Beispiel #1
	def showRevoltDictPopup( self ) :
		bodStr = ""
		for idx in range(0,gc.getMAX_PLAYERS()):
			if( gc.getPlayer(idx).isEverAlive() ) :
				ePlayer = idx
				bodStr += "%d "%(idx)
				bodStr += "<color=%d,%d,%d,%d>" %(gc.getPlayer(ePlayer).getPlayerTextColorR(), gc.getPlayer(ePlayer).getPlayerTextColorG(), gc.getPlayer(ePlayer).getPlayerTextColorB(), gc.getPlayer(ePlayer).getPlayerTextColorA())
				bodStr += "%s"%(gc.getPlayer(idx).getCivilizationShortDescription(0))
				if( SDTK.sdObjectExists( 'BarbarianCiv', gc.getPlayer(idx) ) ) :
					bodStr += " BARB (%d)"%(SDTK.sdObjectGetVal( 'BarbarianCiv', gc.getPlayer(idx), "SpawnTurn" ))
				elif( not RevData.revObjectGetVal( gc.getPlayer(idx), 'RevolutionTurn' ) == None ):
					bodStr += " REB (%d)"%(RevData.revObjectGetVal( gc.getPlayer(idx), 'RevolutionTurn' ))
				bodStr += ":  "
				for revData in RevData.revObjectGetVal( gc.getPlayer(idx), 'RevoltDict' ).values() :
					bodStr += "%d,%d ; "%(revData.iRevTurn,revData.dict.get('iRevPlayer',-1))
				bodStr += "</color>"
				bodStr += "\n"
		# if( RevolutionInit.RevolutionInst == None ) :
			# bodStr += "RevolutionInit.RevInst is None\n"
		# else :
			# bodStr += "RevolutionInit.RevInst is initialized\n"
		popup = PyPopup.PyPopup()
		popup.setBodyString( bodStr )
Beispiel #2
def onCityBuilt( argsList ):
	city = argsList[0]

	RevData.initCity( city )

	pPlayer = GC.getPlayer( city.getOwner() )

	if( pPlayer.isNPC() ) :
		city.setRevolutionIndex( int(.4*RevOpt.getAlwaysViolentThreshold()) )

	if( not city.area().getID() == pPlayer.getCapitalCity().area().getID() ) :
		city.setRevolutionIndex( int(.35*RevOpt.getInstigateRevolutionThreshold()) )
	else :
		city.setRevolutionIndex( int(.25*RevOpt.getInstigateRevolutionThreshold()) )

	revTurn = RevData.revObjectGetVal( pPlayer, 'RevolutionTurn' )
	if revTurn != None and pPlayer.getNumCities() < 4 and GAME.getGameTurn() - revTurn < 25:
		relID = pPlayer.getStateReligion()
		if relID > -1:
			if LOG_DEBUG:
				print "[REV] New rebel city %s given rebel religion" % city.getName()
			city.setHasReligion(relID, True, False, False)
Beispiel #3
def assimilateHandler(iPlayerID, netUserData, popupReturn):

	global noAssimilateList

	if popupReturn.getButtonClicked() == 0:
			print "[REV] Assimilation accepted!"
		if netUserData[2]:
			pMotherland = GC.getPlayer(RevData.revObjectGetVal(GC.getPlayer(netUserData[0]), 'MotherlandID' ))
			pMotherland.AI_changeAttitudeExtra( etUserData[1], pMotherland.AI_getAttitudeExtra(netUserData[0]))
			if LOG_DEBUG:
				print "[REV] Rebel motherland %s extra attidude to %s now %d"%(pMotherland.getCivilizationDescription(0), GC.getPlayer(netUserData[1]).getCivilizationDescription(0), pMotherland.AI_getAttitudeExtra(netUserData[0]))

