def elbow(dir, run_for = 1, speed = speed):
    RPL.digitalWrite(elbow_dir, 1)
    RPL.digitalWrite(elbow_dir, 0)
  RPL.pwmWrite(elbow_pul, speed, speed * 2)
def shoulder(dir, run_for = 1, speed = speed):
    RPL.digitalWrite(shoulder_dir, 1)
    RPL.digitalWrite(shoulder_dir, 0)
  RPL.pwmWrite(shoulder_pul, speed, speed * 2)
Beispiel #3
def motor_runner(
):  #sends signals to all the motors based on potentiometer readings
    while quit == False:
        reach_length = (x**2 + y**2 + z**2)**0.5
        a_elbow = math.acos(
            round(((d_one**2 + d_two**2 - reach_length**2) /
                   (2 * d_one * d_two)), 4))
        a_shoulder = math.asin(
            round((d_two * math.sin(a_elbow) / reach_length), 2)) + math.asin(
                round((y / reach_length), 4))
        a_swivel = math.atan2(round(x, 2), round(z, 2))

            pot_shoulder = RPL.analogRead(ppin_shoulder) * 29 * math.pi / 18432
            error_s = abs(
                pot_shoulder - a_shoulder
            )  #how many degrees off the intended value the arm is
            calculated_error_s = error_s * d_one
            if pot_shoulder > a_shoulder and calculated_error_s > max_error:
                RPL.digitalWrite(shoulder_dir, 0)  #turn clockwise
                RPL.pwmWrite(shoulder_pul, motor_speed, motor_speed * 2)
            elif pot_shoulder < a_shoulder and calculated_error_s > max_error:
                RPL.digitalWrite(shoulder_dir, 1)  #turn counterclockwise
                RPL.pwmWrite(shoulder_pul, motor_speed, motor_speed * 2)
            elif calculated_error_s < max_error:
                RPL.pwmWrite(shoulder_pul, 0,
                             motor_speed * 2)  #stops running while in range

            pot_elbow = RPL.analogRead(ppin_elbow) * 29 * math.pi / 18432
            error_e = abs(
                pot_elbow -
                a_elbow)  #how many degrees off the intended value the arm is
            calculated_error_e = error_e * d_two
            if pot_elbow > a_elbow and calculated_error_e > max_error:
                RPL.digitalWrite(elbow_dir, 1)  #turn clockwise
                RPL.pwmWrite(elbow_pul, motor_speed, motor_speed * 2)
            elif pot_elbow < a_elbow and calculated_error_e > max_error:
                RPL.digitalWrite(elbow_dir, 0)  #turn counterclockwise
                RPL.pwmWrite(elbow_pul, motor_speed, motor_speed * 2)
            elif calculated_error_e < max_error:
                RPL.pwmWrite(elbow_pul, 0,
                             motor_speed * 2)  #stops running while in range

            pot_swivel = RPL.analogRead(ppin_swivel) * 29 * math.pi / 18432
            error_sw = abs(
                pot_swivel -
                a_swivel)  #how many degrees off the intended value the arm is
            if pot_swivel > a_swivel and error_sw > max_error:
                RPL.servoWrite(swivel_continuous, 2000)  #turn clockwise
            elif pot_swivel < a_swivel and error_sw > max_error:
                RPL.servoWrite(swivel_continuous, 1000)  #turn counterclockwise
            elif error_sw < max_error:
                               0)  #stops running while in range

            if quit == True:  #stop the motors when the code ends
                               0)  #stops running while in range
                RPL.pwmWrite(elbow_pul, 0,
                             10000)  #stops running while in range
                RPL.pwmWrite(shoulder_pul, 0,
                             10000)  #stops running while in range

        except:  #to show the values of the motor arm
            import time
            print('[elbow, shoulder, swivel]:', [
                round(a_elbow, 4),
                round(a_shoulder, 4),
                round(a_swivel, 4)
            ], '[Speed]:', [speed], '[x, y, z]:',
                  [round(x, 2), round(y, 2),
                   round(z, 2)])
#Moves a stepper motor for 1 seconds
import RoboPiLib_pwm as RPL
import setup
import time

pul_pin = 1
dir_pin = 2

#direction can equal 0 or 1 for forwards or backwards
direction = 0
#The smaller the speed, the faster the rotation
speed = 500

RPL.pinMode(pul_pin, RPL.PWM)
RPL.pinMode(direction_pin, RPL.OUTPUT)

RPL.digitalWrite(dir_pin, direction)
RPL.pwmWrite(pul_pin, speed, speed * 2)

RPL.pwmWrite(pul_pin, 0, 0)
Beispiel #5
def stop():
    RPL.pwmWrite(shoulder_pul, 0, 10000)
    RPL.pwmWrite(elbow_pul, 0, 10000)
Beispiel #6
        a_swivel = math.atan2(round(x, 2), round(z, 2)) + math.pi / 2
    else:  #give motor values at (0, 0, 0)
        a_elbow = x = y = z = 0.0

    motor_speed = 500

    max_error = 2

    pot_shoulder = RPL.analogRead(ppin_shoulder) * 29 * math.pi / 18432
    error_s = abs(
        pot_shoulder -
        a_shoulder)  #how many degrees off the intended value the arm is
    calculated_error_s = error_s / d_one
    if pot_shoulder > a_shoulder and calculated_error_s > max_error:
        RPL.digitalWrite(shoulder_dir, 1)  #turn clockwise
        RPL.pwmWrite(shoulder_pul, motor_speed, motor_speed * 2)
    elif pot_shoulder < a_shoulder and calculated_error_s > max_error:
        RPL.digitalWrite(shoulder_dir, 0)  #turn counterclockwise
        RPL.pwmWrite(shoulder_pul, motor_speed, motor_speed * 2)
    elif calculated_error_s < max_error:
        RPL.pwmWrite(shoulder_pul, 0, motor_speed * 2)

