Beispiel #1
	def onGreatPersonBorn(self, argsList):
		'Great Person Born'
		pUnit, iPlayer, pCity = argsList
		player = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)

		#if (not g_bGreatPersonModFeaturesEnabled):
		#	return

		# Check if we should even show the popup:
		if (pUnit.isNone() or pCity.isNone()):

		#If Person doesn't have unique name, give him a random one
		if (len(pUnit.getNameNoDesc()) == 0):
			iCivilizationType = player.getCivilizationType()

		#Show fancy lil popup if a human got the great person:
		if (iPlayer == gc.getGame().getActivePlayer() and player.isHuman()):
			popupInfo = CyPopupInfo()
	def getUnitName(self, sUnitNameConv, pUnit, pCity, bIncrementCounter):

		iPlayer = pUnit.getOwner()
		pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)

		zsCiv = pPlayer.getCivilizationAdjective(0)
		zsLeader = pPlayer.getName()
		zsUnitCombat = self.getUnitCombat(pUnit)
		zsUnitDomain = BugUtil.getPlainText("TXT_KEY_BUG_UNIT_NAMING_" + gc.getDomainInfo(pUnit.getDomainType()).getType())
		zsUnit = gc.getUnitInfo(pUnit.getUnitType()).getDescription()
		zsCity = pCity.getName()

		#BUGPrint("Civ(%s)" % (zsCiv))
		#BUGPrint("Leader(%s)" % (zsLeader))
		#BUGPrint("Combat(%s)" % (zsUnitCombat))
		#BUGPrint("Domain(%s)" % (zsUnitDomain))
		#BUGPrint("Unit(%s)" % (zsUnit))
		#BUGPrint("City(%s)" % (zsCity))

		zsName = sUnitNameConv

		#if zsName == "":
		#zsName = "^ut^ ^cnt[r]^ Div ^tt1[s][5:7]^ : ^ct^ ^tt2[o][101]^"

		#BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-A [" + zsName + "]")

##  - ^civ4^ - no naming convention, uses standard civ4
#		check if Civ4 naming convention is required
		if not (zsName.find("^civ4^") == -1):
			return ""

##  - ^rd^ - random name
#		check if random naming convention is required
		if not (zsName.find("^rd^") == -1):
			zsRandomName = RandomNameUtils.getRandomName()
			zsName = zsName.replace("^rd^", zsRandomName)


##  - ^rc^ - random civ related name
#		check if random civ related naming convention is required
		if not (zsName.find("^rc^") == -1):
			zsRandomName = RandomNameUtils.getRandomCivilizationName(pPlayer.getCivilizationType())
			zsName = zsName.replace("^rc^", zsRandomName)

		#BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-C [" + zsName + "]")

##  - ^ct^ - City
##  - ^cv^ - Civilization
##  - ^ut^ - unit (eg Archer)
##  - ^cb^ - combat type (Melee)
##  - ^dm^ - domain (Water)
##  - ^ld^ - leader
#		replace the fixed items in the naming conv
		zsName = zsName.replace("^ct^", zsCity)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^cv^", zsCiv)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^ut^", zsUnit)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^cb^", zsUnitCombat)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^dm^", zsUnitDomain)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^ld^", zsLeader)

		#BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-D [" + zsName + "]")

#		check if there are any more codes to swap out, return if not
		counters = BugData.getGameData().getTable(SD_MOD_ID)
		while zsName.find("^cnt") != -1:
#			determine what I am counting across
			zsSDKey = self.getCounter(zsName)
			if zsSDKey == "UNIT":		zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsUnit
			elif zsSDKey == "COMBAT":	zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsUnitCombat
			elif zsSDKey == "CITY":		zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsCity
			elif zsSDKey == "UNITCITY": zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsUnit + zsCity
			elif zsSDKey == "DOMAIN":	zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsUnitDomain

			#BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-E [" + zsSDKey + "]")

#			see if we have already started this counter
			if (not counters.hasTable(zsSDKey)):
				#Since no record create entries
				ziCnt = 0
				ziTT1 = self.getTotal1(zsName)
				ziTT2 = self.getTotal2(zsName)
				counter = counters.getTable(zsSDKey)
#				get the count values
				counter = counters.getTable(zsSDKey)
				ziCnt = counter["cnt"]
				ziTT1 = counter["tt1"]
				ziTT2 = counter["tt2"]

			#BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-F [" + str(ziCnt) + "] [" + str(ziTT1) + "] [" + str(ziTT2) + "]")

#			increment count, adjust totals if required
			if bIncrementCounter:
				ziCnt = ziCnt + 1
				if (ziCnt > ziTT1
				and ziTT1 > 0):
					ziCnt = 1
					ziTT1 = self.getTotal1(zsName)
					ziTT2 = ziTT2 + 1
#				store the new values
				counter["cnt"] = ziCnt
				counter["tt1"] = ziTT1
				counter["tt2"] = ziTT2