			[iOdds, attackerTeam, victimTeam] = RevUtils.computeWarOdds(pMotherland, GC.getPlayer(netUserData[1]), GC.getPlayer(netUserData[0]).getCapitalCity().area(), False, True, True)

			if attackerTeam.canDeclareWar(victimTeam.getID()) and iOdds > GAME.getSorenRandNum(100, 'Revolution: War'):
				if LOG_DEBUG:
					print "[REV] Rebel motherland takes exception, team %d declare war on team %d"%(attackerTeam.getID(), victimTeam.getID())
				attackerTeam.declareWar( victimTeam.getID(), True, WarPlanTypes.NO_WARPLAN )

	elif popupReturn.getButtonClicked() == 1:
			print "[REV] Assimilation postponed"
			print "[REV] Assimilation rejected!"
Beispiel #4
	def showSpawnListPopup( self ) :
		bodStr = ""
		for idx in range(0,gc.getMAX_PLAYERS()):
			bodStr += "%d"%(idx)
			bodStr += ":  "
			for [iPlayer,iRevoltIdx] in RevData.revObjectGetVal( gc.getPlayer(idx), 'SpawnList' ) :
				bodStr += "%d,%d ; "%(iPlayer,iRevoltIdx)
			bodStr += "\n"
		# if( RevolutionInit.RevolutionInst == None ) :
			# bodStr += "RevolutionInit.RevInst is None\n"
		# else :
			# bodStr += "RevolutionInit.RevInst is initialized\n"
		popup = PyPopup.PyPopup()
		popup.setBodyString( bodStr )
Beispiel #5
def checkForAssimilation():

	iNumPlayers = 0
	iMaxEra = 0
	players = []
	for iPlayerX in xrange(MAX_PC_PLAYERS):
		CyPlayerX = GC.getPlayer(iPlayerX)
		if CyPlayerX.isAlive() and not CyPlayerX.isMinorCiv():
			iNumPlayers += 1
			if not CyPlayerX.isHuman():
				players.append((iPlayerX, CyPlayerX))
			iEra = CyPlayerX.getCurrentEra()
			if iEra > iMaxEra:
				iMaxEra = iEra

	if iNumPlayers == 0: return

	MAP = GC.getMap()

	minNumPlots = int((MAP.getLandPlots()/(1.0*iNumPlayers) + .5)/3.0) + 1
	if minNumPlots > 21: minNumPlots = 21
	elif minNumPlots < 9: minNumPlots = 9

	iTurn = GAME.getGameTurn()
	for iPlayerX, CyPlayerX in players:

		CyTeamX = GC.getTeam(CyPlayerX.getTeam())
		CyCity0 = CyPlayerX.getCapitalCity()
		if CyCity0 is None: continue
		iTurnAcquiredCity0 = CyCity0.getGameTurnAcquired()
		CyPlot0 = None
		szCiv = CyPlayerX.getCivilizationDescription(0)

		iMinCities = GC.getWorldInfo(MAP.getWorldSize()).getTargetNumCities()
		iNumCities = CyPlayerX.getNumCities() # We know this is greater than 0 as a capital city has been confirmed.

		bRiskWar = False
		iPlayerML = RevData.revObjectGetVal(CyPlayerX, 'MotherlandID')

		if iPlayerML != None:
			CyPlayerML = GC.getPlayer(iPlayerML)
			bWarSeparatist = CyTeamX.isAtWar(CyPlayerML.getTeam())
			if bWarSeparatist:
				revTurn = RevData.revObjectGetVal(CyPlayerX, 'RevolutionTurn')
				if revTurn != None and iTurn - revTurn < 40:
					bRiskWar = True

		CyPlayerDominant = None
		joinPlayerID = RevData.revObjectGetVal(CyPlayerX, 'JoinPlayerID')

		if not joinPlayerID == None and iTurn - iTurnAcquiredCity0 < 30 and not CyTeamX.isAVassal():
			if iNumCities < iMinCities:
				iOdds = 12 + iNumCities * 2

				if iPlayerML != None and bWarSeparatist:
					iCivType = CyPlayerX.getCivilizationType()
					for CyCityML in CyPlayerML.cities():
						if RevData.getCityVal(CyCityML, 'RevolutionCiv') == iCivType:
							revTurn = RevData.getCityVal(pCity, 'RevolutionTurn')
							if revTurn != None and iTurn - revTurn < 25:
								iOdds -= 2

				if iOdds > 10 + GAME.getSorenRandNum(100, 'Revolution: Assimilate'):
					CyPlayerDominant = GC.getPlayer(joinPlayerID)
					print "	Revolt - Assimilation! The rebel %s are requesting again to join the %s now that they've captured %d cities"%(szCiv, CyPlayerDominant.getCivilizationDescription(0), iNumCities)

