Beispiel #1
def update_results():
    # get user choices if they exist (batch required)

    bSelected = request.args.get('bSelected', type=str)
    if len(bSelected) == 0:
        # TODO: Figure out a better way to catch this error, probably
        # through html solution that requires user to choose batch before
        # using other selects
        return jsonify(resultstable="MUST SELECT A BATCH")

    cSelected = request.args.getlist('cSelected[]')

    mSelected = request.args.getlist('mSelected[]')

    #query narf results by batch, store in dataframe
    results = qg.QueryGenerator(dbc,tablename='NarfResults',\

    # TODO: Figure out why models parsed from analysis selection aren't
    # matching up with cells filtered by batch selection.

    #filter dataframe by selected cells, if any
    if not (len(cSelected) == 0):
        results = results[results.cellid.isin(cSelected)]
    #same for selected models, if any
    if not (len(mSelected) == 0):
        results = results[results.modelname.isin(mSelected)]

    return jsonify(resultstable=results.to_html(classes='table-hover\
Beispiel #2
def main_view():

    tablelist = 'NarfResults'
    plottypelist = 'Scatter'
    measurelist = 'r_test'
    resultstable = ''

    # TODO: Figure out how to get initial lists to load faster - added distinct
    # and field selections to shrink query, but initial page load is still very slow
    # if selection limit is lifted (so far tested up to 200k, takes ~20 seconds to load)

    # possibility: organize as analysis, batch, model objects and load a global-scope
    # dataframe with the relevant data on app launch? then just have view functions index
    # into dataframe as needed instead of generating new queries each time

    analyses = qg.QueryGenerator(dbc, column='name',
    analyses = analyses.iloc[:, 0]  #convert from 1-dim df to series
    analysislist = analyses.tolist()

    batches = qg.QueryGenerator(dbc,distinct=True,column='batch',tablename=\
    batches = batches.iloc[:, 0]
    batchlist = batches.tolist()

    #       Leave this out for now to improve page load time
    ## Maybe don't need this one with new setup? Cells can just populate after
    ## analysis is selected. Unless want to be able to sort by a specific cell first.
    cells = qg.QueryGenerator(dbc,distinct=True,column='cellid',tablename='NarfBatches').send_query()
    cells = cells.iloc[:,0]
    # get unique list since there are duplicates
    celllist = cells.tolist()
    models = qg.QueryGenerator(dbc,distinct=True,column='modelname',tablename='NarfResults').send_query()
    models = models.iloc[:,0]
    modellist = models.tolist()

    return render_template('main.html', analysislist = analysislist,\
                           tablelist = tablelist,\
                           batchlist = batchlist,\
                           #celllist = celllist,\
                           #modellist = modellist,\
                           plottypelist = plottypelist,
                           measurelist = measurelist,
Beispiel #3
def view_database():
    tablelist = 'NarfResults'

    batches = qg.QueryGenerator(dbc, column='batch',
    batches = batches.iloc[:, 0]
    # get unique list since there are duplicates
    batchlist = list(set(batches.tolist()))

    models = qg.QueryGenerator(dbc,
    models = models.iloc[:, 0]
    modellist = list(set(models.tolist()))

    return render_template('database.html', tablelist=tablelist, batchlist=batchlist,\
Beispiel #4
def update_cells():
    bSelected = request.args.get('bSelected', 'no selection', type=str)

    celllist = qg.QueryGenerator(dbc,column='cellid',tablename='NarfBatches',\

    celllist = celllist.iloc[:, 0].tolist()

    return jsonify(celllist=celllist)
Beispiel #5
def update_batch():
    aSelected = request.args.get('aSelected', 'no selection', type=str)

    batch = qg.QueryGenerator(dbc,tablename='NarfAnalysis',\

    # get string of first 3 characters, rest is description of batch
    batchnum = batch['batch'].iloc[0][:3]

    #return batchnum for selected analysis in jQuery-friendly format
    return jsonify(batchnum=batchnum)
Beispiel #6
def req_query(tablename, batchnum, modelname):
    # parse variables from URL and pass to QueryGenerator object as attributes
    query = qg.QueryGenerator(tablename, batchnum, modelname)
    # populate dataframe by calling send_query() on qg object
    data = query.send_query()
    # TODO: Figure out best practice for when and where to close database connection.
    # For now, will continue putting it in any time the conneciton is no longer needed
    # for current operation.
    # generate descriptive table title from variables
    tabletitle = ("%s, filter by: batch=%s, model=%s" %
                  (tablename, batchnum, modelname))

    # generage html page via table.html template, pass in html export of dataframe
    # and table title as variables
    return render_template('table.html', table=data.to_html(classes='Table'),\
Beispiel #7
def req_query():
    # add if statements to check if request data exists before pulling
    tablename = request.form['tablename']
    batchnum = request.form['batchnum']
    modelname = request.form['modelname']

    query = qg.QueryGenerator(dbc,tablename=tablename,batchnum=batchnum,\
    # populate dataframe by calling send_query() on qg object
    data = query.send_query()

    tabletitle = ("%s, filter by: batch=%s, model=%s" %
                  (tablename, batchnum, modelname))

    # generage html page via table.html template, pass in html export of dataframe
    # and table title as variables
    return render_template('table.html', table=data.to_html(classes='table'),\
Beispiel #8
def update_models():
    aSelected = request.args.get('aSelected', 'no selection', type=str)
    #currently disabled until modelfinder methods are fixed - combo array
    #recursion crashing website

    analysis = qg.QueryGenerator(dbc,column='modeltree',tablename='NarfAnalysis',\

    # pull modeltree text from NarfAnalysis
    # and convert to string rep

    modeltree = analysis.iloc[0, 0]
    modelFinder = mf.ModelFinder(modeltree)
    modellist = modelFinder.modellist

    #modellist = ['testing','jquery','code','for','analysis','update',aSelected]

    return jsonify(modellist=modellist)
- Used to parse modelstring from NarfAnalysis
- into a list of model names that can be passed back
- to model selector

import ast
import re

#for testing w/  actual model string
import QueryGenerator as qg
import DB_Connection as dbcon
db = dbcon.DB_Connection()
dbc = db.connection

analysis = qg.QueryGenerator(dbc,
                             analysis='Jake Test').send_query()
modstring = analysis['modeltree'][0]
# for testing with simpler nested list that (hopefully) won't crash the universe
modstring = "{'a','b',  {{'c','d'},{ 'e','f' }},    'g'}"
# list of combos should end up as:
# ['abceg','abcfg','abdeg','abdfg']

class ModelFinder():
    def __init__(self, modelstring=''):
        self.modelstring = modelstring
        # as soon as modelstring is passed, go ahead and
        # parse into array then to list so that attribs can be retrieved