if f_sha in shatab:
            # uncomment next line to remove duplicate files
            # os.remove(fname)
            dup_count += 1
            # sg.Print(f'Duplicate file - {f}')    # cannot current use sg.Print with Progress Meter

    msg = f'{total} Files processed\n'\
          f'{dup_count} Duplicates found\n'
    sg.MsgBox('Duplicate Finder Ended', msg)

# ====____====____==== Pseudo-MAIN program ====____====____==== #
# This is our main-alike piece of code                          #
#   + Starts up the GUI                                         #
#   + Gets values from GUI                                      #
#   + Runs DeDupe_folder based on GUI inputs                    #
# ------------------------------------------------------------- #
if __name__ == '__main__':

    source_folder = None
    rc, source_folder = sg.GetPathBox(
        'Duplicate Finder - Count number of duplicate files',
        'Enter path to folder you wish to find duplicates in')
    if rc is True and source_folder is not None:
        sg.MsgBoxCancel('Cancelling', '*** Cancelling ***')
Beispiel #2
from __future__ import print_function
import os, time, sys, fitz

# do some adjustments whether Python v2 or v3
if str is not bytes:
    import PySimpleGUI as psg
    mytime = time.perf_counter
    mytime = time.clock

rc = False
if str is bytes:
    imgdir = sys.argv[1]  # where my files are
    rc, imgdir = psg.GetPathBox("Make a PDF from Embedded Files",
                                "Enter file directory:")

if not imgdir:
    raise SystemExit()

t0 = mytime()  # set start timer

doc = fitz.open()  # PDF with the pictures

imglist = os.listdir(imgdir)  # list of them
imgcount = len(imglist)  # pic count

for i, f in enumerate(imglist):
    path = os.path.join(imgdir, f)
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        print("skipping non-file '%s'!" % f)
Beispiel #3
Simple Image Browser based on PySimpleGUI
There are some improvements compared to the PNG browser of the repository:
1. Paging is cyclic, i.e. automatically wraps around if file index is outside
2. Supports all file types that are valid PIL images
3. Limits the maximum form size to the physical screen
4. When selecting an image from the listbox, subsequent paging uses its index
5. Paging performance improved significantly because of using PIL

Python v3
# Get the folder containing the images from the user
rc, folder = sg.GetPathBox('Image Browser', 'Image folder to open', default_path='')
if not rc or not folder:
    raise SystemExit()

# PIL supported image types
img_types = (".png", ".jpg", "jpeg", ".tiff", ".bmp")

# get list of files in folder
flist0 = os.listdir(folder)

# create sub list of image files (no sub folders, no wrong file types)
fnames = [f for f in flist0 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder,f)) and f.lower().endswith(img_types)]

num_files = len(fnames)                # number of iamges found
if num_files == 0:
Beispiel #4
from __future__ import print_function
import os, time, sys, fitz

# do some adjustments whether Python v2 or v3
if str is not bytes:
    import PySimpleGUI as psg
    mytime = time.perf_counter
    mytime = time.clock

rc = False
if str is bytes:
    imgdir = sys.argv[1]               # where my files are
    rc, imgdir = psg.GetPathBox("Make a PDF from Attached Files",
                                "Enter file directory:")

if not imgdir:
    raise SystemExit()

t0 = mytime()                          # set start timer

width, height = fitz.PaperSize("a6-l") # get paper format

doc = fitz.open()                      # open empty PDF
page = doc.newPage(width = width,      # make new page
                   height = height)

# define sub rect to receive text and annotation symbols
rect = fitz.Rect(0, 0, width, height) + (36, 36, -36, -36)
Beispiel #5
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import os

# Simple Image Browser based on PySimpleGUI

# Get the folder containing the images from the user
rc, folder = sg.GetPathBox('Image Browser',
                           'Image folder to open',
if rc is False or folder is '':

# get list of PNG files in folder
png_files = [folder + '\\' + f for f in os.listdir(folder) if '.png' in f]

if len(png_files) == 0:
    sg.MsgBox('No PNG images in folder')

# create the form that also returns keyboard events
form = sg.FlexForm('Image Browser', return_keyboard_events=True)

# make these 2 elements outside the layout because want to "update" them later
# initialize to the first PNG file in the list
image_elem = sg.Image(filename=png_files[0])
filename_display_elem = sg.Text(png_files[0], size=(80, 3))
file_num_display_elem = sg.Text('File 1 of {}'.format(len(png_files)),
                                size=(10, 1))

# define layout, show and read the form