			if iTurn - iTurnAcquiredCity0 > 15 and iNumCities < iMinCities:
				iTotalLand = CyPlayerX.getTotalLand()
				if iTotalLand < minNumPlots:

					if CyCity0.area().getNumCities() < iNumCities + 2:
						continue # Isolated

					if CyTeamX.getNumMembers() > 1:
						continue # In alliance

					iOdds = 2*(minNumPlots - iTotalLand) + (4 + 4*iMaxEra)/CyCity0.getPopulation()

					if CyCity0.getOccupationTimer() > 0:
						iOdds *= 3

					iOdds += CyCity0.getRevolutionIndex()/100

					CyPlot0 = CyCity0.plot()
					### Special cases
					if CyTeamX.isAVassal():

						if iOdds > 10 + GAME.getSorenRandNum(100, 'Revolution: Assimilate'):

							# If player is a Vassal, should only be allowed to assimilate with master
							CyPlayerMaster = None
							for iTeamY in xrange(MAX_PC_TEAMS):
								if not CyTeamX.isVassal(iTeamY): continue

								iPlayerMaster = GC.getTeam(iTeamY).getLeaderID()
								CyPlayerMaster = GC.getPlayer(iPlayerMaster)

								print "	Revolt - Assimilation!  Vassal %s considering assimilation to master %s" %(szCiv, CyPlayerMaster.getCivilizationDescription(0))

								relations = CyPlayerX.AI_getAttitude(iPlayerMaster)

								if CyPlot0.getCulture(iPlayerMaster)/(1.0*CyPlot0.countTotalCulture()) > .25:
									# Assimilate with master with large culture in city
									if not relations == AttitudeTypes.ATTITUDE_FURIOUS:

										if not CyPlayerMaster.isHuman():
											CyPlayerDominant = CyPlayerMaster

										elif not iPlayerX in noAssimilateList:
											CyPlayerDominant = CyPlayerMaster
										if CyPlayerDominant:
											print "	Revolt - Assimilation to master based on culture"

								elif relations in (AttitudeTypes.ATTITUDE_PLEASED, AttitudeTypes.ATTITUDE_FRIENDLY):
									# Assimilate with friendly, powerful master
									masterPower = CyPlayerMaster.getPower()
									vassalPower = CyPlayerX.getPower()

									if masterPower > 3*vassalPower:
										if not CyPlayerMaster.isHuman():
											CyPlayerDominant = CyPlayerMaster
										elif not iPlayerX in noAssimilateList:
											CyPlayerDominant = CyPlayerMaster
										if CyPlayerDominant:
											print "	Revolt - Assimilation to friendly and powerful master"

					elif CyPlot0.calculateCulturePercent(iPlayerX) < 60:
						### Capital has foreign influence
						iPlayerCult = CyPlot0.calculateCulturalOwner() # iPlayerCult guaranteed to be alive
						if iPlayerCult != iPlayerX:
							iOdds += 15

						if iOdds > 10 + GAME.getSorenRandNum(100, 'Revolution: Assimilate'):
							print "	Revolt - Assimilation!  %s considering assimilation by culture" % szCiv

							if iPlayerCult > -1 and iPlayerCult != iPlayerX and not CyPlayerX.AI_getAttitude(iPlayerCult) == AttitudeTypes.ATTITUDE_FURIOUS:
								## Assimilate with cultural owner
								CyPlayerY = GC.getPlayer(iPlayerCult)
								if CyPlayerY.isAlive():
									if not CyPlayerY.isHuman():
										CyPlayerDominant = CyPlayerY
									elif not iPlayerX in noAssimilateList:
										CyPlayerDominant = CyPlayerY
									if CyPlayerDominant:
										print "	Revolt - Assimilation culture owner: " + CyPlayerDominant.getCivilizationDescription(0)

							if not CyPlayerDominant:
								## Check for good relations with second place culture
								iMaxCult2 = 0
								for iPlayerY in xrange(MAX_PC_PLAYERS):
									if iPlayerY in (iPlayerX, iPlayerCult): continue
									CyPlayerY = GC.getPlayer(iPlayerY)
									if not CyPlayerY.isAlive(): continue
									iCulture = CyPlot0.getCulture(iPlayerY)
									if iCulture > iMaxCult2:
										iPlayerCult2 = iPlayerY
										CyPlayerCult2 = CyPlayerY
										iMaxCult2 = iCulture