    pot_elbow = RPL.analogRead(ppin_elbow) * 29 * math.pi / 18432
    error_e = abs(pot_elbow -
                  a_elbow)  #how many degrees off the intended value the arm is
    calculated_error_e = error_e / d_two
    if pot_elbow > a_elbow and calculated_error_e > max_error:
        RPL.digitalWrite(elbow_dir, 1)  #turn clockwise
        RPL.pwmWrite(elbow_pul, motor_speed, motor_speed * 2)
    elif pot_elbow < a_elbow and calculated_error_e > max_error:
        RPL.digitalWrite(elbow_dir, 0)  #turn counterclockwise
Beispiel #7
def motor_runner(
        x, y,
        z):  #sends signals to all the motors based on potentiometer readings
    sqd_one = d_one**2
    sqd_two = d_two**2
    d_three = math.sqrt((y**2) + (x**2))
    elbow_value = math.acos(
        (sqd_one + sqd_two - ((y**2) + (x**2))) / (2 * d_one * d_two))
    a_two = math.asin((d_two * math.sin(elbow_value) /
                       d_three))  # angle between shoulder and wrist
    a_four = math.atan2(y, x)  # angle between 0 line and wrist
    a_shoulder = round((a_four + a_two), 4)  # shoulder angle

    reach_length = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 +
                             z**2)  #the momentary length of the arm
    a_elbow = round(abs(elbow_value - math.pi),
                    4)  #the converted angle of the elbow

    #    a_elbow = round(abs(elbow_value - math.pi), 4) #the converted angle of the elbow
    #    try:
    if z > 0:
        a_swivel = round(math.acos(z / x), 4)
    elif z < 0:
        a_swivel = round(((math.pi / 2) + math.asin(math.fabs(z) / x)), 4)
    elif z == 0:
        a_swivel = round(math.pi / 2, 4)

#        a_swivel = round(math.asin(z / math.sqrt(x ** 2 + z ** 2)) + math.pi / 2, 4) #the swivel angle
#    except:
#        a_swivel = math.pi / 2 #the swivel angle when its angle doesn't matter

        # start w/ grasper
        if gopen == 0:
            RPL.servoWrite(gpin, 1400)
        elif gclose == 0:
            RPL.servoWrite(gpin, 1700)
            RPL.servoWrite(gpin, 0)

        if wup == 0:
            RPL.servoWrite(wpin, 1400)
        elif wdown == 0:
            RPL.servoWrite(wpin, 1700)
            RPL.servoWrite(wpin, 0)

        #move shoulder motor
        pot_shoulder = RPL.analogRead(ppin_shoulder) * 3 * math.pi / (
            2 * shoulder_range) - math.pi / 4
        error_s = abs(
            pot_shoulder -
            a_shoulder)  #how many degrees off the intended value the arm is
        calculated_error_s = error_s * d_two
        if calculated_error_s > max_error:
            if pot_shoulder > a_shoulder:
                RPL.digitalWrite(shoulder_dir, 0)  #turn clockwise
                RPL.digitalWrite(shoulder_dir, 1)  #turn counterclockwise
            RPL.pwmWrite(shoulder_pul, shoulder_motor_speed,
                         shoulder_motor_speed * 2)
            RPL.pwmWrite(shoulder_pul, 0, shoulder_motor_speed *
                         2)  #stops running while in range

        #move elbow motor
        pot_elbow = RPL.analogRead(ppin_elbow) * 3 * math.pi / (
            2 * elbow_range) - math.pi / 4
        error_e = abs(
            pot_elbow -
            a_elbow)  #how many degrees off the intended value the arm is
        calculated_error_e = error_e * d_two
        if calculated_error_e > max_error:
            if pot_elbow > a_elbow:
                RPL.digitalWrite(elbow_dir, 0)  #turn clockwise
                RPL.digitalWrite(elbow_dir, 1)  #turn counterclockwise
            RPL.pwmWrite(elbow_pul, elbow_motor_speed, elbow_motor_speed * 2)
            RPL.pwmWrite(elbow_pul, 0,
                         elbow_motor_speed * 2)  #stops running while in range

        #move swivel motor
        pot_swivel = RPL.analogRead(ppin_swivel) * 3 * math.pi / (
            2 * swivel_range) - math.pi / 4
        error_sw = abs(
            pot_swivel -
            a_swivel)  #how many degrees off the intended value the arm is
        if error_sw > max_error:
            if pot_swivel > a_swivel:
                RPL.servoWrite(swivel_continuous, 2000)  #turn clockwise
                RPL.servoWrite(swivel_continuous, 1000)  #turn counterclockwise
            RPL.servoWrite(swivel_continuous, 0)  #stops running while in range

        if quit == True:  #stop the motors when the code ends
            RPL.servoWrite(swivel_continuous, 0)  #stops running while in range
            RPL.pwmWrite(elbow_pul, 0,
                         elbow_motor_speed * 2)  #stops running while in range
            RPL.pwmWrite(shoulder_pul, 0, shoulder_motor_speed *
                         2)  #stops running while in range

    except:  #to show the values of the motor arm
        print('[elbow, shoulder, swivel]:',
              [round(a_elbow, 4),
               round(a_shoulder, 4),
               round(a_swivel, 4)], '[Speed]:', [speed], '[x, y, z]:',
              [round(x, 2), round(y, 2), round(z, 2)], gopen, gclose)