#			swap out the count code items for count value
			zsName = self.swapCountCode(zsName, "^cnt", ziCnt)
			zsName = self.swapCountCode(zsName, "^tt1", ziTT1)
			zsName = self.swapCountCode(zsName, "^tt2", ziTT2)

		return zsName
	def getUnitName(self, sUnitNameConv, pUnit, pCity, bIncrementCounter):

		iPlayer = pUnit.getOwner()
		pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
		zsEra = gc.getEraInfo(pPlayer.getCurrentEra()).getType()
		zsCiv = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).getCivilizationShortDescription(0)
		zsLeader = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).getName()
		zsUnitCombat = self.getUnitCombat(pUnit)
		zsUnitClass = gc.getUnitClassInfo(pUnit.getUnitClassType()).getType()
		zsUnitType = gc.getUnitInfo(pUnit.getUnitType()).getType()
		zsUnitDomain = gc.getDomainInfo(pUnit.getDomainType()).getType()
		zsUnit = PyInfo.UnitInfo(pUnit.getUnitType()).getDescription()
		zsCity = pCity.getName()

#		BUGPrint("ERA(%s)" % (zsEra))
#		BUGPrint("Civ(%s)" % (zsCiv))
#		BUGPrint("Leader(%s)" % (zsLeader))
#		BUGPrint("Combat(%s)" % (zsUnitCombat))
#		BUGPrint("Class(%s)" % (zsUnitClass))
#		BUGPrint("Type(%s)" % (zsUnitType))
#		BUGPrint("Domain(%s)" % (zsUnitDomain))
#		BUGPrint("Unit(%s)" % (zsUnit))
#		BUGPrint("City(%s)" % (zsCity))

		zsName = sUnitNameConv

		#if zsName == "":
		#zsName = "^ut^ ^cnt[r]^ Div ^tt1[s][5:7]^ : ^ct^ ^tt2[o][101]^"

#		BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-A [" + zsName + "]")

##  - ^civ4^ - no naming convention, uses standard civ4
#		check if Civ4 naming convention is required
		if not (zsName.find("^civ4^") == -1):
			return ""

##  - ^rd^ - random name
#		check if random naming convention is required
		if not (zsName.find("^rd^") == -1):
			return RandomNameUtils.getRandomName()

#		BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-B")

##  - ^rc^ - random civ related name
#		check if random civ related naming convention is required
		if not (zsName.find("^rc^") == -1):
			return RandomNameUtils.getRandomCivilizationName(pPlayer.getCivilizationType())

#		BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-C [" + zsName + "]")

##  - ^ct^ - City
##  - ^cv^ - Civilization
##  - ^ut^ - unit (eg Archer)
##  - ^cb^ - combat type (Melee)
##  - ^dm^ - domain (Water)
##  - ^ld^ - leader
#		replace the fixed items in the naming conv
		zsName = zsName.replace("^ct^", zsCity)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^cv^", zsCiv)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^ut^", zsUnit)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^cb^", zsUnitCombat)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^dm^", zsUnitDomain)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^ld^", zsLeader)

#		BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-D [" + zsName + "]")

#		check if there are any more codes to swap out, return if not
		if (zsName.find("^") == -1):
			return zsName

#		determine what I am counting across
		zsSDKey = self.getCounter(zsName)
		if zsSDKey == "UNIT":		zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsUnit
		elif zsSDKey == "COMBAT":	zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsUnitCombat
		elif zsSDKey == "CITY":		zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsCity
		elif zsSDKey == "UNITCITY": zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsUnit + zsCity
		elif zsSDKey == "DOMAIN":	zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsUnitDomain

#		BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-E [" + zsSDKey + "]")

#		see if we have already started this counter
		if (sdEntityExists(sdGroup, zsSDKey) == False):
			#Since no record create entries
			ziTT1 = self.getTotal1(zsName)
			ziTT2 = self.getTotal2(zsName)
			zDic = {'cnt':0, 'tt1':ziTT1, 'tt2':ziTT2}
			sdEntityInit(sdGroup, zsSDKey, zDic)

#		get the count values
		ziCnt = sdGetVal(sdGroup, zsSDKey, "cnt")
		ziTT1 = sdGetVal(sdGroup, zsSDKey, "tt1")
		ziTT2 = sdGetVal(sdGroup, zsSDKey, "tt2")

#		BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-F [" + str(ziCnt) + "] [" + str(ziTT1) + "] [" + str(ziTT2) + "]")

#		increment count, adjust totals if required
		if bIncrementCounter:
			ziCnt = ziCnt + 1
			if (ziCnt > ziTT1
			and ziTT1 > 0):
				ziCnt = 1
				ziTT1 = self.getTotal1(zsName)
				ziTT2 = ziTT2 + 1

#		store the new values
		sdSetVal(sdGroup, zsSDKey, "cnt", ziCnt)
		sdSetVal(sdGroup, zsSDKey, "tt1", ziTT1)
		sdSetVal(sdGroup, zsSDKey, "tt2", ziTT2)