								iTotalCulture = CyPlot0.countTotalCulture()
								if iMaxCult2/(1.0*iTotalCulture) > .2:
									relations = CyPlayerX.AI_getAttitude(iPlayerCult2)
									if relations in (AttitudeTypes.ATTITUDE_PLEASED, AttitudeTypes.ATTITUDE_FRIENDLY) \
									or relations == AttitudeTypes.ATTITUDE_CAUTIOUS and iMaxCult2/(1.0*iTotalCulture) > .4:
										if not CyPlayerCult2.isHuman():
											CyPlayerDominant = CyPlayerCult2
										elif not iPlayerX in noAssimilateList:
											CyPlayerDominant = CyPlayerCult2
										if CyPlayerDominant:
											print "	Revolt - Assimilation to friendly, 2nd culture player"

		if CyPlayerDominant:
			# Assimilate!
			if CyPlayerDominant.isHuman():
				# Zoom to city
				if CyPlot0 is None: CyPlot0 = CyCity0.plot()
				# Additions by Caesium et al
				caesiumtR = CyUserProfile().getResolutionString(CyUserProfile().getResolution())
				caesiumtextResolution = caesiumtR.split('x')
				caesiumpasx = int(caesiumtextResolution[0])/10
				caesiumpasy = int(caesiumtextResolution[1])/10
				popup = PyPopup.PyPopup(RevDefs.assimilationPopup, contextType = EventContextTypes.EVENTCONTEXT_ALL, bDynamic = False)
				if centerPopups: popup.setPosition(3*caesiumpasx,3*caesiumpasy)
				# Additions by Caesium et al
				bodStr = TRNSLTR.getText("TXT_KEY_REV_ASSIM_POPUP", ()) %(szCiv, szCiv)
				if bRiskWar:
					bodStr += '\n\n' + TRNSLTR.getText("TXT_KEY_REV_ASSIM_POPUP_REBEL", ())%(CyPlayerML.getCivilizationDescription(0))
				popup.setUserData((iPlayerX, CyPlayerDominant.getID(), bRiskWar))
				popup.launch(bCreateOkButton = False)
				if bRiskWar:
					# Assimilating a rebel involves potential war declaration, attitude issues
					CyPlayerML.AI_changeAttitudeExtra(CyPlayerDominant.getID(), CyPlayerML.AI_getAttitudeExtra(iPlayerX))
					print "	Revolt - The %s (motherland of the rebel %s) is considering attacking the %s over the assimilation"%(CyPlayerML.getCivilizationDescription(0),szCiv,CyPlayerDominant.getCivilizationDescription(0))
					[iOdds,attackerTeam,victimTeam] = RevUtils.computeWarOdds(CyPlayerML, CyPlayerDominant, CyCity0.area(), False, True, True )
					if attackerTeam.canDeclareWar(victimTeam.getID()) and iOdds > GAME.getSorenRandNum(100, 'Revolution: War'):
						print "  Revolt - Rebel motherland takes exception to assimilation, team %d declare war on team %d"%(attackerTeam.getID(), victimTeam.getID())
						attackerTeam.declareWar( victimTeam.getID(), True, WarPlanTypes.NO_WARPLAN )

Beispiel #6
def updateRevolutionIndices( argsList ) :
	owner,playerType,pCity,bConquest,bTrade = argsList

	newOwnerID = pCity.getOwner()
	newOwner = GC.getPlayer(newOwnerID)
	newOwnerCiv = newOwner.getCivilizationType()
	oldOwnerID = pCity.getPreviousOwner()
	orgOwnerID = pCity.getOriginalOwner()

	if( newOwner.isNPC() ) :

	newRevIdx = 400
	changeRevIdx = -40

	if( bConquest ) :
		# Occupied cities also rack up rev points each turn
		newRevIdx += pCity.getRevolutionIndex()/4
		newRevIdx = min( [newRevIdx, 600] )

		if( pCity.plot().calculateCulturePercent( newOwnerID ) > 90 ) :
			changeRevIdx -= 75
			newRevIdx -= 100
		elif( pCity.plot().calculateCulturePercent( newOwnerID ) > 40 ) :
			changeRevIdx -= 35
			newRevIdx -= 60
		elif( pCity.plot().calculateCulturePercent( newOwnerID ) > 20 ) :
			changeRevIdx -= 30

