/proc/stb/lcd/symbol_signal") and config.lcd.mode.value == '0': f = open("/proc/stb/lcd/symbol_signal", "w") f.write("0") f.close() if ref is None: self.stopService() return 0 from Components.ServiceEventTracker import InfoBarCount InfoBarInstance = InfoBarCount == 1 and InfoBar.instance if not checkParentalControl or parentalControl.isServicePlayable(ref, boundFunction(self.playService, checkParentalControl=False, forceRestart=forceRestart, adjust=adjust)): if ref.flags & eServiceReference.isGroup: oldref = self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference or eServiceReference() playref = getBestPlayableServiceReference(ref, oldref) print "playref", playref if playref and oldref and playref == oldref and not forceRestart: print "ignore request to play already running service(2)" return 1 if not playref or (checkParentalControl and not parentalControl.isServicePlayable(playref, boundFunction(self.playService, checkParentalControl = False))): self.stopService() return 0 else: playref = ref if self.pnav: self.pnav.stopService() self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = playref self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = ref if InfoBarInstance and InfoBarInstance.servicelist.servicelist.setCurrent(ref, adjust): self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = InfoBarInstance.servicelist.servicelist.getCurrent() if ref.toString().find('//') == -1 and SystemInfo["isGBIPBOX"]: playref = ZAP.gref(ref, self.pnav) if self.pnav.playService(playref): print "Failed to start", playref self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = None self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = None return 0 elif oldref and InfoBarInstance and InfoBarInstance.servicelist.servicelist.setCurrent(oldref, adjust): self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = InfoBarInstance.servicelist.servicelist.getCurrent() return 1 def getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference(self): return self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference def getCurrentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup(self): return self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup def isMovieplayerActive(self): MoviePlayerInstance = MoviePlayer.instance if MoviePlayerInstance is not None and '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' in self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference.toString(): from Screens.InfoBarGenerics import setResumePoint setResumePoint(MoviePlayer.instance.session) MoviePlayerInstance.close() def recordService(self, ref, simulate=False): service = None if not simulate: print "recording service: %s" % (str(ref)) if isinstance(ref, ServiceReference.ServiceReference): ref = ref.ref if ref: if ref.flags & eServiceReference.isGroup: ref = getBestPlayableServiceReference(ref, eServiceReference(), simulate) service = ref and self.pnav and self.pnav.recordService(ref, simulate) if service is None: print "record returned non-zero" return service def stopRecordService(self, service): ret = self.pnav and self.pnav.stopRecordService(service) return ret def getRecordings(self, simulate=False): return self.pnav and self.pnav.getRecordings(simulate) def getCurrentService(self): if not self.currentlyPlayingService: self.currentlyPlayingService = self.pnav and self.pnav.getCurrentService() return self.currentlyPlayingService def stopService(self): if self.pnav: self.pnav.stopService() self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = None self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = None if path.exists("/proc/stb/lcd/symbol_signal"): f = open("/proc/stb/lcd/symbol_signal", "w") f.write("0") f.close() def pause(self, p): return self.pnav and self.pnav.pause(p) def shutdown(self): self.RecordTimer.shutdown() self.PowerTimer.shutdown() self.ServiceHandler = None self.pnav = None def stopUserServices(self): self.stopService()