#		swap out the count code items for count value
		zsName = self.swapCountCode(zsName, "^cnt", ziCnt)
		zsName = self.swapCountCode(zsName, "^tt1", ziTT1)
		zsName = self.swapCountCode(zsName, "^tt2", ziTT2)

		return zsName
Beispiel #4
	def getUnitName(self, sUnitNameConv, pUnit, pCity, bIncrementCounter):

		iPlayer = pUnit.getOwner()
		pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
		zsCiv = pPlayer.getCivilizationAdjective(0)
		zsLeader = pPlayer.getName()
		zsUnitCombat = self.getUnitCombat(pUnit)
		zsUnitDomain = BugUtil.getPlainText("TXT_KEY_BUG_UNIT_NAMING_" + gc.getDomainInfo(pUnit.getDomainType()).getType())
		zsUnit = PyInfo.UnitInfo(pUnit.getUnitType()).getDescription()
		zsCity = pCity.getName()

		#BUGPrint("Civ(%s)" % (zsCiv))
		#BUGPrint("Leader(%s)" % (zsLeader))
		#BUGPrint("Combat(%s)" % (zsUnitCombat))
		#BUGPrint("Domain(%s)" % (zsUnitDomain))
		#BUGPrint("Unit(%s)" % (zsUnit))
		#BUGPrint("City(%s)" % (zsCity))

		zsName = sUnitNameConv

		#if zsName == "":
		#zsName = "^ut^ ^cnt[r]^ Div ^tt1[s][5:7]^ : ^ct^ ^tt2[o][101]^"

		#BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-A [" + zsName + "]")

##  - ^civ4^ - no naming convention, uses standard civ4
#		check if Civ4 naming convention is required
		if not (zsName.find("^civ4^") == -1):
			return ""

##  - ^rd^ - random name
#		check if random naming convention is required
		if not (zsName.find("^rd^") == -1):
			zsRandomName = RandomNameUtils.getRandomName()
			zsName = zsName.replace("^rd^", zsRandomName)


##  - ^rc^ - random civ related name
#		check if random civ related naming convention is required
		if not (zsName.find("^rc^") == -1):
			zsRandomName = RandomNameUtils.getRandomCivilizationName(pPlayer.getCivilizationType())
			zsName = zsName.replace("^rc^", zsRandomName)

		#BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-C [" + zsName + "]")

##  - ^ct^ - City
##  - ^cv^ - Civilization
##  - ^ut^ - unit (eg Archer)
##  - ^cb^ - combat type (Melee)
##  - ^dm^ - domain (Water)
##  - ^ld^ - leader
#		replace the fixed items in the naming conv
		zsName = zsName.replace("^ct^", zsCity)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^cv^", zsCiv)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^ut^", zsUnit)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^cb^", zsUnitCombat)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^dm^", zsUnitDomain)
		zsName = zsName.replace("^ld^", zsLeader)

		#BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-D [" + zsName + "]")

#		check if there are any more codes to swap out, return if not
		counters = BugData.getGameData().getTable(SD_MOD_ID)
		while zsName.find("^cnt") != -1:
#			determine what I am counting across
			zsSDKey = self.getCounter(zsName)
			if zsSDKey == "UNIT":		zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsUnit
			elif zsSDKey == "COMBAT":	zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsUnitCombat
			elif zsSDKey == "CITY":		zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsCity
			elif zsSDKey == "UNITCITY": zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsUnit + zsCity
			elif zsSDKey == "DOMAIN":	zsSDKey = zsSDKey + zsUnitDomain
			#BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-E [" + zsSDKey + "]")
#			see if we have already started this counter
			if (not counters.hasTable(zsSDKey)):
				#Since no record create entries
				ziCnt = 0
				ziTT1 = self.getTotal1(zsName)
				ziTT2 = self.getTotal2(zsName)
				counter = counters.getTable(zsSDKey)
#				get the count values
				counter = counters.getTable(zsSDKey)
				ziCnt = counter["cnt"]
				ziTT1 = counter["tt1"]
				ziTT2 = counter["tt2"]

			#BUGPrint("UnitNameEM-F [" + str(ziCnt) + "] [" + str(ziTT1) + "] [" + str(ziTT2) + "]")

#			increment count, adjust totals if required
			if bIncrementCounter:
				ziCnt = ziCnt + 1
				if (ziCnt > ziTT1
				and ziTT1 > 0):
					ziCnt = 1
					ziTT1 = self.getTotal1(zsName)
					ziTT2 = ziTT2 + 1
#				store the new values
				counter["cnt"] = ziCnt
				counter["tt1"] = ziTT1
				counter["tt2"] = ziTT2

#			swap out the count code items for count value
			zsName = self.swapCountCode(zsName, "^cnt", ziCnt)
			zsName = self.swapCountCode(zsName, "^tt1", ziTT1)
			zsName = self.swapCountCode(zsName, "^tt2", ziTT2)

		return zsName