	elif( bTrade ) :
		newRevIdx += pCity.getRevolutionIndex()/3
		newRevIdx = min( [newRevIdx, 650] )

		if( pCity.plot().calculateCulturePercent( newOwnerID ) > 90 ) :
			newRevIdx -= 50

	else :
		# Probably cultural conversion
		newRevIdx -= 100
		if( pCity.plot().calculateCulturePercent( newOwnerID ) > 50 ) :
			changeRevIdx -= 25

	if( newOwner.isRebel() and newOwnerCiv == RevData.getCityVal(pCity, 'RevolutionCiv') ) :
		changeRevIdx -= 50
		newRevIdx -= 200
	elif( newOwnerID == pCity.getOriginalOwner() ) :
		changeRevIdx -= 25
		newRevIdx -= 100

	if( pCity.getHighestPopulation() < 6 ) :
		changeRevIdx += 20
		newRevIdx -= 50

	changeRevIdx = int(math.floor( cityAcquiredModifier*changeRevIdx + .5 ))

	print "	Revolt - Acquisition of %s by %s reduces rev indices by %d" %(pCity.getName(), newOwner.getCivilizationDescription(0), changeRevIdx)

	iCityID = pCity.getID()
	for pListCity in newOwner.cities():
		if pListCity.getID() != iCityID:
			revIdxHist = RevData.getCityVal(pListCity,'RevIdxHistory')
			revIdxHist['Events'][0] += changeRevIdx
			RevData.updateCityVal(pListCity, 'RevIdxHistory', revIdxHist)

	print "	Revolt - New rev idx for %s is %d" %(pCity.getName(), newRevIdx)

	pCity.setRevolutionIndex( newRevIdx )
	pCity.setRevIndexAverage( newRevIdx )
	pCity.setRevolutionCounter( acquiredTurns )
	pCity.setReinforcementCounter( 0 )
	RevData.updateCityVal( pCity, 'RevIdxHistory', RevDefs.initRevIdxHistory() )

	if newOwner.isRebel():
		if newOwner.getNumCities() > 1 and RevData.revObjectGetVal(newOwner, 'CapitalName') == CvUtil.convertToStr(pCity.getName()):
			# Rebel has captured their instigator city, make this their capital
			print "[REV] Rebel %s have captured their instigator city, %s!  Moving capital." %(newOwner.getCivilizationDescription(0), pCity.getName())
			if newOwner.isHuman():
				# TODO: support this with a popup question
				eCapitalBuilding = GC.getInfoTypeForString(RevDefs.sXMLPalace)
				oldCapital = newOwner.getCapitalCity()
				oldCapital.setNumRealBuilding(eCapitalBuilding, 0)
				pCity.setNumRealBuilding(eCapitalBuilding, 1)

		# Ripple effects through other rebellious cities
		for cityX in GC.getPlayer(oldOwnerID).cities():
			reinfCount = cityX.getReinforcementCounter()
			if reinfCount > 2 and RevData.getCityVal(cityX, 'RevolutionCiv') == newOwner.getCivilizationType():
				if reinfCount < 5:
					reinfCount = 2
				else: reinfCount -= 2

				print "[REV] Accelerating reinforcement in " + cityX.getName()
				# Setting below two will turn off reinforcement
				if reinfCount < 2: reinfCount = 2
Beispiel #7
def checkRebelBonuses(argsList):
	# Give bonuses to a rebel player who successfully captures one of their rebellious cities
	owner, playerType, pCity, bConquest, bTrade = argsList

	newOwnerID = pCity.getOwner()
	newOwner = GC.getPlayer(newOwnerID)
	newOwnerCiv = newOwner.getCivilizationType()
	oldOwnerID = pCity.getPreviousOwner()
	orgOwnerID = pCity.getOriginalOwner()