def __init__(self, nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto=False, nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto=False): if NavigationInstance.instance is not None: raise NavigationInstance.instance NavigationInstance.instance = self self.ServiceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() import Navigation as Nav Nav.navcore = self self.pnav = pNavigation() self.pnav.m_event.get().append(self.dispatchEvent) self.pnav.m_record_event.get().append(self.dispatchRecordEvent) self.event = [] self.record_event = [] self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = None self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = None self.currentlyPlayingService = None self.RecordTimer = None for p in plugins.getPlugins(PluginDescriptor.WHERE_RECORDTIMER): self.RecordTimer = p() if self.RecordTimer: break if not self.RecordTimer: self.RecordTimer = RecordTimer.RecordTimer() self.PowerTimer = None self.PowerTimer = PowerTimer.PowerTimer() self.nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto = nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto self.nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto = nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto self.__wasTimerWakeup = False self.__wasRecTimerWakeup = False self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = False self.syncCount = 0 now = time() nextRT = self.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() nextPT = self.PowerTimer.getNextPowerManagerTime(getNextTimerTyp=True) timediffRT = nextRT - now timediffPT = nextPT[0][0] - now wasTimerWakeup = getFPWasTimerWakeup() #TODO: verify wakeup-state for boxes where only after shutdown removed the wakeup-state (for boxes where "/proc/stb/fp/was_timer_wakeup" is not writable (clearFPWasTimerWakeup() in has no effect -> after x hours and restart/reboot is wasTimerWakeup = True) thisBox = getBoxType() if thisBox in ('ixussone', 'uniboxhd1', 'uniboxhd2', 'uniboxhd3', 'sezam5000hd', 'mbtwin', 'beyonwizt3') or getBrandOEM() in ('ebox', 'azbox', 'xp', 'ini', 'dags', 'fulan'): config.workaround.deeprecord.setValue(True) print "[NAVIGATION] USE DEEPSTAND-WORKAROUND FOR THIS BOXTYPE (%s) !!" % thisBox if not wasTimerWakeup and config.workaround.deeprecord.value: #work-around for boxes where driver not sent was_timer_wakeup signal to e2 print "==================================================================================" print "[NAVIGATION] getNextRecordingTime= %s" % nextRT print "[NAVIGATION] nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto= %s" % nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto print "[NAVIGATION] current Time=%s" % now print "[NAVIGATION] timediff=%s" % abs(timediffRT) print "==================================================================================" print "[NAVIGATION] getNextPowerManagerTime= %s" % nextPT[0][0] print "[NAVIGATION] nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto= %s" % nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto print "[NAVIGATION] current Time=%s" % now print "[NAVIGATION] timediff=%s" % abs(timediffPT) print "==================================================================================" if now <= 31536000: # check for NTP-time sync, if no sync, wait for transponder time self.timesynctimer = eTimer() self.timesynctimer.callback.append(self.TimeSynctimer) self.timesynctimer.start(5000, True) print "[NAVIGATION] [work-around] wait for time sync" elif abs( timediffRT ) <= 360: # if there is a recording sheduled in the next 5 mins, set the wasTimerWakeup flag wasTimerWakeup = True f = open("/tmp/was_timer_wakeup_workaround.txt", "w") file = f.write(str(wasTimerWakeup)) f.close() elif abs(timediffPT) <= 360 and ( nextPT[0][1] == PowerTimer.TIMERTYPE.WAKEUP or nextPT[0][1] == PowerTimer.TIMERTYPE.WAKEUPTOSTANDBY or nextPT[0][2] == PowerTimer.AFTEREVENT.WAKEUP or nextPT[0][2] == PowerTimer.AFTEREVENT.WAKEUPTOSTANDBY ): # if there is a power timer in the next 5 mins, set the wasTimerWakeup flag wasTimerWakeup = True f = open("/tmp/was_timer_wakeup_workaround.txt", "w") file = f.write(str(wasTimerWakeup)) f.close() print "[NAVIGATION] wasTimerWakeup = %s" % wasTimerWakeup if wasTimerWakeup: self.__wasTimerWakeup = True if now <= 31536000: self.timesynctimer = eTimer() self.timesynctimer.callback.append(self.TimeSynctimer) self.timesynctimer.start(5000, True) print "[NAVIGATION] wait for time sync" elif self.nextRecordTimerAfterEventActionAuto and abs( timediffRT) <= 360: self.