	# TODO: Handle case where city is acquired by disorganized rebels
	if newOwnerID == GC.getBARBARIAN_PLAYER() and pCity.getRevolutionCounter() > 0:
		print "[REV] City %s captured by barb rebels!" % pCity.getName()
		oldOwner = GC.getPlayer(oldOwnerID)

		if not oldOwnerID == orgOwnerID:
			orgOwner = GC.getPlayer(orgOwnerID)

		if pCity.countTotalCultureTimes100() > 100*100:
			if not oldOwnerID == pCity.findHighestCulture():
				cultOwner = GC.getPlayer(pCity.findHighestCulture())

	elif newOwnerCiv == RevData.getCityVal(pCity, 'RevolutionCiv'):

		# TODO: Check whether revolt is active in RevoltData
		if pCity.getReinforcementCounter() > 0 or (pCity.unhappyLevel(0) - pCity.happyLevel()) > 0:
			print "[REV] Rebellious pCity %s is captured by rebel identity %s (%d)!!!" %(pCity.getName(), newOwner.getCivilizationDescription(0), newOwnerCiv)

			newOwnerTeam = GC.getTeam(newOwner.getTeam())
			oldOwner = GC.getPlayer(oldOwnerID)
			oldOwnerTeam = GC.getTeam(oldOwner.getTeam())
			if oldOwnerTeam.isAVassal():
				for teamID in xrange(MAX_PC_TEAMS):
					if oldOwnerTeam.isVassal(teamID):
						oldOwnerTeam = GC.getTeam(teamID)

			ix = pCity.getX()
			iy = pCity.getY()

			[iWorker, iBestDefender, iCounter, iAttack] = RevUtils.getHandoverUnitTypes(pCity)

			newUnitList = []

			# Couple units regardless of rebel status
			newUnitList.append(newOwner.initUnit(iBestDefender, ix, iy, UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH))
			if pCity.getPopulation() > 4:
				newUnitList.append(newOwner.initUnit(iCounter, ix, iy, UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH))

			if newOwner.isRebel():
				# Extra benefits if still considered a rebel
				szTxt = TRNSLTR.getText("TXT_KEY_REV_MESS_YOUR_CAPTURE",())%(pCity.getName())
				icon = CyArtFileMgr().getInterfaceArtInfo("INTERFACE_RESISTANCE").getPath()
				sound = "AS2D_CITY_REVOLT"
				eMsgType = InterfaceMessageTypes.MESSAGE_TYPE_MINOR_EVENT
				iMsgTime = GC.getEVENT_MESSAGE_TIME()
				CvUtil.sendMessage(szTxt, newOwnerID, iMsgTime, icon, ColorTypes(8), ix, iy, True, True, eMsgType, sound, False)

				szTxt = TRNSLTR.getText("TXT_KEY_REV_MESS_REBEL_CONTROL",())%(newOwner.getCivilizationDescription(0),pCity.getName())
				CvUtil.sendMessage(szTxt, oldOwnerID, iMsgTime, None, ColorTypes(7), eMsgType=eMsgType, bForce=False)

				# Gold
				iGold = GAME.getSorenRandNum(min([80,8*pCity.getPopulation()]), 'Rev') + 8
				szTxt = TRNSLTR.getText("TXT_KEY_REV_MESS_YOUR_CAPTURE_GOLD",()) %(pCity.getName(),iGold)
				CvUtil.sendMessage(szTxt, newOwnerID, iMsgTime, icon, ColorTypes(8), ix, iy, False, False, eMsgType, sound, False)

				# Culture
				newCulVal = int( revCultureModifier*max([pCity.getCulture(oldOwnerID),pCity.countTotalCultureTimes100()/200]) )
				newPlotVal = int( revCultureModifier*max([pCity.plot().getCulture(oldOwnerID),pCity.plot().countTotalCulture()/2]) )
				RevUtils.giveCityCulture( pCity, newOwnerID, newCulVal, newPlotVal)

				# Extra units
				if iWorker != -1:
					newUnitList.append(newOwner.initUnit(iWorker, ix, iy, UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH))
				if pCity.getPopulation() > 7:
					newUnitList.append(newOwner.initUnit(iBestDefender, ix, iy, UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH))
				if pCity.getPopulation() > 4 and newOwnerTeam.getPower(True) < oldOwnerTeam.getPower(True)/4:
					newUnitList.append(newOwner.initUnit(iAttack, ix, iy, UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH))

				if newOwner.getNumCities() <= 1:
					# Extra units for first city captured
					newUnitList.append(newOwner.initUnit(iCounter, ix, iy, UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH))
					if newOwnerTeam.getPower(True) < oldOwnerTeam.getPower(True)/2:
						newUnitList.append(newOwner.initUnit(iBestDefender, ix, iy, UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH))
						newUnitList.append(newOwner.initUnit(iAttack, ix, iy, UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH))
					elif newOwnerTeam.getPower(True) < oldOwnerTeam.getPower(True):
						newUnitList.append(newOwner.initUnit(iAttack, ix, iy, UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH))

				# Give a boat to island rebels
				if pCity.isCoastal(10) and pCity.area().getNumCities() < 3 and pCity.area().getNumTiles() < 25:
					iBestCombat = -1
					for iUnitX in xrange(GC.getNumUnitInfos()):
						info = GC.getUnitInfo(iUnitX)
						if (info.getDomainType() == DomainTypes.DOMAIN_SEA
						and info.getUnitAIType(UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ASSAULT_SEA)
						and newOwner.canTrain(iUnitX,False,False)
							iCombat = info.getCombat()
							if iBestCombat < iCombat:
								bestUnit = info
								iBestUnit = iUnitX
								iBestCombat = iCombat

					if iBestCombat > -1:
						newOwner.initUnit(iBestUnit, ix, iy, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ASSAULT_SEA, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
						print "Rev - Rebels get a %s to raid motherland" % bestUnit.getDescription()

				# Change city disorder timer to favor new player
				iTurns = pCity.getOccupationTimer()
				iTurns = iTurns/4 + 1

				# Temporary happiness boost
				pCity.changeRevSuccessTimer( int(iTurns + RevUtils.getGameSpeedMod()*15) )

				# Trigger golden age for rebel civ under certain circumstances
				revTurn = RevData.revObjectGetVal(newOwner, 'RevolutionTurn')
				if not revTurn == None and GAME.getGameTurn() - revTurn < 4*GAME.goldenAgeLength():
					if newOwner.getNumCities() == 3:
						if not newOwner.getCitiesLost():
							# By verifying they've never lost a city, gaurantee it doesn't happen multiple times
							szTxt = TRNSLTR.getText("TXT_KEY_REV_MESS_GOLDEN_AGE",())
							CvUtil.sendMessage(szTxt, newOwnerID, iMsgTime, icon, ColorTypes(8), ix, iy, False, False, eMsgType, sound, False)
							newOwner.changeGoldenAgeTurns( int(1.5*GAME.goldenAgeLength()) )

			else: # Conqueror not considered a rebel, fewer benefits
				# Culture
				newCulVal = int(revCultureModifier*max([pCity.getCulture(oldOwnerID)/2,pCity.countTotalCultureTimes100()/400]))
				newPlotVal = int(revCultureModifier*max([pCity.plot().getCulture(oldOwnerID)/2,pCity.plot().countTotalCulture()/4]))
				RevUtils.giveCityCulture(pCity, newOwnerID, newCulVal, newPlotVal)

				# Change city disorder timer to favor new player
				iTurns = pCity.getOccupationTimer()
				iTurns = min([iTurns, iTurns/3 + 1])

				# Temporary happiness boost
				pCity.changeRevSuccessTimer(int(iTurns + RevUtils.getGameSpeedMod()*6))

			# Injure free units
			for unit in newUnitList:
				if unit.canFight():
					iDamage = 20 + GAME.getSorenRandNum(20,'Rev - Injure unit')
					unit.setDamage(iDamage, oldOwnerID)

		else: # City once rebelled as this civ type, but not currently rebellious
			if LOG_DEBUG:
				print "[REV] %s, captured by former rebel identity: %s (%d)!"%(pCity.getName(),newOwner.getCivilizationDescription(0),newOwnerCiv)
			newCulVal = int( revCultureModifier*max([pCity.getCulture(oldOwnerID)/2,pCity.countTotalCultureTimes100()/400]) )
			newPlotVal = int( revCultureModifier*max([pCity.plot().getCulture(oldOwnerID)/2,pCity.plot().countTotalCulture()/4]) )
			RevUtils.giveCityCulture( pCity, newOwnerID, newCulVal, newPlotVal)

			iTurns = pCity.getOccupationTimer()
			iTurns = iTurns/2 + 1