__wasRecTimerWakeup = True print 'RECTIMER: wakeup to standby detected.' f = open("/tmp/was_rectimer_wakeup", "w") f.write('1') f.close() # as we woke the box to record, place the box in standby. self.standbytimer = eTimer() self.standbytimer.callback.append(self.gotostandby) self.standbytimer.start(15000, True) elif self.nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto and abs( timediffPT) <= 360 and ( nextPT[0][1] == PowerTimer.TIMERTYPE.WAKEUP or nextPT[0][2] == PowerTimer.AFTEREVENT.WAKEUP): self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = True print 'POWERTIMER: wakeup detected.' if abs( timediffPT ) > 75: #more than 1 minutes to wake up from powertimer - go in standby self.standbytimer = eTimer() self.standbytimer.callback.append(self.gotostandby) self.standbytimer.start(15000, True) elif self.nextPowerManagerAfterEventActionAuto and abs( timediffPT) <= 360 and ( nextPT[0][1] == PowerTimer.TIMERTYPE.WAKEUPTOSTANDBY or nextPT[0][2] == PowerTimer.AFTEREVENT.WAKEUPTOSTANDBY): self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = True print 'POWERTIMER: wakeup to standby detected.' f = open("/tmp/was_powertimer_wakeup", "w") f.write('1') f.close() # as a PowerTimer WakeToStandby was actiond to it. self.standbytimer = eTimer() self.standbytimer.callback.append(self.gotostandby) self.standbytimer.start(15000, True)
def __init__(self, wakeupData=None): if NavigationInstance.instance is not None: raise NavigationInstance.instance NavigationInstance.instance = self self.ServiceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() import Navigation as Nav Nav.navcore = self self.pnav = pNavigation() self.pnav.m_event.get().append(self.dispatchEvent) self.pnav.m_record_event.get().append(self.dispatchRecordEvent) self.event = [] self.record_event = [] self.currentlyPlayingServiceReference = None self.currentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup = None self.currentlyPlayingService = None self.RecordTimer = None self.isRecordTimerImageStandard = False for p in plugins.getPlugins(PluginDescriptor.WHERE_RECORDTIMER): self.RecordTimer = p() if self.RecordTimer: break if not self.RecordTimer: self.RecordTimer = RecordTimer.RecordTimer() self.isRecordTimerImageStandard = True self.PowerTimer = None self.PowerTimer = PowerTimer.PowerTimer() self.__wasTimerWakeup = False self.__wasRecTimerWakeup = False self.__wasPowerTimerWakeup = False try: self.wakeuptime, self.timertime, self.wakeuptyp, self.getstandby, self.recordtime, self.forcerecord = [ int(n) for n in wakeupData.split(',') ] except: print '=' * 100 print "[NAVIGATION] ERROR: can't read wakeup data" self.wakeuptime, self.timertime, self.wakeuptyp, self.getstandby, self.recordtime, self.forcerecord = ( -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0) now = time() self.wakeupwindow_plus = self.timertime + 300 self.wakeupwindow_minus = self.wakeuptime - config.workaround.wakeupwindow.value * 60 self.syncCount = 0 wasTimerWakeup, wasTimerWakeup_failure = getFPWasTimerWakeup(True) print '=' * 100 if self.wakeuptime > 0: print '[NAVIGATION] wakeup time from deep-standby expected: *** %s ***' % ctime( self.wakeuptime) print '[NAVIGATION] timer wakeup detection window: %s - %s' % ( ctime(self.wakeupwindow_minus), ctime(self.wakeupwindow_plus)) print '-' * 100 thisBox = getBoxType() if not config.workaround.deeprecord.value and ( wasTimerWakeup_failure or thisBox in ('ixussone', 'uniboxhd1', 'uniboxhd2', 'uniboxhd3', 'sezam5000hd', 'mbtwin', 'beyonwizt3', 'et8000') or getBrandOEM() in ('ebox', 'azbox', 'xp', 'ini', 'dags', 'fulan', 'entwopia')): print '[NAVIGATION] FORCED DEEPSTANDBY-WORKAROUND FOR THIS BOXTYPE (%s)' % thisBox config.workaround.deeprecord.setValue(True) if config.workaround.deeprecord.value: wasTimerWakeup = False print '[NAVIGATION] starting deepstandby-workaround' if now <= 31536000: self.timesynctimer = eTimer() self.timesynctimer.callback.append(self.TimeSynctimer) self.timesynctimer.start(5000, True) print '[NAVIGATION] wait for time sync' print '~' * 100 elif now >= self.wakeupwindow_minus and now <= self.wakeupwindow_plus: wasTimerWakeup = True f = open('/tmp/was_timer_wakeup_workaround.txt', 'w') file = f.write(str(wasTimerWakeup)) f.close() print '[NAVIGATION] was timer wakeup = %s' % wasTimerWakeup print '[NAVIGATION] current time is %s' % ctime(now) if wasTimerWakeup: self.__wasTimerWakeup = True print '-' * 100 if self.wakeuptime > 0: print '[NAVIGATION] wakeup time was %s' % ctime( self.wakeuptime) else: print '[NAVIGATION] wakeup time was not set' if now <= 31536000: self.timesynctimer = eTimer() self.timesynctimer.callback.append(self.TimeSynctimer) self.timesynctimer.start(5000, True) print '[NAVIGATION] wait for time sync' print '~' * 100 else: self.wakeupCheck() elif now > 31536000: if self.timertime > 0: print "[NAVIGATION] next '%s' starts at %s" % ( { 0: 'record-timer', 1: 'zap-timer', 2: 'power-timer', 3: 'plugin-timer' }[self.wakeuptyp], ctime(self.timertime)) else: print '[NAVIGATION] no next timers' print '=' * 100 return